diff options
7 files changed, 951 insertions, 354 deletions
diff --git a/.env.example b/.env.example
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2e98c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.env.example
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# Base configuration
+# VPN configuration
diff --git a/docker-compose.custom.yaml b/docker-compose.custom.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..236a651
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker-compose.custom.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+version: "3"
+# services:
+ # Add your custom services here!
diff --git a/docker-compose.example.yaml b/docker-compose.example.yaml
index 0f2c82a..be3ec04 100644
--- a/docker-compose.example.yaml
+++ b/docker-compose.example.yaml
@@ -3,17 +3,17 @@ version: "3"
# <media_service> is used to serve your media to the client devices
- image:<media_service>
- container_name: <media_service>
+ image:${MEDIA_SERVICE}
+ container_name: ${MEDIA_SERVICE}
#network_mode: host # plex
- - PUID=<your_PUID>
- - PGID=<your_PGID>
+ - PUID=${PUID}
+ - PGID=${PGID}
- VERSION=docker
- - <media_folder>/movies:/data/movies
- - <media_folder>/tvshows:/data/tvshows
- - <install_location>/config/<media_service>:/config
+ - ${MEDIA_DIRECTORY}/movies:/data/movies
+ - ${MEDIA_DIRECTORY}/tvshows:/data/tvshows
+ - ${INSTALL_LOCATION}/config/${MEDIA_SERVICE}:/config
- 8096:8096
restart: unless-stopped
@@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ services:
container_name: qbittorrent
- - PUID=<your_PUID>
- - PGID=<your_PGID>
+ - PUID=${PUID}
+ - PGID=${PGID}
- WEB_UI_PORT=8080
- - <media_folder>/downloads:/downloads
- - <install_location>/config/qbittorrent:/config
+ - ${MEDIA_DIRECTORY}/downloads:/downloads
+ - ${INSTALL_LOCATION}/config/qbittorrent:/config
restart: unless-stopped
ports: # qbittorrent
- 8080:8080 # qbittorrent
@@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ services:
container_name: sonarr
- - PUID=<your_PUID>
- - PGID=<your_PGID>
+ - PUID=${PUID}
+ - PGID=${PGID}
- - <media_folder>/tvshows:/tv
- - <media_folder>/downloads:/downloads
- - <install_location>/config/sonarr:/config
+ - ${MEDIA_DIRECTORY}/tvshows:/tv
+ - ${MEDIA_DIRECTORY}/downloads:/downloads
+ - ${INSTALL_LOCATION}/config/sonarr:/config
- 8989:8989
restart: unless-stopped
@@ -56,12 +56,12 @@ services:
container_name: radarr
- - PUID=<your_PUID>
- - PGID=<your_PGID>
+ - PUID=${PUID}
+ - PGID=${PGID}
- - <media_folder>/movies:/movies
- - <media_folder>/downloads:/downloads
- - <install_location>/config/radarr:/config
+ - ${MEDIA_DIRECTORY}/movies:/movies
+ - ${MEDIA_DIRECTORY}/downloads:/downloads
+ - ${INSTALL_LOCATION}/config/radarr:/config
- 7878:7878
restart: unless-stopped
@@ -72,12 +72,12 @@ services:
container_name: lidarr
- - PUID=<your_PUID>
- - PGID=<your_PGID>
+ - PUID=${PUID}
+ - PGID=${PGID}
- - <media_folder>/music:/music
- - <media_folder>/downloads:/downloads
- - <install_location>/config/lidarr:/config
+ - ${MEDIA_DIRECTORY}/music:/music
+ - ${MEDIA_DIRECTORY}/downloads:/downloads
+ - ${INSTALL_LOCATION}/config/lidarr:/config
- 8686:8686
restart: unless-stopped
@@ -88,12 +88,12 @@ services:
container_name: readarr
- - PUID=<your_PUID>
- - PGID=<your_PGID>
+ - PUID=${PUID}
+ - PGID=${PGID}
- - <media_folder>/books:/books
- - <media_folder>/downloads:/downloads
- - <install_location>/config/readarr:/config
+ - ${MEDIA_DIRECTORY}/books:/books
+ - ${MEDIA_DIRECTORY}/downloads:/downloads
+ - ${INSTALL_LOCATION}/config/readarr:/config
- 8787:8787
restart: unless-stopped
@@ -104,12 +104,12 @@ services:
container_name: bazarr
- - PUID=<your_PUID>
- - PGID=<your_PGID>
+ - PUID=${PUID}
+ - PGID=${PGID}
- - <media_folder>/movies:/movies
- - <media_folder>/tvshows:/tv
- - <install_location>/config/bazarr:/config
+ - ${MEDIA_DIRECTORY}/movies:/movies
+ - ${MEDIA_DIRECTORY}/tvshows:/tv
+ - ${INSTALL_LOCATION}/config/bazarr:/config
- 6767:6767
restart: unless-stopped
@@ -120,10 +120,10 @@ services:
container_name: prowlarr
- - PUID=<your_PUID>
- - PGID=<your_PGID>
+ - PUID=${PUID}
+ - PGID=${PGID}
- - <install_location>/config/prowlarr:/config
+ - ${INSTALL_LOCATION}/config/prowlarr:/config
- 9696:9696
restart: unless-stopped
@@ -142,13 +142,12 @@ services:
- 8388:8388/udp # Shadowsocks
#- 8080:8080/tcp # gluetun
- - <install_location>/config/gluetun:/config
+ - ${INSTALL_LOCATION}/config/gluetun:/config
- - VPN_SERVICE_PROVIDER=<vpn_service>
- VPN_TYPE=openvpn
- - OPENVPN_USER=<vpn_user>
- - OPENVPN_PASSWORD=<vpn_password>
- - SERVER_COUNTRIES=<vpn_country>
restart: unless-stopped
@@ -161,7 +160,7 @@ services:
- /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro
- - <install_location>/config/portainer:/data
+ - ${INSTALL_LOCATION}/config/portainer:/data
restart: unless-stopped
# Watchtower is going to keep our instances updated
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..301c4e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
+#+title: Docs
+#+PROPERTY: header-args :tangle
+#+auto_tangle: t
+* Table of contents :toc:
+:ID: faf95c8a-9133-4072-8544-0ef456a67611
+- [[#welcome-message][Welcome message]]
+- [[#functions][Functions]]
+ - [[#message-formatting][Message formatting]]
+ - [[#check-the-dependencies][Check the dependencies]]
+ - [[#running-services-location][Running services location]]
+- [[#verify-all-the-dependencies][Verify all the dependencies]]
+- [[#gather-all-the-required-information][Gather all the required information]]
+ - [[#checking-install-location][Checking install location]]
+ - [[#setting-the-correct-user][Setting the correct user]]
+ - [[#media-directory][Media directory]]
+ - [[#setting-perferred-media-service][Setting perferred media service]]
+ - [[#setting-the-vpn][Setting the VPN]]
+- [[#installing-yams][Installing YAMS]]
+ - [[#copy-the-docker-compose-file-to-the-install-location][Copy the docker-compose file to the install location]]
+ - [[#set-puid-pgid-media-folder-media-service-config-folder-and-vpn-on-the-yams-scripts][Set PUID, PGID, Media Folder, Media Service, Config folder and VPN on the YAMS scripts]]
+ - [[#set-the-configuration-for-the-yams-binary][Set the configuration for the YAMS binary]]
+ - [[#success-message][Success message!]]
+- [[#final-steps][Final steps]]
+ - [[#install-the-yams-cli][Install the YAMS CLI]]
+ - [[#set-the-correct-permissions-to-the-media-and-install-directories][Set the correct permissions to the media and install directories]]
+ - [[#create-the-config-directory][Create the config directory]]
+- [[#display-closing-message][Display closing message]]
+* Welcome message
+:ID: 525c03eb-cab9-44f8-8cc5-e5ec9035a938
+This is just a welcome message for the script
+#+begin_src bash
+set -euo pipefail
+printf "\033c"
+echo "===================================================="
+echo " ___ ___ ___ "
+echo " ___ / /\ /__/\ / /\ "
+echo " /__/| / /::\ | |::\ / /:/_ "
+echo " | |:| / /:/\:\ | |:|:\ / /:/ /\ "
+echo " | |:| / /:/~/::\ __|__|:|\:\ / /:/ /::\\"
+echo " __|__|:| /__/:/ /:/\:\ /__/::::| \:\ /__/:/ /:/\:\\"
+echo "/__/::::\ \ \:\/:/__\/ \ \:\~~\__\/ \ \:\/:/~/:/"
+echo " ~\~~\:\ \ \::/ \ \:\ \ \::/ /:/ "
+echo " \ \:\ \ \:\ \ \:\ \__\/ /:/ "
+echo " \__\/ \ \:\ \ \:\ /__/:/ "
+echo " \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ "
+echo "===================================================="
+echo "Welcome to YAMS (Yet Another Media Server)"
+echo "Installation process should be really quick"
+echo "We just need you to answer some questions"
+echo "We are going to ask for your sudo password in the end"
+echo "To finish the installation of the CLI"
+echo "===================================================="
+echo ""
+* Functions
+:ID: 111a7df4-08f5-4e6c-a799-dd822c5d030e
+To make development easier, we declare some functions that are going to be used a lot later
+** Message formatting
+:ID: 61387bd4-2ecf-44fe-ac69-dc6347c0d1b8
+Both of these functions format the message in different colors, depending on what the message means
+*** Success
+:ID: ec8f113c-43f9-4585-a1b5-8c7ec4e84bb2
+#+begin_src bash
+send_success_message() {
+ echo -e $(printf "\e[32m$1\e[0m")
+*** Error
+:ID: 1a6cd951-c9ce-46fc-8953-f5e206f7cd23
+Error is basically the same as before, but it ~exit 255~ to finish the execution.
+#+begin_src bash
+send_error_message() {
+ echo -e $(printf "\e[31m$1\e[0m")
+ exit 255
+** Check the dependencies
+:ID: e7d01eeb-c7ef-42ff-b60d-010be30bc6a8
+This function verifies that the dependencies are installed. ~Docker~ and ~docker-compose~ are required
+for YAMS to work.
+#+begin_src bash
+check_dependencides() {
+ if command -v "$1" &> /dev/null; then
+ send_success_message "$1 exists ✅ "
+ else
+ echo -e $(printf "\e[31m ⚠️ $1 not found! ⚠️\e[0m")
+ read -p "Do you want YAMS to install docker and docker-compose? IT ONLY WORKS ON DEBIAN AND UBUNTU! [y/N]: " install_docker
+ install_docker=${install_docker:-"n"}
+ if [ "$install_docker" == "y" ]; then
+ bash ./
+ else
+ send_error_message "Install docker and docker-compose and come back later!"
+ fi
+ fi
+** Running services location
+:ID: 53213557-edfe-4da7-88c0-e0e202429116
+This function just displays the locations for every container so the user can access to it when YAMS
+finish installing.
+#+begin_src bash
+running_services_location() {
+ host_ip=$(hostname -I | awk '{ print $1 }')
+ services=(
+ "qBittorrent:8080"
+ "Radarr:7878"
+ "Sonarr:8989"
+ "Lidarr:8686"
+ "Readarr:8787"
+ "Prowlarr:9696"
+ "Bazarr:6767"
+ "$media_service:$media_service_port"
+ "Portainer:9000"
+ )
+ echo -e "Service URLs:"
+ for service in "${services[@]}"; do
+ service_name="${service%%:*}"
+ service_port="${service##*:}"
+ echo "$service_name: http://$host_ip:$service_port/"
+ done
+* Verify all the dependencies
+:ID: e945d5a8-5142-41fe-8175-96de7aa84cf2
+#+begin_src bash
+echo "Checking prerequisites..."
+check_dependencides "docker"
+check_dependencides "docker-compose"
+if [[ "$EUID" = 0 ]]; then
+ send_error_message "YAMS has to run without sudo! Please, run it again with regular permissions"
+* Gather all the required information
+:ID: 438cecef-2bd6-4d7c-b429-6c674ae311d9
+** Checking install location
+:ID: fff12355-9d79-40fe-a540-cfba2a176a3e
+#+begin_src bash
+read -p "Where do you want to install the docker-compose file? [$default_install_directory]: " install_directory
+if [ ! -d "$install_directory" ]; then
+ echo "The directory \"$install_directory\" does not exists. Attempting to create..."
+ if mkdir -p "$install_directory"; then
+ send_success_message "Directory $install_directory created ✅"
+ else
+ send_error_message "There was an error creating the installation directory at \"$install_directory\". Make sure you have the necessary permissions ❌"
+ fi
+** Setting the correct user
+:ID: 7428d7b7-aec5-4638-b370-84e9055fb412
+#+begin_src bash
+read -p "What's the user that is going to own the media server files? [$USER]: " username
+if id -u "$username" &>/dev/null; then
+ puid=$(id -u "$username");
+ pgid=$(id -g "$username");
+ send_error_message "The user \"$username\" doesn't exist!"
+** Media directory
+:ID: 9726dead-8833-4f23-98b8-2790d72605de
+#+begin_src bash
+read -p "Please, input your media directory [/srv/media]: " media_directory
+read -p "Are you sure your media directory is \"$media_directory\"? [y/N]: " media_directory_correct
+if [ ! -d "$media_directory" ]; then
+ echo "The directory \"$media_directory\" does not exists. Attempting to create..."
+ if mkdir -p "$media_directory"; then
+ send_success_message "Directory $media_directory created ✅"
+ else
+ send_error_message "There was an error creating the installation directory at \"$media_directory\". Make sure you have the necessary permissions ❌"
+ fi
+if [ "$media_directory_correct" == "n" ]; then
+ send_error_message "Media directory is not correct. Please fix it and run the script again ❌"
+** Setting perferred media service
+:ID: 3af8dbed-3a88-4739-a721-6434993c0b67
+#+begin_src bash
+echo -e "\n\n\nTime to choose your media service."
+echo "Your media service is responsible for serving your files to your network."
+echo "By default, YAMS supports 3 media services:"
+echo "- jellyfin (recommended, easier)"
+echo "- emby"
+echo "- plex (advanced, always online)"
+read -p "Choose your media service [jellyfin]: " media_service
+media_service=$(echo "$media_service" | awk '{print tolower($0)}')
+if [ "$media_service" == "plex" ]; then
+ media_service_port=32400
+if echo "emby plex jellyfin" | grep -qw "$media_service"; then
+ echo -e "\nYAMS is going to install \"$media_service\" on port \"$media_service_port\""
+ send_error_message "\"$media_service\" is not supported by YAMS. Are you sure you chose the correct service?"
+** Setting the VPN
+:ID: 1da4fe67-ee20-4b70-8f36-4a9f7161b6ca
+#+begin_src bash
+echo -e "\nTime to set up the VPN."
+echo "You can check the supported VPN list here:"
+read -p "Do you want to configure a VPN? [Y/n]: " setup_vpn
+if [ "$setup_vpn" == "y" ]; then
+ read -p "What's your VPN service? (with spaces) [mullvad]: " vpn_service
+ vpn_service=${vpn_service:-"mullvad"}
+ echo -e "\nYou should read $vpn_service's documentation in case it has different configurations for username and password."
+ echo "The documentation for $vpn_service is here:${vpn_service// /-}.md"
+ read -p "What's your VPN username? (without spaces): " vpn_user
+ unset vpn_password
+ charcount=0
+ prompt="What's your VPN password? (if you are using mullvad, just enter your username again): "
+ while IFS= read -p "$prompt" -r -s -n 1 char
+ do
+ if [[ $char == $'\0' ]]
+ then
+ break
+ fi
+ if [[ $char == $'\177' ]] ; then
+ if [ $charcount -gt 0 ] ; then
+ charcount=$((charcount-1))
+ prompt=$'\b \b'
+ vpn_password="${vpn_password%?}"
+ else
+ prompt=''
+ fi
+ else
+ charcount=$((charcount+1))
+ prompt='*'
+ vpn_password+="$char"
+ fi
+ done
+ echo
+echo "Configuring the docker-compose file for the user \"$username\" on \"$install_directory\"..."
+* Installing YAMS
+:ID: 44e5f3f1-3ae7-4f88-ba96-8149c9980fb2
+** Copy the docker-compose file to the install location
+:ID: 09018e25-ed48-46e9-85c3-586c37844c11
+#+begin_src bash
+ "docker-compose.example.yaml:$filename"
+ ".env.example:$env_file"
+ "docker-compose.custom.yaml:$custom_file_filename"
+for file_mapping in "${copy_files[@]}"; do
+ source_file="${file_mapping%%:*}"
+ destination_file="${file_mapping##*:}"
+ echo -e "\nCopying $source_file to $destination_file..."
+ if cp "$source_file" "$destination_file"; then
+ send_success_message "$source_file was copied successfuly! ✅"
+ else
+ send_error_message "Failed to copy $source_file to $destination_file. Ensure your user ($USER) has the necessary permissions ❌"
+ fi
+** Set PUID, PGID, Media Folder, Media Service, Config folder and VPN on the YAMS scripts
+:ID: 3d169001-f0f7-477f-a954-0460484f4b43
+This steps prepares all the files with the correct information that was collected on the "[[#gather-all-the-required-information][Gather all the
+required information]]" step.
+#+begin_src bash
+sed -i -e "s|<your_PUID>|$puid|g" "$env_file" \
+ -e "s|<your_PGID>|$pgid|g" "$env_file" \
+ -e "s|<media_directory>|$media_directory|g" "$env_file" \
+ -e "s|<media_service>|$media_service|g" "$env_file" \
+ -e "s|<media_service>|$media_service|g" "$filename"
+if [ "$media_service" == "plex" ]; then
+ sed -i -e "s|#network_mode: host # plex|network_mode: host # plex|g" "$filename"
+sed -i -e "s|<install_directory>|$install_directory|g" "$env_file"
+if [ "$setup_vpn" == "y" ]; then
+ sed -i -e "s|<vpn_service>|$vpn_service|g" "$env_file" \
+ -e "s|<vpn_user>|$vpn_user|g" "$env_file" \
+ -e "s|<vpn_password>|$vpn_password|g" "$env_file" \
+ -e "s|<vpn_enabled>|$setup_vpn|g" "$env_file" \
+ -e "s|#network_mode: \"service:gluetun\"|network_mode: \"service:gluetun\"|g" "$filename" \
+ -e "s|ports: # qbittorrent|#port: # qbittorrent|g" "$filename" \
+ -e "s|- 8080:8080 # qbittorrent|#- 8080:8080 # qbittorrent|g" "$filename" \
+ -e "s|#- 8080:8080/tcp # gluetun|- 8080:8080/tcp # gluetun|g" "$filename"
+** Set the configuration for the YAMS binary
+:ID: b6a8732f-9dbe-4d93-b04d-27156eacdea2
+#+begin_src bash
+sed -i -e "s|<filename>|$filename|g" yams \
+ -e "s|<custom_file_filename>|$custom_file_filename|g" yams \
+ -e "s|<install_directory>|$install_directory|g" yams
+** Success message!
+:ID: 7b0ed8f5-780b-4685-8123-8d5c4229eaba
+Finally, YAMS is installed 🔥. Show the success message
+#+begin_src bash
+send_success_message "Everything installed correctly! 🎉"
+echo "Running the server..."
+echo "This is going to take a while..."
+docker-compose -f "$filename" up -d
+* Final steps
+:ID: 65ce5828-b69a-4a0e-83f6-b029e19caea1
+** Install the YAMS CLI
+:ID: f4f9d166-8a2b-4d79-bc7f-fe73ecf5fb77
+This steps requires ~sudo~ because it's copying the main yams script to the ~/usr/local/bin/yams~
+#+begin_src bash
+echo -e "\nWe need your sudo password to install the YAMS CLI and configure permissions..."
+if sudo cp yams /usr/local/bin/yams && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/yams; then
+ send_success_message "YAMS CLI installed successfully ✅"
+ send_error_message "Failed to install YAMS CLI. Make sure you have the necessary permissions ❌"
+** Set the correct permissions to the media and install directories
+:ID: 4cfb9397-776d-46db-84cc-54b78395cba8
+This adds the correct permissions to the media folder, in case they are not correct.
+#+begin_src bash
+if sudo chown -R "$puid":"$pgid" "$media_directory"; then
+ send_success_message "Media directory ownership and permissions set successfully ✅"
+ send_error_message "Failed to set ownership and permissions for the media directory. Check permissions ❌"
+if sudo chown -R "$puid":"$pgid" "$install_directory"; then
+ send_success_message "Install directory ownership and permissions set successfully ✅"
+ send_error_message "Failed to set ownership and permissions for the install directory. Check permissions ❌"
+** Create the config directory
+:ID: 699f35fe-edde-406d-be0b-3ff2eaa6d7eb
+This is where all the configurations are going to be saved. If it doesn't it will try and create it. If
+it can't be created, we'll raise an error.
+#+begin_src bash
+if [[ -d "$install_directory/config" ]]; then
+ send_success_message "Configuration folder \"$install_directory/config\" exists ✅"
+ if sudo mkdir -p "$install_directory/config"; then
+ send_success_message "Configuration folder \"$install_directory/config\" created ✅"
+ else
+ send_error_message "Failed to create or access the configuration folder. Check permissions ❌"
+ fi
+if sudo chown -R "$puid":"$pgid" "$install_directory/config"; then
+ send_success_message "Configuration folder ownership and permissions set successfully ✅"
+ send_error_message "Failed to set ownership and permissions for the configuration folder. Check permissions ❌"
+* Display closing message
+:ID: 238e3eae-9df7-4a7f-a460-7a61c07b5442
+#+begin_src bash
+printf "\033c"
+echo "========================================================"
+echo " _____ ___ ___ ___ "
+echo " / /::\ / /\ /__/\ / /\ "
+echo " / /:/\:\ / /::\ \ \:\ / /:/_ "
+echo " / /:/ \:\ / /:/\:\ \ \:\ / /:/ /\ "
+echo " /__/:/ \__\:| / /:/ \:\ _____\__\:\ / /:/ /:/_ "
+echo " \ \:\ / /:/ /__/:/ \__\:\ /__/::::::::\ /__/:/ /:/ /\\"
+echo " \ \:\ /:/ \ \:\ / /:/ \ \:\~~\~~\/ \ \:\/:/ /:/"
+echo " \ \:\/:/ \ \:\ /:/ \ \:\ ~~~ \ \::/ /:/ "
+echo " \ \::/ \ \:\/:/ \ \:\ \ \:\/:/ "
+echo " \__\/ \ \::/ \ \:\ \ \::/ "
+echo " \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ "
+echo "========================================================"
+send_success_message "All done!✅ Enjoy YAMS!"
+echo "You can check the installation on $install_directory"
+echo "========================================================"
+echo "Everything should be running now! To check everything running, go to:"
+echo "You might need to wait for a couple of minutes while everything gets up and running"
+echo "All the services location are also saved in ~/yams_services.txt"
+running_services_location > ~/yams_services.txt
+echo "========================================================"
+echo "To configure YAMS, check the documentation at"
+echo ""
+echo "========================================================"
+exit 0
diff --git a/ b/
index 2a14084..2b92f65 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,300 +1,5 @@
-set -euo pipefail
-printf "\033c"
-echo "===================================================="
-echo " ___ ___ ___ "
-echo " ___ / /\ /__/\ / /\ "
-echo " /__/| / /::\ | |::\ / /:/_ "
-echo " | |:| / /:/\:\ | |:|:\ / /:/ /\ "
-echo " | |:| / /:/~/::\ __|__|:|\:\ / /:/ /::\\"
-echo " __|__|:| /__/:/ /:/\:\ /__/::::| \:\ /__/:/ /:/\:\\"
-echo "/__/::::\ \ \:\/:/__\/ \ \:\~~\__\/ \ \:\/:/~/:/"
-echo " ~\~~\:\ \ \::/ \ \:\ \ \::/ /:/ "
-echo " \ \:\ \ \:\ \ \:\ \__\/ /:/ "
-echo " \__\/ \ \:\ \ \:\ /__/:/ "
-echo " \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ "
-echo "===================================================="
-echo "Welcome to YAMS (Yet Another Media Server)"
-echo "Installation process should be really quick"
-echo "We just need you to answer some questions"
-echo "We are going to ask for your sudo password in the end"
-echo "To finish the installation of the CLI"
-echo "===================================================="
-echo ""
-# ============================================================================================
-# Functions to ease development
-# ============================================================================================
-send_success_message() {
- echo -e $(printf "\e[32m$1\e[0m")
-send_error_message() {
- echo -e $(printf "\e[31m$1\e[0m")
- exit 255
-check_dependencides() {
- if command -v $1 &> /dev/null; then
- send_success_message "$1 exists ✅ "
- else
- echo -e $(printf "\e[31m ⚠️ $1 not found! ⚠️\e[0m")
- read -p "Do you want YAMS to install docker and docker-compose? IT ONLY WORKS ON DEBIAN AND UBUNTU! [y/N]: " install_docker
- install_docker=${install_docker:-"n"}
- if [ "$install_docker" == "y" ]; then
- bash ./
- else
- send_error_message "Install docker and docker-compose and come back later!"
- fi
- fi
-running_services_location() {
- host_ip=$(hostname -I | awk '{ print $1 }')
- echo "qBittorrent: http://$host_ip:8080/"
- echo "Radarr: http://$host_ip:7878/"
- echo "Sonarr: http://$host_ip:8989/"
- echo "Lidarr: http://$host_ip:8686/"
- echo "Readarr: http://$host_ip:8787/"
- echo "Prowlarr: http://$host_ip:9696/"
- echo "Bazarr: http://$host_ip:6767/"
- echo "$media_service: http://$host_ip:$media_service_port/"
- echo "Portainer: http://$host_ip:9000/"
-# ============================================================================================
-# Check all the prerequisites are installed before continuing
-# ============================================================================================
-echo "Checking prerequisites..."
-check_dependencides "docker"
-check_dependencides "docker-compose"
-if [[ "$EUID" = 0 ]]; then
- send_error_message "YAMS has to run without sudo! Please, run it again with regular permissions"
-# ============================================================================================
-# ============================================================================================
-# Gathering information
-# ============================================================================================
-read -p "Where do you want to install the docker-compose file? [/opt/yams]: " install_location
-# Checking if the install_location exists
-[[ -f "$install_location" ]] || mkdir -p "$install_location" || send_error_message "There was an error with your install location! Make sure the directory exists and the user \"$USER\" has permissions on it"
-install_location=$(realpath "$install_location")
-read -p "What's the user that is going to own the media server files? [$USER]: " username
-# Checking that the user exists
-if id -u "$username" &>/dev/null; then
- puid=$(id -u "$username");
- pgid=$(id -g "$username");
- send_error_message "The user \"$username\" doesn't exist!"
-read -p "Please, input your media folder [/srv/media]: " media_folder
-# Checking that the media folder exists
-realpath "$media_folder" &>/dev/null || send_error_message "There was an error with your media folder! The directory \"$media_folder\" does not exist!"
-media_folder=$(realpath "$media_folder")
-read -p "Are you sure your media folder is \"$media_folder\"? [y/N]: " media_folder_correct
-if [ "$media_folder_correct" == "n" ]; then
- send_error_message "Media folder is not correct. Please, fix it and run the script again"
-# Setting the preferred media service
-echo "Time to choose your media service."
-echo "Your media service is the one responsible for serving your files to your network."
-echo "By default, YAMS support 3 media services:"
-echo "- jellyfin (recommended, easier)"
-echo "- emby"
-echo "- plex (advanced, always online)"
-read -p "Choose your media service [jellyfin]: " media_service
-media_service=$(echo "$media_service" | sed -e 's/\(.*\)/\L\1/')
-if [ "$media_service" == "plex" ]; then
- media_service_port=32400
-if echo "emby plex jellyfin" | grep -qw "$media_service"; then
- echo "YAMS is going to install \"$media_service\" on port \"$media_service_port\""
- send_error_message "\"$media_service\" is not supported by YAMS. Are you sure you chose the correct service?"
-# Adding the VPN
-echo "Time to set up the VPN."
-echo "You can check the supported VPN list here:"
-read -p "Do you want to configure a VPN? [Y/n]: " setup_vpn
-if [ "$setup_vpn" == "y" ]; then
- read -p "What's your VPN service? (with spaces) [mullvad]: " vpn_service
- vpn_service=${vpn_service:-"mullvad"}
- echo
- echo "You should read $vpn_service's documentation in case it has different configurations for username and password."
- echo "The documentation for $vpn_service is here:${vpn_service// /-}.md"
- echo
- read -p "What's your VPN username? (without spaces): " vpn_user
- unset vpn_password
- charcount=0
- prompt="What's your VPN password? (if you are using mullvad, just enter your username again): "
- while IFS= read -p "$prompt" -r -s -n 1 char
- do
- if [[ $char == $'\0' ]]
- then
- break
- fi
- if [[ $char == $'\177' ]] ; then
- if [ $charcount -gt 0 ] ; then
- charcount=$((charcount-1))
- prompt=$'\b \b'
- vpn_password="${vpn_password%?}"
- else
- prompt=''
- fi
- else
- charcount=$((charcount+1))
- prompt='*'
- vpn_password+="$char"
- fi
- done
- echo
- echo "What country do you want to use?"
- echo "If you are using: NordVPN, Perfect Privacy, Private Internet Access, VyprVPN, WeVPN or Windscribe, then input a region"
- read -p "You can check the countries/regions list for your VPN here:$vpn_service#servers [brazil]: " vpn_country
- vpn_country=${vpn_country:-"brazil"}
-echo "Configuring the docker-compose file for the user \"$username\" on \"$install_location\"..."
-# ============================================================================================
-# ============================================================================================
-# Actually installing everything!
-# ============================================================================================
-# Copy the docker-compose file from the example to the real one
-echo ""
-echo "Copying $filename..."
-cp docker-compose.example.yaml "$filename" || send_error_message "Your user ($USER) needs to have permissions on the installation folder!"
-# Set PUID
-sed -i -e "s/<your_PUID>/$puid/g" "$filename"
-# Set PGID
-sed -i -e "s/<your_PGID>/$pgid/g" "$filename"
-# Set media_folder
-sed -i -e "s;<media_folder>;$media_folder;g" "$filename"
-# Set media_service
-sed -i -e "s;<media_service>;$media_service;g" "$filename"
-if [ "$media_service" == "plex" ]; then
- sed -i -e "s;#network_mode: host # plex;network_mode: host # plex;g" "$filename"
-# Set config folder
-sed -i -e "s;<install_location>;$install_location;g" "$filename"
-# Set VPN
-if [ "$setup_vpn" == "y" ]; then
- sed -i -e "s;<vpn_service>;$vpn_service;g" "$filename"
- sed -i -e "s;<vpn_user>;$vpn_user;g" "$filename"
- sed -i -e "s;<vpn_country>;$vpn_country;g" "$filename"
- sed -i -e "s;<vpn_password>;$vpn_password;g" "$filename"
- sed -i -e "s;#network_mode: \"service:gluetun\";network_mode: \"service:gluetun\";g" "$filename"
- sed -i -e "s;ports: # qbittorrent;#port: # qbittorrent;g" "$filename"
- sed -i -e "s;- 8080:8080 # qbittorrent;#- 8080:8080 # qbittorrent;g" "$filename"
- sed -i -e "s;#- 8080:8080/tcp # gluetun;- 8080:8080/tcp # gluetun;g" "$filename"
- if echo "nordvpn perfect privacy private internet access vyprvpn wevpn windscribe" | grep -qw "$vpn_service"; then
- sed -i -e "s;SERVER_COUNTRIES;SERVER_REGIONS;g" "$filename"
- fi
-# Set yams script
-sed -i -e "s;<filename>;$filename;g" yams
-sed -i -e "s;<install_location>;$install_location;g" yams
-send_success_message "Everything installed correctly! 🎉"
-echo "Running the server..."
-echo "This is going to take a while..."
-docker-compose -f "$filename" up -d
-# ============================================================================================
-# ============================================================================================
-# Cleaning up...
-# ============================================================================================
-send_success_message "We need your sudo password to install the yams CLI and correct permissions..."
-sudo cp yams /usr/local/bin/yams && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/yams
-[[ -f "$media_folder" ]] || sudo mkdir -p "$media_folder" || send_error_message "There was an error with your install location!"
-sudo chown -R "$puid":"$pgid" "$media_folder"
-[[ -f $install_location/config ]] || sudo mkdir -p "$install_location/config"
-sudo chown -R "$puid":"$pgid" "$install_location"
-printf "\033c"
-echo "========================================================"
-echo " _____ ___ ___ ___ "
-echo " / /::\ / /\ /__/\ / /\ "
-echo " / /:/\:\ / /::\ \ \:\ / /:/_ "
-echo " / /:/ \:\ / /:/\:\ \ \:\ / /:/ /\ "
-echo " /__/:/ \__\:| / /:/ \:\ _____\__\:\ / /:/ /:/_ "
-echo " \ \:\ / /:/ /__/:/ \__\:\ /__/::::::::\ /__/:/ /:/ /\\"
-echo " \ \:\ /:/ \ \:\ / /:/ \ \:\~~\~~\/ \ \:\/:/ /:/"
-echo " \ \:\/:/ \ \:\ /:/ \ \:\ ~~~ \ \::/ /:/ "
-echo " \ \::/ \ \:\/:/ \ \:\ \ \:\/:/ "
-echo " \__\/ \ \::/ \ \:\ \ \::/ "
-echo " \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ "
-echo "========================================================"
-send_success_message "All done!✅ Enjoy YAMS!"
-echo "You can check the installation on $install_location"
-echo "========================================================"
-echo "Everything should be running now! To check everything running, go to:"
-echo "You might need to wait for a couple of minutes while everything gets up and running"
-echo "All the services location are also saved in ~/yams_services.txt"
-running_services_location > ~/yams_services.txt
-echo "========================================================"
-echo "To configure YAMS, check the documentation at"
-echo ""
-echo "========================================================"
-exit 0
-# ============================================================================================
+git clone --depth=1 /tmp/yams > /dev/null 2>&1
+bash /tmp/yams/
+rm -rf /tmp/yams
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..802a395
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+set -euo pipefail
+printf "\033c"
+echo "===================================================="
+echo " ___ ___ ___ "
+echo " ___ / /\ /__/\ / /\ "
+echo " /__/| / /::\ | |::\ / /:/_ "
+echo " | |:| / /:/\:\ | |:|:\ / /:/ /\ "
+echo " | |:| / /:/~/::\ __|__|:|\:\ / /:/ /::\\"
+echo " __|__|:| /__/:/ /:/\:\ /__/::::| \:\ /__/:/ /:/\:\\"
+echo "/__/::::\ \ \:\/:/__\/ \ \:\~~\__\/ \ \:\/:/~/:/"
+echo " ~\~~\:\ \ \::/ \ \:\ \ \::/ /:/ "
+echo " \ \:\ \ \:\ \ \:\ \__\/ /:/ "
+echo " \__\/ \ \:\ \ \:\ /__/:/ "
+echo " \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ "
+echo "===================================================="
+echo "Welcome to YAMS (Yet Another Media Server)"
+echo "Installation process should be really quick"
+echo "We just need you to answer some questions"
+echo "We are going to ask for your sudo password in the end"
+echo "To finish the installation of the CLI"
+echo "===================================================="
+echo ""
+send_success_message() {
+ echo -e $(printf "\e[32m$1\e[0m")
+send_error_message() {
+ echo -e $(printf "\e[31m$1\e[0m")
+ exit 255
+check_dependencides() {
+ if command -v "$1" &> /dev/null; then
+ send_success_message "$1 exists ✅ "
+ else
+ echo -e $(printf "\e[31m ⚠️ $1 not found! ⚠️\e[0m")
+ read -p "Do you want YAMS to install docker and docker-compose? IT ONLY WORKS ON DEBIAN AND UBUNTU! [y/N]: " install_docker
+ install_docker=${install_docker:-"n"}
+ if [ "$install_docker" == "y" ]; then
+ bash ./
+ else
+ send_error_message "Install docker and docker-compose and come back later!"
+ fi
+ fi
+running_services_location() {
+ host_ip=$(hostname -I | awk '{ print $1 }')
+ services=(
+ "qBittorrent:8080"
+ "Radarr:7878"
+ "Sonarr:8989"
+ "Lidarr:8686"
+ "Readarr:8787"
+ "Prowlarr:9696"
+ "Bazarr:6767"
+ "$media_service:$media_service_port"
+ "Portainer:9000"
+ )
+ echo -e "Service URLs:"
+ for service in "${services[@]}"; do
+ service_name="${service%%:*}"
+ service_port="${service##*:}"
+ echo "$service_name: http://$host_ip:$service_port/"
+ done
+echo "Checking prerequisites..."
+check_dependencides "docker"
+check_dependencides "docker-compose"
+if [[ "$EUID" = 0 ]]; then
+ send_error_message "YAMS has to run without sudo! Please, run it again with regular permissions"
+read -p "Where do you want to install the docker-compose file? [$default_install_directory]: " install_directory
+if [ ! -d "$install_directory" ]; then
+ echo "The directory \"$install_directory\" does not exists. Attempting to create..."
+ if mkdir -p "$install_directory"; then
+ send_success_message "Directory $install_directory created ✅"
+ else
+ send_error_message "There was an error creating the installation directory at \"$install_directory\". Make sure you have the necessary permissions ❌"
+ fi
+read -p "What's the user that is going to own the media server files? [$USER]: " username
+if id -u "$username" &>/dev/null; then
+ puid=$(id -u "$username");
+ pgid=$(id -g "$username");
+ send_error_message "The user \"$username\" doesn't exist!"
+read -p "Please, input your media directory [/srv/media]: " media_directory
+read -p "Are you sure your media directory is \"$media_directory\"? [y/N]: " media_directory_correct
+if [ ! -d "$media_directory" ]; then
+ echo "The directory \"$media_directory\" does not exists. Attempting to create..."
+ if mkdir -p "$media_directory"; then
+ send_success_message "Directory $media_directory created ✅"
+ else
+ send_error_message "There was an error creating the installation directory at \"$media_directory\". Make sure you have the necessary permissions ❌"
+ fi
+if [ "$media_directory_correct" == "n" ]; then
+ send_error_message "Media directory is not correct. Please fix it and run the script again ❌"
+echo -e "\n\n\nTime to choose your media service."
+echo "Your media service is responsible for serving your files to your network."
+echo "By default, YAMS supports 3 media services:"
+echo "- jellyfin (recommended, easier)"
+echo "- emby"
+echo "- plex (advanced, always online)"
+read -p "Choose your media service [jellyfin]: " media_service
+media_service=$(echo "$media_service" | awk '{print tolower($0)}')
+if [ "$media_service" == "plex" ]; then
+ media_service_port=32400
+if echo "emby plex jellyfin" | grep -qw "$media_service"; then
+ echo -e "\nYAMS is going to install \"$media_service\" on port \"$media_service_port\""
+ send_error_message "\"$media_service\" is not supported by YAMS. Are you sure you chose the correct service?"
+echo -e "\nTime to set up the VPN."
+echo "You can check the supported VPN list here:"
+read -p "Do you want to configure a VPN? [Y/n]: " setup_vpn
+if [ "$setup_vpn" == "y" ]; then
+ read -p "What's your VPN service? (with spaces) [mullvad]: " vpn_service
+ vpn_service=${vpn_service:-"mullvad"}
+ echo -e "\nYou should read $vpn_service's documentation in case it has different configurations for username and password."
+ echo "The documentation for $vpn_service is here:${vpn_service// /-}.md"
+ read -p "What's your VPN username? (without spaces): " vpn_user
+ unset vpn_password
+ charcount=0
+ prompt="What's your VPN password? (if you are using mullvad, just enter your username again): "
+ while IFS= read -p "$prompt" -r -s -n 1 char
+ do
+ if [[ $char == $'\0' ]]
+ then
+ break
+ fi
+ if [[ $char == $'\177' ]] ; then
+ if [ $charcount -gt 0 ] ; then
+ charcount=$((charcount-1))
+ prompt=$'\b \b'
+ vpn_password="${vpn_password%?}"
+ else
+ prompt=''
+ fi
+ else
+ charcount=$((charcount+1))
+ prompt='*'
+ vpn_password+="$char"
+ fi
+ done
+ echo
+echo "Configuring the docker-compose file for the user \"$username\" on \"$install_directory\"..."
+ "docker-compose.example.yaml:$filename"
+ ".env.example:$env_file"
+ "docker-compose.custom.yaml:$custom_file_filename"
+for file_mapping in "${copy_files[@]}"; do
+ source_file="${file_mapping%%:*}"
+ destination_file="${file_mapping##*:}"
+ echo -e "\nCopying $source_file to $destination_file..."
+ if cp "$source_file" "$destination_file"; then
+ send_success_message "$source_file was copied successfuly! ✅"
+ else
+ send_error_message "Failed to copy $source_file to $destination_file. Ensure your user ($USER) has the necessary permissions ❌"
+ fi
+sed -i -e "s|<your_PUID>|$puid|g" "$env_file" \
+ -e "s|<your_PGID>|$pgid|g" "$env_file" \
+ -e "s|<media_directory>|$media_directory|g" "$env_file" \
+ -e "s|<media_service>|$media_service|g" "$env_file" \
+ -e "s|<media_service>|$media_service|g" "$filename"
+if [ "$media_service" == "plex" ]; then
+ sed -i -e "s|#network_mode: host # plex|network_mode: host # plex|g" "$filename"
+sed -i -e "s|<install_directory>|$install_directory|g" "$env_file"
+if [ "$setup_vpn" == "y" ]; then
+ sed -i -e "s|<vpn_service>|$vpn_service|g" "$env_file" \
+ -e "s|<vpn_user>|$vpn_user|g" "$env_file" \
+ -e "s|<vpn_password>|$vpn_password|g" "$env_file" \
+ -e "s|<vpn_enabled>|$setup_vpn|g" "$env_file" \
+ -e "s|#network_mode: \"service:gluetun\"|network_mode: \"service:gluetun\"|g" "$filename" \
+ -e "s|ports: # qbittorrent|#port: # qbittorrent|g" "$filename" \
+ -e "s|- 8080:8080 # qbittorrent|#- 8080:8080 # qbittorrent|g" "$filename" \
+ -e "s|#- 8080:8080/tcp # gluetun|- 8080:8080/tcp # gluetun|g" "$filename"
+sed -i -e "s|<filename>|$filename|g" yams \
+ -e "s|<custom_file_filename>|$custom_file_filename|g" yams \
+ -e "s|<install_directory>|$install_directory|g" yams
+send_success_message "Everything installed correctly! 🎉"
+echo "Running the server..."
+echo "This is going to take a while..."
+docker-compose -f "$filename" up -d
+echo -e "\nWe need your sudo password to install the YAMS CLI and configure permissions..."
+if sudo cp yams /usr/local/bin/yams && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/yams; then
+ send_success_message "YAMS CLI installed successfully ✅"
+ send_error_message "Failed to install YAMS CLI. Make sure you have the necessary permissions ❌"
+if sudo chown -R "$puid":"$pgid" "$media_directory"; then
+ send_success_message "Media directory ownership and permissions set successfully ✅"
+ send_error_message "Failed to set ownership and permissions for the media directory. Check permissions ❌"
+if sudo chown -R "$puid":"$pgid" "$install_directory"; then
+ send_success_message "Install directory ownership and permissions set successfully ✅"
+ send_error_message "Failed to set ownership and permissions for the install directory. Check permissions ❌"
+if [[ -d "$install_directory/config" ]]; then
+ send_success_message "Configuration folder \"$install_directory/config\" exists ✅"
+ if sudo mkdir -p "$install_directory/config"; then
+ send_success_message "Configuration folder \"$install_directory/config\" created ✅"
+ else
+ send_error_message "Failed to create or access the configuration folder. Check permissions ❌"
+ fi
+if sudo chown -R "$puid":"$pgid" "$install_directory/config"; then
+ send_success_message "Configuration folder ownership and permissions set successfully ✅"
+ send_error_message "Failed to set ownership and permissions for the configuration folder. Check permissions ❌"
+printf "\033c"
+echo "========================================================"
+echo " _____ ___ ___ ___ "
+echo " / /::\ / /\ /__/\ / /\ "
+echo " / /:/\:\ / /::\ \ \:\ / /:/_ "
+echo " / /:/ \:\ / /:/\:\ \ \:\ / /:/ /\ "
+echo " /__/:/ \__\:| / /:/ \:\ _____\__\:\ / /:/ /:/_ "
+echo " \ \:\ / /:/ /__/:/ \__\:\ /__/::::::::\ /__/:/ /:/ /\\"
+echo " \ \:\ /:/ \ \:\ / /:/ \ \:\~~\~~\/ \ \:\/:/ /:/"
+echo " \ \:\/:/ \ \:\ /:/ \ \:\ ~~~ \ \::/ /:/ "
+echo " \ \::/ \ \:\/:/ \ \:\ \ \:\/:/ "
+echo " \__\/ \ \::/ \ \:\ \ \::/ "
+echo " \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ "
+echo "========================================================"
+send_success_message "All done!✅ Enjoy YAMS!"
+echo "You can check the installation on $install_directory"
+echo "========================================================"
+echo "Everything should be running now! To check everything running, go to:"
+echo "You might need to wait for a couple of minutes while everything gets up and running"
+echo "All the services location are also saved in ~/yams_services.txt"
+running_services_location > ~/yams_services.txt
+echo "========================================================"
+echo "To configure YAMS, check the documentation at"
+echo ""
+echo "========================================================"
+exit 0
diff --git a/yams b/yams
index 7ca1622..db49e83 100755
--- a/yams
+++ b/yams
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
set -euo pipefail
-dc="docker-compose -f <filename>"
+dc="docker-compose -f <filename> -f <custom_file_filename>"
@@ -17,40 +18,41 @@ help() {
echo "start starts yams services"
echo "destroy destroy yams services so you can start from scratch"
echo "check-vpn checks if the VPN is working as expected"
+ echo "update updates YAMS"
send_success_message() {
- echo -e $(printf "\e[32m$1\e[0m")
+ echo -e "$(printf "\e[32m$1\e[0m")"
send_error_message() {
- echo -e $(printf "\e[31m$1\e[0m")
+ echo -e "$(printf "\e[31m$1\e[0m")"
exit 255
-if [ $option == "--help" ]; then
+if [ "$option" == "--help" ]; then
exit 0
-if [ $option == "restart" ]; then
+if [ "$option" == "restart" ]; then
$dc stop && $dc up -d
echo "YAMS is starting. Wait 1 min until all the services are up and running..."
exit 0
-if [ $option == "stop" ]; then
+if [ "$option" == "stop" ]; then
$dc stop
exit 0
-if [ $option == "start" ]; then
+if [ "$option" == "start" ]; then
$dc up -d
echo "YAMS is starting. Wait 1 min until all the services are up and running..."
exit 0
-if [ $option == "check-vpn" ]; then
+if [ "$option" == "check-vpn" ]; then
echo "Getting your qBittorrent IP..."
qbittorrent_ip=$(docker exec qbittorrent sh -c "curl -s");
echo "$qbittorrent_ip"
@@ -61,19 +63,19 @@ if [ $option == "check-vpn" ]; then
echo "$your_ip"
echo "Your local IP country is $(curl -s"
- if [ $qbittorrent_ip == $your_ip ]; then
+ if [ "$qbittorrent_ip" == "$your_ip" ]; then
send_error_message "Your IPs are the same! qBittorrent is NOT working! ⚠️"
send_success_message "Your IPs are different. qBittorrent is working as expected! ✅ "
-if [ $option == "destroy" ]; then
+if [ "$option" == "destroy" ]; then
read -p "Are you sure you want to destroy all your yams services? THIS IS NOT RECOVERABLE! ⚠️ ️🚨 [y/N]: " destroy_now
- if [ $destroy_now == "y" ]; then
+ if [ "$destroy_now" == "y" ]; then
$dc down
@@ -81,3 +83,31 @@ if [ $option == "destroy" ]; then
echo "\$ yams start"
+if [ "$option" == "update" ]; then
+ echo "Updating YAMS..."
+ $dc stop
+ rm -rf /tmp/yams && mkdir /tmp/yams
+ wget -O /tmp/yams/docker-compose.example.yml > /dev/null 2>&1
+ source $install_location/.env
+ filename="$install_location/docker-compose.yaml"
+ cp /tmp/yams/docker-compose.example.yml $filename
+ sed -i -e "s;<media_service>;$MEDIA_SERVICE;g" "$filename"
+ if [ "$MEDIA_SERVICE" == "plex" ]; then
+ sed -i -e "s;#network_mode: host # plex;network_mode: host # plex;g" "$filename"
+ fi
+ if [ "$VPN_ENABLED" == "y" ]; then
+ sed -i -e "s;#network_mode: \"service:gluetun\";network_mode: \"service:gluetun\";g" "$filename" \
+ -e "s;ports: # qbittorrent;#port: # qbittorrent;g" "$filename" \
+ -e "s;- 8080:8080 # qbittorrent;#- 8080:8080 # qbittorrent;g" "$filename" \
+ -e "s;#- 8080:8080/tcp # gluetun;- 8080:8080/tcp # gluetun;g" "$filename"
+ fi
+ $dc up -d
+ echo "YAMS was updated and it is starting. Wait 1 min until all the services are up and running..."