AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-08-17Bumped versionrefactor-to-classRoger Gonzalez
2023-08-17Merge branch 'master' of into refactor-to-classRoger Gonzalez
2023-08-17Made further improvements to code readabilityRoger Gonzalez
2023-08-17Refactored the code to use a class instead of functionsRoger Gonzalez
2023-08-17Merge branch 'test-linter' into 'master'Roger Gonzalez
Going back to lint/deploy only See merge request rogs/ute!3
2023-08-17Going back to lint/deploy onlytest-linterRoger Gonzalez
2023-08-17Merge branch 'test-linter' into 'master'Roger Gonzalez
Separated Gitlab CI into more manageable steps See merge request rogs/ute!2
2023-08-17Upgraded versionRoger Gonzalez
2023-08-17Separated gitlab-ci steps furtherRoger Gonzalez
2023-08-17Merge branch 'test-linter' into 'master'Roger Gonzalez
Add linters to CI See merge request rogs/ute!1
2023-08-17Added all the packages for lintingRoger Gonzalez
2023-08-17Changing stage to test on the lintersRoger Gonzalez
2023-08-17Fixing gitlab-ciRoger Gonzalez
2023-08-17Testing only the linter in another branchRoger Gonzalez
2023-08-17Pushed first version of the official packageRoger Gonzalez
2023-08-17Added gitlab-ci, testing first automatic deploymentRoger Gonzalez
2023-08-17Changed project nameRoger Gonzalez
2023-08-17Added build info to pyproject.toml and README.orgRoger Gonzalez
2023-08-17Added GPL LicenceRoger Gonzalez
2023-08-17Abstracted the base_url from the URLsRoger Gonzalez
2023-08-17Added network status and renewable_sourcesRoger Gonzalez
2023-08-17Added function to get ute peak infoRoger Gonzalez
2023-08-17Added methods for getting the account_id and account_info, refactoredRoger Gonzalez
2023-08-17Added more explanations to the costs calculationRoger Gonzalez
2023-08-17Added a function to get the average price for a given planRoger Gonzalez
2023-08-17Fixed black and flake8 suggestionsRoger Gonzalez
2023-08-17Renamed functionRoger Gonzalez
2023-08-17Using the same headers for every request, improved documentationRoger Gonzalez
2023-08-16Added requirements.txtRoger Gonzalez
2023-08-16Added loginRoger Gonzalez
2023-08-16Initial commitRoger Gonzalez