path: root/Makefile
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Makefile')
1 files changed, 198 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f632891
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+BLOG := $(MAKE) -f $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) --no-print-directory
+ifneq ($(filter-out help,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
+include config
+# The following can be configured in config
+BLOG_TITLE ?= blog
+BLOG_URL_ROOT ?= http://localhost/blog
+BLOG_FEEDS ?= rss atom
+BLOG_SRC ?= articles
+.PHONY: help init build deploy clean taglist
+ARTICLES = $(shell git ls-tree HEAD --name-only -- $(BLOG_SRC)/ 2>/dev/null)
+TAGFILES = $(patsubst $(BLOG_SRC)/,tags/%,$(ARTICLES))
+ $(info make init|build|deploy|clean|taglist)
+ mkdir -p $(BLOG_SRC) data templates
+ printf '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>$$TITLE</title></head><body>' > templates/header.html
+ printf '</body></html>' > templates/footer.html
+ printf '' > templates/index_header.html
+ printf '<p>Tags:' > templates/tag_list_header.html
+ printf '<a href="$$URL">$$NAME</a>' > templates/tag_entry.html
+ printf ', ' > templates/tag_separator.html
+ printf '</p>' > templates/tag_list_footer.html
+ printf '<h2>Articles</h2><ul>' > templates/article_list_header.html
+ printf '<li><a href="$$URL">$$DATE $$TITLE</a></li>' > templates/article_entry.html
+ printf '' > templates/article_separator.html
+ printf '</ul>' > templates/article_list_footer.html
+ printf '' > templates/index_footer.html
+ printf '' > templates/tag_index_header.html
+ printf '' > templates/tag_index_footer.html
+ printf '' > templates/article_header.html
+ printf '' > templates/article_footer.html
+ printf 'blog\n' > .git/info/exclude
+build: blog/index.html tagpages $(patsubst $(BLOG_SRC)/,blog/%.html,$(ARTICLES)) $(patsubst %,blog/%.xml,$(BLOG_FEEDS))
+deploy: build
+ rsync -rLtvz $(BLOG_RSYNC_OPTS) blog/ data/ $(BLOG_REMOTE)
+ rm -rf blog tags
+ printf 'BLOG_REMOTE:=%s\n' \
+ '$(shell printf "Blog remote (eg: host:/var/www/html): ">/dev/tty; head -n1)' \
+ > $@
+tags/%: $(BLOG_SRC)/
+ mkdir -p tags
+ grep -i '^; *tags:' "$<" | cut -d: -f2- | sed 's/ */\n/g' | sed '/^$$/d' | sort -u > $@
+blog/index.html: $(ARTICLES) $(TAGFILES) $(addprefix templates/,$(addsuffix .html,header index_header tag_list_header tag_entry tag_separator tag_list_footer article_list_header article_entry article_separator article_list_footer index_footer footer))
+ mkdir -p blog
+ export TITLE; \
+ export PAGE_TITLE; \
+ envsubst < templates/header.html > $@; \
+ envsubst < templates/index_header.html >> $@; \
+ envsubst < templates/tag_list_header.html >> $@; \
+ first=true; \
+ for t in $(shell cat $(TAGFILES) | sort -u); do \
+ "$$first" || envsubst < templates/tag_separator.html; \
+ NAME="$$t" \
+ URL="@$$t.html" \
+ envsubst < templates/tag_entry.html; \
+ first=false; \
+ done >> $@; \
+ envsubst < templates/tag_list_footer.html >> $@; \
+ envsubst < templates/article_list_header.html >> $@; \
+ first=true; \
+ echo $(ARTICLES); \
+ for f in $(ARTICLES); do \
+ printf '%s ' "$$f"; \
+ git log -n 1 --diff-filter=A --date="format:%s $(BLOG_DATE_FORMAT_INDEX)" --pretty=format:'%ad%n' -- "$$f"; \
+ done | sort | cut -d" " -f1,3- | while IFS=" " read -r FILE DATE; do \
+ "$$first" || envsubst < templates/article_separator.html; \
+ URL="`printf '%s' "\$$FILE" | sed 's,^$(BLOG_SRC)/\(.*\).md,\1,'`.html" \
+ DATE="$$DATE" \
+ TITLE="`head -n1 "\$$FILE" | sed -e 's/^# //g'`" \
+ envsubst < templates/article_entry.html; \
+ first=false; \
+ done >> $@; \
+ envsubst < templates/article_list_footer.html >> $@; \
+ markdown < >> $@; \
+ envsubst < templates/index_footer.html >> $@; \
+ envsubst < templates/footer.html >> $@; \
+blog/tag/%.html: $(ARTICLES) $(addprefix templates/,$(addsuffix .html,header tag_header index_entry tag_footer footer))
+.PHONY: tagpages
+tagpages: $(TAGFILES)
+ +$(BLOG) $(patsubst %,blog/@%.html,$(shell cat $(TAGFILES) | sort -u))
+blog/@%.html: $(TAGFILES) $(addprefix templates/,$(addsuffix .html,header tag_index_header tag_list_header tag_entry tag_separator tag_list_footer article_list_header article_entry article_separator article_list_footer tag_index_footer footer))
+ mkdir -p blog
+ PAGE_TITLE="Articles tagged $* — $(BLOG_TITLE)"; \
+ TAGS="$*"; \
+ export PAGE_TITLE; \
+ export TAGS; \
+ export TITLE; \
+ envsubst < templates/header.html > $@; \
+ envsubst < templates/tag_index_header.html >> $@; \
+ envsubst < templates/article_list_header.html >> $@; \
+ first=true; \
+ for f in $(shell grep -FH '$*' $(TAGFILES) | sed 's,^tags/\([^:]*\):.*,$(BLOG_SRC)/\,'); do \
+ printf '%s ' "$$f"; \
+ git log -n 1 --diff-filter=A --date="format:%s $(BLOG_DATE_FORMAT_INDEX)" --pretty=format:'%ad%n' -- "$$f"; \
+ done | sort | cut -d" " -f1,3- | while IFS=" " read -r FILE DATE; do \
+ "$$first" || envsubst < templates/article_separator.html; \
+ URL="`printf '%s' "\$$FILE" | sed 's,^$(BLOG_SRC)/\(.*\).md,\1,'`.html" \
+ DATE="$$DATE" \
+ TITLE="`head -n1 "\$$FILE" | sed -e 's/^# //g'`" \
+ envsubst < templates/article_entry.html; \
+ first=false; \
+ done >> $@; \
+ envsubst < templates/article_list_footer.html >> $@; \
+ envsubst < templates/tag_index_footer.html >> $@; \
+ envsubst < templates/footer.html >> $@; \
+blog/%.html: $(BLOG_SRC)/ $(addprefix templates/,$(addsuffix .html,header article_header tag_link_header tag_link tag_link_footer article_footer footer))
+ mkdir -p blog
+ TITLE="$(shell head -n1 $< | sed 's/^# \+//')"; \
+ export TITLE; \
+ export PAGE_TITLE; \
+ AUTHOR="$(shell git log --format="%an" -- "$<" | tail -n 1)"; \
+ export AUTHOR; \
+ DATE_POSTED="$(shell git log -n 1 --diff-filter=A --date="format:$(BLOG_DATE_FORMAT)" --pretty=format:'%ad' -- "$<")"; \
+ export DATE_POSTED; \
+ DATE_EDITED="$(shell git log -n 1 --date="format:$(BLOG_DATE_FORMAT)" --pretty=format:'%ad' -- "$<")"; \
+ export DATE_EDITED; \
+ TAGS="$(shell grep -i '^; *tags:' "$<" | cut -d: -f2- | paste -sd ',')"; \
+ export TAGS; \
+ envsubst < templates/header.html > $@; \
+ envsubst < templates/article_header.html >> $@; \
+ sed -e '/^;/d' < $< | markdown -f fencedcode >> $@; \
+ envsubst < templates/tag_link_header.html >> $@; \
+ for i in $${TAGS} ; do \
+ TAG_NAME="$$i" \
+ TAG_LINK="./@$$i.html" \
+ envsubst < templates/tag_link.html >> $@; \
+ done; \
+ envsubst < templates/tag_link_footer.html >> $@; \
+ envsubst < templates/article_footer.html >> $@; \
+ envsubst < templates/footer.html >> $@; \
+blog/rss.xml: $(ARTICLES)
+ printf '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<rss version="2.0">\n<channel>\n<title>%s</title>\n<link>%s</link>\n<description>%s</description>\n' \
+ for f in $(ARTICLES); do \
+ printf '%s ' "$$f"; \
+ git log -n 1 --diff-filter=A --date="format:%s %a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z" --pretty=format:'%ad%n' -- "$$f"; \
+ done | sort -k2nr | head -n $(BLOG_FEED_MAX) | cut -d" " -f1,3- | while IFS=" " read -r FILE DATE; do \
+ printf '<item>\n<title>%s</title>\n<link>%s</link>\n<guid>%s</guid>\n<pubDate>%s</pubDate>\n<description>%s</description>\n</item>\n' \
+ "`head -n 1 $$FILE`" \
+ "$(BLOG_URL_ROOT)/`basename $$FILE`.html" \
+ "$(BLOG_URL_ROOT)/`basename $$FILE`.html" \
+ "$$DATE" \
+ "`sed -n '1d;/^$$/{2{d;b};q};p' < $$FILE`"; \
+ done >> $@
+ printf '</channel>\n</rss>\n' >> $@
+blog/atom.xml: $(ARTICLES)
+ printf '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<feed xmlns="" xml:lang="en">\n<title type="text">%s</title>\n<subtitle type="text">%s</subtitle>\n<updated>%s</updated>\n<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="%s"/>\n<id>%s</id>\n<link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="%s"/>\n' \
+ "$(BLOG_TITLE)" "$(BLOG_DESCRIPTION)" "$(shell date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ)" "$(BLOG_URL_ROOT)" "$(BLOG_URL_ROOT)/atom.xml" "$(BLOG_URL_ROOT)/atom.xml" > $@
+ for f in $(ARTICLES); do \
+ printf '%s ' "$$f"; \
+ git log -n 1 --diff-filter=A --date="format:%s %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" --pretty=format:'%ad %aN%n' -- "$$f"; \
+ done | sort -k2nr | head -n $(BLOG_FEED_MAX) | cut -d" " -f1,3- | while IFS=" " read -r FILE DATE AUTHOR; do \
+ printf '<entry>\n<title type="text">%s</title>\n<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="%s"/>\n<id>%s</id>\n<published>%s</published>\n<updated>%s</updated>\n<author><name>%s</name></author>\n<summary type="text">%s</summary>\n</entry>\n' \
+ "`head -n 1 $$FILE`" \
+ "$(BLOG_URL_ROOT)/`basename $$FILE`.html" \
+ "$(BLOG_URL_ROOT)/`basename $$FILE`.html" \
+ "$$DATE" \
+ "`git log -n 1 --date="format:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" --pretty=format:'%ad' -- "$$FILE"`" \
+ "$$AUTHOR" \
+ "`sed -n '1d;/^$$/{2{d;b};q};p' < $$FILE`"; \
+ done >> $@
+ printf '</feed>\n' >> $@
+ grep -RIh '^;tags:' src | cut -d' ' -f2- | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq