path: root/.icons/Material-Black-Lime-Numix/22/emblems
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.icons/Material-Black-Lime-Numix/22/emblems')
85 files changed, 262 insertions, 0 deletions
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new file mode 120000
index 00000000..2f97e283
--- /dev/null
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index 00000000..2f97e283
--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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index 00000000..5212512a
--- /dev/null
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index 00000000..12e7174d
--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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new file mode 120000
index 00000000..2f97e283
--- /dev/null
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new file mode 120000
index 00000000..81c5b960
--- /dev/null
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index 00000000..911e17de
--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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index 00000000..e8c6a523
--- /dev/null
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index 00000000..303a5621
--- /dev/null
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index 00000000..303a5621
--- /dev/null
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3.703125 L 14.089844 4.226562 L 13.636719 4.59375 C 13.5625 4.761719 13.679688 5.015625 13.714844 5.183594 L 14.191406 4.953125 C 14.257812 5.183594 14.445312 5.242188 14.617188 5.371094 C 14.898438 4.847656 14.65625 4.351562 15.328125 4.074219 L 14.902344 4.582031 L 15.042969 4.492188 L 15.09375 4.769531 L 15.140625 4.398438 C 15.265625 4.816406 15.132812 5.390625 14.664062 5.546875 L 14.191406 5.507812 L 14.191406 5.230469 C 13.921875 5.285156 13.929688 5.417969 14 5.648438 C 13.816406 5.597656 13.710938 5.605469 13.574219 5.738281 C 13.429688 5.59375 13.3125 5.484375 13.289062 5.277344 C 13.199219 5.1875 13.15625 5.128906 13.148438 5 L 12.816406 4.953125 L 12.957031 5.695312 C 12.832031 5.460938 12.699219 5.40625 12.4375 5.460938 L 12.578125 6.015625 L 12.769531 5.972656 L 12.625 5.925781 L 12.816406 5.601562 L 12.910156 6.109375 L 13.335938 6.015625 C 13.21875 6.128906 13.125 6.15625 12.957031 6.15625 L 13.003906 6.296875 L 12.769531 6.296875 L 13.101562 6.851562 C 12.324219 6.855469 12.3125 7.242188 12.34375 7.867188 C 12.492188 7.878906 12.566406 7.898438 12.671875 8.007812 C 13.300781 7.683594 13.445312 7.085938 14.191406 6.894531 C 14.3125 7.261719 14.683594 7.242188 14.570312 7.683594 C 14.9375 7.609375 15.039062 7.308594 14.808594 7.035156 C 15.121094 7.214844 15.210938 7.589844 15.421875 7.867188 C 15.574219 7.675781 15.515625 7.453125 15.753906 7.3125 L 15.753906 7.453125 C 16.15625 7.800781 16.433594 7.878906 16.941406 8.050781 C 16.765625 8.292969 16.558594 8.53125 16.230469 8.511719 C 15.828125 8.488281 15.320312 8.101562 15.042969 8.5625 L 14.28125 7.972656 C 13.859375 7.796875 13.441406 7.960938 13.003906 7.914062 L 12.816406 8.007812 L 12.910156 8.050781 C 12.042969 8.433594 11.5625 9.4375 11.46875 10.273438 L 11.304688 10.828125 C 11.398438 11.371094 11.867188 11.929688 12.261719 12.300781 C 12.539062 12.558594 12.742188 12.050781 13.003906 12.308594 C 13.355469 12.179688 13.886719 11.953125 14.207031 12.316406 C 14.417969 12.550781 14.199219 12.746094 14.269531 13 C 14.398438 13.441406 14.699219 13.957031 14.699219 14.4375 L 14.582031 15.59375 C 14.683594 16.296875 15.085938 16.890625 15.09375 17.628906 C 15.671875 17.570312 16.328125 17.285156 16.648438 16.792969 L 16.789062 16.382812 L 17.027344 16.097656 L 16.9375 15.640625 C 17.074219 15.324219 17.621094 15.289062 17.703125 14.945312 C 17.816406 14.472656 17.523438 13.910156 17.699219 13.417969 C 17.96875 12.660156 18.722656 12.101562 18.742188 11.242188 L 18.171875 11.289062 C 18.6875 10.679688 19.769531 10.371094 19.21875 9.441406 L 18.980469 9.71875 L 18.886719 9.71875 C 18.703125 9.34375 18.410156 9.304688 18.410156 8.839844 C 18.855469 9.210938 19.316406 9.222656 19.738281 9.671875 C 20.199219 9.429688 19.734375 8.371094 19.613281 8.007812 C 19.203125 6.789062 18.527344 5.636719 17.605469 4.722656 C 17.273438 4.394531 17.011719 4 16.515625 3.9375 L 16.5625 3.796875 C 16.175781 3.746094 15.53125 3.746094 15.234375 3.472656 Z "/>
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