path: root/.emacs.d.back/.python-environments/default/lib/python3.7/site-packages/wheel/cli/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.emacs.d.back/.python-environments/default/lib/python3.7/site-packages/wheel/cli/')
1 files changed, 269 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.emacs.d.back/.python-environments/default/lib/python3.7/site-packages/wheel/cli/ b/.emacs.d.back/.python-environments/default/lib/python3.7/site-packages/wheel/cli/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f1a793a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.emacs.d.back/.python-environments/default/lib/python3.7/site-packages/wheel/cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+import os.path
+import re
+import shutil
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import zipfile
+from distutils import dist
+from glob import iglob
+from ..bdist_wheel import bdist_wheel
+from ..wheelfile import WheelFile
+from . import WheelError, require_pkgresources
+egg_info_re = re.compile(r'''
+ (?P<name>.+?)-(?P<ver>.+?)
+ (-(?P<pyver>py\d\.\d)
+ (-(?P<arch>.+?))?
+ )?.egg$''', re.VERBOSE)
+class _bdist_wheel_tag(bdist_wheel):
+ # allow the client to override the default generated wheel tag
+ # The default bdist_wheel implementation uses python and abi tags
+ # of the running python process. This is not suitable for
+ # generating/repackaging prebuild binaries.
+ full_tag_supplied = False
+ full_tag = None # None or a (pytag, soabitag, plattag) triple
+ def get_tag(self):
+ if self.full_tag_supplied and self.full_tag is not None:
+ return self.full_tag
+ else:
+ return bdist_wheel.get_tag(self)
+def egg2wheel(egg_path, dest_dir):
+ filename = os.path.basename(egg_path)
+ match = egg_info_re.match(filename)
+ if not match:
+ raise WheelError('Invalid egg file name: {}'.format(filename))
+ egg_info = match.groupdict()
+ dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix="_e2w")
+ if os.path.isfile(egg_path):
+ # assume we have a bdist_egg otherwise
+ with zipfile.ZipFile(egg_path) as egg:
+ egg.extractall(dir)
+ else:
+ # support buildout-style installed eggs directories
+ for pth in os.listdir(egg_path):
+ src = os.path.join(egg_path, pth)
+ if os.path.isfile(src):
+ shutil.copy2(src, dir)
+ else:
+ shutil.copytree(src, os.path.join(dir, pth))
+ pyver = egg_info['pyver']
+ if pyver:
+ pyver = egg_info['pyver'] = pyver.replace('.', '')
+ arch = (egg_info['arch'] or 'any').replace('.', '_').replace('-', '_')
+ # assume all binary eggs are for CPython
+ abi = 'cp' + pyver[2:] if arch != 'any' else 'none'
+ root_is_purelib = egg_info['arch'] is None
+ if root_is_purelib:
+ bw = bdist_wheel(dist.Distribution())
+ else:
+ bw = _bdist_wheel_tag(dist.Distribution())
+ bw.root_is_pure = root_is_purelib
+ bw.python_tag = pyver
+ bw.plat_name_supplied = True
+ bw.plat_name = egg_info['arch'] or 'any'
+ if not root_is_purelib:
+ bw.full_tag_supplied = True
+ bw.full_tag = (pyver, abi, arch)
+ dist_info_dir = os.path.join(dir, '{name}-{ver}.dist-info'.format(**egg_info))
+ bw.egg2dist(os.path.join(dir, 'EGG-INFO'), dist_info_dir)
+ bw.write_wheelfile(dist_info_dir, generator='egg2wheel')
+ wheel_name = '{name}-{ver}-{pyver}-{}-{}.whl'.format(abi, arch, **egg_info)
+ with WheelFile(os.path.join(dest_dir, wheel_name), 'w') as wf:
+ wf.write_files(dir)
+ shutil.rmtree(dir)
+def parse_wininst_info(wininfo_name, egginfo_name):
+ """Extract metadata from filenames.
+ Extracts the 4 metadataitems needed (name, version, pyversion, arch) from
+ the installer filename and the name of the egg-info directory embedded in
+ the zipfile (if any).
+ The egginfo filename has the format::
+ name-ver(-pyver)(-arch).egg-info
+ The installer filename has the format::
+ name-ver.arch(-pyver).exe
+ Some things to note:
+ 1. The installer filename is not definitive. An installer can be renamed
+ and work perfectly well as an installer. So more reliable data should
+ be used whenever possible.
+ 2. The egg-info data should be preferred for the name and version, because
+ these come straight from the distutils metadata, and are mandatory.
+ 3. The pyver from the egg-info data should be ignored, as it is
+ constructed from the version of Python used to build the installer,
+ which is irrelevant - the installer filename is correct here (even to
+ the point that when it's not there, any version is implied).
+ 4. The architecture must be taken from the installer filename, as it is
+ not included in the egg-info data.
+ 5. Architecture-neutral installers still have an architecture because the
+ installer format itself (being executable) is architecture-specific. We
+ should therefore ignore the architecture if the content is pure-python.
+ """
+ egginfo = None
+ if egginfo_name:
+ egginfo =
+ if not egginfo:
+ raise ValueError("Egg info filename %s is not valid" % (egginfo_name,))
+ # Parse the wininst filename
+ # 1. Distribution name (up to the first '-')
+ w_name, sep, rest = wininfo_name.partition('-')
+ if not sep:
+ raise ValueError("Installer filename %s is not valid" % (wininfo_name,))
+ # Strip '.exe'
+ rest = rest[:-4]
+ # 2. Python version (from the last '-', must start with 'py')
+ rest2, sep, w_pyver = rest.rpartition('-')
+ if sep and w_pyver.startswith('py'):
+ rest = rest2
+ w_pyver = w_pyver.replace('.', '')
+ else:
+ # Not version specific - use py2.py3. While it is possible that
+ # pure-Python code is not compatible with both Python 2 and 3, there
+ # is no way of knowing from the wininst format, so we assume the best
+ # here (the user can always manually rename the wheel to be more
+ # restrictive if needed).
+ w_pyver = 'py2.py3'
+ # 3. Version and architecture
+ w_ver, sep, w_arch = rest.rpartition('.')
+ if not sep:
+ raise ValueError("Installer filename %s is not valid" % (wininfo_name,))
+ if egginfo:
+ w_name ='name')
+ w_ver ='ver')
+ return {'name': w_name, 'ver': w_ver, 'arch': w_arch, 'pyver': w_pyver}
+def wininst2wheel(path, dest_dir):
+ with zipfile.ZipFile(path) as bdw:
+ # Search for egg-info in the archive
+ egginfo_name = None
+ for filename in bdw.namelist():
+ if '.egg-info' in filename:
+ egginfo_name = filename
+ break
+ info = parse_wininst_info(os.path.basename(path), egginfo_name)
+ root_is_purelib = True
+ for zipinfo in bdw.infolist():
+ if zipinfo.filename.startswith('PLATLIB'):
+ root_is_purelib = False
+ break
+ if root_is_purelib:
+ paths = {'purelib': ''}
+ else:
+ paths = {'platlib': ''}
+ dist_info = "%(name)s-%(ver)s" % info
+ datadir = "" % dist_info
+ # rewrite paths to trick ZipFile into extracting an egg
+ # XXX grab wininst .ini - between .exe, padding, and first zip file.
+ members = []
+ egginfo_name = ''
+ for zipinfo in bdw.infolist():
+ key, basename = zipinfo.filename.split('/', 1)
+ key = key.lower()
+ basepath = paths.get(key, None)
+ if basepath is None:
+ basepath = datadir + key.lower() + '/'
+ oldname = zipinfo.filename
+ newname = basepath + basename
+ zipinfo.filename = newname
+ del bdw.NameToInfo[oldname]
+ bdw.NameToInfo[newname] = zipinfo
+ # Collect member names, but omit '' (from an entry like "PLATLIB/"
+ if newname:
+ members.append(newname)
+ # Remember egg-info name for the egg2dist call below
+ if not egginfo_name:
+ if newname.endswith('.egg-info'):
+ egginfo_name = newname
+ elif '.egg-info/' in newname:
+ egginfo_name, sep, _ = newname.rpartition('/')
+ dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix="_b2w")
+ bdw.extractall(dir, members)
+ # egg2wheel
+ abi = 'none'
+ pyver = info['pyver']
+ arch = (info['arch'] or 'any').replace('.', '_').replace('-', '_')
+ # Wininst installers always have arch even if they are not
+ # architecture-specific (because the format itself is).
+ # So, assume the content is architecture-neutral if root is purelib.
+ if root_is_purelib:
+ arch = 'any'
+ # If the installer is architecture-specific, it's almost certainly also
+ # CPython-specific.
+ if arch != 'any':
+ pyver = pyver.replace('py', 'cp')
+ wheel_name = '-'.join((dist_info, pyver, abi, arch))
+ if root_is_purelib:
+ bw = bdist_wheel(dist.Distribution())
+ else:
+ bw = _bdist_wheel_tag(dist.Distribution())
+ bw.root_is_pure = root_is_purelib
+ bw.python_tag = pyver
+ bw.plat_name_supplied = True
+ bw.plat_name = info['arch'] or 'any'
+ if not root_is_purelib:
+ bw.full_tag_supplied = True
+ bw.full_tag = (pyver, abi, arch)
+ dist_info_dir = os.path.join(dir, '%s.dist-info' % dist_info)
+ bw.egg2dist(os.path.join(dir, egginfo_name), dist_info_dir)
+ bw.write_wheelfile(dist_info_dir, generator='wininst2wheel')
+ wheel_path = os.path.join(dest_dir, wheel_name)
+ with WheelFile(wheel_path, 'w') as wf:
+ wf.write_files(dir)
+ shutil.rmtree(dir)
+def convert(files, dest_dir, verbose):
+ # Only support wheel convert if pkg_resources is present
+ require_pkgresources('wheel convert')
+ for pat in files:
+ for installer in iglob(pat):
+ if os.path.splitext(installer)[1] == '.egg':
+ conv = egg2wheel
+ else:
+ conv = wininst2wheel
+ if verbose:
+ print("{}... ".format(installer))
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ conv(installer, dest_dir)
+ if verbose:
+ print("OK")