path: root/.emacs.d.back/.python-environments/default/lib/python3.7/site-packages/setuptools/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.emacs.d.back/.python-environments/default/lib/python3.7/site-packages/setuptools/')
1 files changed, 491 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.emacs.d.back/.python-environments/default/lib/python3.7/site-packages/setuptools/ b/.emacs.d.back/.python-environments/default/lib/python3.7/site-packages/setuptools/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..685f3f72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.emacs.d.back/.python-environments/default/lib/python3.7/site-packages/setuptools/
@@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import operator
+import functools
+import itertools
+import re
+import contextlib
+import pickle
+import textwrap
+from setuptools.extern import six
+from setuptools.extern.six.moves import builtins, map
+import pkg_resources.py31compat
+if sys.platform.startswith('java'):
+ import org.python.modules.posix.PosixModule as _os
+ _os = sys.modules[]
+ _file = file
+except NameError:
+ _file = None
+_open = open
+from distutils.errors import DistutilsError
+from pkg_resources import working_set
+__all__ = [
+ "AbstractSandbox", "DirectorySandbox", "SandboxViolation", "run_setup",
+def _execfile(filename, globals, locals=None):
+ """
+ Python 3 implementation of execfile.
+ """
+ mode = 'rb'
+ with open(filename, mode) as stream:
+ script =
+ if locals is None:
+ locals = globals
+ code = compile(script, filename, 'exec')
+ exec(code, globals, locals)
+def save_argv(repl=None):
+ saved = sys.argv[:]
+ if repl is not None:
+ sys.argv[:] = repl
+ try:
+ yield saved
+ finally:
+ sys.argv[:] = saved
+def save_path():
+ saved = sys.path[:]
+ try:
+ yield saved
+ finally:
+ sys.path[:] = saved
+def override_temp(replacement):
+ """
+ Monkey-patch tempfile.tempdir with replacement, ensuring it exists
+ """
+ pkg_resources.py31compat.makedirs(replacement, exist_ok=True)
+ saved = tempfile.tempdir
+ tempfile.tempdir = replacement
+ try:
+ yield
+ finally:
+ tempfile.tempdir = saved
+def pushd(target):
+ saved = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(target)
+ try:
+ yield saved
+ finally:
+ os.chdir(saved)
+class UnpickleableException(Exception):
+ """
+ An exception representing another Exception that could not be pickled.
+ """
+ @staticmethod
+ def dump(type, exc):
+ """
+ Always return a dumped (pickled) type and exc. If exc can't be pickled,
+ wrap it in UnpickleableException first.
+ """
+ try:
+ return pickle.dumps(type), pickle.dumps(exc)
+ except Exception:
+ # get UnpickleableException inside the sandbox
+ from setuptools.sandbox import UnpickleableException as cls
+ return cls.dump(cls, cls(repr(exc)))
+class ExceptionSaver:
+ """
+ A Context Manager that will save an exception, serialized, and restore it
+ later.
+ """
+ def __enter__(self):
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, type, exc, tb):
+ if not exc:
+ return
+ # dump the exception
+ self._saved = UnpickleableException.dump(type, exc)
+ self._tb = tb
+ # suppress the exception
+ return True
+ def resume(self):
+ "restore and re-raise any exception"
+ if '_saved' not in vars(self):
+ return
+ type, exc = map(pickle.loads, self._saved)
+ six.reraise(type, exc, self._tb)
+def save_modules():
+ """
+ Context in which imported modules are saved.
+ Translates exceptions internal to the context into the equivalent exception
+ outside the context.
+ """
+ saved = sys.modules.copy()
+ with ExceptionSaver() as saved_exc:
+ yield saved
+ sys.modules.update(saved)
+ # remove any modules imported since
+ del_modules = (
+ mod_name for mod_name in sys.modules
+ if mod_name not in saved
+ # exclude any encodings modules. See #285
+ and not mod_name.startswith('encodings.')
+ )
+ _clear_modules(del_modules)
+ saved_exc.resume()
+def _clear_modules(module_names):
+ for mod_name in list(module_names):
+ del sys.modules[mod_name]
+def save_pkg_resources_state():
+ saved = pkg_resources.__getstate__()
+ try:
+ yield saved
+ finally:
+ pkg_resources.__setstate__(saved)
+def setup_context(setup_dir):
+ temp_dir = os.path.join(setup_dir, 'temp')
+ with save_pkg_resources_state():
+ with save_modules():
+ hide_setuptools()
+ with save_path():
+ with save_argv():
+ with override_temp(temp_dir):
+ with pushd(setup_dir):
+ # ensure setuptools commands are available
+ __import__('setuptools')
+ yield
+def _needs_hiding(mod_name):
+ """
+ >>> _needs_hiding('setuptools')
+ True
+ >>> _needs_hiding('pkg_resources')
+ True
+ >>> _needs_hiding('setuptools_plugin')
+ False
+ >>> _needs_hiding('setuptools.__init__')
+ True
+ >>> _needs_hiding('distutils')
+ True
+ >>> _needs_hiding('os')
+ False
+ >>> _needs_hiding('Cython')
+ True
+ """
+ pattern = re.compile(r'(setuptools|pkg_resources|distutils|Cython)(\.|$)')
+ return bool(pattern.match(mod_name))
+def hide_setuptools():
+ """
+ Remove references to setuptools' modules from sys.modules to allow the
+ invocation to import the most appropriate setuptools. This technique is
+ necessary to avoid issues such as #315 where setuptools upgrading itself
+ would fail to find a function declared in the metadata.
+ """
+ modules = filter(_needs_hiding, sys.modules)
+ _clear_modules(modules)
+def run_setup(setup_script, args):
+ """Run a distutils setup script, sandboxed in its directory"""
+ setup_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(setup_script))
+ with setup_context(setup_dir):
+ try:
+ sys.argv[:] = [setup_script] + list(args)
+ sys.path.insert(0, setup_dir)
+ # reset to include setup dir, w/clean callback list
+ working_set.__init__()
+ working_set.callbacks.append(lambda dist: dist.activate())
+ # __file__ should be a byte string on Python 2 (#712)
+ dunder_file = (
+ setup_script
+ if isinstance(setup_script, str) else
+ setup_script.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
+ )
+ with DirectorySandbox(setup_dir):
+ ns = dict(__file__=dunder_file, __name__='__main__')
+ _execfile(setup_script, ns)
+ except SystemExit as v:
+ if v.args and v.args[0]:
+ raise
+ # Normal exit, just return
+class AbstractSandbox:
+ """Wrap 'os' module and 'open()' builtin for virtualizing setup scripts"""
+ _active = False
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._attrs = [
+ name for name in dir(_os)
+ if not name.startswith('_') and hasattr(self, name)
+ ]
+ def _copy(self, source):
+ for name in self._attrs:
+ setattr(os, name, getattr(source, name))
+ def __enter__(self):
+ self._copy(self)
+ if _file:
+ builtins.file = self._file
+ = self._open
+ self._active = True
+ def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
+ self._active = False
+ if _file:
+ builtins.file = _file
+ = _open
+ self._copy(_os)
+ def run(self, func):
+ """Run 'func' under os sandboxing"""
+ with self:
+ return func()
+ def _mk_dual_path_wrapper(name):
+ original = getattr(_os, name)
+ def wrap(self, src, dst, *args, **kw):
+ if self._active:
+ src, dst = self._remap_pair(name, src, dst, *args, **kw)
+ return original(src, dst, *args, **kw)
+ return wrap
+ for name in ["rename", "link", "symlink"]:
+ if hasattr(_os, name):
+ locals()[name] = _mk_dual_path_wrapper(name)
+ def _mk_single_path_wrapper(name, original=None):
+ original = original or getattr(_os, name)
+ def wrap(self, path, *args, **kw):
+ if self._active:
+ path = self._remap_input(name, path, *args, **kw)
+ return original(path, *args, **kw)
+ return wrap
+ if _file:
+ _file = _mk_single_path_wrapper('file', _file)
+ _open = _mk_single_path_wrapper('open', _open)
+ for name in [
+ "stat", "listdir", "chdir", "open", "chmod", "chown", "mkdir",
+ "remove", "unlink", "rmdir", "utime", "lchown", "chroot", "lstat",
+ "startfile", "mkfifo", "mknod", "pathconf", "access"
+ ]:
+ if hasattr(_os, name):
+ locals()[name] = _mk_single_path_wrapper(name)
+ def _mk_single_with_return(name):
+ original = getattr(_os, name)
+ def wrap(self, path, *args, **kw):
+ if self._active:
+ path = self._remap_input(name, path, *args, **kw)
+ return self._remap_output(name, original(path, *args, **kw))
+ return original(path, *args, **kw)
+ return wrap
+ for name in ['readlink', 'tempnam']:
+ if hasattr(_os, name):
+ locals()[name] = _mk_single_with_return(name)
+ def _mk_query(name):
+ original = getattr(_os, name)
+ def wrap(self, *args, **kw):
+ retval = original(*args, **kw)
+ if self._active:
+ return self._remap_output(name, retval)
+ return retval
+ return wrap
+ for name in ['getcwd', 'tmpnam']:
+ if hasattr(_os, name):
+ locals()[name] = _mk_query(name)
+ def _validate_path(self, path):
+ """Called to remap or validate any path, whether input or output"""
+ return path
+ def _remap_input(self, operation, path, *args, **kw):
+ """Called for path inputs"""
+ return self._validate_path(path)
+ def _remap_output(self, operation, path):
+ """Called for path outputs"""
+ return self._validate_path(path)
+ def _remap_pair(self, operation, src, dst, *args, **kw):
+ """Called for path pairs like rename, link, and symlink operations"""
+ return (
+ self._remap_input(operation + '-from', src, *args, **kw),
+ self._remap_input(operation + '-to', dst, *args, **kw)
+ )
+if hasattr(os, 'devnull'):
+ _EXCEPTIONS = [os.devnull,]
+class DirectorySandbox(AbstractSandbox):
+ """Restrict operations to a single subdirectory - pseudo-chroot"""
+ write_ops = dict.fromkeys([
+ "open", "chmod", "chown", "mkdir", "remove", "unlink", "rmdir",
+ "utime", "lchown", "chroot", "mkfifo", "mknod", "tempnam",
+ ])
+ _exception_patterns = [
+ # Allow lib2to3 to attempt to save a pickled grammar object (#121)
+ r'.*lib2to3.*\.pickle$',
+ ]
+ "exempt writing to paths that match the pattern"
+ def __init__(self, sandbox, exceptions=_EXCEPTIONS):
+ self._sandbox = os.path.normcase(os.path.realpath(sandbox))
+ self._prefix = os.path.join(self._sandbox, '')
+ self._exceptions = [
+ os.path.normcase(os.path.realpath(path))
+ for path in exceptions
+ ]
+ AbstractSandbox.__init__(self)
+ def _violation(self, operation, *args, **kw):
+ from setuptools.sandbox import SandboxViolation
+ raise SandboxViolation(operation, args, kw)
+ if _file:
+ def _file(self, path, mode='r', *args, **kw):
+ if mode not in ('r', 'rt', 'rb', 'rU', 'U') and not self._ok(path):
+ self._violation("file", path, mode, *args, **kw)
+ return _file(path, mode, *args, **kw)
+ def _open(self, path, mode='r', *args, **kw):
+ if mode not in ('r', 'rt', 'rb', 'rU', 'U') and not self._ok(path):
+ self._violation("open", path, mode, *args, **kw)
+ return _open(path, mode, *args, **kw)
+ def tmpnam(self):
+ self._violation("tmpnam")
+ def _ok(self, path):
+ active = self._active
+ try:
+ self._active = False
+ realpath = os.path.normcase(os.path.realpath(path))
+ return (
+ self._exempted(realpath)
+ or realpath == self._sandbox
+ or realpath.startswith(self._prefix)
+ )
+ finally:
+ self._active = active
+ def _exempted(self, filepath):
+ start_matches = (
+ filepath.startswith(exception)
+ for exception in self._exceptions
+ )
+ pattern_matches = (
+ re.match(pattern, filepath)
+ for pattern in self._exception_patterns
+ )
+ candidates = itertools.chain(start_matches, pattern_matches)
+ return any(candidates)
+ def _remap_input(self, operation, path, *args, **kw):
+ """Called for path inputs"""
+ if operation in self.write_ops and not self._ok(path):
+ self._violation(operation, os.path.realpath(path), *args, **kw)
+ return path
+ def _remap_pair(self, operation, src, dst, *args, **kw):
+ """Called for path pairs like rename, link, and symlink operations"""
+ if not self._ok(src) or not self._ok(dst):
+ self._violation(operation, src, dst, *args, **kw)
+ return (src, dst)
+ def open(self, file, flags, mode=0o777, *args, **kw):
+ """Called for low-level"""
+ if flags & WRITE_FLAGS and not self._ok(file):
+ self._violation("", file, flags, mode, *args, **kw)
+ return, flags, mode, *args, **kw)
+WRITE_FLAGS = functools.reduce(
+ operator.or_, [getattr(_os, a, 0) for a in
+class SandboxViolation(DistutilsError):
+ """A setup script attempted to modify the filesystem outside the sandbox"""
+ tmpl = textwrap.dedent("""
+ SandboxViolation: {cmd}{args!r} {kwargs}
+ The package setup script has attempted to modify files on your system
+ that are not within the EasyInstall build area, and has been aborted.
+ This package cannot be safely installed by EasyInstall, and may not
+ support alternate installation locations even if you run its setup
+ script by hand. Please inform the package's author and the EasyInstall
+ maintainers to find out if a fix or workaround is available.
+ """).lstrip()
+ def __str__(self):
+ cmd, args, kwargs = self.args
+ return self.tmpl.format(**locals())