path: root/.doom.d/custom-packages
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index 041c90b0..00000000
--- a/.doom.d/custom-packages/deferred.el
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-;;; deferred.el --- Simple asynchronous functions for emacs lisp -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2010-2016 SAKURAI Masashi
-;; Author: SAKURAI Masashi <m.sakurai at>
-;; Version: 0.5.1
-;; Keywords: deferred, async
-;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.4"))
-;; URL:
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; 'deferred.el' is a simple library for asynchronous tasks.
-;; []
-;; The API is almost the same as JSDeferred written by cho45. See the
-;; JSDeferred and Mochikit.Async web sites for further documentations.
-;; []
-;; []
-;; A good introduction document (JavaScript)
-;; []
-;;; Samples:
-;; ** HTTP Access
-;; (require 'url)
-;; (deferred:$
-;; (deferred:url-retrieve "")
-;; (deferred:nextc it
-;; (lambda (buf)
-;; (insert (with-current-buffer buf (buffer-string)))
-;; (kill-buffer buf))))
-;; ** Invoking command tasks
-;; (deferred:$
-;; (deferred:process "wget" "-O" "a.jpg" "")
-;; (deferred:nextc it
-;; (lambda (x) (deferred:process "convert" "a.jpg" "-resize" "100x100" "jpg:b.jpg")))
-;; (deferred:nextc it
-;; (lambda (x)
-;; (insert-image (create-image (expand-file-name "b.jpg") 'jpeg nil)))))
-;; See the readme for further API documentation.
-;; ** Applications
-;; *Inertial scrolling for Emacs
-;; []
-;; This program makes simple multi-thread function, using
-;; deferred.el.
-(require 'cl-lib)
-(require 'subr-x)
-(declare-function pp-display-expression 'pp)
-(defvar deferred:version nil "deferred.el version")
-(setq deferred:version "0.5.0")
-;;; Code:
-(defmacro deferred:aand (test &rest rest)
- "[internal] Anaphoric AND."
- (declare (debug ("test" form &rest form)))
- `(let ((it ,test))
- (if it ,(if rest `(deferred:aand ,@rest) 'it))))
-(defmacro deferred:$ (&rest elements)
- "Anaphoric function chain macro for deferred chains."
- (declare (debug (&rest form)))
- `(let (it)
- ,@(cl-loop for i in elements
- collect
- `(setq it ,i))
- it))
-(defmacro deferred:lambda (args &rest body)
- "Anaphoric lambda macro for self recursion."
- (declare (debug ("args" form &rest form)))
- (let ((argsyms (cl-loop repeat (length args) collect (cl-gensym))))
- `(lambda (,@argsyms)
- (let (self)
- (setq self (lambda( ,@args ) ,@body))
- (funcall self ,@argsyms)))))
-(cl-defmacro deferred:try (d &key catch finally)
- "Try-catch-finally macro. This macro simulates the
-try-catch-finally block asynchronously. CATCH and FINALLY can be
-nil. Because of asynchrony, this macro does not ensure that the
-task FINALLY should be called."
- (let ((chain
- (if catch `((deferred:error it ,catch)))))
- (when finally
- (setq chain (append chain `((deferred:watch it ,finally)))))
- `(deferred:$ ,d ,@chain)))
-(defun deferred:setTimeout (f msec)
- "[internal] Timer function that emulates the `setTimeout' function in JS."
- (run-at-time (/ msec 1000.0) nil f))
-(defun deferred:cancelTimeout (id)
- "[internal] Timer cancellation function that emulates the `cancelTimeout' function in JS."
- (cancel-timer id))
-(defun deferred:run-with-idle-timer (sec f)
- "[internal] Wrapper function for run-with-idle-timer."
- (run-with-idle-timer sec nil f))
-(defun deferred:call-lambda (f &optional arg)
- "[internal] Call a function with one or zero argument safely.
-The lambda function can define with zero and one argument."
- (condition-case err
- (funcall f arg)
- ('wrong-number-of-arguments
- (display-warning 'deferred "\
-Callback that takes no argument may be specified.
-Passing callback with no argument is deprecated.
-Callback must take one argument.
-Or, this error is coming from somewhere inside of the callback: %S" err)
- (condition-case nil
- (funcall f)
- ('wrong-number-of-arguments
- (signal 'wrong-number-of-arguments (cdr err))))))) ; return the first error
-;; debug
- (defvar deferred:debug nil "Debug output switch."))
-(defvar deferred:debug-count 0 "[internal] Debug output counter.")
-(defmacro deferred:message (&rest args)
- "[internal] Debug log function."
- (when deferred:debug
- `(progn
- (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*deferred:debug*")
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char (point-max))
- (insert (format "%5i %s\n" deferred:debug-count (format ,@args)))))
- (cl-incf deferred:debug-count))))
-(defun deferred:message-mark ()
- "[internal] Debug log function."
- (interactive)
- (deferred:message "==================== mark ==== %s"
- (format-time-string "%H:%M:%S" (current-time))))
-(defun deferred:pp (d)
- (require 'pp)
- (deferred:$
- (deferred:nextc d
- (lambda (x)
- (pp-display-expression x "*deferred:pp*")))
- (deferred:error it
- (lambda (e)
- (pp-display-expression e "*deferred:pp*")))
- (deferred:nextc it
- (lambda (_x) (pop-to-buffer "*deferred:pp*")))))
-(defvar deferred:debug-on-signal nil
-"If non nil, the value `debug-on-signal' is substituted this
-value in the `condition-case' form in deferred
-implementations. Then, Emacs debugger can catch an error occurred
-in the asynchronous tasks.")
-(defmacro deferred:condition-case (var protected-form &rest handlers)
- "[internal] Custom condition-case. See the comment for
- (declare (debug condition-case)
- (indent 2))
- `(let ((debug-on-signal
- (or debug-on-signal deferred:debug-on-signal)))
- (condition-case ,var
- ,protected-form
- ,@handlers)))
-;; Back end functions of deferred tasks
-(defvar deferred:tick-time 0.001
- "Waiting time between asynchronous tasks (second).
-The shorter waiting time increases the load of Emacs. The end
-user can tune this parameter. However, applications should not
-modify it because the applications run on various environments.")
-(defvar deferred:queue nil
- "[internal] The execution queue of deferred objects.
-See the functions `deferred:post-task' and `deferred:worker'.")
-(defmacro deferred:pack (a b c)
- `(cons ,a (cons ,b ,c)))
-(defun deferred:schedule-worker ()
- "[internal] Schedule consuming a deferred task in the execution queue."
- (run-at-time deferred:tick-time nil 'deferred:worker))
-(defun deferred:post-task (d which &optional arg)
- "[internal] Add a deferred object to the execution queue
-`deferred:queue' and schedule to execute.
-D is a deferred object. WHICH is a symbol, `ok' or `ng'. ARG is
-an argument value for execution of the deferred task."
- (push (deferred:pack d which arg) deferred:queue)
- (deferred:message "QUEUE-POST [%s]: %s"
- (length deferred:queue) (deferred:pack d which arg))
- (deferred:schedule-worker)
- d)
-(defun deferred:clear-queue ()
- "Clear the execution queue. For test and debugging."
- (interactive)
- (deferred:message "QUEUE-CLEAR [%s -> 0]" (length deferred:queue))
- (setq deferred:queue nil))
-(defun deferred:worker ()
- "[internal] Consume a deferred task.
-Mainly this function is called by timer asynchronously."
- (when deferred:queue
- (let* ((pack (car (last deferred:queue)))
- (d (car pack))
- (which (cadr pack))
- (arg (cddr pack)) value)
- (setq deferred:queue (nbutlast deferred:queue))
- (condition-case err
- (setq value (deferred:exec-task d which arg))
- (error
- (deferred:message "ERROR : %s" err)
- (message "deferred error : %s" err)))
- value)))
-(defun deferred:flush-queue! ()
- "Call all deferred tasks synchronously. For test and debugging."
- (let (value)
- (while deferred:queue
- (setq value (deferred:worker)))
- value))
-(defun deferred:sync! (d)
- "Wait for the given deferred task. For test and debugging.
-Error is raised if it is not processed within deferred chain D."
- (progn
- (let ((last-value 'deferred:undefined*)
- uncaught-error)
- (deferred:try
- (deferred:nextc d
- (lambda (x) (setq last-value x)))
- :catch
- (lambda (err) (setq uncaught-error err)))
- (while (and (eq 'deferred:undefined* last-value)
- (not uncaught-error))
- (sit-for 0.05)
- (sleep-for 0.05))
- (when uncaught-error
- (deferred:resignal uncaught-error))
- last-value)))
-;; Struct: deferred
-;; callback : a callback function (default `deferred:default-callback')
-;; errorback : an errorback function (default `deferred:default-errorback')
-;; cancel : a canceling function (default `deferred:default-cancel')
-;; next : a next chained deferred object (default nil)
-;; status : if 'ok or 'ng, this deferred has a result (error) value. (default nil)
-;; value : saved value (default nil)
-(cl-defstruct deferred
- (callback 'deferred:default-callback)
- (errorback 'deferred:default-errorback)
- (cancel 'deferred:default-cancel)
- next status value)
-(defun deferred:default-callback (i)
- "[internal] Default callback function."
- (identity i))
-(defun deferred:default-errorback (err)
- "[internal] Default errorback function."
- (deferred:resignal err))
-(defun deferred:resignal (err)
- "[internal] Safely resignal ERR as an Emacs condition.
-If ERR is a cons (ERROR-SYMBOL . DATA) where ERROR-SYMBOL has an
-`error-conditions' property, it is re-signaled unchanged. If ERR
-is a string, it is signaled as a generic error using `error'.
-Otherwise, ERR is formatted into a string as if by `print' before
-raising with `error'."
- (cond ((and (listp err)
- (symbolp (car err))
- (get (car err) 'error-conditions))
- (signal (car err) (cdr err)))
- ((stringp err)
- (error "%s" err))
- (t
- (error "%S" err))))
-(defun deferred:default-cancel (d)
- "[internal] Default canceling function."
- (deferred:message "CANCEL : %s" d)
- (setf (deferred-callback d) 'deferred:default-callback)
- (setf (deferred-errorback d) 'deferred:default-errorback)
- (setf (deferred-next d) nil)
- d)
-(defvar deferred:onerror nil
- "Default error handler. This value is nil or a function that
- have one argument for the error message.")
-(defun deferred:exec-task (d which &optional arg)
- "[internal] Executing deferred task. If the deferred object has
-next deferred task or the return value is a deferred object, this
-function adds the task to the execution queue.
-D is a deferred object. WHICH is a symbol, `ok' or `ng'. ARG is
-an argument value for execution of the deferred task."
- (deferred:message "EXEC : %s / %s / %s" d which arg)
- (when (null d) (error "deferred:exec-task was given a nil."))
- (let ((callback (if (eq which 'ok)
- (deferred-callback d)
- (deferred-errorback d)))
- (next-deferred (deferred-next d)))
- (cond
- (callback
- (deferred:condition-case err
- (let ((value (deferred:call-lambda callback arg)))
- (cond
- ((deferred-p value)
- (deferred:message "WAIT NEST : %s" value)
- (if next-deferred
- (deferred:set-next value next-deferred)
- value))
- (t
- (if next-deferred
- (deferred:post-task next-deferred 'ok value)
- (setf (deferred-status d) 'ok)
- (setf (deferred-value d) value)
- value))))
- (error
- (cond
- (next-deferred
- (deferred:post-task next-deferred 'ng err))
- (deferred:onerror
- (deferred:call-lambda deferred:onerror err))
- (t
- (deferred:message "ERROR : %S" err)
- (message "deferred error : %S" err)
- (setf (deferred-status d) 'ng)
- (setf (deferred-value d) err)
- err)))))
- (t ; <= (null callback)
- (cond
- (next-deferred
- (deferred:exec-task next-deferred which arg))
- ((eq which 'ok) arg)
- (t ; (eq which 'ng)
- (deferred:resignal arg)))))))
-(defun deferred:set-next (prev next)
- "[internal] Connect deferred objects."
- (setf (deferred-next prev) next)
- (cond
- ((eq 'ok (deferred-status prev))
- (setf (deferred-status prev) nil)
- (let ((ret (deferred:exec-task
- next 'ok (deferred-value prev))))
- (if (deferred-p ret) ret
- next)))
- ((eq 'ng (deferred-status prev))
- (setf (deferred-status prev) nil)
- (let ((ret (deferred:exec-task next 'ng (deferred-value prev))))
- (if (deferred-p ret) ret
- next)))
- (t
- next)))
-;; Basic functions for deferred objects
-(defun deferred:new (&optional callback)
- "Create a deferred object."
- (if callback
- (make-deferred :callback callback)
- (make-deferred)))
-(defun deferred:callback (d &optional arg)
- "Start deferred chain with a callback message."
- (deferred:exec-task d 'ok arg))
-(defun deferred:errorback (d &optional arg)
- "Start deferred chain with an errorback message."
- (deferred:exec-task d 'ng arg))
-(defun deferred:callback-post (d &optional arg)
- "Add the deferred object to the execution queue."
- (deferred:post-task d 'ok arg))
-(defun deferred:errorback-post (d &optional arg)
- "Add the deferred object to the execution queue."
- (deferred:post-task d 'ng arg))
-(defun deferred:cancel (d)
- "Cancel all callbacks and deferred chain in the deferred object."
- (deferred:message "CANCEL : %s" d)
- (funcall (deferred-cancel d) d)
- d)
-(defun deferred:status (d)
- "Return a current status of the deferred object. The returned value means following:
-`ok': the callback was called and waiting for next deferred.
-`ng': the errorback was called and waiting for next deferred.
- nil: The neither callback nor errorback was not called."
- (deferred-status d))
-;; Basic utility functions
-(defun deferred:succeed (&optional arg)
- "Create a synchronous deferred object."
- (let ((d (deferred:new)))
- (deferred:exec-task d 'ok arg)
- d))
-(defun deferred:fail (&optional arg)
- "Create a synchronous deferred object."
- (let ((d (deferred:new)))
- (deferred:exec-task d 'ng arg)
- d))
-(defun deferred:next (&optional callback arg)
- "Create a deferred object and schedule executing. This function
-is a short cut of following code:
- (deferred:callback-post (deferred:new callback))."
- (let ((d (if callback
- (make-deferred :callback callback)
- (make-deferred))))
- (deferred:callback-post d arg)
- d))
-(defun deferred:nextc (d callback)
- "Create a deferred object with OK callback and connect it to the given deferred object."
- (let ((nd (make-deferred :callback callback)))
- (deferred:set-next d nd)))
-(defun deferred:error (d callback)
- "Create a deferred object with errorback and connect it to the given deferred object."
- (let ((nd (make-deferred :errorback callback)))
- (deferred:set-next d nd)))
-(defun deferred:watch (d callback)
- "Create a deferred object with watch task and connect it to the given deferred object.
-The watch task CALLBACK can not affect deferred chains with
-return values. This function is used in following purposes,
-simulation of try-finally block in asynchronous tasks, progress
-monitoring of tasks."
- (let* ((callback callback)
- (normal (lambda (x) (ignore-errors (deferred:call-lambda callback x)) x))
- (err (lambda (e)
- (ignore-errors (deferred:call-lambda callback e))
- (deferred:resignal e))))
- (let ((nd (make-deferred :callback normal :errorback err)))
- (deferred:set-next d nd))))
-(defun deferred:wait (msec)
- "Return a deferred object scheduled at MSEC millisecond later."
- (let ((d (deferred:new)) (start-time (float-time)) timer)
- (deferred:message "WAIT : %s" msec)
- (setq timer (deferred:setTimeout
- (lambda ()
- (deferred:exec-task d 'ok
- (* 1000.0 (- (float-time) start-time)))
- nil) msec))
- (setf (deferred-cancel d)
- (lambda (x)
- (deferred:cancelTimeout timer)
- (deferred:default-cancel x)))
- d))
-(defun deferred:wait-idle (msec)
- "Return a deferred object which will run when Emacs has been
-idle for MSEC millisecond."
- (let ((d (deferred:new)) (start-time (float-time)) timer)
- (deferred:message "WAIT-IDLE : %s" msec)
- (setq timer
- (deferred:run-with-idle-timer
- (/ msec 1000.0)
- (lambda ()
- (deferred:exec-task d 'ok
- (* 1000.0 (- (float-time) start-time)))
- nil)))
- (setf (deferred-cancel d)
- (lambda (x)
- (deferred:cancelTimeout timer)
- (deferred:default-cancel x)))
- d))
-(defun deferred:call (f &rest args)
- "Call the given function asynchronously."
- (deferred:next
- (lambda (_x)
- (apply f args))))
-(defun deferred:apply (f &optional args)
- "Call the given function asynchronously."
- (deferred:next
- (lambda (_x)
- (apply f args))))
-;; Utility functions
-(defun deferred:empty-p (times-or-seq)
- "[internal] Return non-nil if TIMES-OR-SEQ is the number zero or nil."
- (or (and (numberp times-or-seq) (<= times-or-seq 0))
- (and (sequencep times-or-seq) (= (length times-or-seq) 0))))
-(defun deferred:loop (times-or-seq func)
- "Return a iteration deferred object."
- (deferred:message "LOOP : %s" times-or-seq)
- (if (deferred:empty-p times-or-seq) (deferred:next)
- (let* (items (rd
- (cond
- ((numberp times-or-seq)
- (cl-loop for i from 0 below times-or-seq
- with ld = (deferred:next)
- do
- (push ld items)
- (setq ld
- (let ((i i))
- (deferred:nextc ld
- (lambda (_x) (deferred:call-lambda func i)))))
- finally return ld))
- ((sequencep times-or-seq)
- (cl-loop for i in (append times-or-seq nil) ; seq->list
- with ld = (deferred:next)
- do
- (push ld items)
- (setq ld
- (let ((i i))
- (deferred:nextc ld
- (lambda (_x) (deferred:call-lambda func i)))))
- finally return ld)))))
- (setf (deferred-cancel rd)
- (lambda (x) (deferred:default-cancel x)
- (cl-loop for i in items
- do (deferred:cancel i))))
- rd)))
-(defun deferred:trans-multi-args (args self-func list-func main-func)
- "[internal] Check the argument values and dispatch to methods."
- (cond
- ((and (= 1 (length args)) (consp (car args)) (not (functionp (car args))))
- (let ((lst (car args)))
- (cond
- ((or (null lst) (null (car lst)))
- (deferred:next))
- ((deferred:aand lst (car it) (or (functionp it) (deferred-p it)))
- ;; a list of deferred objects
- (funcall list-func lst))
- ((deferred:aand lst (consp it))
- ;; an alist of deferred objects
- (funcall main-func lst))
- (t (error "Wrong argument type. %s" args)))))
- (t (funcall self-func args))))
-(defun deferred:parallel-array-to-alist (lst)
- "[internal] Translation array to alist."
- (cl-loop for d in lst
- for i from 0 below (length lst)
- collect (cons i d)))
-(defun deferred:parallel-alist-to-array (alst)
- "[internal] Translation alist to array."
- (cl-loop for pair in
- (sort alst (lambda (x y)
- (< (car x) (car y))))
- collect (cdr pair)))
-(defun deferred:parallel-func-to-deferred (alst)
- "[internal] Normalization for parallel and earlier arguments."
- (cl-loop for pair in alst
- for d = (cdr pair)
- collect
- (progn
- (unless (deferred-p d)
- (setf (cdr pair) (deferred:next d)))
- pair)))
-(defun deferred:parallel-main (alst)
- "[internal] Deferred alist implementation for `deferred:parallel'. "
- (deferred:message "PARALLEL<KEY . VALUE>" )
- (let ((nd (deferred:new))
- (len (length alst))
- values)
- (cl-loop for pair in
- (deferred:parallel-func-to-deferred alst)
- with cd ; current child deferred
- do
- (let ((name (car pair)))
- (setq cd
- (deferred:nextc (cdr pair)
- (lambda (x)
- (push (cons name x) values)
- (deferred:message "PARALLEL VALUE [%s/%s] %s"
- (length values) len (cons name x))
- (when (= len (length values))
- (deferred:message "PARALLEL COLLECTED")
- (deferred:post-task nd 'ok (nreverse values)))
- nil)))
- (deferred:error cd
- (lambda (e)
- (push (cons name e) values)
- (deferred:message "PARALLEL ERROR [%s/%s] %s"
- (length values) len (cons name e))
- (when (= (length values) len)
- (deferred:message "PARALLEL COLLECTED")
- (deferred:post-task nd 'ok (nreverse values)))
- nil))))
- nd))
-(defun deferred:parallel-list (lst)
- "[internal] Deferred list implementation for `deferred:parallel'. "
- (deferred:message "PARALLEL<LIST>" )
- (let* ((pd (deferred:parallel-main (deferred:parallel-array-to-alist lst)))
- (rd (deferred:nextc pd 'deferred:parallel-alist-to-array)))
- (setf (deferred-cancel rd)
- (lambda (x) (deferred:default-cancel x)
- (deferred:cancel pd)))
- rd))
-(defun deferred:parallel (&rest args)
- "Return a deferred object that calls given deferred objects or
-functions in parallel and wait for all callbacks. The following
-deferred task will be called with an array of the return
-values. ARGS can be a list or an alist of deferred objects or
- (deferred:message "PARALLEL : %s" args)
- (deferred:trans-multi-args args
- 'deferred:parallel 'deferred:parallel-list 'deferred:parallel-main))
-(defun deferred:earlier-main (alst)
- "[internal] Deferred alist implementation for `deferred:earlier'. "
- (deferred:message "EARLIER<KEY . VALUE>" )
- (let ((nd (deferred:new))
- (len (length alst))
- value results)
- (cl-loop for pair in
- (deferred:parallel-func-to-deferred alst)
- with cd ; current child deferred
- do
- (let ((name (car pair)))
- (setq cd
- (deferred:nextc (cdr pair)
- (lambda (x)
- (push (cons name x) results)
- (cond
- ((null value)
- (setq value (cons name x))
- (deferred:message "EARLIER VALUE %s" (cons name value))
- (deferred:post-task nd 'ok value))
- (t
- (deferred:message "EARLIER MISS [%s/%s] %s" (length results) len (cons name value))
- (when (eql (length results) len)
- (deferred:message "EARLIER COLLECTED"))))
- nil)))
- (deferred:error cd
- (lambda (e)
- (push (cons name e) results)
- (deferred:message "EARLIER ERROR [%s/%s] %s" (length results) len (cons name e))
- (when (and (eql (length results) len) (null value))
- (deferred:message "EARLIER FAILED")
- (deferred:post-task nd 'ok nil))
- nil))))
- nd))
-(defun deferred:earlier-list (lst)
- "[internal] Deferred list implementation for `deferred:earlier'. "
- (deferred:message "EARLIER<LIST>" )
- (let* ((pd (deferred:earlier-main (deferred:parallel-array-to-alist lst)))
- (rd (deferred:nextc pd (lambda (x) (cdr x)))))
- (setf (deferred-cancel rd)
- (lambda (x) (deferred:default-cancel x)
- (deferred:cancel pd)))
- rd))
-(defun deferred:earlier (&rest args)
- "Return a deferred object that calls given deferred objects or
-functions in parallel and wait for the first callback. The
-following deferred task will be called with the first return
-value. ARGS can be a list or an alist of deferred objects or
- (deferred:message "EARLIER : %s" args)
- (deferred:trans-multi-args args
- 'deferred:earlier 'deferred:earlier-list 'deferred:earlier-main))
-(defmacro deferred:timeout (timeout-msec timeout-form d)
- "Time out macro on a deferred task D. If the deferred task D
-does not complete within TIMEOUT-MSEC, this macro cancels the
-deferred task and return the TIMEOUT-FORM."
- `(deferred:earlier
- (deferred:nextc (deferred:wait ,timeout-msec)
- (lambda (x) ,timeout-form))
- ,d))
-;; Application functions
-(defvar deferred:uid 0 "[internal] Sequence number for some utilities. See the function `deferred:uid'.")
-(defun deferred:uid ()
- "[internal] Generate a sequence number."
- (cl-incf deferred:uid))
-(defun deferred:buffer-string (strformat buf)
- "[internal] Return a string in the buffer with the given format."
- (format strformat
- (with-current-buffer buf (buffer-string))))
-(defun deferred:process (command &rest args)
- "A deferred wrapper of `start-process'. Return a deferred
-object. The process name and buffer name of the argument of the
-`start-process' are generated by this function automatically.
-The next deferred object receives stdout and stderr string from
-the command process."
- (deferred:process-gen 'start-process command args))
-(defun deferred:process-shell (command &rest args)
- "A deferred wrapper of `start-process-shell-command'. Return a deferred
-object. The process name and buffer name of the argument of the
-`start-process-shell-command' are generated by this function automatically.
-The next deferred object receives stdout and stderr string from
-the command process."
- (deferred:process-gen 'start-process-shell-command command args))
-(defun deferred:process-buffer (command &rest args)
- "A deferred wrapper of `start-process'. Return a deferred
-object. The process name and buffer name of the argument of the
-`start-process' are generated by this function automatically.
-The next deferred object receives stdout and stderr buffer from
-the command process."
- (deferred:process-buffer-gen 'start-process command args))
-(defun deferred:process-shell-buffer (command &rest args)
- "A deferred wrapper of `start-process-shell-command'. Return a deferred
-object. The process name and buffer name of the argument of the
-`start-process-shell-command' are generated by this function automatically.
-The next deferred object receives stdout and stderr buffer from
-the command process."
- (deferred:process-buffer-gen 'start-process-shell-command command args))
-(defun deferred:process-gen (f command args)
- "[internal]"
- (let ((pd (deferred:process-buffer-gen f command args)) d)
- (setq d (deferred:nextc pd
- (lambda (buf)
- (prog1
- (with-current-buffer buf (buffer-string))
- (kill-buffer buf)))))
- (setf (deferred-cancel d)
- (lambda (_x)
- (deferred:default-cancel d)
- (deferred:default-cancel pd)))
- d))
-(defun deferred:process-buffer-gen (f command args)
- "[internal]"
- (let ((d (deferred:next)) (uid (deferred:uid)))
- (let ((proc-name (format "*deferred:*%s*:%s" command uid))
- (buf-name (format " *deferred:*%s*:%s" command uid))
- (pwd default-directory)
- (env process-environment)
- (con-type process-connection-type)
- (nd (deferred:new)) proc-buf proc)
- (deferred:nextc d
- (lambda (_x)
- (setq proc-buf (get-buffer-create buf-name))
- (condition-case err
- (let ((default-directory pwd)
- (process-environment env)
- (process-connection-type con-type))
- (setq proc
- (if (null (car args))
- (apply f proc-name buf-name command nil)
- (apply f proc-name buf-name command args)))
- (set-process-sentinel
- proc
- (lambda (proc event)
- (unless (process-live-p proc)
- (if (zerop (process-exit-status proc))
- (deferred:post-task nd 'ok proc-buf)
- (let ((msg (format "Deferred process exited abnormally:\n command: %s\n exit status: %s %s\n event: %s\n buffer contents: %S"
- command
- (process-status proc)
- (process-exit-status proc)
- (string-trim-right event)
- (if (buffer-live-p proc-buf)
- (with-current-buffer proc-buf
- (buffer-string))
- "(unavailable)"))))
- (kill-buffer proc-buf)
- (deferred:post-task nd 'ng msg))))))
- (setf (deferred-cancel nd)
- (lambda (x) (deferred:default-cancel x)
- (when proc
- (kill-process proc)
- (kill-buffer proc-buf)))))
- (error (deferred:post-task nd 'ng err)))
- nil))
- nd)))
-(defmacro deferred:processc (d command &rest args)
- "Process chain of `deferred:process'."
- `(deferred:nextc ,d
- (lambda (,(cl-gensym)) (deferred:process ,command ,@args))))
-(defmacro deferred:process-bufferc (d command &rest args)
- "Process chain of `deferred:process-buffer'."
- `(deferred:nextc ,d
- (lambda (,(cl-gensym)) (deferred:process-buffer ,command ,@args))))
-(defmacro deferred:process-shellc (d command &rest args)
- "Process chain of `deferred:process'."
- `(deferred:nextc ,d
- (lambda (,(cl-gensym)) (deferred:process-shell ,command ,@args))))
-(defmacro deferred:process-shell-bufferc (d command &rest args)
- "Process chain of `deferred:process-buffer'."
- `(deferred:nextc ,d
- (lambda (,(cl-gensym)) (deferred:process-shell-buffer ,command ,@args))))
-;; Special variables defined in url-vars.el.
-(defvar url-request-data)
-(defvar url-request-method)
-(defvar url-request-extra-headers)
-(declare-function url-http-symbol-value-in-buffer "url-http"
- (symbol buffer &optional unbound-value))
-(declare-function deferred:url-param-serialize "request" (params))
-(declare-function deferred:url-escape "request" (val))
-(eval-after-load "url"
- ;; for url package
- ;; TODO: proxy, charaset
- ;; List of gloabl variables to preserve and restore before url-retrieve call
- '(let ((url-global-variables '(url-request-data
- url-request-method
- url-request-extra-headers)))
- (defun deferred:url-retrieve (url &optional cbargs silent inhibit-cookies)
- "A wrapper function for url-retrieve. The next deferred
-object receives the buffer object that URL will load
-into. Values of dynamically bound 'url-request-data', 'url-request-method' and
-'url-request-extra-headers' are passed to url-retrieve call."
- (let ((nd (deferred:new))
- buf
- (local-values (mapcar (lambda (symbol) (symbol-value symbol)) url-global-variables)))
- (deferred:next
- (lambda (_x)
- (cl-progv url-global-variables local-values
- (condition-case err
- (setq buf
- (url-retrieve
- url (lambda (_xx) (deferred:post-task nd 'ok buf))
- cbargs silent inhibit-cookies))
- (error (deferred:post-task nd 'ng err)))
- nil)))
- (setf (deferred-cancel nd)
- (lambda (_x)
- (when (buffer-live-p buf)
- (kill-buffer buf))))
- nd))
- (defun deferred:url-delete-header (buf)
- (with-current-buffer buf
- (let ((pos (url-http-symbol-value-in-buffer
- 'url-http-end-of-headers buf)))
- (when pos
- (delete-region (point-min) (1+ pos)))))
- buf)
- (defun deferred:url-delete-buffer (buf)
- (when (and buf (buffer-live-p buf))
- (kill-buffer buf))
- nil)
- (defun deferred:url-get (url &optional params &rest args)
- "Perform a HTTP GET method with `url-retrieve'. PARAMS is
-a parameter list of (key . value) or key. ARGS will be appended
-to deferred:url-retrieve args list. The next deferred
-object receives the buffer object that URL will load into."
- (when params
- (setq url
- (concat url "?" (deferred:url-param-serialize params))))
- (let ((d (deferred:$
- (apply 'deferred:url-retrieve url args)
- (deferred:nextc it 'deferred:url-delete-header))))
- (deferred:set-next
- d (deferred:new 'deferred:url-delete-buffer))
- d))
- (defun deferred:url-post (url &optional params &rest args)
- "Perform a HTTP POST method with `url-retrieve'. PARAMS is
-a parameter list of (key . value) or key. ARGS will be appended
-to deferred:url-retrieve args list. The next deferred
-object receives the buffer object that URL will load into."
- (let ((url-request-method "POST")
- (url-request-extra-headers
- (append url-request-extra-headers
- '(("Content-Type" . "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"))))
- (url-request-data (deferred:url-param-serialize params)))
- (let ((d (deferred:$
- (apply 'deferred:url-retrieve url args)
- (deferred:nextc it 'deferred:url-delete-header))))
- (deferred:set-next
- d (deferred:new 'deferred:url-delete-buffer))
- d)))
- (defun deferred:url-escape (val)
- "[internal] Return a new string that is VAL URI-encoded."
- (unless (stringp val)
- (setq val (format "%s" val)))
- (url-hexify-string
- (encode-coding-string val 'utf-8)))
- (defun deferred:url-param-serialize (params)
- "[internal] Serialize a list of (key . value) cons cells
-into a query string."
- (when params
- (mapconcat
- 'identity
- (cl-loop for p in params
- collect
- (cond
- ((consp p)
- (concat
- (deferred:url-escape (car p)) "="
- (deferred:url-escape (cdr p))))
- (t
- (deferred:url-escape p))))
- "&")))
- ))
-(provide 'deferred)
-;;; deferred.el ends here
diff --git a/.doom.d/custom-packages/ox-slack.el b/.doom.d/custom-packages/ox-slack.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f930277..00000000
--- a/.doom.d/custom-packages/ox-slack.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
-;;; ox-slack.el --- Slack Exporter for org-mode -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2018 Matt Price
-;; Author: Matt Price
-;; Keywords: org, slack, outlines
-;; Package-Version: 0.1.1
-;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24") (org "9.1.4") (ox-gfm "1.0"))
-;; URL:
-;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; This library implements a Slack backend for the Org
-;; exporter, based on the `md' and `gfm' back-ends.
-;;; Code:
-(require 'ox-gfm)
-(org-export-define-derived-backend 'slack 'gfm
- ;; for now, I just have this commented out
- ;; might be better to create a defcustom to
- ;; decide whether to add this to the export dispatcher
- ;; :menu-entry
- ;; '(?s "Export to Slack syntax"
- ;; ((?s "To temporary buffer"
- ;; (lambda (a s v b) (org-slack-export-as-slack a s v)))
- ;; (?S "To file" (lambda (a s v b) (org-slack-export-to-slack a s v)))
- ;; (?o "To file and open"
- ;; (lambda (a s v b)
- ;; (if a (org-slack-export-to-slack t s v)
- ;; (org-open-file (org-slack-export-to-slack nil s v)))))))
- :translate-alist
- '(
- (bold . org-slack-bold)
- (code . org-slack-code)
- (headline . org-slack-headline)
- (inner-template . org-slack-inner-template)
- (italic . org-slack-italic)
- (link . org-slack-link)
- (plain-text . org-slack-plain-text)
- (src-block . org-slack-src-block)
- (strike-through . org-slack-strike-through)
- (timestamp . org-slack-timestamp)))
-;; timestamp
-(defun org-slack-timestamp (timestamp contents info)
- "Transcode TIMESTAMP element into Slack format.
-CONTENTS is the timestamp contents. INFO is a plist used as a
-ocmmunications channel."
- (org-html-plain-text (org-timestamp-translate timestamp) info))
-;; headline
-(defun org-slack-headline (headline contents info)
- "Transcode HEADLINE element into Markdown format.
-CONTENTS is the headline contents. INFO is a plist used as
-a communication channel."
- (unless (org-element-property :footnote-section-p headline)
- (let* ((level (org-export-get-relative-level headline info))
- (title (org-export-data (org-element-property :title headline) info))
- (todo (and (plist-get info :with-todo-keywords)
- (let ((todo (org-element-property :todo-keyword
- headline)))
- (and todo (concat (org-export-data todo info) " ")))))
- (tags (and (plist-get info :with-tags)
- (let ((tag-list (org-export-get-tags headline info)))
- (and tag-list
- (concat " " (org-make-tag-string tag-list))))))
- (priority
- (and (plist-get info :with-priority)
- (let ((char (org-element-property :priority headline)))
- (and char (format "[#%c] " char)))))
- ;; Headline text without tags.
- (heading (concat todo priority title)))
- (format "*%s*\n\n%s" title contents)
- )))
-;; link
-(defun org-slack-link (link contents info)
- "Transcode LINK object into Markdown format.
- CONTENTS is the link's description. INFO is a plist used as
- a communication channel."
- (let ((link-org-files-as-md
- (lambda (raw-path)
- ;; Treat links to `' as links to `'.
- (if (string= ".org" (downcase (file-name-extension raw-path ".")))
- (concat (file-name-sans-extension raw-path) ".md")
- raw-path)))
- (type (org-element-property :type link)))
- (cond
- ;; Link type is handled by a special function.
- ((org-export-custom-protocol-maybe link contents 'md))
- ((member type '("custom-id" "id" "fuzzy"))
- (let ((destination (if (string= type "fuzzy")
- (org-export-resolve-fuzzy-link link info)
- (org-export-resolve-id-link link info))))
- (pcase (org-element-type destination)
- (`plain-text ; External file.
- (let ((path (funcall link-org-files-as-md destination)))
- (if (not contents) (format "%s>" path)
- (format "[%s](%s)" contents path))))
- (`headline
- (format
- ;; "[%s](#%s)"
- "[%s]"
- ;; Description.
- (cond ((org-string-nw-p contents))
- ((org-export-numbered-headline-p destination info)
- (mapconcat #'number-to-string
- (org-export-get-headline-number destination info)
- "."))
- (t (org-export-data (org-element-property :title destination)
- info)))
- ;; Reference.
- ;; (or (org-element-property :CUSTOM_ID destination)
- ;; (org-export-get-reference destination info))
- ))
- (_
- (let ((description
- (or (org-string-nw-p contents)
- (let ((number (org-export-get-ordinal destination info)))
- (cond
- ((not number) nil)
- ((atom number) (number-to-string number))
- (t (mapconcat #'number-to-string number ".")))))))
- (when description
- (format "[%s]"
- description
- ;; (org-export-get-reference destination info)
- )))))))
- ((org-export-inline-image-p link org-html-inline-image-rules)
- (let ((path (let ((raw-path (org-element-property :path link)))
- (cond ((not (equal "file" type)) (concat type ":" raw-path))
- ((not (file-name-absolute-p raw-path)) raw-path)
- (t (expand-file-name raw-path)))))
- (caption (org-export-data
- (org-export-get-caption
- (org-export-get-parent-element link)) info)))
- (format "![img](%s)"
- (if (not (org-string-nw-p caption)) path
- (format "%s \"%s\"" path caption)))))
- ((string= type "coderef")
- (let ((ref (org-element-property :path link)))
- (format (org-export-get-coderef-format ref contents)
- (org-export-resolve-coderef ref info))))
- ((equal type "radio") contents)
- (t (let* ((raw-path (org-element-property :path link))
- (path
- (cond
- ((member type '("http" "https" "ftp" "mailto"))
- (concat type ":" raw-path))
- ((string= type "file")
- (org-export-file-uri (funcall link-org-files-as-md raw-path)))
- (t raw-path))))
- (if (not contents) (format "%s" path)
- (format "[%s](%s)" contents path)))))))
-(defun org-slack-verbatim (_verbatim contents _info)
- "Transcode VERBATIM from Org to Slack.
- CONTENTS is the text with bold markup. INFO is a plist holding
- contextual information."
- (format "`%s`" contents))
-(defun org-slack-code (code _contents info)
- "Return a CODE object from Org to SLACK.
- CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual
- information."
- (format "`%s`"
- (org-element-property :value code)))
- ;;;; Italic
-(defun org-slack-italic (_italic contents _info)
- "Transcode italic from Org to SLACK.
- CONTENTS is the text with italic markup. INFO is a plist holding
- contextual information."
- (format "_%s_" contents))
- ;;; Bold
-(defun org-slack-bold (_bold contents _info)
- "Transcode bold from Org to SLACK.
- CONTENTS is the text with bold markup. INFO is a plist holding
- contextual information."
- (format "*%s*" contents))
-;;;; Strike-through
-(defun org-slack-strike-through (_strike-through contents _info)
- "Transcode STRIKE-THROUGH from Org to SLACK.
- CONTENTS is text with strike-through markup. INFO is a plist
- holding contextual information."
- (format "~%s~" contents))
-(defun org-slack-inline-src-block (inline-src-block _contents info)
- "Transcode an INLINE-SRC-BLOCK element from Org to SLACK.
- CONTENTS holds the contents of the item. INFO is a plist holding
- contextual information."
- (format "`%s`"
- (org-element-property :value inline-src-block)))
-;;;; Src Block
-(defun org-slack-src-block (src-block contents info)
- "Transcode SRC-BLOCK element into Github Flavored Markdown format.
- CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist used as a communication
- channel."
- (let* ((lang (org-element-property :language src-block))
- (code (org-export-format-code-default src-block info))
- (prefix (concat "```" "\n"))
- (suffix "```"))
- (concat prefix code suffix)))
-;;;; Quote Block
-(defun org-slack-quote-block (_quote-block contents info)
- "Transcode a QUOTE-BLOCK element from Org to SLACK.
- CONTENTS holds the contents of the block. INFO is a plist
- holding contextual information."
- (org-slack--indent-string contents (plist-get info :slack-quote-margin)))
-(defun org-slack-inner-template (contents info)
- "Return body of document after converting it to Markdown syntax.
- CONTENTS is the transcoded contents string. INFO is a plist
- holding export options."
- ;; Make sure CONTENTS is separated from table of contents and
- ;; footnotes with at least a blank line.
- (concat
- ;; Table of contents.
- ;; (let ((depth (plist-get info :with-toc)))
- ;; (when depth
- ;; (concat (org-md--build-toc info (and (wholenump depth) depth)) "\n")))
- ;; Document contents.
- contents
- "\n"
- ;; Footnotes section.
- (org-md--footnote-section info)))
-;;;; Plain text
-(defun org-slack-plain-text (text info)
- "Transcode a TEXT string into Markdown format.
- TEXT is the string to transcode. INFO is a plist holding
- contextual information."
- ;; (when (plist-get info :with-smart-quotes)
- ;; (setq text (org-export-activate-smart-quotes text :html info)))
- ;; The below series of replacements in `text' is order sensitive.
- ;; Protect `, *, _, and \
- ;; (setq text (replace-regexp-in-string "[`*_\\]" "\\\\\\&" text))
- ;; Protect ambiguous #. This will protect # at the beginning of
- ;; a line, but not at the beginning of a paragraph. See
- ;; `org-md-paragraph'.
- (setq text (replace-regexp-in-string "\n#" "\n\\\\#" text))
- ;; Protect ambiguous !
- (setq text (replace-regexp-in-string "\\(!\\)\\[" "\\\\!" text nil nil 1))
- ;; ;; Handle special strings, if required.
- ;; (when (plist-get info :with-special-strings)
- ;; (setq text (org-html-convert-special-strings text)))
- ;; Handle break preservation, if required.
- (when (plist-get info :preserve-breaks)
- (setq text (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t]*\n" " \n" text)))
- ;; Return value.
- text)
-;;; End-user functions
-(defun org-slack-export-as-slack
- (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)
- "Export current buffer to a text buffer.
- If narrowing is active in the current buffer, only export its
- narrowed part.
- If a region is active, export that region.
- A non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen
- asynchronously. The resulting buffer should be accessible
- through the `org-export-stack' interface.
- When optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, export the sub-tree
- at point, extracting information from the headline properties
- first.
- When optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export
- contents of hidden elements.
- When optional argument BODY-ONLY is non-nil, strip title and
- table of contents from output.
- EXT-PLIST, when provided, is a property list with external
- parameters overriding Org default settings, but still inferior to
- file-local settings.
- Export is done in a buffer named \"*Org SLACK Export*\", which
- will be displayed when `org-export-show-temporary-export-buffer'
- is non-nil."
- (interactive)
- (org-export-to-buffer 'slack "*Org SLACK Export*"
- async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist (lambda () (text-mode))))
-(defun org-slack-export-to-slack
- (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)
- "Export current buffer to a text file.
- If narrowing is active in the current buffer, only export its
- narrowed part.
- If a region is active, export that region.
- A non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen
- asynchronously. The resulting file should be accessible through
- the `org-export-stack' interface.
- When optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, export the sub-tree
- at point, extracting information from the headline properties
- first.
- When optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export
- contents of hidden elements.
- When optional argument BODY-ONLY is non-nil, strip title and
- table of contents from output.
- EXT-PLIST, when provided, is a property list with external
- parameters overriding Org default settings, but still inferior to
- file-local settings.
- Return output file's name."
- (interactive)
- (let ((file (org-export-output-file-name ".txt" subtreep)))
- (org-export-to-file 'slack file
- async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)))
-(defun org-slack-export-to-clipboard-as-slack ()
- "Export region to slack, and copy to the kill ring for pasting into other programs."
- (interactive)
- (let* ((org-export-with-toc nil)
- (org-export-with-smart-quotes nil))
- (kill-new (org-export-as 'slack) ))
- )
-;; (org-export-register-backend 'slack)
-(provide 'ox-slack)
-;; Local variables:
-;; coding: utf-8
-;; End:
-;;; ox-slack.el ends here
diff --git a/.doom.d/custom-packages/screenshot.el b/.doom.d/custom-packages/screenshot.el
deleted file mode 100644
index f16f0247..00000000
--- a/.doom.d/custom-packages/screenshot.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,460 +0,0 @@
-;;; screenshot.el --- Swiftly grab images of your code -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2020 TEC
-;; Author: TEC <http://github/tecosaur>
-;; Maintainer: TEC <>
-;; Homepage:
-;; Version: 0.1.0
-;; Keywords: convenience, screenshot
-;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "27") (transient "0.2.0") (posframe "0.8.3"))
-;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
-;;; License:
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-;; any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Convenience package for creating images of the current region or buffer.
-;; Requires `imagemagick' for some visual post-processing, and `xclip' for
-;; copying images to the clipboard.
-;;; Code:
-(require 'transient)
-(require 'posframe)
-(defgroup screenshot ()
- "Customise group for Screenshot."
- :group 'convenience)
-(defvar screenshot--buffer nil
- "The buffer last used to create a screenshot.")
-(defcustom screenshot-buffer-creation-hook nil
- "Hook run after creating a buffer for screenshots.
-Run after hardcoded setup, but before the screenshot is captured."
- :type 'hook
- :group 'screenshot)
-(defvar screenshot--region-beginning nil
- "Start of the region forming the screenshot.")
-(defvar screenshot--region-end nil
- "End of the region forming the screenshot.")
-(defvar screenshot--tmp-file nil
- "An intermediate target file for the screenshot.")
-(defvar screenshot--first-line-number nil
- "The first line contained in the screenshot.")
-(defvar screenshot--total-lines nil
- "The total number of lines contained in the screenshot.")
-;;; Generated variables
-;;; Screenshot parameters
- (defmacro screenshot--define-infix (key name description type default
- &rest reader)
- "Define infix with KEY, NAME, DESCRIPTION, TYPE, DEFAULT and READER as arguments."
- `(progn
- (defcustom ,(intern (concat "screenshot-" name)) ,default
- ,description
- :type ,type
- :group 'screenshot)
- (transient-define-infix ,(intern (concat "screenshot--set-" name)) ()
- "Set `screenshot--theme' from a popup buffer."
- :class 'transient-lisp-variable
- :variable ',(intern (concat "screenshot-" name))
- :key ,key
- :description ,description
- :argument ,(concat "--" name)
- :reader (lambda (&rest _) ,@reader))))
- (screenshot--define-infix
- "-l" "line-numbers-p" "Show line numbers"
- 'boolean nil
- (not screenshot-line-numbers-p))
- (screenshot--define-infix
- "-L" "relative-line-numbers-p" "Relative line numbers within the screenshot"
- 'boolean nil
- (not screenshot-relative-line-numbers-p))
- (screenshot--define-infix
- "-t" "text-only-p" "Use a text-only version of the buffer"
- 'boolean nil
- (not screenshot-text-only-p))
- (screenshot--define-infix
- "-T" "truncate-lines-p" "Truncate lines beyond the screenshot width"
- 'boolean nil
- (not screenshot-truncate-lines-p))
- (declare-function counsel-fonts "ext:counsel-fonts")
- (declare-function ivy-read "ext:ivy-read")
- (screenshot--define-infix
- "-ff" "font-family" "Font family to use"
- 'string (let ((font (face-attribute 'default :font)))
- (if (eq font 'unspecified) "monospace"
- (symbol-name (font-get font :family))))
- (if (fboundp #'counsel-fonts)
- (ivy-read "Font: " (delete-dups (font-family-list))
- :preselect screenshot-font-family
- :require-match t
- :history 'counsel-fonts-history
- :caller 'counsel-fonts)
- (completing-read "Font: " (delete-dups (font-family-list)))))
- (screenshot--define-infix
- "-fs" "font-size" "Font size (pt)"
- 'number 14
- (read-number "Font size in pt: " screenshot-font-size))
-;;;; Frame
- (screenshot--define-infix
- "-b" "border-width" "Border width in pixels"
- 'integer 20
- (read-number "Border width in px: " screenshot-border-width))
- (screenshot--define-infix
- "-r" "radius" "Rounded corner radius"
- 'integer 10
- (read-number "Border radius in px: " screenshot-radius))
- (screenshot--define-infix
- "-w" "min-width" "Minimum width, in columns"
- 'integer 40
- (read-number "Minimum width (columns): " screenshot-min-width))
- (screenshot--define-infix
- "-W" "max-width" "Maximum width, in columns"
- 'integer 120
- (read-number "Maximum width (columns): " screenshot-max-width))
-;;;; Shadow
- (screenshot--define-infix
- "-s" "shadow-radius" "Radius of the shadow in pixels"
- 'integer 12
- (read-number "Shadow width in px: " screenshot-shadow-radius))
- (screenshot--define-infix
- "-i" "shadow-intensity" "Intensity of the shadow"
- 'integer 80
- (read-number "Shadow intensity: " screenshot-shadow-intensity))
- (screenshot--define-infix
- "-c" "shadow-color" "Color of the shadow"
- 'color "#333"
- (read-string "Shadow color: " screenshot-shadow-color))
- (screenshot--define-infix
- "-x" "shadow-offset-horizontal" "Shadow horizontal offset"
- 'integer -8
- (read-number "Shadow horizontal offset in px: " screenshot-shadow-offset-horizontal))
- (screenshot--define-infix
- "-y" "shadow-offset-vertical" "Shadow vertical offset"
- 'integer 5
- (read-number "Shadow vertical offset in px: " screenshot-shadow-offset-vertical)))
-;;; Main function
-(defun screenshot (beg end &optional upload-text)
- "Take a screenshot of the current region or buffer.
-Region included in screenshot is the active selection, interactively,
-or given by BEG and END. Buffer is used if region spans 0-1 characters.
-When a universal argument is given, UPLOAD-TEXT is non-nil.
-Then the text of the region/buffer is uploaded, and the URL is copied to clipboard."
- (interactive (if (region-active-p)
- (list (region-beginning) (region-end) (when current-prefix-arg t))
- (list (point-min) (point-max) (when current-prefix-arg t))))
- (if upload-text
- (screenshot-text-upload beg end)
- (deactivate-mark)
- (screenshot--set-screenshot-region beg end)
- (setq screenshot--tmp-file
- (make-temp-file "screenshot-" nil ".png"))
- (call-interactively #'screenshot-transient)))
-(defvar screenshot-text-upload-function #'screenshot-ixio-upload
- "Function to use to upload text.
-Must take a start and end position for the current buffer, and
-return a URL.")
-(defun screenshot-text-upload (beg end)
- "Upload the region from BEG to END, and copy the upload URL to the clipboard."
- (message "Uploading text...")
- (let ((url
- (funcall screenshot-text-upload-function beg end)))
- (gui-select-text url)
- (message "Screenshot uploaded, link copied to clipboard (%s)" url)))
-(defun screenshot-ixio-upload (beg end)
- "Upload the region from BEG to END to, and return the URL."
- (let ((output (generate-new-buffer "ixio")) url)
- (shell-command-on-region beg end
- (format "curl -F 'ext:1=%s' -F 'f:1=<-' 2>/dev/null"
- (file-name-extension (or (buffer-file-name) " .txt")))
- output)
- (setq url (string-trim-right (with-current-buffer output (buffer-string))))
- (kill-buffer output)
- url))
-;;; Screenshot capturing
-(defun screenshot--set-screenshot-region (beg end)
- "Use the region from BEG to END to determine the relevant region to capture.
-Also records useful information like the total number of lines contained,
-and the line number of the first line of the region."
- (when (or (= beg end) (= (1+ beg) end))
- (setq beg (point-min)
- end (point-max)))
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char beg)
- (when (string-match-p "\\`\\s-*$" (thing-at-point 'line))
- (forward-line 1)
- (setq beg (line-beginning-position)))
- (back-to-indentation)
- (when (= beg (point))
- (setq beg (line-beginning-position)))
- (goto-char end)
- (when (string-match-p "\\`\\s-*$" (thing-at-point 'line))
- (forward-line -1)
- (setq end (line-end-position))))
- (setq screenshot--region-beginning beg
- screenshot--region-end end
- screenshot--first-line-number (line-number-at-pos beg)
- screenshot--total-lines (- (line-number-at-pos end) (line-number-at-pos beg) -1)))
-(defun screenshot--setup-buffer ()
- "Modify the current buffer to make it appropriate for screenshotting."
- (setq-local face-remapping-alist '((line-number-current-line line-number)
- (show-paren-match nil)
- (region nil))
- line-spacing 0.1)
- (when (bound-and-true-p hl-line-mode) (hl-line-mode -1))
- (when (bound-and-true-p solaire-mode) (solaire-mode -1))
- (run-hooks 'screenshot-buffer-creation-hook))
-(defvar screenshot--text-only-buffer
- (with-current-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *screenshot")
- (screenshot--setup-buffer)
- (when prettify-symbols-mode
- (prettify-symbols-mode -1))
- (current-buffer))
- "A text-only buffer for use in creating screenshots.")
-(defun screenshot--format-text-only-buffer (beg end)
- "Insert text from BEG to END in the current buffer, into the screenshot text-only buffer."
- ;; include indentation if `beg' is where indentation starts
- (let ((s (string-trim-right (buffer-substring beg end))))
- (with-current-buffer (setq screenshot--buffer screenshot--text-only-buffer)
- (buffer-face-set :family screenshot-font-family
- :height (* 10 screenshot-font-size))
- (erase-buffer)
- (insert s)
- (indent-rigidly (point-min) (point-max)
- (- (indent-rigidly--current-indentation
- (point-min) (point-max))))
- (current-buffer))))
-(defun screenshot--narrowed-clone-buffer (beg end)
- "Create a clone of the current buffer, narrowed to the region from BEG to END.
-This buffer then then set up to be used for a screenshot."
- (with-current-buffer (clone-indirect-buffer " *screenshot-clone" nil t)
- (narrow-to-region beg end)
- (screenshot--setup-buffer)
- (buffer-face-set :family screenshot-font-family
- :height (* 10 screenshot-font-size))
- (current-buffer)))
-;;; Screenshot processing
-(defun screenshot--process ()
- "Perform the screenshot process.
-Create a buffer for the screenshot, use `x-export-frames' to create the image,
-and process it."
- (setq screenshot--buffer
- (if screenshot-text-only-p
- (screenshot--format-text-only-buffer screenshot--region-beginning screenshot--region-end)
- (screenshot--narrowed-clone-buffer screenshot--region-beginning screenshot--region-end)))
- (let ((frame (posframe-show
- screenshot--buffer
- :position (point-min)
- :internal-border-width screenshot-border-width
- :min-width screenshot-min-width
- :width screenshot-max-width
- :min-height screenshot--total-lines
- :lines-truncate screenshot-truncate-lines-p
- :poshandler #'posframe-poshandler-point-bottom-left-corner
- :hidehandler #'posframe-hide)))
- (with-current-buffer screenshot--buffer
- (setq-local display-line-numbers screenshot-line-numbers-p)
- (when screenshot-text-only-p
- (setq-local display-line-numbers-offset
- (if screenshot-relative-line-numbers-p
- 0 (1- screenshot--first-line-number))))
- (font-lock-ensure (point-min) (point-max))
- (redraw-frame frame)
- (with-temp-file screenshot--tmp-file
- (insert (x-export-frames frame 'png))))
- (posframe-hide screenshot--buffer))
- (unless screenshot-text-only-p
- (kill-buffer screenshot--buffer))
- (screenshot--post-process screenshot--tmp-file))
-(defcustom screenshot-post-process-hook
- (when (executable-find "pngquant")
- (list (defun screenshot--compress-file (file)
- (call-process "pngquant" nil nil nil "-f" "-o" file file))))
- "Functions to be called on the output file after processing.
-Must take a single argument, the file name, and operate in-place."
- :type 'function
- :group 'screenshot)
-(defun screenshot--post-process (file)
- "Apply any image post-processing to FILE."
- (when (or (> screenshot-radius 0)
- (> screenshot-shadow-radius 0))
- (let ((result
- (shell-command-to-string
- (format "convert '%1$s' \\( +clone -alpha extract \\
-\\( -size %2$dx%2$d xc:black -draw 'fill white circle %2$d,%2$d %2$d,0' -write mpr:arc +delete \\) \\
-\\( mpr:arc \\) -gravity northwest -composite \\
-\\( mpr:arc -flip \\) -gravity southwest -composite \\
-\\( mpr:arc -flop \\) -gravity northeast -composite \\
-\\( mpr:arc -rotate 180 \\) -gravity southeast -composite \\) \\
--alpha off -compose CopyOpacity -composite -compose over \\
-\\( +clone -background '%3$s' -shadow %4$dx%5$d+%6$d+%7$d \\) \\
-+swap -background none -layers merge '%1$s'"
- file
- screenshot-radius
- screenshot-shadow-color
- screenshot-shadow-intensity
- screenshot-shadow-radius
- screenshot-shadow-offset-horizontal
- screenshot-shadow-offset-vertical))))
- (unless (string= result "")
- (error "Could not apply imagemagick commands to image:\n%s" result))))
- (run-hook-with-args 'screenshot-post-process-hook file))
-;;; Screenshot actions
- (defmacro screenshot--def-action (name &rest body)
- "Define action NAME to be performed from the transient interface.
-BODY is executed after `screenshot-process' is called."
- `(defun ,(intern (concat "screenshot-" name)) (&optional _args)
- "Screenshot action to be performed from the transient interface."
- (interactive
- (list (transient-args 'screenshot-transient)))
- (screenshot--process)
- ,@body))
- (screenshot--def-action
- "save"
- (rename-file
- screenshot--tmp-file
- (concat (file-name-sans-extension
- (or (buffer-file-name)
- (expand-file-name "screenshot")))
- ".png")
- t)
- (message "Screenshot saved"))
- (screenshot--def-action
- "save-as"
- (rename-file
- screenshot--tmp-file
- (read-file-name "Save as: " (file-name-directory (or (buffer-file-name) default-directory)))
- 1)
- (message "Screenshot saved"))
- (screenshot--def-action
- "copy"
- (call-process "xclip" nil nil nil
- "-selection" "clipboard"
- "-target" "image/png"
- "-in" screenshot--tmp-file)
- (delete-file screenshot--tmp-file)
- (message "Screenshot copied"))
- (defcustom screenshot-upload-fn nil
- "Function or string which provides a method to upload a file.
-If a function, it must take a filename and returns a URL to it.
-If a string, it is formatted with the file name, and run as a shell command.
-Note: you have to define this yourself, there is no default."
- :type '(choice function string)
- :group 'screenshot)
- (screenshot--def-action
- "upload"
- (if (not screenshot-upload-fn)
- (error "No upload function defined")
- (message "Uploading...")
- (let ((url
- (pcase screenshot-upload-fn
- ((pred functionp) (funcall screenshot-upload-fn screenshot--tmp-file))
- ((pred stringp) (string-trim-right (shell-command-to-string (format screenshot-upload-fn screenshot--tmp-file))))
- (_ (error "Upload function is not a function or string!")))))
- (gui-select-text url)
- (message "Screenshot uploaded, link copied to clipboard (%s)" url)))
- (delete-file screenshot--tmp-file)))
-;;; Screenshot transient
-(transient-define-prefix screenshot-transient ()
- ["Code"
- (screenshot--set-line-numbers-p)
- (screenshot--set-relative-line-numbers-p)
- (screenshot--set-text-only-p)
- (screenshot--set-truncate-lines-p)
- (screenshot--set-font-family)
- (screenshot--set-font-size)]
- ["Frame"
- (screenshot--set-border-width)
- (screenshot--set-radius)
- (screenshot--set-min-width)
- (screenshot--set-max-width)]
- ["Shadow"
- (screenshot--set-shadow-radius)
- (screenshot--set-shadow-intensity)
- (screenshot--set-shadow-color)
- (screenshot--set-shadow-offset-horizontal)
- (screenshot--set-shadow-offset-vertical)]
- ["Action"
- ("s" "Save" screenshot-save)
- ("S" "Save as" screenshot-save-as)
- ("c" "Copy" screenshot-copy)
- ("u" "Upload" screenshot-upload)])
-(provide 'screenshot)
-;;; screenshot.el ends here