path: root/.config
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.config')
-rw-r--r--.config/fish/preview.pngbin0 -> 84422 bytes
-rw-r--r--.config/fisher/ -> 190761 bytes
-rw-r--r--.config/fisher/ -> 5480551 bytes
132 files changed, 22899 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.config/conky/litecrc b/.config/conky/litecrc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3bff184
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/conky/litecrc
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+#Text Color
+color1 D9D9D9
+#Icons Color
+color2 75D85A
+#Graph Color
+color3 75D85A
+own_window_argb_visual yes
+update_interval 1
+double_buffer yes
+imlib_cache_size 10
+own_window true
+own_window_type override
+own_window_class Conky
+own_window_hints undecorated,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager,below
+own_window_transparent no
+own_window_argb_value 192
+own_window_transparent yes
+double_buffer yes
+minimum_size 330 1000
+border_inner_margin 0
+border_outer_margin 0
+alignment top_right
+gap_x 0
+gap_y 0
+background yes
+use_xft yes
+font Noto Sans:size=9
+text_buffer_size 256
+draw_shades bo
+override_utf8_locale yes
+draw_graph_borders no
+default_color FFFFFF
+${alignc}${color3}${font Monospace:style=Bold:pixelsize=90}${time %H:%M:%S}${font}${color}
+${alignc}${font Monospace:style=Bold:pixelsize=32}${time %A},${time %e} de ${time %B}, ${time %G}${font}
+${voffset 10}$color1
+${goto 20}$color2${font LineAwesomeMod :size=12}M $font$color1 ${sysname} ${kernel} - ${machine}
+${goto 20}$color2${font LineAwesomeMod :size=12}G $font$color1 Uptime: ${uptime}
+${goto 20}$color2${font LineAwesomeMod :size=12}Q $font$color1 Running Processes: ${running_processes} / ${processes}
+${goto 20}$color2${font LineAwesomeMod :size=12}D $font$color1 Desktop: ${if_match "$desktop"!="Not running in X"}(${desktop}/${desktop_number})${endif}: ${desktop_name}
+${goto 20}$color2${font LineAwesomeMod :size=12}7 $font$color1 Threads: ${running_threads}
+${goto 20}$color2${font LineAwesomeMod :size=12}y $font$color1 Battery: ${battery BAT0} ${alignr 30}Charge: ${battery_percent BAT0}%
+${hr 2}
+# Usage
+${voffset 20}
+${goto 40}${cpugraph 26,190 FFFFFF FFFFFF -l}
+${goto 40}CPU:${alignr 39}${cpu}%
+${goto 40}${memgraph 26,190 FFFFFF FFFFFF -l}
+${goto 40}Mem:${alignr 39}${memperc}%
+${alignr 39}${mem}
+${goto 40}${diskiograph 26,190 FFFFFF FFFFFF -l}
+${goto 40}Disk I/O:${alignr 39}${diskio}
+${hr 2}
+# Network
+${goto 40}${upspeedgraph wlp2s0 26,80 FFFFFF FFFFFF}${goto 275}${downspeedgraph wlp2s0 26,80 FFFFFF FFFFFF}
+${goto 40}${color5}Up: ${color2}${upspeed wlp2s0}${color5}${goto 275}Down: ${color2}${downspeed wlp2s0}
+${goto 40}${color5}Sent: ${color2}${totalup wlp2s0}${color5}${goto 275}Received: ${color2}${totaldown wlp2s0}
+${goto 40}$color2${font LineAwesomeMod :size=12}= $font$color1 Local IP ${alignr 30}${addr wlp2s0}
+${goto 40}$color2${font LineAwesomeMod :size=12}= $font$color1 Public IP ${alignr 30}${execi 60 curl}
+${goto 40}$color2${font LineAwesomeMod :size=12}T $font$color1 Upload Speed${alignr 30}${upspeed wlp2s0}
+${goto 40}$color2${font LineAwesomeMod :size=12}8 $font$color1 Download Speed${alignr 30}${downspeed wlp2s0}
+${goto 40}$color2${font LineAwesomeMod :size=12}f $font$color1 Ping: ${color1}${execi 1 sh -c 'ping -c 1 | grep -Po "(?<=time=)(.*?)s"'}\
+${hr 2}
+# Proceses
+${goto 40}${color1}Process${color}${alignr 39}${color1}${color1}Mem${color}
+${goto 40}${color2}${top_mem name 1}${color}${alignr 39}${top_mem mem_res 1}
+${goto 40}${color2}${top_mem name 2}${color}${alignr 39}${top_mem mem_res 2}
+${goto 40}${color2}${top_mem name 3}${color}${alignr 39}${top_mem mem_res 3}
+${goto 40}${color2}${top_mem name 4}${color}${alignr 39}${top_mem mem_res 4}
+${goto 40}${color2}${top_mem name 5}${color}${alignr 39}${top_mem mem_res 5}
+${goto 40}${color1}Process${color}${alignr 39}${color1}Cpu %${color}
+${goto 40}${color2}${top_mem name 1}${color}${alignr 39}${top cpu 1} %
+${goto 40}${color2}${top_mem name 2}${color}${alignr 39}${top cpu 2} %
+${goto 40}${color2}${top_mem name 3}${color}${alignr 39}${top cpu 3} %
+${goto 40}${color2}${top_mem name 4}${color}${alignr 39}${top cpu 4} %
+${goto 40}${color2}${top_mem name 5}${color}${alignr 39}${top cpu 5} %
+${hr 2}
+$color1${execi 3600 ~/.conky/}
+${goto 20}${color2}${font LineAwesomeMod :size=12}V $color1$font ${execi 60 cat ~/.cache/weather.txt | grep city | cut -d">" -f2} - ${execi 60 cat ~/.cache/weather.txt | grep country | cut -d">" -f2}
+${goto 20}${color2}${font LineAwesomeMod :size=12}O $color1$font ${execi 60 cat ~/.cache/weather.txt | grep description | cut -d">" -f2} ${alignr 30}${execi 60 cat ~/.cache/weather.txt | grep temp | cut -d">" -f2}ºC
diff --git a/.config/conky/ b/.config/conky/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..34933996
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/conky/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+~/.config/conky/ &
+conky -q -c ~/.config/conky/litecrc
diff --git a/.config/conky/ b/.config/conky/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..b6999846
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/conky/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import urllib.request
+import json
+import datetime
+from pathlib import Path
+# UNITY = f for fahrenheit, c for celsius or k for kelvin
+# API_KEY = free register in
+# and get your token
+# CITY = your city name
+# COUNTRY = your country abbreviation: us, ru, br, etc..
+UNITY = "c"
+API_KEY = "b91400ad90f74c8cc0bccf5e2978aaca"
+CITY = "Montevideo"
+COUNTRY = "uy"
+main_url = ""
+url = main_url+"APPID={}&q={},{}".format(API_KEY,CITY,COUNTRY)
+metrics = {"k":"&units=default","c":"&units=metric","f":"&units=imperial"}
+for key,value in metrics.items():
+ if UNITY == key:
+ url += value
+request = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
+if request.status != 200:
+ exit(0)
+response =
+j = json.loads(response.decode("utf-8"))
+home = str(Path.home())
+weather = open(home+"/.cache/weather.txt",'w+')
+weather.write("update>"'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')+"\n")
diff --git a/.config/fish/.gitignore b/.config/fish/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5b89844a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fish/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+fish_history \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.config/fish/ b/.config/fish/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fb8ba4e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fish/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# fish_dotfiles
+This are my fish dotfiles.
+## How it looks
+## Uses
+- [Fisher](
+- [Oh my fish!](
+- [Bobthefish](
+- My own abbreviations
diff --git a/.config/fish/ b/.config/fish/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fef05dda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fish/
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# Update Arch
+abbr i 'sudo pacman -S'
+abbr r 'sudo pacman -R'
+abbr u 'sudo pacman -Syu'
+# Git
+abbr g 'git'
+abbr ga. 'git add .'
+abbr ga 'git add'
+abbr gb 'git branch'
+abbr gbd 'git branch -D'
+abbr gcm 'git commit -m'
+abbr gco 'git checkout'
+abbr gcob 'git checkout -b'
+abbr gcod 'git checkout development'
+abbr gi 'gitignore'
+abbr gm 'git merge'
+abbr gpl 'git pull'
+abbr gps 'git push'
+abbr gpsu 'git push -u origin master'
+abbr gs 'git status'
+abbr gc 'git clone'
+abbr gd 'git diff'
+abbr gcd 'git checkout develop'
+abbr gpd 'git pull origin develop'
+abbr gst 'git stash'
+abbr gsta 'git stash apply'
+# <a href="">Git Flow AVH</a>
+abbr gf 'git flow'
+abbr gfi 'git flow init -d'
+abbr gff 'git flow feature'
+abbr gffs 'git flow feature start'
+abbr gfff 'git flow feature finish'
+abbr gffp 'git flow feature publish'
+abbr gfft 'git flow feature track'
+abbr gffco 'git flow feature checkout'
+abbr gfr 'git flow release'
+abbr gfrs 'git flow release start'
+abbr gfrf 'git flow release finish'
+abbr gfrp 'git flow release publish'
+abbr gfrt 'git flow release track'
+abbr gfrco 'git flow release checkout'
+abbr gfb 'git flow bugfix'
+abbr gfbs 'git flow bugfix start'
+abbr gfbf 'git flow bugfix finish'
+abbr gfbp 'git flow bugfix publish'
+abbr gfbt 'git flow bugfix track'
+abbr gfbco 'git flow bugfix checkout'
+abbr gfh 'git flow hotfix'
+abbr gfhs 'git flow hotfix start'
+abbr gfhf 'git flow hotfix finish'
+abbr gfhp 'git flow hotfix publish'
+abbr gfht 'git flow hotfix track'
+abbr gfhco 'git flow hotfix checkout'
+# LS
+abbr l 'ls'
+# NPM
+abbr ni 'npm install'
+abbr nis 'npm install --save'
+abbr nisd 'npm install --save-dev'
+abbr nig 'npm install -g'
+abbr np 'npm prune'
+abbr nl 'npm list'
+abbr nr 'npm remove'
+abbr nu 'npm update'
+abbr ns 'npm start'
+abbr nt 'npm test'
+# RM
+abbr rmr 'rm -r'
+abbr rmrf 'rm -rf'
+# Tar
+abbr tc 'tar czvf'
+abbr tx 'tar xzvf'
+# Other
+abbr pr 'ping' \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.config/fish/completions/ b/.config/fish/completions/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..271e314e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fish/completions/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+fisher complete
diff --git a/.config/fish/conf.d/ b/.config/fish/conf.d/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3e0f6d63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fish/conf.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Path to Oh My Fish install.
+ and set -gx OMF_PATH "$XDG_DATA_HOME/omf"
+ or set -gx OMF_PATH "$HOME/.local/share/omf"
+# Load Oh My Fish configuration.
+source $OMF_PATH/
diff --git a/.config/fish/ b/.config/fish/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ea07aa4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fish/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+set fish_greeting ""
+set -gx PATH /home/roger/.gem/ruby/2.5.0/bin $PATH
+set -g theme_powerline_fonts yes
+set -g theme_color_scheme dark
+set -g theme_display_date no
+alias config='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.cfg/ --work-tree=$HOME'
+alias rm='rm -i'
+source "$HOME/.config/fish/"
+source "$HOME/.config/fish/"
diff --git a/.config/fish/fish_variables b/.config/fish/fish_variables
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..43a57415
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fish/fish_variables
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# This file contains fish universal variable definitions.
+# VERSION: 3.0
+SETUVAR __fish_classic_git_prompt_initialized:\x1d
+SETUVAR __fish_init_1_50_0:\x1d
+SETUVAR __fish_init_2_39_8:\x1d
+SETUVAR __fish_init_2_3_0:\x1d
+SETUVAR __fish_init_3_x:\x1d
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_cdccb:cd\x20\x7e/code/massive/cocacola/new\x2dbackend
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_cdccf:cd\x20\x7e/code/massive/cocacola/frontend
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_cdimb:cd\x20\x7e/code/personal/identidadMisional/backend
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_g:git
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_ga:git\x20add
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_ga_2E_:git\x20add\x20\x2e
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gb:git\x20branch
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gbd:git\x20branch\x20\x2dD
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gc:git\x20clone
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gcd:git\x20checkout\x20develop
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gcm:git\x20commit\x20\x2dm
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gco:git\x20checkout
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gcob:git\x20checkout\x20\x2db
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gcod:git\x20checkout\x20development
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gd:git\x20diff
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gf:git\x20flow
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gfb:git\x20flow\x20bugfix
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gfbco:git\x20flow\x20bugfix\x20checkout
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gfbf:git\x20flow\x20bugfix\x20finish
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gfbp:git\x20flow\x20bugfix\x20publish
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gfbs:git\x20flow\x20bugfix\x20start
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gfbt:git\x20flow\x20bugfix\x20track
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gff:git\x20flow\x20feature
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gffco:git\x20flow\x20feature\x20checkout
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gfff:git\x20flow\x20feature\x20finish
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gffp:git\x20flow\x20feature\x20publish
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gffs:git\x20flow\x20feature\x20start
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gfft:git\x20flow\x20feature\x20track
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gfh:git\x20flow\x20hotfix
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gfhco:git\x20flow\x20hotfix\x20checkout
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gfhf:git\x20flow\x20hotfix\x20finish
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gfhp:git\x20flow\x20hotfix\x20publish
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gfhs:git\x20flow\x20hotfix\x20start
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gfht:git\x20flow\x20hotfix\x20track
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gfi:git\x20flow\x20init\x20\x2dd
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gfr:git\x20flow\x20release
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gfrco:git\x20flow\x20release\x20checkout
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gfrf:git\x20flow\x20release\x20finish
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gfrp:git\x20flow\x20release\x20publish
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gfrs:git\x20flow\x20release\x20start
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gfrt:git\x20flow\x20release\x20track
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gi:gitignore
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gm:git\x20merge
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gpd:git\x20pull\x20origin\x20develop
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gpl:git\x20pull
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gps:git\x20push
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gpsu:git\x20push\x20\x2du\x20origin\x20master
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gs:git\x20status
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gst:git\x20stash
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_gsta:git\x20stash\x20apply
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_i:sudo\x20pacman\x20\x2dS
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_l:ls
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_ni:npm\x20install
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_nig:npm\x20install\x20\x2dg
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_nis:npm\x20install\x20\x2d\x2dsave
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_nisd:npm\x20install\x20\x2d\x2dsave\x2ddev
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_nl:npm\x20list
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_np:npm\x20prune
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_nr:npm\x20remove
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_ns:npm\x20start
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_nt:npm\x20test
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_nu:npm\x20update
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_pr:ping\x20rogs\x2eme
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_r:sudo\x20pacman\x20\x2dR
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_rmr:rm\x20\x2dr
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_rmrf:rm\x20\x2drf
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_tc:tar\x20czvf
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_tx:tar\x20xzvf
+SETUVAR _fish_abbr_u:sudo\x20pacman\x20\x2dSyu
+SETUVAR fish_color_autosuggestion:555\x1ebrblack
+SETUVAR fish_color_cancel:\x2dr
+SETUVAR fish_color_command:005fd7
+SETUVAR fish_color_comment:990000
+SETUVAR fish_color_cwd:green
+SETUVAR fish_color_cwd_root:red
+SETUVAR fish_color_end:009900
+SETUVAR fish_color_error:ff0000
+SETUVAR fish_color_escape:00a6b2
+SETUVAR fish_color_history_current:\x2d\x2dbold
+SETUVAR fish_color_host:normal
+SETUVAR fish_color_match:\x2d\x2dbackground\x3dbrblue
+SETUVAR fish_color_normal:normal
+SETUVAR fish_color_operator:00a6b2
+SETUVAR fish_color_param:00afff
+SETUVAR fish_color_quote:999900
+SETUVAR fish_color_redirection:00afff
+SETUVAR fish_color_search_match:bryellow\x1e\x2d\x2dbackground\x3dbrblack
+SETUVAR fish_color_selection:white\x1e\x2d\x2dbold\x1e\x2d\x2dbackground\x3dbrblack
+SETUVAR fish_color_status:red
+SETUVAR fish_color_user:brgreen
+SETUVAR fish_color_valid_path:\x2d\x2dunderline
+SETUVAR fish_greeting:
+SETUVAR fish_key_bindings:fish_default_key_bindings
+SETUVAR fish_pager_color_completion:normal
+SETUVAR fish_pager_color_description:B3A06D\x1eyellow
+SETUVAR fish_pager_color_prefix:white\x1e\x2d\x2dbold\x1e\x2d\x2dunderline
+SETUVAR fish_pager_color_progress:brwhite\x1e\x2d\x2dbackground\x3dcyan
diff --git a/.config/fish/fishd.roger-pc b/.config/fish/fishd.roger-pc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d74e5a07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fish/fishd.roger-pc
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# This file is automatically generated by the fish.
+# Do NOT edit it directly, your changes will be overwritten.
+SET __fish_classic_git_prompt_initialized:\x1d
+SET __fish_init_1_50_0:\x1d
+SET __fish_init_2_39_8:\x1d
+SET __fish_init_2_3_0:\x1d
+SET fish_color_autosuggestion:555\x1eyellow
+SET fish_color_command:005fd7\x1epurple
+SET fish_color_comment:red
+SET fish_color_cwd:green
+SET fish_color_cwd_root:red
+SET fish_color_end:brmagenta
+SET fish_color_error:red\x1e\x2d\x2dbold
+SET fish_color_escape:cyan
+SET fish_color_history_current:cyan
+SET fish_color_host:\x2do\x1ecyan
+SET fish_color_match:cyan
+SET fish_color_normal:normal
+SET fish_color_operator:cyan
+SET fish_color_param:00afff\x1ecyan
+SET fish_color_quote:brown
+SET fish_color_redirection:normal
+SET fish_color_search_match:\x2d\x2dbackground\x3dpurple
+SET fish_color_selection:\x2d\x2dbackground\x3dpurple
+SET fish_color_status:red
+SET fish_color_user:\x2do\x1egreen
+SET fish_color_valid_path:\x2d\x2dunderline
+SET fish_greeting:
+SET fish_key_bindings:fish_default_key_bindings
+SET fish_pager_color_completion:normal
+SET fish_pager_color_description:555\x1eyellow
+SET fish_pager_color_prefix:cyan
+SET fish_pager_color_progress:cyan
diff --git a/.config/fish/functions/ b/.config/fish/functions/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..14ca4a87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fish/functions/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# Only to hide the greeting
+function fish_greeting; end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.config/fish/functions/ b/.config/fish/functions/
new file mode 120000
index 00000000..b08c3e74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fish/functions/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/home/roger/.local/share/omf/themes/bobthefish/ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.config/fish/functions/ b/.config/fish/functions/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..47598571
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fish/functions/
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+set -g fisher_version 3.2.9
+function fisher -a cmd -d "fish package manager"
+ set -q XDG_CACHE_HOME; or set XDG_CACHE_HOME ~/.cache
+ set -q XDG_CONFIG_HOME; or set XDG_CONFIG_HOME ~/.config
+ set -g fish_config $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fish
+ set -g fisher_cache $XDG_CACHE_HOME/fisher
+ set -g fisher_config $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fisher
+ set -q fisher_path; or set -g fisher_path $fish_config
+ for path in {$fish_config,$fisher_path}/{functions,completions,conf.d} $fisher_cache
+ if test ! -d $path
+ command mkdir -p $path
+ end
+ end
+ if test ! -e $fisher_path/completions/
+ echo "fisher complete" >$fisher_path/completions/
+ _fisher_complete
+ end
+ if test -e $fisher_path/conf.d/
+ switch "$version"
+ case \*-\*
+ command rm -f $fisher_path/conf.d/
+ case 2\*
+ case \*
+ command rm -f $fisher_path/conf.d/
+ end
+ else
+ switch "$version"
+ case \*-\*
+ case 2\*
+ echo "fisher copy-user-key-bindings" >$fisher_path/conf.d/
+ end
+ end
+ switch "$cmd"
+ case {,self-}complete
+ _fisher_complete
+ case copy-user-key-bindings
+ _fisher_copy_user_key_bindings
+ case ls
+ set -e argv[1]
+ if test -s "$fisher_path/fishfile"
+ set -l file (_fisher_fmt <$fisher_path/fishfile | _fisher_parse -R | command sed "s|@.*||")
+ _fisher_ls | _fisher_fmt | command awk -v FILE="$file" "
+ BEGIN { for (n = split(FILE, f); ++i <= n;) file[f[i]] } \$0 in file && /$argv[1]/
+ " | command sed "s|^$HOME|~|"
+ end
+ case self-update
+ _fisher_self_update (status -f)
+ case self-uninstall
+ _fisher_self_uninstall
+ case {,-}-v{ersion,}
+ echo "fisher version $fisher_version" (status -f | command sed "s|^$HOME|~|")
+ case {,-}-h{elp,}
+ _fisher_help
+ case ""
+ _fisher_commit --
+ case add rm
+ if not isatty
+ while read -l arg
+ set argv $argv $arg
+ end
+ end
+ if test (count $argv) = 1
+ echo "fisher: invalid number of arguments" >&2
+ _fisher_help >&2
+ return 1
+ end
+ _fisher_commit $argv
+ case \*
+ echo "fisher: unknown flag or command \"$cmd\"" >&2
+ _fisher_help >&2
+ return 1
+ end
+function _fisher_complete
+ complete -ec fisher
+ complete -xc fisher -n __fish_use_subcommand -a add -d "Add packages"
+ complete -xc fisher -n __fish_use_subcommand -a rm -d "Remove packages"
+ complete -xc fisher -n __fish_use_subcommand -a ls -d "List installed packages matching REGEX"
+ complete -xc fisher -n __fish_use_subcommand -a --help -d "Show usage help"
+ complete -xc fisher -n __fish_use_subcommand -a --version -d "$fisher_version"
+ complete -xc fisher -n __fish_use_subcommand -a self-update -d "Update to the latest version"
+ for pkg in (fisher ls)
+ complete -xc fisher -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from rm" -a $pkg
+ end
+function _fisher_copy_user_key_bindings
+ if functions -q fish_user_key_bindings
+ functions -c fish_user_key_bindings fish_user_key_bindings_copy
+ end
+ function fish_user_key_bindings
+ for file in $fisher_path/conf.d/*
+ source $file >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ end
+ if functions -q fish_user_key_bindings_copy
+ fish_user_key_bindings_copy
+ end
+ end
+function _fisher_ls
+ for pkg in $fisher_config/*/*/*
+ command readlink $pkg; or echo $pkg
+ end
+function _fisher_fmt
+ command sed "s|^[[:space:]]*||;s|^$fisher_config/||;s|^~|$HOME|;s|^\.\/*|$PWD/|;s|^https*:/*||;s|^github\.com/||;s|/*\$||"
+function _fisher_help
+ echo "usage: fisher add <package...> Add packages"
+ echo " fisher rm <package...> Remove packages"
+ echo " fisher Update all packages"
+ echo " fisher ls [<regex>] List installed packages matching <regex>"
+ echo " fisher --help Show this help"
+ echo " fisher --version Show the current version"
+ echo " fisher self-update Update to the latest version"
+ echo " fisher self-uninstall Uninstall from your system"
+ echo "examples:"
+ echo " fisher add jethrokuan/z rafaelrinaldi/pure"
+ echo " fisher add"
+ echo " fisher add ~/path/to/local/pkg"
+ echo " fisher add <file"
+ echo " fisher rm rafaelrinaldi/pure"
+ echo " fisher ls | fisher rm"
+ echo " fisher ls fish-\*"
+function _fisher_self_update -a file
+ set -l url ""
+ echo "fetching $url" >&2
+ command curl -s "$url?nocache" >$file.
+ set -l next_version (command awk '{ print $4 } { exit }' <$file.)
+ switch "$next_version"
+ case "" $fisher_version
+ command rm -f $file.
+ if test -z "$next_version"
+ echo "fisher: cannot update fisher -- are you offline?" >&2
+ return 1
+ end
+ echo "fisher is already up-to-date" >&2
+ case \*
+ echo "linking $file" | command sed "s|$HOME|~|" >&2
+ command mv -f $file. $file
+ source $file
+ echo "updated to fisher $fisher_version -- hooray!" >&2
+ _fisher_complete
+ end
+function _fisher_self_uninstall
+ for pkg in (_fisher_ls)
+ _fisher_rm $pkg
+ end
+ for file in $fisher_cache $fisher_config $fisher_path/{functions,completions,conf.d}/ $fisher_path/fishfile
+ echo "removing $file"
+ command rm -Rf $file 2>/dev/null
+ end | command sed "s|$HOME|~|" >&2
+ for name in (set -n | command awk '/^fisher_/')
+ set -e "$name"
+ end
+ functions -e (functions -a | command awk '/^_fisher/') fisher
+ complete -c fisher --erase
+function _fisher_commit -a cmd
+ set -e argv[1]
+ set -l elapsed (_fisher_now)
+ set -l fishfile $fisher_path/fishfile
+ if test ! -e "$fishfile"
+ command touch $fishfile
+ echo "created new fishfile in $fishfile" | command sed "s|$HOME|~|" >&2
+ end
+ set -l old_pkgs (_fisher_ls | _fisher_fmt)
+ for pkg in (_fisher_ls)
+ _fisher_rm $pkg
+ end
+ command rm -Rf $fisher_config
+ command mkdir -p $fisher_config
+ set -l next_pkgs (_fisher_fmt <$fishfile | _fisher_parse -R $cmd (printf "%s\n" $argv | _fisher_fmt))
+ set -l actual_pkgs (_fisher_fetch $next_pkgs)
+ set -l updated_pkgs
+ for pkg in $old_pkgs
+ if contains -- $pkg $actual_pkgs
+ set updated_pkgs $updated_pkgs $pkg
+ end
+ end
+ if test -z "$actual_pkgs$updated_pkgs$old_pkgs$next_pkgs"
+ echo "fisher: nothing to commit -- try adding some packages" >&2
+ return 1
+ end
+ set -l out_pkgs
+ if test "$cmd" = "rm"
+ set out_pkgs $next_pkgs
+ else
+ for pkg in $next_pkgs
+ if contains -- (echo $pkg | command sed "s|@.*||") $actual_pkgs
+ set out_pkgs $out_pkgs $pkg
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ printf "%s\n" (_fisher_fmt <$fishfile | _fisher_parse -W $cmd $out_pkgs | command sed "s|^$HOME|~|") >$fishfile
+ _fisher_complete
+ command awk -v A=(count $actual_pkgs) -v U=(count $updated_pkgs) -v O=(count $old_pkgs) -v E=(_fisher_now $elapsed) '
+ res = fmt("removed", O - U, fmt("updated", U, fmt("added", A - U)))
+ printf((res ? res : "done") " in %.2fs\n", E / 1000)
+ }
+ function fmt(action, n, s) {
+ return n ? (s ? s ", " : s) action " " n " package" (n > 1 ? "s" : "") : s
+ }
+ ' >&2
+function _fisher_parse -a mode cmd
+ set -e argv[1..2]
+ command awk -v FS="[[:space:]]*#+" -v MODE="$mode" -v CMD="$cmd" -v ARGSTR="$argv" '
+ for (n = split(ARGSTR, a, " "); i++ < n;) pkgs[getkey(a[i])] = a[i]
+ }
+ !NF { next } { k = getkey($1) }
+ MODE == "-R" && !(k in pkgs) && $0 = $1
+ MODE == "-W" && (/^#/ || k in pkgs || CMD != "rm") { print pkgs[k] (sub($1, "") ? $0 : "") }
+ MODE == "-W" || CMD == "rm" { delete pkgs[k] }
+ END {
+ for (k in pkgs) {
+ if (CMD != "rm" || MODE == "-W") print pkgs[k]
+ else print "fisher: cannot remove \""k"\" -- package is not in fishfile" > "/dev/stderr"
+ }
+ }
+ function getkey(s, a) {
+ return (split(s, a, /@+|:/) > 2) ? a[2]"/"a[1]"/"a[3] : a[1]
+ }
+ '
+function _fisher_fetch
+ set -l pkg_jobs
+ set -l out_pkgs
+ set -l next_pkgs
+ set -l local_pkgs
+ set -q fisher_user_api_token; and set -l curl_opts -u $fisher_user_api_token
+ for pkg in $argv
+ switch $pkg
+ case \~\* /\*
+ set -l path (echo "$pkg" | command sed "s|^~|$HOME|")
+ if test -e "$path"
+ set local_pkgs $local_pkgs $path
+ else
+ echo "fisher: cannot add \"$pkg\" -- is this a valid file?" >&2
+ end
+ continue
+ end
+ command awk -v PKG="$pkg" -v FS=/ '
+ if (split(PKG, tmp, /@+|:/) > 2) {
+ if (tmp[4]) sub("@"tmp[4], "", PKG)
+ print PKG "\t" tmp[2]"/"tmp[1]"/"tmp[3] "\t" (tmp[4] ? tmp[4] : "master")
+ } else {
+ pkg = split(PKG, _, "/") <= 2 ? ""tmp[1] : tmp[1]
+ tag = tmp[2] ? tmp[2] : "master"
+ print (\
+ pkg ~ /^github/ ? "https://codeload."pkg"/tar.gz/"tag : \
+ pkg ~ /^gitlab/ ? "https://"pkg"/-/archive/"tag"/"tmp[split(pkg, tmp, "/")]"-"tag".tar.gz" : \
+ pkg ~ /^bitbucket/ ? "https://"pkg"/get/"tag".tar.gz" : pkg \
+ ) "\t" pkg
+ }
+ }
+ ' | read -l url pkg branch
+ if test ! -d "$fisher_config/$pkg"
+ fish -c "
+ echo fetching $url >&2
+ command mkdir -p $fisher_config/$pkg $fisher_cache/(command dirname $pkg)
+ if test ! -z \"$branch\"
+ command git clone $url $fisher_config/$pkg --branch $branch --depth 1 2>/dev/null
+ or echo fisher: cannot clone \"$url\" -- is this a valid url\? >&2
+ else if command curl $curl_opts -Ss -w \"\" $url 2>&1 | command tar -xzf- -C $fisher_config/$pkg 2>/dev/null
+ command rm -Rf $fisher_cache/$pkg
+ command mv -f $fisher_config/$pkg/* $fisher_cache/$pkg
+ command rm -Rf $fisher_config/$pkg
+ command cp -Rf {$fisher_cache,$fisher_config}/$pkg
+ else if test -d \"$fisher_cache/$pkg\"
+ echo fisher: cannot connect to server -- looking in \"$fisher_cache/$pkg\" | command sed 's|$HOME|~|' >&2
+ command cp -Rf $fisher_cache/$pkg $fisher_config/$pkg/..
+ else
+ command rm -Rf $fisher_config/$pkg
+ echo fisher: cannot add \"$pkg\" -- is this a valid package\? >&2
+ end
+ " >/dev/null &
+ set pkg_jobs $pkg_jobs (_fisher_jobs --last)
+ set next_pkgs $next_pkgs "$fisher_config/$pkg"
+ end
+ end
+ if set -q pkg_jobs[1]
+ while for job in $pkg_jobs
+ contains -- $job (_fisher_jobs); and break
+ end
+ end
+ for pkg in $next_pkgs
+ if test -d "$pkg"
+ set out_pkgs $out_pkgs $pkg
+ _fisher_add $pkg
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ set -l local_prefix $fisher_config/local/$USER
+ if test ! -d "$local_prefix"
+ command mkdir -p $local_prefix
+ end
+ for pkg in $local_pkgs
+ set -l target $local_prefix/(command basename $pkg)
+ if test ! -L "$target"
+ command ln -sf $pkg $target
+ set out_pkgs $out_pkgs $pkg
+ _fisher_add $pkg --link
+ end
+ end
+ if set -q out_pkgs[1]
+ _fisher_fetch (
+ for pkg in $out_pkgs
+ if test -s "$pkg/fishfile"
+ _fisher_fmt <$pkg/fishfile | _fisher_parse -R
+ end
+ end)
+ printf "%s\n" $out_pkgs | _fisher_fmt
+ end
+function _fisher_add -a pkg opts
+ for src in $pkg/{functions,completions,conf.d}/**.* $pkg/*.fish
+ set -l target (command basename $src)
+ switch $src
+ case $pkg/conf.d\*
+ set target $fisher_path/conf.d/$target
+ case $pkg/completions\*
+ set target $fisher_path/completions/$target
+ case $pkg/{functions,}\*
+ switch $target
+ case
+ continue
+ case {init,key_bindings}.fish
+ set target $fisher_path/conf.d/(command basename $pkg)\_$target
+ case \*
+ set target $fisher_path/functions/$target
+ end
+ end
+ echo "linking $target" | command sed "s|$HOME|~|" >&2
+ if set -q opts[1]
+ command ln -sf $src $target
+ else
+ command cp -f $src $target
+ end
+ switch $target
+ case \*.fish
+ source $target >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ end
+ end
+function _fisher_rm -a pkg
+ for src in $pkg/{conf.d,completions,functions}/**.* $pkg/*.fish
+ set -l target (command basename $src)
+ set -l filename (command basename $target .fish)
+ switch $src
+ case $pkg/conf.d\*
+ test "$" = "$target"; and emit "$filename"_uninstall
+ set target conf.d/$target
+ case $pkg/completions\*
+ test "$" = "$target"; and complete -ec $filename
+ set target completions/$target
+ case $pkg/{,functions}\*
+ test "$" = "$target"; and functions -e $filename
+ switch $target
+ case
+ source $src
+ continue
+ case {init,key_bindings}.fish
+ set target conf.d/(command basename $pkg)\_$target
+ case \*
+ set target functions/$target
+ end
+ end
+ command rm -f $fisher_path/$target
+ end
+ if not functions -q fish_prompt
+ source "$__fish_datadir$__fish_data_dir/functions/"
+ end
+function _fisher_jobs
+ jobs $argv | command awk '/^[0-9]+\t/ { print $1 }'
+function _fisher_now -a elapsed
+ switch (command uname)
+ case Darwin \*BSD
+ command perl -MTime::HiRes -e 'printf("%.0f\n", (Time::HiRes::time() * 1000) - $ARGV[0])' $elapsed
+ case \*
+ math (command date "+%s%3N") - "0$elapsed"
+ end
diff --git a/.config/fish/preview.png b/.config/fish/preview.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6cb4131d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fish/preview.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..198b9fc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+ "projectName": "spacefish",
+ "projectOwner": "matchai",
+ "repoType": "github",
+ "repoHost": "",
+ "files": [
+ ""
+ ],
+ "imageSize": 100,
+ "commit": true,
+ "contributors": [
+ {
+ "login": "matchai",
+ "name": "Matan Kushner",
+ "avatar_url": "",
+ "profile": "",
+ "contributions": [
+ "bug",
+ "code",
+ "doc",
+ "review",
+ "test",
+ "tool",
+ "design"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "login": "sirMerr",
+ "name": "Tiffany Le-Nguyen",
+ "avatar_url": "",
+ "profile": "",
+ "contributions": [
+ "bug",
+ "code",
+ "doc",
+ "review",
+ "test"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "login": "Snuggle",
+ "name": "Snuggle",
+ "avatar_url": "",
+ "profile": "",
+ "contributions": [
+ "bug",
+ "code",
+ "doc",
+ "review",
+ "test"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "login": "jskrnbindra",
+ "name": "Jaskaran Bindra",
+ "avatar_url": "",
+ "profile": "",
+ "contributions": [
+ "code",
+ "doc",
+ "test"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "login": "kulabun",
+ "name": "Konstantin Labun",
+ "avatar_url": "",
+ "profile": "",
+ "contributions": [
+ "code",
+ "doc",
+ "test"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "login": "kyleholzinger",
+ "name": "Kyle Holzinger",
+ "avatar_url": "",
+ "profile": "",
+ "contributions": [
+ "code",
+ "doc"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "login": "salmanulfarzy",
+ "name": "Salmanul Farzy",
+ "avatar_url": "",
+ "profile": "",
+ "contributions": [
+ "code",
+ "review"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "login": "owais",
+ "name": "owais",
+ "avatar_url": "",
+ "profile": "",
+ "contributions": [
+ "code",
+ "doc",
+ "test"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "login": "ladysamantha",
+ "name": "Samantha Enders",
+ "avatar_url": "",
+ "profile": "",
+ "contributions": [
+ "code",
+ "doc",
+ "test"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "login": "evanrelf",
+ "name": "Evan Relf",
+ "avatar_url": "",
+ "profile": "",
+ "contributions": [
+ "code",
+ "doc"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "login": "JasonEtco",
+ "name": "Jason Etcovitch",
+ "avatar_url": "",
+ "profile": "",
+ "contributions": [
+ "code",
+ "doc"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "login": "hrvoj3e",
+ "name": "hrvoj3e",
+ "avatar_url": "",
+ "profile": "",
+ "contributions": [
+ "bug",
+ "code"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "login": "newmaniese",
+ "name": "Michael Newman",
+ "avatar_url": "",
+ "profile": "",
+ "contributions": [
+ "bug",
+ "code",
+ "doc",
+ "test"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "login": "k-lyda",
+ "name": "Konrad",
+ "avatar_url": "",
+ "profile": "",
+ "contributions": [
+ "bug"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "login": "dubnev",
+ "name": "Will Neville",
+ "avatar_url": "",
+ "profile": "",
+ "contributions": [
+ "bug"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "login": "danieltrautmann",
+ "name": "Daniel Trautmann",
+ "avatar_url": "",
+ "profile": "",
+ "contributions": [
+ "code"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "login": "Menturan",
+ "name": "Jonas Öhlander",
+ "avatar_url": "",
+ "profile": "",
+ "contributions": [
+ "bug"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "login": "lynzt",
+ "name": "lindsay",
+ "avatar_url": "",
+ "profile": "",
+ "contributions": [
+ "doc"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "login": "bradcypert",
+ "name": "Brad",
+ "avatar_url": "",
+ "profile": "",
+ "contributions": [
+ "code"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "login": "nammn",
+ "name": "Nam Nguyen",
+ "avatar_url": "",
+ "profile": "",
+ "contributions": [
+ "code"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "login": "halostatue",
+ "name": "Austin Ziegler",
+ "avatar_url": "",
+ "profile": "",
+ "contributions": [
+ "review"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "contributorsPerLine": 7
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3032a2fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+root = true
+indent_style = space
+indent_size = 2
+end_of_line = lf
+charset = utf-8
+insert_final_newline = true
+trim_trailing_whitespace = true
+indent_style = tab
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9422984d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Thank you for filing an issue 😄 ! Before you hit "Submit", please do the following:
+Check the other issue templates if you are trying to submit a bug report, feature request, or a question
+Search existing issues before submitting since someone might have already submitted something similar!
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dc67fb97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+name: 🐛 Bug Report
+about: If something isn't working as expected 🤔.
+## Bug Report
+**Current Behavior**
+A clear and concise description of the behavior.
+**Expected Behavior**
+A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
+**Relevant `Fish` Configuration**
+<!-- Can be found in ~/.config/fish/ -->
+# Your configuration here
+- Spacefish version: [the output of `echo $SPACEFISH_VERSION`]
+- Fish version: [the output of `fish --version`]
+- Fish plugin manager: [e.g. oh-my-fish, fisher, fin]
+- Terminal emulator: [e.g. iTerm, Hyper, Terminator]
+- Operating system: [e.g. OSX 10.13.4, Windows 10]
+**Possible Solution**
+<!--- Only if you have suggestions on a fix for the bug -->
+**Additional context/Screenshots**
+Add any other context about the problem here. If applicable, add screenshots to help explain.
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a73f47f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+name: 🚀 Feature Request
+about: I have a suggestion (and may want to implement it 🙂)!
+## Feature Request
+Please keep in mind that we are working to achieve feature parity with Spaceship.
+If this proposed feature doesn't already exist in Spaceship, please submit a PR there instead.
+**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
+A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I have an issue when [...]
+**Describe the solution you'd like**
+A clear and concise description of what you want to happen. Add any considered drawbacks.
+**Describe alternatives you've considered**
+A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..65bce552
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+name: 🤗 Support Question
+about: If you have a question about configuring Spacefish 💬
+If you're having trouble configuring Spacefish, Feel free to ask us for a hand! 😄
+Be sure to search existing issues since someone might have already asked something similar.
+Also, please take a second to read our TROUBLESHOOTING docs for commonly encountered problems:
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fb08438f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<!--- Provide a general summary of your changes in the Title above -->
+## Description
+<!--- Describe your changes in detail -->
+## Motivation and Context
+<!--- Why is this change required? What problem does it solve? -->
+<!--- If it fixes an open issue, please link to the issue here. -->
+Closes #
+## Types of changes
+<!--- What types of changes does your code introduce? Put an `x` in all the boxes that apply: -->
+- [ ] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
+- [ ] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
+- [ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)
+## Screenshots (if appropriate):
+## How Has This Been Tested?
+<!--- Please describe in detail how you tested your changes. -->
+<!--- Include details of your testing environment, tests ran to see how -->
+<!--- your change affects other areas of the code, etc. -->
+- [ ] I have tested using **MacOS**
+- [ ] I have tested using **Linux**
+## Checklist:
+<!--- Go over all the following points, and put an `x` in all the boxes that apply. -->
+<!--- If you're unsure about any of these, don't hesitate to ask. We're here to help! -->
+- [ ] I have checked that no other PR duplicates mine
+- [ ] My code follows the code style of this project.
+- [ ] My change requires a change to the documentation.
+- [ ] I have updated the documentation accordingly.
+- [ ] I have updated the tests accordingly.
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a4dce4c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+template: |
+ ## What's Changed
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eff7848f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ea753cde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+language: node_js
+node_js: stable
+ global:
+ - BREW_FISH2=""
+ include:
+ - stage: test
+ name: "Fish 2.X Linux"
+ os: linux
+ sudo: required
+ install:
+ - sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:fish-shell/release-2
+ - sudo apt-get update
+ - sudo apt-get install -y fish
+ - stage: test
+ name: "Fish 2.X macOS"
+ os: osx
+ install: brew install $BREW_FISH2
+ - stage: test
+ name: "Fish 3.X Linux"
+ os: linux
+ sudo: required
+ install:
+ - sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:fish-shell/release-3
+ - sudo apt-get update
+ - sudo apt-get install -y fish
+ - stage: test
+ name: "Fish 3.X macOS"
+ os: osx
+ install: brew install fish
+ - stage: release
+ provider: script
+ skip_cleanup: true
+ script: npx semantic-release
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8bf7c632
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+## [2.6.1]( (2019-07-01)
+### Bug Fixes
+* correct incorrectly named config options ([#198]( ([85f9ef5](
+# [2.6.0]( (2019-06-19)
+### Features
+* Add elixir section ([#190]( ([9cb48ea](
+# [2.5.0]( (2019-05-23)
+### Features
+* bump version ([13865c6](
+# [2.4.0]( (2019-03-08)
+### Features
+* add cargo package manager and refactor existing package section ([#171]( ([0064d2d](
+## [2.3.1]( (2019-03-02)
+### Bug Fixes
+* correct typo in venv configuration variables ([#167]( ([8a3585c](
+# [2.3.0]( (2019-02-24)
+### Features
+* add Python venv section ([#164]( ([3d777fc](, closes [#146](
+## [2.2.4]( (2019-02-17)
+### Bug Fixes
+* don't throw errors when there are multiple GOPATHs ([#158]( ([653f1c8](
+## [2.2.3]( (2019-02-17)
+### Bug Fixes
+* git status section shows the correct symbol for unmerged ([#159]( ([7c2a1d5](
+## [2.2.2]( (2019-02-14)
+### Bug Fixes
+* show git status based on SPACEFISH_GIT_STATUS_SHOW ([#155]( ([1d34eb9](
+## [2.2.1]( (2019-02-14)
+### Bug Fixes
+* use SPACEFISH_TIME_FORMAT when formatting time section ([#156]( ([6ab4ecc](
+# [2.2.0]( (2019-02-02)
+### Features
+* add support for F# project detection in the dotnet section ([c104b04](
+# [2.1.0]( (2019-01-23)
+### Bug Fixes
+* correct go development version format ([e678ac2](, closes [#137](
+### Features
+* improve pyenv version detection ([22b9e20](, closes [#140](
+* provide docker version if in a docker container ([62891b4](, closes [#138](
+## [2.0.1]( (2019-01-09)
+### Bug Fixes
+* have ACPI use only the first battery value ([#126]( ([8fa713b](
+# [2.0.0]( (2019-01-09)
+### Bug Fixes
+* remove color from prefix/suffix ([#133]( ([319f0b0](
+* Because prefix and suffix colors are no longer set to #fff, the color of prefix and suffix will be set to the default foreground color of your shell.
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new file mode 100644
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+# Contributing
+First of all, thank you for contributing. Any contribution is highly appreciated and welcome.
+## Philosophy
+There's a simple philosophy behind Spacefish:
+* **Absolute parity with spaceship-prompt.** The prompt should be identical to spaceship-prompt when it comes to visuals, functionality, and configuration.
+## Setup
+1. **Fork** this repo (click the _fork_ button)
+2. **Clone** your fork to your computer (via `git clone`)
+3. **Make your changes**. Check our [API](./docs/ for more information (we suggest you to check out a new branch for changes).
+4. **Test** your code (via `npm test`)
+5. **Add and commit** your contributions
+6. **Push** your changes to your remote fork
+7. **Open a pull-request** on the spacefish repo
+## Testing
+Unit tests are stored in the `./tests` directory, with the `(filename)` naming scheme.
+To run the unit tests, simply run:
+The unit tests will create their own temporary fish environment, so your local fish and spacefish configuration will not affect the unit test run.
+## Sections
+Spacefish supports most of the popular programming languages, runtimes, version managers, etc. If it doesn't support something that you need, feel free to open a pull request over at Spaceship, and it will be a candidate to be added to Spacefish.
+### Will it slow down the prompt?
+Every additional section will slow down the prompt a little bit. If your section performs any expensive checks, find a way to make it faster.
+* **Good:** check if a command exists, check the value of an environment variable
+* **Bad:** network requests, reading large files, etc
+## Documentation
+When updating documentation for your section, make sure the markdown document is being properly rendered by Github. Specifically, the following common pitfalls have already been discovered:
+* Empty inline code blocks ` ` will only be rendered if you put at least one non-breaking whitespace "&nbsp;" inside, like so: `` ` ` `` → ` `
+* Leading and trailing whitespaces in inline code blocks will be stripped, to indicate that a whitespace is present, use the middot symbol `·`, like so: `` `🐟·` `` → `🐟·`
+## Add yourself as a contributor
+This project follows the [all contributors]( specification. To add yourself to the table of
+contributors on the, please use the automated script as part of your PR:
+npm install
+npm run contributors:add -- <YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME>
+Follow the prompt. If you've already added yourself to the list and are making a new type of contribution, you can run
+it again and select the added contribution type.
+**Thank you for reading the contribution guide! Happy hacking!**
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+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2018 Matan Kushner
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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+<h1 align="center">
+ <a href="">
+ <img alt="Focus has shifted to the development of Starship, the successor to Spacefish. If you are interested in contributing or using it, come take a look!" src="./images/starship-notice.svg" width="100%">
+ </a><br><br>
+ <a href="">
+ <img alt="spacefish fish shell theme" src="./images/banner.svg" width="100%">
+ </a>
+ <br>
+ <br> Spacefish 🚀🐟 <br>
+<h4 align="center">
+ <a href="" target="_blank"><code>Fish Shell</code></a> prompt for Astronauts.
+<p align="center">
+ <a href="">
+ <img src=""
+ alt="Mac OSX & Linux CI Status" />
+ </a>
+ <a href="">
+ <img src=""
+ alt="Fish Version" />
+ </a>
+ <a href="">
+ <img src="" alt="GitHub License">
+ </a>
+<div align="center">
+ <h4>
+ <a href="">Website</a> |
+ <a href="#installation">Install</a> |
+ <a href="#features">Features</a> |
+ <a href="./docs/">Options</a> |
+ <a href="./docs/">API</a>
+ </h4>
+<div align="center">
+ <sub>Built with ❤︎ by
+ <a href="">Matan Kushner</a> and
+ <a href="#contributors">contributors </a></sub>
+ <br>
+ <sub>A port of <a href="">Spaceship ZSH</a> by
+ <a href="">Denys Dovhan</a></sub>
+Spacefish is a minimalistic, powerful and extremely customizable <a href="">Fish Shell</a> prompt. It combines everything you may need for convenient work, without unnecessary complications, like a real spacefish.
+<p align="center"></p>
+ <img alt="Spaceship with Hyper and One Dark" src="./images/preview.gif" width="980px">
+<sub>Vist <a href="./docs/">Troubleshooting</a> for instructions to recreate this terminal setup.</sub>
+## Features
+* Clever hostname and username displaying.
+* Indicator if user is root.
+* Prompt character turns red if the last command exits with non-zero code.
+* Current Git branch and rich repo status:
+ * `?` — untracked changes;
+ * `+` — uncommitted changes in the index;
+ * `!` — unstaged changes;
+ * `»` — renamed files;
+ * `✘` — deleted files;
+ * `$` — stashed changes;
+ * `=` — unmerged changes;
+ * `⇡` — ahead of remote branch;
+ * `⇣` — behind of remote branch;
+ * `⇕` — diverged changes.
+* Indicator for jobs in the background (`✦`).
+* Current Node.js version, through nvm/nodenv/n (`⬢`).
+* Current Docker version and connected machine (`🐳`).
+* Current Ruby version, through rvm/rbenv/chruby/asdf (`💎`).
+* Current Go version (`🐹`).
+* Current PHP version (`🐘`).
+* Current Rust version (`𝗥`).
+* Current version of Haskell GHC Compiler, defined in stack.yaml file (`λ`).
+* Current Julia version (`ஃ`).
+* Current Amazon Web Services (AWS) profile (`☁️`) ([Using named profiles](
+* Current Python virtualenv.
+* Current Conda version (`🅒`).
+* Current Elixir Version (`💧`).
+* Current Python pyenv (`🐍`).
+* Current .NET SDK version, through dotnet-cli (`.NET`).
+* Current Kubectl context (`☸️`).
+* Package version, if there is a package in current directory (`📦`).
+* Current battery level and status:
+ * `⇡` - charging;
+ * `⇣` - discharging;
+ * `•` - fully charged.
+* Current Vi-mode mode.
+* Optional exit-code of last command.
+* Optional time stamps 12/24hr in format.
+* Execution time of the last command if it exceeds 5 seconds.
+Want more features? Please [open an issue]( or send pull request!
+## Requirements
+To get spacefish working correctly, you will need:
+* [`fish`][fish] (v2.7.0 or newer)
+* [Powerline Font]( must be installed and enabled in your terminal.
+## Installation
+### [Fisher](
+$ fisher add matchai/spacefish
+### [Oh My Fish!](
+$ omf install spacefish
+## Customization
+Spacefish works really well out of the box, but you can customize your fish to your heart's content!
+* [**Options**](./docs/ — Tweak section's behavior with tons of options.
+You have the ability to customize or disable specific elements of Spacefish. All options must be overridden in your ``.
+## Troubleshooting
+Having issues? Take a look at our [Troubleshooting](./docs/ page.
+Still struggling? Please [file an issue](, describe your problem, and we will gladly help you.
+## Contributors
+Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](
+<!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:START - Do not remove or modify this section -->
+<!-- prettier-ignore -->
+<table><tr><td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Matan Kushner"/><br /><sub><b>Matan Kushner</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Bug reports">🐛</a> <a href="" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="#review-matchai" title="Reviewed Pull Requests">👀</a> <a href="" title="Tests">⚠️</a> <a href="#tool-matchai" title="Tools">🔧</a> <a href="#design-matchai" title="Design">🎨</a></td><td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Tiffany Le-Nguyen"/><br /><sub><b>Tiffany Le-Nguyen</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Bug reports">🐛</a> <a href="" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="#review-sirMerr" title="Reviewed Pull Requests">👀</a> <a href="" title="Tests">⚠️</a></td><td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Snuggle"/><br /><sub><b>Snuggle</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Bug reports">🐛</a> <a href="" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="#review-Snuggle" title="Reviewed Pull Requests">👀</a> <a href="" title="Tests">⚠️</a></td><td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Jaskaran Bindra"/><br /><sub><b>Jaskaran Bindra</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="" title="Tests">⚠️</a></td><td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Konstantin Labun"/><br /><sub><b>Konstantin Labun</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="" title="Tests">⚠️</a></td><td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Kyle Holzinger"/><br /><sub><b>Kyle Holzinger</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a></td><td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Salmanul Farzy"/><br /><sub><b>Salmanul Farzy</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="#review-salmanulfarzy" title="Reviewed Pull Requests">👀</a></td></tr><tr><td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="owais"/><br /><sub><b>owais</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="" title="Tests">⚠️</a></td><td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Samantha Enders"/><br /><sub><b>Samantha Enders</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="" title="Tests">⚠️</a></td><td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Evan Relf"/><br /><sub><b>Evan Relf</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a></td><td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Jason Etcovitch"/><br /><sub><b>Jason Etcovitch</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a></td><td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="hrvoj3e"/><br /><sub><b>hrvoj3e</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Bug reports">🐛</a> <a href="" title="Code">💻</a></td><td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Michael Newman"/><br /><sub><b>Michael Newman</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Bug reports">🐛</a> <a href="" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="" title="Tests">⚠️</a></td><td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Konrad"/><br /><sub><b>Konrad</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Bug reports">🐛</a></td></tr><tr><td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Will Neville"/><br /><sub><b>Will Neville</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Bug reports">🐛</a></td><td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Daniel Trautmann"/><br /><sub><b>Daniel Trautmann</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a></td><td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Jonas Öhlander"/><br /><sub><b>Jonas Öhlander</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Bug reports">🐛</a></td><td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="lindsay"/><br /><sub><b>lindsay</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a></td><td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Brad"/><br /><sub><b>Brad</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a></td><td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Nam Nguyen"/><br /><sub><b>Nam Nguyen</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a></td><td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Austin Ziegler"/><br /><sub><b>Austin Ziegler</b></sub></a><br /><a href="#review-halostatue" title="Reviewed Pull Requests">👀</a></td></tr></table>
+This project follows the [all-contributors]( specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
+## License
+MIT © [Matan Kushner](
+<!-- Links -->
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+./docs/ \ No newline at end of file
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+ "gitbook": "3.x.x",
+ "title": "Spacefish",
+ "plugins": ["edit-link", "github", "github-buttons", "anchorjs", "ga"],
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+ "token": "UA-71160903-2"
+ },
+ "edit-link": {
+ "base": "",
+ "label": "Edit This Page"
+ },
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+ "url": ""
+ },
+ "github-buttons": {
+ "buttons": [{
+ "user": "matchai",
+ "repo": "spacefish",
+ "type": "star",
+ "size": "small",
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+ }]
+ }
+ }
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+# API
+This page describes the Spacefish API for creating plugins and tweaking Spacefish's behavior.
+Spacefish uses the `SPACEFISH_` prefix for variables and the `__sf_` prefix for functions to avoid namespace collisions. All sections, including custom ones, are required to use the `__sf_` prefix before their name to load correctly.
+## Example section
+Below is an example of a typical section for Spacefish. Pay attention to a few critical aspects:
+* Variables used for configuration should start with `SPACEFISH_`.
+* The section's name should start with `__sf_`.
+* Only show the section as is needed (only in directories containing specific files, when a specific command is available, etc).
+Take a look at [Contribution guidelines](../ for further details.
+# Foobar
+# Foobar is a supa-dupa cool tool for making you development easier.
+# Link:
+# __sf_ prefix before section's name is required!
+# Otherwise this section won't be loaded.
+function __sf_section_foobar -d "Show foobar status"
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Configuration
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_FOOBAR_SHOW true
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_FOOBAR_SYMBOL "🍷 "
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_FOOBAR_COLOR white
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Section
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # If SPACEFISH_FOOBAR_SHOW is false, don't show the foobar section
+ [ $SPACEFISH_FOOBAR_SHOW = false ]; and return
+ # If the foobar command doesn't exist, don't show the foobar section
+ type -q foobar; or return
+ # Here some of the various expressions that can be tested
+ # The full list can be found here:
+ #
+ type -q command # test that a command exists
+ test -e /path/to/file # test that a file exists
+ test -d /path/to/dir # test that a directory exists
+ test operand1 = operand2 # that for two equal strings
+ test -n "$variable" # test that a variable exists
+ # Use `set -l` to define local variables to avoid populating
+ # the global namespace
+ set -l foobar_status
+ if test "$SOME_CONDITION" = "true"
+ set foobar_status (foobar baz)
+ else
+ set foobar_status (foobar foo)
+ end
+ # Display the foobar section
+ __sf_lib_section \
+An environment variable that defines the version of currently running Spacefish prompt. Can be used for issue reporting or debugging purposes.
+Accessible to any program or script running in a current shell session.
+### Example
+#> 0.1.0
+## `__sf_lib_section <color> [prefix] <content> [suffix]`
+This function prints out the prompt section prefixed with `prefix`, suffixed with `suffix` and `content` formatted to display in `color`. The **Bold** style is applied by default.
+`prefix`, `suffix` and `content` can contain `set_color` to set an additional foreground color, background color or other formatting styles. Read more about `set_color` in the [set_color - set the terminal color]( section of the Fish Shell documentation.
+If `SPACEFISH_PROMPT_PREFIXES_SHOW` is `false` or if the section is the first to appear in the prompt, then `prefix` will be omitted.
+If `SPACEFISH_PROMPT_SUFFIXES_SHOW` is `false`, then `suffix` will be omitted.
+Both `prefix` and `suffix` are optional. They are equal to empty strings by default.
+### Arguments
+1. `color` _Required_ — The color used when displaying the `content`. Can be any of the valid [basic colors]( or can be any valid RGB hex code.
+2. `prefix` _Optional_ — The prefix shown before `content`. Usually, it's the value of `SPACEFISH_*_PREFIX`.
+3. `content` _Required_ — The content of the section. Can be any valid value or the result of command execution.
+4. `suffix` _Optional_ — The suffix shown after `content`. Usually, it's the value of `SPACEFISH_*_SUFFIX`.
+### Example
+# Display the prompt section with a prefix and suffix
+# Backslash is used to escape the line endings
+__sf_lib_section \
+$SPACEFISH_SECTION_SYMBOL$section_content \
+# Display prompt section without prefix and suffix
+__sf_lib_section $color $SPACEFISH_CHAR_SYMBOL
+## `__sf_util_set_default <variable_name> <value>`
+This utility function is used to define a default value for a variable while allowing it to be overwritten by a user's personal configuration files (e.g. setting it in their ``)
+### Arguments
+1. `variable_name` _Required_ — the name of the configuration variable.
+2. `value` _Required_ — the value to be assigned by default.
+### Example
+# Preassign a value to `SPACEFISH_CHAR_SYMBOL`
+# Assign a value if one doesn't already exist
+__sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_CHAR_SYMBOL ■
+__sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_RUBY_SYMBOL 💎
+# The original value assigned is used
+#> ❯
+#> 💎
+## `__sf_util_git_branch`
+This utility returns the current branch name if the current working directory is a Git repository, and will return nothing if it's not.
+### Example
+# Return if the current working directory is not a Git repository
+[ -z (__sf_util_git_branch) ]; and return
+# Print the Git branch name of the current working directory
+echo (__sf_util_git_branch)
+#> master
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index 00000000..6a85fc77
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
+## Options
+You have ability to customize or disable specific elements of Spacefish. All options must be overridden in your ``.
+Colors for sections can be [basic colors]( or [color codes](
+**Note:** the symbol `·` in this document represents a regular space character ` `, it is used to clearly indicate when an option default value starts or ends with a space.
+### Order
+You can specify the order of prompt section using `SPACEFISH_PROMPT_ORDER` option. Use Zsh array syntax to define your own prompt order.
+The order also defines which sections that Spacefish loads. If you're struggling with slow prompt, you can just omit the sections that you don't use, and they won't be loaded.
+The default order is:
+ set SPACEFISH_PROMPT_ORDER time user dir host git package node docker ruby golang php rust haskell julia aws conda pyenv kubecontext exec_time line_sep battery jobs exit_code char
+You can also add items to the right prompt by specifying them in the `SPACEFISH_RPROMPT_ORDER` option. By default `SPACEFISH_RPROMPT_ORDER` is empty.
+### Prompt
+This group of options defines a behavior of prompt and standard parameters for sections displaying.
+| Variable | Default | Meaning |
+| :--- | :---: | --- |
+| `SPACEFISH_PROMPT_ADD_NEWLINE` | `true` | Adds a newline character before each prompt line |
+| `SPACEFISH_PROMPT_SEPARATE_LINE` | `true` | Make the prompt span across two lines |
+| `SPACEFISH_PROMPT_FIRST_PREFIX_SHOW` | `false` | Shows a prefix of the first section in prompt |
+| `SPACEFISH_PROMPT_PREFIXES_SHOW` | `true` | Show prefixes before prompt sections |
+| `SPACEFISH_PROMPT_SUFFIXES_SHOW` | `true` | Show suffixes before prompt sections |
+| `SPACEFISH_PROMPT_DEFAULT_PREFIX` | `via` | Default prefix for prompt sections |
+| `SPACEFISH_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | ` ` | Default suffix for prompt section |
+### Time \(`time`\)
+| Variable | Default | Meaning |
+| :------- | :-----: | ------- |
+| `SPACEFISH_TIME_SHOW` | `false` | Show current time |
+| `SPACEFISH_DATE_SHOW` | `false·` | Show today's date |
+| `SPACEFISH_TIME_PREFIX` | `at·` | Prefix before time section |
+| `SPACEFISH_TIME_FORMAT` | `false` | Custom time/date formatting, set as a string to enable (`man date` for help) |
+| `SPACEFISH_TIME_12HR` | `false` | Use 12 hour clock AM/PM |
+| `SPACEFISH_TIME_COLOR` | `yellow` | Color of time section |
+### Username \(`user`\)
+By default, a username is shown only when it's not the same as `$LOGNAME`, when you're connected via SSH or when you're root. Root user is highlighted in `SPACEFISH_USER_COLOR_ROOT` color (red as default).
+| Variable | Default | Meaning |
+| :------- | :-----: | ------- |
+| `SPACEFISH_USER_SHOW` | `true` | Show user section (`true`, `false`, `always` or `needed`) |
+| `SPACEFISH_USER_PREFIX` | `with·` | Prefix before user section |
+| `SPACEFISH_USER_COLOR` | `yellow` | Color of user section |
+| `SPACEFISH_USER_COLOR_ROOT` | `red` | Color of user section when it's root |
+`SPACEFISH_USER_SHOW` defines when to show username section. Here are possible values:
+| `SPACEFISH_USER_SHOW` | Show on local | Show on remote |
+| :-------------------: | :------------- | :-------------- |
+| `false` | Never | Never |
+| `always` | Always | Always |
+| `true` | If needed | Always |
+| `needed` | If needed | If needed |
+### Directory \(`dir`\)
+Directory is always shown and truncated to the value of `SPACEFISH_DIR_TRUNC`. While you are in a Git repository, this section shows only the project title and relevant status icons. If current directory is write-protected or if current user doesn't have write permissions, a padlock (by default) will be displayed as a suffix.
+| Variable | Default | Meaning |
+| :--- | :---: | --- |
+| `SPACEFISH_DIR_SHOW` | `true` | Show directory section |
+| `SPACEFISH_DIR_SUFFIX` | `$SPACEFISH_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Suffix after current directory |
+| `SPACEFISH_DIR_TRUNC` | `3` | Number of folders of cwd to show in prompt, 0 to show all |
+| `SPACEFISH_DIR_TRUNC_REPO` | `true` | While in `git` repo, show only root directory and folders inside it |
+| `SPACEFISH_DIR_COLOR` | `cyan` | Color of directory section |
+| `SPACEFISH_DIR_PREFIX` | `in·` | Prefix before current directory |
+| `SPACEFISH_DIR_LOCK_SHOW` | `true` | Show directory write-protected symbol |
+| `SPACEFISH_DIR_LOCK_SYMBOL` | ![·🔒]( | The symbol displayed if directory is write-protected (requires powerline patched font) |
+| `SPACEFISH_DIR_LOCK_COLOR` | `red` | Color for the lock symbol |
+### Hostname \(`host`\)
+Hostname should only be shown while you are connected to another machine using SSH, unless you change it using SPACEFISH_HOST_SHOW.
+| Variable | Default | Meaning |
+| :--- | :---: | --- |
+| `SPACEFISH_HOST_SHOW` | `true` | Show host section (`true`, `false`, `always`) |
+| `SPACEFISH_HOST_SHOW_FULL` | `false` | Show full hostname section (`true`, `false`) |
+| `SPACEFISH_HOST_PREFIX` | `at·` | Prefix before the hostname |
+| `SPACEFISH_HOST_COLOR` | `blue` | Color of the hostname |
+| `SPACEFISH_HOST_COLOR_SSH` | `green` | Color of the hostname during SSH |
+### Git \(`git`\)
+Git section is consists with `git_branch` and `git_status` subsections. It is shown only in Git repositories.
+| Variable | Default | Meaning |
+| :--- | :---: | --- |
+| `SPACEFISH_GIT_SHOW` | `true` | Show Git section |
+| `SPACEFISH_GIT_PREFIX` | `on·` | Prefix before Git section |
+| `SPACEFISH_GIT_SYMBOL` | ![·]( | Character to be shown before Git section \(requires [powerline patched font]( |
+#### Git branch \(`git_branch`\)
+| Variable | Default | Meaning |
+| :--- | :---: | --- |
+| `SPACEFISH_GIT_BRANCH_SHOW` | `true` | Show Git branch subsection |
+| `SPACEFISH_GIT_BRANCH_PREFIX` | `$SPACEFISH_GIT_SYMBOL` | Prefix before Git branch subsection |
+| `SPACEFISH_GIT_BRANCH_SUFFIX` | ` ` | Suffix after Git branch subsection |
+| `SPACEFISH_GIT_BRANCH_COLOR` | `(set_color magenta)` | Color of Git branch subsection |
+#### Git status \(`git_status`\)
+Git status indicators is shown only when you have dirty repository.
+| Variable | Default | Meaning |
+| :--- | :---: | --- |
+| `SPACEFISH_GIT_STATUS_SHOW` | `true` | Show Git status subsection |
+| `SPACEFISH_GIT_STATUS_PREFIX` | `·[` | Prefix before Git status subsection |
+| `SPACEFISH_GIT_STATUS_SUFFIX` | `]` | Suffix after Git status subsection |
+| `SPACEFISH_GIT_STATUS_COLOR` | `red` | Color of Git status subsection |
+| `SPACEFISH_GIT_STATUS_UNTRACKED` | `?` | Indicator for untracked changes |
+| `SPACEFISH_GIT_STATUS_ADDED` | `+` | Indicator for added changes |
+| `SPACEFISH_GIT_STATUS_MODIFIED` | `!` | Indicator for unstaged files |
+| `SPACEFISH_GIT_STATUS_RENAMED` | `»` | Indicator for renamed files |
+| `SPACEFISH_GIT_STATUS_DELETED` | `✘` | Indicator for deleted files |
+| `SPACEFISH_GIT_STATUS_STASHED` | `$` | Indicator for stashed changes |
+| `SPACEFISH_GIT_STATUS_UNMERGED` | `=` | Indicator for unmerged changes |
+| `SPACEFISH_GIT_STATUS_AHEAD` | `⇡` | Indicator for unpushed changes \(ahead of remote branch\) |
+| `SPACEFISH_GIT_STATUS_BEHIND` | `⇣` | Indicator for unpulled changes \(behind of remote branch\) |
+| `SPACEFISH_GIT_STATUS_DIVERGED` | `⇕` | Indicator for diverged chages \(diverged with remote branch\) |
+### Package version \(`package`\)
+> Works only for [npm]( and [cargo]( at the moment. Please, help [spaceship]( improve this section!
+Package version is shown when repository is a package (e.g. contains a `package.json` or `Cargo.toml` file). If no version information is found in `package.json` or there is an error parsing `Cargo.toml`, the `⚠` symbol will be shown.
+* **npm** — `npm` package contains a `package.json` file. We use `jq`, `python` to parse package version for improving performance and `node` as a fallback. Install [jq]( for **improved performance** of this section ([Why?](./
+* **cargo** — `cargo` package contains a `Cargo.toml` file. Currently, we use `cargo pkgid`, it depends on `Cargo.lock`. So if package version isn't shown, you may need to run some command like `cargo build` which can generate `Cargo.lock` file.
+> **Note:** This is the version of the package you are working on, not the version of package manager itself.
+| Variable | Default | Meaning |
+| :------- | :-----: | ------- |
+| `SPACEFISH_PACKAGE_SHOW` | `true` | Show package version |
+| `SPACEFISH_PACKAGE_PREFIX` | `is·` | Prefix before package version section |
+| `SPACEFISH_PACKAGE_SUFFIX` | `$SPACEFISH_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Suffix after package version section |
+| `SPACEFISH_PACKAGE_SYMBOL` | `📦·` | Character to be shown before package version |
+| `SPACEFISH_PACKAGE_COLOR` | `red` | Color of package version section |
+### Node.js \(`node`\)
+Node.js section is shown only in directories that contain `package.json` file, or `node_modules` folder, or any other file with `.js` extension.
+If you set `SPACEFISH_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION` to the default Node.js version and your current version is the same as `SPACEFISH_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION`, then Node.js section will be hidden.
+| Variable | Default | Meaning |
+| :------- | :-----: | ------- |
+| `SPACEFISH_NODE_SHOW` | `true` | Current Node.js section |
+| `SPACEFISH_NODE_SYMBOL` | `⬢·` | Character to be shown before Node.js version |
+| `SPACEFISH_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION` | ` ` | Node.js version to be treated as default |
+| `SPACEFISH_NODE_COLOR` | `green` | Color of Node.js section |
+### Julia \(`julia`\)
+Julia section is shown only in directories that contain any file with `.jl` extension.
+| Variable | Default | Meaning |
+| :------- | :-----: | ------- |
+| `SPACEFISH_JULIA_SHOW` | `true` | Show Julia section |
+| `SPACEFISH_JULIA_SYMBOL` | `ஃ·` | Character to be shown before Julia version |
+| `SPACEFISH_JULIA_COLOR` | `green` | Color of Julia section |
+### Docker (`docker`)
+Docker section is shown only in directories that contain `Dockerfile` or `docker-compose.yml` and also if the `$COMPOSE_FILE` is set.
+The section will also appear when `.dockerenv` is in the root directory, signifying that you're in a container.
+| Variable | Default | Meaning |
+| :------- | :-----: | ------- |
+| `SPACEFISH_DOCKER_SHOW` | `true` | Show current Docker version |
+| `SPACEFISH_DOCKER_PREFIX` | `$SPACEFISH_PROMPT_DEFAULT_PREFIX` | Prefix before the Docker section |
+| `SPACEFISH_DOCKER_SYMBOL` | `🐳·` | Character to be shown before Docker version |
+| `SPACEFISH_DOCKER_COLOR` | `cyan` | Color of Docker section |
+| `SPACEFISH_DOCKER_VERBOSE_VERSION` | `false` | Show full version name. (Beta, Nightly) |
+### Ruby \(`ruby`\)
+Ruby section is shown only in directories that contain `Gemfile`, or `Rakefile`, or any other file with `.rb` extension.
+| Variable | Default | Meaning |
+| :------- | :-----: | ------- |
+| `SPACEFISH_RUBY_SHOW` | `true` | Show Ruby section |
+| `SPACEFISH_RUBY_SYMBOL` | `💎·` | Character to be shown before Ruby version |
+| `SPACEFISH_RUBY_COLOR` | `red` | Color of Ruby section |
+### Haskell \(`haskell`\)
+Haskell section is shown only in directories that contain `stack.yaml`.
+| Variable | Default | Meaning |
+| :------- | :-----: | ------- |
+| `SPACEFISH_HASKELL_SHOW` | `true` | Show Haskell section |
+| `SPACEFISH_HASKELL_SYMBOL` | `λ·` | Character to be shown before Haskell version |
+| `SPACEFISH_HASKELL_COLOR` | `red` | Color of Haskell section |
+### Amazon Web Services (AWS) (`aws`)
+Shows selected Amazon Web Services profile configured using [`AWS_PROFILE`]( variable.
+| Variable | Default | Meaning |
+| :------- | :-----: | ------- |
+| `SPACEFISH_AWS_SHOW` | `true` | Show current selected AWS-cli profile or not |
+| `SPACEFISH_AWS_PREFIX` | `using·` | Prefix before the AWS section |
+| `SPACEFISH_AWS_SYMBOL` | `☁️·` | Character to be shown before AWS profile |
+| `SPACEFISH_AWS_COLOR` | `ff8700` | Color of AWS section |
+### Virtualenv (`venv`)
+Python virtual environment when $VIRTUAL_ENV is set.
+| Variable | Default | Meaning |
+| :------- | :-----: | ------- |
+| `SPACEFISH_VENV_SHOW` | `true` | Show current Python virtualenv or not |
+| `SPACEFISH_VENV_PREFIX` | `$SPACEFISH_PROMPT_DEFAULT_PREFIX` | Prefix before the virtualenv section |
+| `SPACEFISH_VENV_SUFFIX` | `$SPACEFISH_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Suffix after the virtualenv section |
+| `SPACEFISH_VENV_SYMBOL` | `·` | Character to be shown before virtualenv |
+| `SPACEFISH_VENV_GENERIC_NAMES` | `virtualenv venv .venv` | If the virtualenv folder is in this *array*, than use its parent directory as its name instead |
+| `SPACEFISH_VENV_COLOR` | `blue` | Color of virtualenv environment section |
+### Conda \(`conda`\)
+Conda section is shown when ```conda``` is installed and $CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV is set.
+| Variable | Default | Meaning |
+| :------- | :-----: | ------- |
+| `SPACEFISH_CONDA_SHOW` | `true` | Show current Conda version |
+| `SPACEFISH_CONDA_PREFIX` | `$SPACEFISH_PROMPT_DEFAULT_PREFIX` | Prefix before the conda section |
+| `SPACEFISH_CONDA_SUFFIX` | `$SPACEFISH_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Suffix after the conda section |
+| `SPACEFISH_CONDA_SYMBOL` | `🅒·` | Character to be shown before Conda version |
+| `SPACEFISH_CONDA_COLOR` | `blue` | Color of Conda section |
+### Elixir \(`elixir`\)
+Elixir section is shown when ```mix.exs``` is found or elixir files are found and either kiex, exenv, elixir is avaiable on your path.
+| Variable | Default | Meaning |
+| :------- | :-----: | ------- |
+| `SPACEFISH_ELIXIR_SHOW` | `true` | Show current Elixir version |
+| `SPACEFISH_ELIXIR_PREFIX` | `$SPACEFISH_PROMPT_DEFAULT_PREFIX` | Prefix before the elixir section |
+| `SPACEFISH_ELIXIR_SUFFIX` | `$SPACEFISH_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Suffix after the elixir section |
+| `SPACEFISH_ELIXIR_SYMBOL` | `💧·` | Character to be shown before Elixir version |
+| `SPACEFISH_ELIXIR_COLOR` | `magenta` | Color of Elixir section |
+### Pyenv \(`pyenv`\)
+Pyenv section is shown only in directories that contain `.python-version`, `requirements.txt`, `pyproject.toml`, or any other file with `.py` extension.
+The section will also be shown if the `$PYENV_VERSION` environment variable is set.
+| Variable | Default | Meaning |
+| :------- | :-----: | ------- |
+| `SPACEFISH_PYENV_SHOW` | `true` | Show current Pyenv version |
+| `SPACEFISH_PYENV_PREFIX` | `$SPACEFISH_PROMPT_DEFAULT_PREFIX` | Prefix before the pyenv section |
+| `SPACEFISH_PYENV_SUFFIX` | `$SPACEFISH_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Suffix after the pyenv section |
+| `SPACEFISH_PYENV_SYMBOL` | `🐍·` | Character to be shown before Pyenv version |
+| `SPACEFISH_PYENV_COLOR` | `yellow` | Color of Pyenv section |
+### Go \(`golang`\)
+Go section is shown only in directories that contain `Godeps`, `glide.yaml`, `go.mod`, any other file with `.go` extension, or when current directory is in the Go workspace defined in `$GOPATH`.
+| Variable | Default | Meaning |
+| :------- | :-----: | ------- |
+| `SPACEFISH_GOLANG_SHOW` | `true` | Show current Go version |
+| `SPACEFISH_GOLANG_SYMBOL` | `🐹·` | Character to be shown before Go version |
+| `SPACEFISH_GOLANG_COLOR` | `cyan` | Color of Go section |
+### PHP (`php`)
+PHP section is shown only in directories that contain `composer.json` file, or any other file with `.php` extension.
+| Variable | Default | Meaning |
+| :------- | :-----: | ------- |
+| `SPACEFISH_PHP_SHOW` | true | Show PHP section |
+| `SPACEFISH_PHP_SYMBOL` | `🐘·` | Character to be shown before PHP version |
+| `SPACEFISH_PHP_COLOR` | `blue` | Color of PHP section |
+### Rust (`rust`)
+Rust section is shown only in directories that contain `Cargo.toml` or any other file with `.rs` extension.
+| Variable | Default | Meaning |
+| :------- | :-----: | ------- |
+| `SPACEFISH_RUST_SHOW` | `true` | Show current Rust version |
+| `SPACEFISH_RUST_PREFIX` | `$SPACEFISH_PROMPT_DEFAULT_PREFIX` | Prefix before the Rust section |
+| `SPACEFISH_RUST_SYMBOL` | `𝗥·` | Character to be shown before Rust version |
+| `SPACEFISH_RUST_COLOR` | `red` | Color of Rust section |
+| `SPACEFISH_RUST_VERBOSE_VERSION` | `false` | Show what branch is being used, if any. (Beta, Nightly) |
+### .NET (`dotnet`)
+.NET section is shown only in directories that contains a `project.json`, `global.json` or `paket.dependencies` file, or a file with one of these extensions: `.csproj`, `.xproj`, `.fproj` or `.sln`.
+| Variable | Default | Meaning |
+| :------- | :-----: | ------- |
+| `SPACEFISH_DOTNET_SHOW` | `true` | Current .NET section |
+| `SPACEFISH_DOTNET_SYMBOL` | `.NET·` | Character to be shown before .NET version |
+| `SPACEFISH_DOTNET_COLOR` | `128` | Color of .NET section |
+### Kubectl context \(`kubecontext`\)
+Kubernetes context is shown everywhere if `kubectl` binary is found.
+| Variable | Default | Meaning |
+| :------- | :-----: | ------- |
+| `SPACEFISH_KUBECONTEXT_SHOW` | `true` | Show current kubectl context |
+| `SPACEFISH_KUBECONTEXT_NAMESPACE_SHOW` | `true` | Show current kubectl context namespace|
+| `SPACEFISH_KUBECONTEXT_PREFIX` | `at ` | Prefix before the kubectl section |
+| `SPACEFISH_KUBECONTEXT_SYMBOL` | `☸️ ` | Character to be shown before kubectl context |
+| `SPACEFISH_KUBECONTEXT_COLOR` | `cyan` | Color of kubectl section |
+### Exec Time \(`exec_time`\)
+Execution time of the last command. Will be displayed if it exceeds the set threshold of time.
+| Variable | Default | Meaning |
+| :------- | :-----: | ------- |
+| `SPACEFISH_EXEC_TIME_SHOW` | `true` | Show execution time |
+| `SPACEFISH_EXEC_TIME_PREFIX` | `took·` | Prefix before exec time section |
+| `SPACEFISH_EXEC_TIME_COLOR` | `yellow` | Color of exec time section |
+| `SPACEFISH_EXEC_TIME_ELAPSED` | `5` | The threshold in seconds for showing exec time section |
+### Line Separator \(`line_sep`\)
+This is where the prompt will split into two lines, if enabled.
+### Battery \(`battery`\)
+By default, Battery section is shown only if battery level is below `SPACEFISH_BATTERY_THRESHOLD` \(default: 10%\).
+| Variable | Default | Meaning |
+| :--- | :---: | --- |
+| `SPACEFISH_BATTERY_SHOW` | `true` | Show battery section \(`true`, `false`, `always` or `charged`\) |
+| `SPACEFISH_BATTERY_PREFIX` | ` ` | Prefix before battery section |
+| `SPACEFISH_BATTERY_SYMBOL_CHARGING` | `⇡` | Character to be shown if battery is charging |
+| `SPACEFISH_BATTERY_SYMBOL_DISCHARGING` | `⇣` | Character to be shown if battery is discharging |
+| `SPACEFISH_BATTERY_SYMBOL_FULL` | `•` | Character to be shown if battery is full |
+| `SPACEFISH_BATTERY_THRESHOLD` | 10 | Battery level below which battery section will be shown |
+`SPACEFISH_BATTERY_SHOW` defines when to show battery section. Here are possible values:
+| `SPACEFISH_BATTERY_SHOW` | Below threshold | Above threshold | Fully charged |
+| :---: | :--- | :--- | :--- |
+| `false` | Hidden | Hidden | Hidden |
+| `always` | Shown | Shown | Shown |
+| `true` | Shown | Hidden | Hidden |
+| `charged` | Shown | Hidden | Shown |
+### Vi-mode \( vi_mode \)
+This section shows mode indicator only when Vi-mode is enabled.
+| Variable | Default | Meaning |
+| :--- | :---: | --- |
+| `SPACEFISH_VI_MODE_SHOW` | `true` | Shown current Vi-mode or not |
+| `SPACEFISH_VI_MODE_PREFIX` | ` ` | Prefix before Vi-mode section |
+| `SPACEFISH_VI_MODE_INSERT` | `[I]` | Text to be shown when in insert mode |
+| `SPACEFISH_VI_MODE_NORMAL` | `[N]` | Text to be shown when in normal mode |
+| `SPACEFISH_VI_MODE_VISUAL` | `[V]` | Text to be shown when in visual mode |
+| `SPACEFISH_VI_MODE_REPLACE_ONE` | `[R]` | Text to be shown when in replace_one mode |
+| `SPACEFISH_VI_MODE_COLOR` | `white` | Color of Vi-mode section |
+### Jobs \(`jobs`\)
+This section only shows when there are backgrounded jobs.
+| Variable | Default | Meaning |
+| :------- | :-----: | ------- |
+| `SPACEFISH_JOBS_SHOW` | `true` | Show background jobs indicator |
+| `SPACEFISH_JOBS_PREFIX` | ` ` | Prefix before the jobs indicator |
+| `SPACEFISH_JOBS_SUFFIX` | ` ` | Suffix after the jobs indicator |
+| `SPACEFISH_JOBS_SYMBOL` | `✦` | Character to be shown when jobs are hiding |
+| `SPACEFISH_JOBS_COLOR` | `blue` | Color of background jobs section |
+| `SPACEFISH_JOBS_AMOUNT_PREFIX` | ` ` | Prefix before the number of jobs |
+| `SPACEFISH_JOBS_AMOUNT_SUFFIX` | ` ` | Suffix after the number of jobs |
+| `SPACEFISH_JOBS_AMOUNT_THRESHOLD` | `1` | Number of jobs after which job count will be shown |
+### Exit Code \(`exit_code`\)
+Disabled by default. Set `SPACEFISH_EXIT_CODE_SHOW` to `true` to enable.
+| Variable | Default | Meaning |
+| :--- | :---: | --- |
+| `SPACEFISH_EXIT_CODE_SHOW` | `false` | Show the exit code of the previous command |
+| `SPACEFISH_EXIT_CODE_PREFIX` | ` ` | Prefix of exit code |
+| `SPACEFISH_EXIT_CODE_SUFFIX` | ` ` | Suffix of exit code |
+| `SPACEFISH_EXIT_CODE_SYMBOL` | `✘` | Symbol before the exit code, upon failure |
+| `SPACEFISH_EXIT_CODE_COLOR` | `red` | Color of exit code section |
+### Char \(`char`\)
+| Variable | Default | Meaning |
+| :--- | :---: | --- |
+| `SPACEFISH_CHAR_PREFIX` | ` ` | Prefix before prompt character |
+| `SPACEFISH_CHAR_SUFFIX` | ` ` | Suffix after prompt character |
+| `SPACEFISH_CHAR_SYMBOL` | `➜` | Prompt character to be shown before any command |
+| `SPACEFISH_CHAR_COLOR_SUCCESS` | `green` | Color of prompt character if last command completes successfully |
+| `SPACEFISH_CHAR_COLOR_FAILURE` | `red` | Color of prompt character if last command returns non-zero exit-code |
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new file mode 100644
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+# Summary
+* [Home](
+* [Options](./docs/
+ * [Order](./docs/
+ * [Prompt](./docs/
+ * [Time](./docs/
+ * [Username (user)](./docs/
+ * [Directory (dir)](./docs/
+ * [Hostname (host)](./docs/
+ * [Git (git)](./docs/
+ * [Git branch (git_branch)](./docs/
+ * [Git status (git_status)](./docs/
+ * [Package version (package)](./docs/
+ * [Node (node)](./docs/
+ * [Julia (julia)](./docs/
+ * [Docker (docker)](./docs/
+ * [Ruby (ruby)](./docs/
+ * [Haskell (haskell)](./docs/
+ * [Conda (conda)](./docs/
+ * [Elixir (elixir)](./docs/
+ * [Amazon Web Services (aws)](./docs/
+ * [Pyenv (pyenv)](./docs/
+ * [Go (golang)](./docs/
+ * [PHP (php)](./docs/
+ * [Rust (rust)](./docs/
+ * [.NET (dotnet)](/docs/
+ * [Kubectl context (kubecontext)](./docs/
+ * [Execution time (exec_time)](./docs/
+ * [Line Separator (line_sep)](./docs/
+ * [Battery (battery)](./docs/
+ * [Jobs (jobs)](./docs/
+ * [Exit Code (exit_code)](./docs/
+ * [Char (char)](./docs/
+* [Contributing Guide](/
+ * [Philosophy](/
+ * [Setup](/
+ * [Sections](/
+* [API](/docs/
+ * [Example section](/docs/
+ * [__sf_lib_section](/docs/
+ * [__sf_util_set_default](/docs/
+ * [__sf_util_git_branch](/docs/
+* [Troubleshooting](/docs/
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+# Troubleshooting
+This page aimed to help you fix common problems encountered while using spacefish.
+## My prompt is filling with errors
+Try all of the following troubleshooting steps:
+* Verify that your fish installation is at the [latest version](
+ ```sh
+ fish --version
+ ```
+* Update spacefish with `fisher` or `omf`
+ ```sh
+ fisher add matchai/spacefish
+ # or
+ omf update spacefish
+ ```
+* If errors persist, please [open an issue](
+## What's the weird symbol beside the `git` branch?
+You need to have a powerline patched font in order to properly display `git` branch symbol.
+* Install any powerline compatible font like [Fira Code]( or [others](
+* Configure your terminal emulator to [use that font](
+## What's the weird character in front of a section?
+This is not an issue with spacefish. Spacefish uses Unicode symbols to represent `SPACESFISH_*_SYMBOL` in sections. To solve this problem:
+* Verify your terminal emulator supports Unicode characters with this command:
+ ```sh
+ curl
+ # or
+ wget -O -
+ ```
+* Configure your terminal emulator to use UTF-8 character encoding.
+In the event that Unicode characters aren't supported, you can replace them with characters that are compatible with your terminal with `SPACEFISH_*_SYMBOL` options. Check out the [Options](./docs/ page for more information.
+## Why is my prompt slow?
+Spacefish may run more slowlyin big repositories since the status checks add up to be expensive operations.
+To speed up your prompt, try to reduce the number of unused spacefish sections that are enabled. Spacefish only loads the sections mentioned in `SPACEFISH_PROMPT_ORDER`. If you think some sections might not be be useful to you, you can disable them by not including their names in the prompt order.
+## Why do my section icons overlap each other?
+![overlapping icons](../images/icon-overlap.png)
+This issue is due to how your terminal emulator renders Unicode 9 characters. To fix this issue:
+* Make sure terminal uses _Unicode Version 9 Widths_.
+* Let your terminal render ambiguous-width characters as double-width.
+In _iTerm_ follow these instructions:
+* Go _iTerm → Preferences… (⌘,) → Profiles → Text_
+* Check _Unicode Version 9 Widths_.
+* Check _Threat ambiguous-width characters as double-width_.
+* Reload your terminal's tab.
+## Why doesn't my prompt look like it does in the preview?
+Preview shows a `spacefish` setup with:
+* [Hyper]( as the terminal emulator.
+* [One Dark]( color theme from [Atom]( editor.
+* [Fira Code]( with with ligatures as primary font (16px size).
+## My problem wasn't solved
+If the above suggestions don't address your problem, feel free to [open an issue](, describe your problem and we will gladly help you.
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+function fish_mode_prompt
+ # Overriden by Spacefish fishshell theme
+ # To see vi mode in prompt add 'vi_mode' to SPACEFISH_PROMPT_ORDER
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd9a6b0a
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+function fish_prompt
+ # Store the exit code of the last command
+ set -g sf_exit_code $status
+ set -g SPACEFISH_VERSION 2.6.1
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Configuration
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_PROMPT_ADD_NEWLINE true
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_PROMPT_FIRST_PREFIX_SHOW false
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_PROMPT_PREFIXES_SHOW true
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_PROMPT_SUFFIXES_SHOW true
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_PROMPT_DEFAULT_PREFIX "via "
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX " "
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_PROMPT_ORDER time user dir host git package node ruby golang php rust haskell julia elixir docker aws venv conda pyenv dotnet kubecontext exec_time line_sep battery vi_mode jobs exit_code char
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Sections
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Keep track of whether the prompt has already been opened
+ set -g sf_prompt_opened $SPACEFISH_PROMPT_FIRST_PREFIX_SHOW
+ if test "$SPACEFISH_PROMPT_ADD_NEWLINE" = "true"
+ echo
+ end
+ eval __sf_section_$i
+ end
+ set_color normal
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e9ab4922
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+function fish_right_prompt
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Configuration
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_RPROMPT_ORDER ""
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Sections
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ [ -n "$SPACEFISH_RPROMPT_ORDER" ]; or return
+ eval __sf_section_$i
+ end
+ set_color normal
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..819b68ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+function __sf_lib_section -a color prefix content suffix
+ # If there are only 2 args, they are $content and $prefix
+ if test (count $argv) -eq 2
+ set content $argv[2]
+ set prefix
+ end
+ if test "$sf_prompt_opened" = "true" -a "$SPACEFISH_PROMPT_PREFIXES_SHOW" = "true"
+ # Echo prefixes in bold white
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -e -n -s $prefix
+ set_color normal
+ end
+ # Set the prompt as having been opened
+ set -g sf_prompt_opened true
+ set_color --bold $color
+ echo -e -n $content
+ set_color normal
+ # Echo suffixes in bold white
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -e -n -s $suffix
+ set_color normal
+ end
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fc33ac6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Amazon Web Services (AWS)
+# The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) is a unified tool to manage AWS services.
+# Link:
+function __sf_section_aws -d "Display the selected aws profile"
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Configuration
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_AWS_SHOW true
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_AWS_PREFIX "using "
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_AWS_SYMBOL "☁️ "
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_AWS_COLOR ff8700
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Section
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Show the selected AWS-cli profile
+ [ $SPACEFISH_AWS_SHOW = false ]; and return
+ # Ensure the aws command is available
+ type -q aws; or return
+ # Early return if there's no AWS_PROFILE, or it's set to default
+ if test -z "$AWS_PROFILE" \
+ -o "$AWS_PROFILE" = "default"
+ return
+ end
+ __sf_lib_section \
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eb9b8667
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# Battery
+function __sf_section_battery -d "Displays battery symbol and charge"
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Configuration
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # | SPACEFISH_BATTERY_SHOW | below threshold | above threshold | fully charged |
+ # |------------------------+-----------------+-----------------+---------------|
+ # | false | hidden | hidden | hidden |
+ # | always | shown | shown | shown |
+ # | true | shown | hidden | hidden |
+ # | charged | shown | hidden | shown |
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_BATTERY_SHOW true
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_BATTERY_PREFIX ""
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_BATTERY_SUFFIX " "
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_BATTERY_SYMBOL_FULL •
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_BATTERY_THRESHOLD 10
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Section
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Show section only if any of the following is true
+ # - SPACEFISH_BATTERY_SHOW = "true" and
+ # - battery percentage is below the given limit (default: 10%)
+ # - SPACEFISH_BATTERY_SHOW = "charged" and
+ # - Battery is fully charged
+ # Check that user wants to show battery levels
+ [ $SPACEFISH_BATTERY_SHOW = false ]; and return
+ set -l battery_data
+ set -l battery_percent
+ set -l battery_status
+ set -l battery_color
+ set -l battery_symbol
+ # Darwin and macOS machines
+ if type -q pmset
+ set battery_data (pmset -g batt | grep "InternalBattery")
+ # Return if no internal battery
+ if test -z (echo $battery_data)
+ return
+ end
+ set battery_percent (echo $battery_data | grep -oE "[0-9]{1,3}%")
+ # spaceship has echo $battery_data | awk -F '; *' 'NR==2 { print $2 }', but NR==2 did not return anything.
+ set battery_status (echo $battery_data | awk -F '; *' '{ print $2 }')
+ # Linux machines
+ else if type -q upower
+ set -l battery (upower -e | grep battery | head -1)
+ [ -z $battery ]; and return
+ set -l IFS # Clear IFS to allow for multi-line variables
+ set battery_data (upower -i $battery)
+ set battery_percent (echo $battery_data | grep percentage | awk '{print $2}')
+ set battery_status (echo $battery_data | grep state | awk '{print $2}')
+ # Windows machines.
+ else if type -q acpi
+ set -l battery_data (acpi -b 2>/dev/null | head -1)
+ # Return if no battery
+ [ -z $battery_data ]; and return
+ set battery_percent ( echo $battery_data | awk '{print $4}' )
+ set battery_status ( echo $battery_data | awk '{print tolower($3)}' )
+ else
+ return
+ end
+ # Remove trailing % and symbols for comparison
+ set battery_percent (echo $battery_percent | string trim --chars=%[,;])
+ if test "$battery_percent" -eq 100 -o -n (echo (string match -r "(charged|full)" $battery_status))
+ set battery_color green
+ else if test "$battery_percent" -lt "$SPACEFISH_BATTERY_THRESHOLD"
+ set battery_color red
+ else
+ set battery_color yellow
+ end
+ # Battery indicator based on current status of battery
+ if test "$battery_status" = "charging"
+ else if test -n (echo (string match -r "^[dD]ischarg.*" $battery_status))
+ else
+ end
+ if test "$SPACEFISH_BATTERY_SHOW" = "always" \
+ -o "$battery_percent" -lt "$SPACEFISH_BATTERY_THRESHOLD" \
+ -o "$SPACEFISH_BATTERY_SHOW" = "charged" \
+ -a -n (echo (string match -r "(charged|full)" $battery_status))
+ __sf_lib_section \
+ $battery_color \
+ "$battery_symbol$battery_percent%" \
+ end
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..83abeacb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Prompt character
+function __sf_section_char -d "Display the prompt character"
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Configuration
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_CHAR_PREFIX ""
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_CHAR_SUFFIX " "
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_CHAR_SYMBOL ➜
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_CHAR_COLOR_SUCCESS green
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_CHAR_COLOR_FAILURE red
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Section
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Color $SPACEFISH_CHAR_SYMBOL red if previous command failed and
+ # color it in green if the command succeeded.
+ set -l color
+ if test $sf_exit_code -eq 0
+ else
+ end
+ __sf_lib_section \
+ $color \
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c93e5896
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Conda
+# Current Conda version.
+function __sf_section_conda -d "Display current Conda version"
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Configuration
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_CONDA_SHOW true
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_CONDA_SYMBOL "🅒 "
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_CONDA_COLOR blue
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Section
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ [ $SPACEFISH_CONDA_SHOW = false ]; and return
+ # Show Conda version only if conda is installed and CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV is set
+ if not type -q conda; \
+ or test -z "$CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV";
+ return
+ end
+ set -l conda_version (conda -V | string split ' ')[2]
+ __sf_lib_section \
+ "$SPACEFISH_CONDA_SYMBOL"v"$conda_version" \
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5b4c77d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# Working directory
+function __sf_section_dir -d "Display the current truncated directory"
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Configuration
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_DIR_SHOW true
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_DIR_PREFIX "in "
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_DIR_TRUNC 3
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_DIR_TRUNC_REPO true
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_DIR_COLOR cyan
+ # Write Permissions lock symbol
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_DIR_LOCK_SHOW true
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_DIR_LOCK_SYMBOL ""
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_DIR_LOCK_COLOR red
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Section
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ [ $SPACEFISH_DIR_SHOW = false ]; and return
+ set -l dir
+ set -l tmp
+ set -l git_root (command git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null)
+ if test "$SPACEFISH_DIR_TRUNC_REPO" = "true" -a -n "$git_root"
+ # Resolve to physical PWD instead of logical
+ set -l resolvedPWD (pwd -P 2>/dev/null; or pwd)
+ # Treat repo root as top level directory
+ set tmp (string replace $git_root (basename $git_root) $resolvedPWD)
+ else
+ set -l realhome ~
+ set tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)
+ end
+ # Truncate the path to have a limited number of dirs
+ set dir (__sf_util_truncate_dir $tmp $SPACEFISH_DIR_TRUNC)
+ if [ $SPACEFISH_DIR_LOCK_SHOW = true -a ! -w . ]
+ end
+ __sf_lib_section \
+ $dir \
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6b32d4cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# Docker
+# Current Docker version and Machine name.
+function __sf_section_docker -d "Display docker version and machine name"
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Configuration
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_DOCKER_SHOW true
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_DOCKER_PREFIX "is "
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_DOCKER_SYMBOL "🐳 "
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_DOCKER_COLOR cyan
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_DOCKER_VERBOSE_VERSION false
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Section
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ [ $SPACEFISH_DOCKER_SHOW = false ]; and return
+ # Show Docker version only if docker is installed
+ type -q docker; or return
+ # Show docker version only when pwd has Dockerfile, docker-compose.yml, .dockerenv in root or COMPOSE_FILE
+ if not test -f Dockerfile \
+ -o -f docker-compose.yml \
+ -o -f /.dockerenv \
+ -o -f "$COMPOSE_FILE"
+ return
+ end
+ set -l docker_version (docker version -f "{{.Server.Version}}" 2>/dev/null)
+ # if docker daemon isn't running you'll get an error like 'Bad response from Docker engine'
+ [ -z $docker_version ]; and return
+ set docker_version (string split - $docker_version)[1]
+ end
+ if test -n "$DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME"
+ set docker_version $docker_version via $DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME
+ end
+ __sf_lib_section \
+ "$SPACEFISH_DOCKER_SYMBOL"v"$docker_version" \
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d46a79f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# .NET
+# .NET Framework is a software framework developed by Microsoft.
+# It includes a large class library and provides language interoperability
+# across several programming languages.
+# Link:
+function __sf_section_dotnet -d "Display the .NET SDK version"
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Configuration
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_DOTNET_SHOW true
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_DOTNET_SYMBOL ".NET "
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_DOTNET_COLOR "af00d7" # 128 in the original version, but renders as blue in iTerm2?
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Section
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Show current version of .NET SDK
+ [ $SPACEFISH_DOTNET_SHOW = false ]; and return
+ # Ensure the dotnet command is available
+ type -q dotnet; or return
+ if not test -f project.json \
+ -o -f global.json \
+ -o -f paket.dependencies \
+ -o (count *.csproj) -gt 0 \
+ -o (count *.fsproj) -gt 0 \
+ -o (count *.xproj) -gt 0 \
+ -o (count *.sln) -gt 0
+ return
+ end
+ # From the
+ # dotnet-cli automatically handles SDK pinning (specified in a global.json file)
+ # therefore, this already returns the expected version for the current directory
+ set -l dotnet_version (dotnet --version 2>/dev/null)
+ __sf_lib_section \
+ "$SPACEFISH_DOTNET_SYMBOL""$dotnet_version" \
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..13468b03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# Elixir
+# A dynamic, reflective, object-oriented, general-purpose programming language.
+# Link:
+function __sf_section_elixir -d "Show current version of Elixir"
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Configuration
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_ELIXIR_SHOW true
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_ELIXIR_SYMBOL "💧 "
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_ELIXIR_COLOR magenta
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Section
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Check if that user wants to show elixir version
+ [ $SPACEFISH_ELIXIR_SHOW = false ]; and return
+ # Show versions only for Elixir-specific folders
+ if not test -f mix.exs \
+ -o (count *.ex) -gt 0 \
+ -o (count *.exs) -gt 0
+ return
+ end
+ set -l elixir_version
+ if type -q kiex
+ set elixir_version $ELIXIR_VERSION
+ else if type -q exenv
+ set elixir_version (exenv version-name)
+ else if type -q elixir
+ set elixir_version (elixir -v 2>/dev/null | string match -r "Elixir.*" | string split " ")[2]
+ else
+ return
+ end
+ [ -z "$elixir_version" -o "$elixir_version" = "system" ]; and return
+ # Add 'v' before elixir version that starts with a number
+ if test -n (echo (string match -r "^[0-9].+\$" "$elixir_version"))
+ set elixir_version "v$elixir_version"
+ end
+ __sf_lib_section \
+ "$SPACEFISH_ELIXIR_SYMBOL""$elixir_version" \
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0961907f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Execution time
+function __sf_section_exec_time -d "Display the execution time of the last command"
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Configuration
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_EXEC_TIME_SHOW true
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_EXEC_TIME_PREFIX "took "
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_EXEC_TIME_COLOR yellow
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_EXEC_TIME_ELAPSED 5
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Section
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ [ $SPACEFISH_EXEC_TIME_SHOW = false ]; and return
+ # Allow for compatibility between fish 2.7 and 3.0
+ set -l command_duration "$CMD_DURATION$cmd_duration"
+ if test -n "$command_duration" -a "$command_duration" -gt (math "$SPACEFISH_EXEC_TIME_ELAPSED * 1000")
+ set -l human_command_duration (echo $command_duration | __sf_util_human_time)
+ __sf_lib_section \
+ $human_command_duration \
+ end
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7578d47f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# Exit-code
+function __sf_section_exit_code -d "Shows the exit code from the previous command."
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Configuration
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_EXIT_CODE_SHOW false
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_EXIT_CODE_PREFIX ""
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_EXIT_CODE_SUFFIX " "
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_EXIT_CODE_SYMBOL ✘
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_EXIT_CODE_COLOR red
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Section
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ [ $SPACEFISH_EXIT_CODE_SHOW = false ]; or test $sf_exit_code -eq 0; and return
+ __sf_lib_section \
+ "$SPACEFISH_EXIT_CODE_SYMBOL$sf_exit_code" \
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ea3c390e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Git
+function __sf_section_git -d "Display the git branch and status"
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Configuration
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_GIT_SHOW true
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_GIT_PREFIX "on "
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_GIT_SYMBOL " "
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Section
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Show both git branch and git status:
+ # spacefish_git_branch
+ # spacefish_git_status
+ [ $SPACEFISH_GIT_SHOW = false ]; and return
+ set -l git_branch (__sf_section_git_branch)
+ set -l git_status (__sf_section_git_status)
+ [ -z $git_branch ]; and return
+ __sf_lib_section \
+ fff \
+ "$git_branch$git_status" \
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7a2c54e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Git branch
+function __sf_section_git_branch -d "Format the displayed branch name"
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Configuration
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_GIT_BRANCH_SHOW true
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_GIT_BRANCH_SUFFIX ""
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_GIT_BRANCH_COLOR magenta
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Section
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ [ $SPACEFISH_GIT_BRANCH_SHOW = false ]; and return
+ set -l git_branch (__sf_util_git_branch)
+ [ -z $git_branch ]; and return
+ __sf_lib_section \
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7316c491
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# Git status
+function __sf_section_git_status -d "Display the current git status"
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Configuration
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_GIT_STATUS_SHOW true
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_GIT_STATUS_PREFIX " ["
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_GIT_STATUS_SUFFIX ]
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_GIT_STATUS_COLOR red
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_GIT_STATUS_UNTRACKED \?
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_GIT_STATUS_ADDED +
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_GIT_STATUS_MODIFIED !
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_GIT_STATUS_RENAMED »
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_GIT_STATUS_DELETED ✘
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_GIT_STATUS_STASHED \$
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_GIT_STATUS_UNMERGED =
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_GIT_STATUS_AHEAD ⇡
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_GIT_STATUS_BEHIND ⇣
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_GIT_STATUS_DIVERGED ⇕
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_GIT_PROMPT_ORDER untracked added modified renamed deleted stashed unmerged diverged ahead behind
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Section
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ [ $SPACEFISH_GIT_STATUS_SHOW = false ]; and return
+ set -l git_status
+ set -l is_ahead
+ set -l is_behind
+ set -l index (command git status --porcelain 2>/dev/null -b)
+ set -l trimmed_index (string split \n $index | string sub --start 1 --length 2)
+ for i in $trimmed_index
+ if test (string match '\?\?' $i)
+ set git_status untracked $git_status
+ end
+ if test (string match '*A*' $i)
+ set git_status added $git_status
+ end
+ if test (string match '*M*' $i)
+ set git_status modified $git_status
+ end
+ if test (string match '*R*' $i)
+ set git_status renamed $git_status
+ end
+ if test (string match '*D*' $i)
+ set git_status deleted $git_status
+ end
+ if test (string match '*U*' $i)
+ set git_status unmerged $git_status
+ end
+ end
+ # Check for stashes
+ if test -n (echo (command git rev-parse --verify refs/stash 2>/dev/null))
+ set git_status stashed $git_status
+ end
+ # Check whether the branch is ahead
+ if test (string match '*ahead*' $index)
+ set is_ahead true
+ end
+ # Check whether the branch is behind
+ if test (string match '*behind*' $index)
+ set is_behind true
+ end
+ # Check whether the branch has diverged
+ if test "$is_ahead" = "true" -a "$is_behind" = "true"
+ set git_status diverged $git_status
+ else if test "$is_ahead" = "true"
+ set git_status ahead $git_status
+ else if test "$is_behind" = "true"
+ set git_status behind $git_status
+ end
+ set -l full_git_status
+ set i (string upper $i)
+ set git_status (string upper $git_status)
+ if contains $i in $git_status
+ set -l status_symbol SPACEFISH_GIT_STATUS_$i
+ set full_git_status "$$status_symbol$full_git_status"
+ end
+ end
+ # Check if git status
+ if test -n "$full_git_status"
+ __sf_lib_section \
+ end
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..81211ee4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# Go
+# Go is an open source programming language that makes it easy
+# to build efficient software.
+# Link:
+function __sf_section_golang -d "Display the current go version if you're inside GOPATH"
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Configuration
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_GOLANG_SHOW true
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_GOLANG_SYMBOL "🐹 "
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_GOLANG_COLOR cyan
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Section
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Show the current version of Golang
+ [ $SPACEFISH_GOLANG_SHOW = false ]; and return
+ # Ensure the go command is available
+ type -q go; or return
+ if not test -f go.mod \
+ -o -d Godeps \
+ -o -f glide.yaml \
+ -o (count *.go) -gt 0 \
+ -o -f Gopkg.yml \
+ -o -f Gopkg.lock \
+ -o ([ (count $GOPATH) -gt 0 ]; and string match $GOPATH $PWD)
+ return
+ end
+ set -l go_version (go version | string split ' ')
+ # Go version is either the commit hash and date (devel +5efe9a8f11 Web Jan 9 07:21:16 2019 +0000)
+ # at the time of the build or a release tag (go1.11.4)
+ #
+ if test (string match 'devel*' $go_version[3])
+ set go_version $go_version[3]":"(string sub -s 2 $go_version[4])
+ else
+ set go_version "v"(string sub -s 3 $go_version[3])
+ end
+ __sf_lib_section \
+ "$SPACEFISH_GOLANG_SYMBOL""$go_version" \
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e31dca91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# Haskell Stack
+# An advanced, purely functional programming language.
+# Link:
+function __sf_section_haskell -d "Show current version of Haskell Tool Stack"
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Configuration
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_HASKELL_SHOW true
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_HASKELL_SYMBOL "λ "
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_HASKELL_COLOR red
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Section
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Show current version of Haskell Tool Stack.
+ [ $SPACEFISH_HASKELL_SHOW = false ]; and return
+ # Ensure the stack command is available
+ type -q stack; or return
+ # If there are stack files in current directory
+ [ -f ./stack.yaml ]; or return
+ set -l haskell_version (stack ghc -- --numeric-version --no-install-ghc)
+ __sf_lib_section \
+ "$SPACEFISH_HASKELL_SYMBOL"v"$haskell_version" \
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bd0bdd84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# Hostname
+# If there is an ssh connections, current machine name.
+function __sf_section_host -d "Display the current hostname if connected over SSH"
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Configuration
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_HOST_SHOW true
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_HOST_PREFIX "at "
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_HOST_COLOR blue
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_HOST_COLOR_SSH green
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Section
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ [ "$SPACEFISH_HOST_SHOW" = false ]; and return
+ if test "$SPACEFISH_HOST_SHOW" = "always"; or set -q SSH_CONNECTION;
+ # Determination of what color should be used
+ set -l host_color
+ if set -q SSH_CONNECTION;
+ set host_color $SPACEFISH_HOST_COLOR_SSH
+ else
+ set host_color $SPACEFISH_HOST_COLOR
+ end
+ __sf_lib_section \
+ $host_color \
+ (hostname) \
+ end
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cfa91e2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# Jobs
+function __sf_section_jobs -d "Show icon, if there's a working jobs in the background."
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Configuration
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_JOBS_SHOW true
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_JOBS_PREFIX ""
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_JOBS_SUFFIX " "
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_JOBS_SYMBOL ✦
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_JOBS_COLOR blue
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_JOBS_AMOUNT_PREFIX ""
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_JOBS_AMOUNT_SUFFIX ""
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_JOBS_AMOUNT_THRESHOLD 1
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Section
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ [ $SPACEFISH_JOBS_SHOW = false ]; and return
+ set jobs_amount (jobs | wc -l | xargs) # Zsh had a much more complicated command.
+ if test $jobs_amount -eq 0
+ return
+ end
+ if test $jobs_amount -le $SPACEFISH_JOBS_AMOUNT_THRESHOLD
+ set jobs_amount ''
+ end
+ __sf_lib_section \
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ab58ec56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Julia
+# Current Julia version.
+function __sf_section_julia -d "Display julia version"
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Configuration
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_JULIA_SHOW true
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_JULIA_PREFIX "is "
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_JULIA_SYMBOL "ஃ "
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_JULIA_COLOR green
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Section
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ [ $SPACEFISH_JULIA_SHOW = false ]; and return
+ # Show Julia version only if julia is installed
+ type -q julia; or return
+ # Show julia version only when pwd has *.jl file(s)
+ [ (count *.jl) -gt 0 ]; or return
+ set -l julia_version (julia --version | grep --color=never -oE '[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]')
+ __sf_lib_section \
+ "$SPACEFISH_JULIA_SYMBOL"v"$julia_version" \
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..effb614c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Kubernetes (kubectl)
+# Kubernetes is an open-source system for deployment, scaling,
+# and management of containerized applications.
+# Link:
+function __sf_section_kubecontext -d "Display the kubernetes context"
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Configuration
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_KUBECONTEXT_SHOW true
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_KUBECONTEXT_PREFIX "at "
+ # Additional space is added because ☸️ is wider than other symbols
+ # See:
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_KUBECONTEXT_SYMBOL "☸️ "
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_KUBECONTEXT_COLOR cyan
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Section
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Show current kubecontext
+ [ $SPACEFISH_KUBECONTEXT_SHOW = false ]; and return
+ # Ensure the kubectl command is available
+ type -q kubectl; or return
+ set -l kube_context (kubectl config current-context 2>/dev/null)
+ [ -z $kube_context ]; and return
+ if test "$SPACEFISH_KUBECONTEXT_NAMESPACE_SHOW" = "true" -a "$kube_context" != "default"
+ set kube_namespace (kubectl config view --minify --output 'jsonpath={..namespace}' 2>/dev/null)
+ set kube_context "$kube_context ($kube_namespace)"
+ end
+ __sf_lib_section \
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..854c340c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Line separator
+function __sf_section_line_sep -d "Separate the prompt into two lines"
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Configuration
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_PROMPT_SEPARATE_LINE true
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Section
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ echo -e -n \n
+ end
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2e6ebc9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Node.js
+# Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
+# Link:
+function __sf_section_node -d "Display the local node version"
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Configuration
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_NODE_SHOW true
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_NODE_SYMBOL "⬢ "
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION ""
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_NODE_COLOR green
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Section
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Show the current version of Node
+ [ $SPACEFISH_NODE_SHOW = false ]; and return
+ # Show versions only for Node-specific folders
+ if not test -f ./package.json \
+ -o -d ./node_modules \
+ -o (count *.js) -gt 0
+ return
+ end
+ if type -q nvm
+ # Only recheck the node version if the nvm bin has changed
+ if test "$NVM_BIN" != "$sf_last_nvm_bin" -o -z "$sf_node_version"
+ set -g sf_node_version (nvm current 2>/dev/null)
+ set -g sf_last_nvm_bin $NVM_BIN
+ end
+ else if type -q nodenv
+ set -g sf_node_version (nodenv version-name 2>/dev/null)
+ else if type -q node
+ set -g sf_node_version (node -v 2>/dev/null)
+ else
+ return
+ end
+ # Don't echo section if the system verison of node is being used
+ [ "$sf_node_version" = "system" -o "$sf_node_version" = "node" ]; and return
+ # Don't echo section if the node version matches the default version
+ [ "$sf_node_version" = "$SPACEFISH_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION" ]; and return
+ __sf_lib_section \
+ "$SPACEFISH_NODE_SYMBOL$sf_node_version" \
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b613b87a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# Package
+# Current package version.
+# These package managers supported:
+# * NPM
+# * Cargo
+function __sf_section_package -d "Display the local package version"
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Configuration
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_PACKAGE_SHOW true
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_PACKAGE_PREFIX "is "
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_PACKAGE_SYMBOL "📦 "
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_PACKAGE_COLOR red
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Section
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ [ $SPACEFISH_PACKAGE_SHOW = false ]; and return
+ # Exit if there is no package.json or Cargo.toml
+ if not test -e ./package.json; and not test -e ./Cargo.toml
+ return
+ end
+ set -l package_version
+ # Check if package.json exists AND npm exists locally while supressing output to just exit code (-q)
+ if type -q npm; and test -f ./package.json
+ # Check if jq (json handler) exists locally. If yes, check in package.json version
+ if type -q jq
+ set package_version (jq -r '.version' package.json 2>/dev/null)
+ # Check if python exists locally, use json to check version in package.json
+ else if type -q python
+ set package_version (python -c "import json; print(json.load(open('package.json'))['version'])" 2>/dev/null)
+ # Check if node exists locally, use it to check version of package.json
+ else if type -q node
+ set package_version (node -p "require('./package.json').version" 2>/dev/null)
+ end
+ end
+ # Check if Cargo.toml exists and cargo command exists
+ # and use cargo pkgid to figure out the package
+ if type -q cargo; and test -f ./Cargo.toml
+ # Handle missing field `version` in Cargo.toml.
+ # `cargo pkgid` needs Cargo.lock to exists too. If
+ # it doesn't, do not show package version
+ set -l pkgid (cargo pkgid 2>&1)
+ # Early return on error
+ echo $pkgid | grep -q "error:"; and return
+ # Example input: abc#1.0.0. Example output: 1.0.1
+ set package_version (string match -r '#(.*)' $pkgid)[2]
+ end
+ if test -z "$package_version"
+ set package_version ⚠
+ else
+ set package_version "v$package_version"
+ end
+ __sf_lib_section \
+ "$SPACEFISH_PACKAGE_SYMBOL$package_version" \
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..448d70b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# PHP
+# PHP is a server-side scripting language designed primarily for web development.
+# Link:
+function __sf_section_php -d "Display the current php version"
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Configuration
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_PHP_SHOW true
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_PHP_SYMBOL "🐘 "
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_PHP_COLOR blue
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Section
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Show current version of PHP
+ [ $SPACEFISH_PHP_SHOW = false ]; and return
+ # Ensure the php command is available
+ type -q php; or return
+ if not test -f composer.json \
+ -o (count *.php) -gt 0
+ return
+ end
+ set -l php_version (php -v | string match -r 'PHP\s*[0-9.]+' | string split ' ')[2]
+ __sf_lib_section \
+ "$SPACEFISH_PHP_SYMBOL"v"$php_version" \
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aeba4feb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# pyenv
+function __sf_section_pyenv -d "Show current version of pyenv Python, including system."
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Configuration
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_PYENV_SHOW true
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_PYENV_SYMBOL "🐍 "
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_PYENV_COLOR yellow
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Section
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Show pyenv python version
+ [ $SPACEFISH_PYENV_SHOW = false ]; and return
+ # Ensure the pyenv command is available
+ type -q pyenv; or return
+ # Show pyenv python version only for Python-specific folders
+ if not test -n "$PYENV_VERSION" \
+ -o -f .python-version \
+ -o -f requirements.txt \
+ -o -f pyproject.toml \
+ -o (count *.py) -gt 0
+ return
+ end
+ set -l pyenv_status (pyenv version-name 2>/dev/null) # This line needs explicit testing in an enviroment that has pyenv.
+ __sf_lib_section \
+ "$SPACEFISH_PYENV_SYMBOL""$pyenv_status" \
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9dbade61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Ruby
+# A dynamic, reflective, object-oriented, general-purpose programming language.
+# Link:
+function __sf_section_ruby -d "Show current version of Ruby"
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Configuration
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_RUBY_SHOW true
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_RUBY_SYMBOL "💎 "
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_RUBY_COLOR red
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Section
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Check if that user wants to show ruby version
+ [ $SPACEFISH_RUBY_SHOW = false ]; and return
+ # Show versions only for Ruby-specific folders
+ if not test -f Gemfile \
+ -o -f Rakefile \
+ -o (count *.rb) -gt 0
+ return
+ end
+ set -l ruby_version
+ if type -q rvm-prompt
+ set ruby_version (rvm-prompt i v g)
+ else if type -q rbenv
+ set ruby_version (rbenv version-name)
+ else if type -q chruby
+ set ruby_version $RUBY_AUTO_VERSION
+ else if type -q asdf
+ set ruby_version (asdf current ruby | awk '{print $1}')
+ else
+ return
+ end
+ [ -z "$ruby_version" -o "$ruby_version" = "system" ]; and return
+ # Add 'v' before ruby version that starts with a number
+ if test -n (echo (string match -r "^[0-9].+\$" "$ruby_version"))
+ set ruby_version "v$ruby_version"
+ end
+ __sf_lib_section \
+ "$SPACEFISH_RUBY_SYMBOL""$ruby_version" \
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f60ff7a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Rust
+# Rust is a systems programming language sponsored by Mozilla Research.
+# Link:
+function __sf_section_rust -d "Display the current Rust version"
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Configuration
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_RUST_SHOW true
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_RUST_SYMBOL "𝗥 "
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_RUST_COLOR red
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_RUST_VERBOSE_VERSION false
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Section
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Show current version of Rust
+ [ $SPACEFISH_RUST_SHOW = false ]; and return
+ # Ensure the rustc command is available
+ type -q rustc; or return
+ if not test -f Cargo.toml \
+ -o (count *.rs) -gt 0
+ return
+ end
+ set -l rust_version (rustc --version | string split ' ')[2]
+ set rust_version (string split '-' $rust_version)[1] # Cut off -suffixes from version. "v1.30.0-beta" vs "v1.30.0"
+ end
+ __sf_lib_section \
+ "$SPACEFISH_RUST_SYMBOL"v"$rust_version" \
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b9779ff0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# Time
+function __sf_section_time -d "Display the current time!"
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Configuration
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_TIME_SHOW false
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_DATE_SHOW false
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_TIME_PREFIX "at "
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_TIME_FORMAT false
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_TIME_12HR false
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_TIME_COLOR "yellow"
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Section
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ [ $SPACEFISH_TIME_SHOW = false ]; and return
+ set -l time_str
+ if test $SPACEFISH_DATE_SHOW = true
+ set time_str (date '+%Y-%m-%d')" "
+ end
+ if not test $SPACEFISH_TIME_FORMAT = false
+ set time_str "$time_str"(date '+'$SPACEFISH_TIME_FORMAT)
+ else if test $SPACEFISH_TIME_12HR = true
+ set time_str "$time_str"(date '+%I:%M:%S') # Fish doesn't seem to have date/time formatting.
+ else
+ set time_str "$time_str"(date '+%H:%M:%S')
+ end
+ __sf_lib_section \
+ $time_str \
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b481995f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# Username
+function __sf_section_user -d "Display the username"
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Configuration
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # | SPACEFISH_USER_SHOW | show username on local | show username on remote |
+ # |---------------------+------------------------+-------------------------|
+ # | false | never | never |
+ # | always | always | always |
+ # | true | if needed | always |
+ # | needed | if needed | if needed |
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_USER_SHOW true
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_USER_PREFIX "with "
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_USER_COLOR yellow
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_USER_COLOR_ROOT red
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Section
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ [ $SPACEFISH_USER_SHOW = false ]; and return
+ if test "$SPACEFISH_USER_SHOW" = "always" \
+ -o "$LOGNAME" != "$USER" \
+ -o "$UID" = "0" \
+ -o \( "$SPACEFISH_USER_SHOW" = "true" -a -n "$SSH_CONNECTION" \)
+ set -l user_color
+ if test "$USER" = "root"
+ else
+ set user_color $SPACEFISH_USER_COLOR
+ end
+ __sf_lib_section \
+ $user_color \
+ $USER \
+ end
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..204fa898
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# virtualenv
+function __sf_section_venv -d "Show current virtual Python environment"
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Configuration
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_VENV_SHOW true
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_VENV_SYMBOL "·"
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_VENV_GENERIC_NAMES virtualenv venv .venv
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_VENV_COLOR blue
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Section
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Show venv python version
+ test $SPACEFISH_VENV_SHOW = false; and return
+ # Check if the current directory running via Virtualenv
+ test -n "$VIRTUAL_ENV"; or return
+ set -l venv (basename $VIRTUAL_ENV)
+ set venv (basename (dirname $VIRTUAL_ENV))
+ end
+ __sf_lib_section \
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a22292ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# Vi Mode
+function __sf_section_vi_mode -d "Display vi mode status"
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Configuration
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_VI_MODE_SHOW true
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_VI_MODE_PREFIX " "
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_VI_MODE_INSERT [I]
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_VI_MODE_NORMAL [N]
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_VI_MODE_VISUAL [V]
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_VI_MODE_REPLACE_ONE [R]
+ __sf_util_set_default SPACEFISH_VI_MODE_COLOR white
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Section
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ [ $SPACEFISH_VI_MODE_SHOW = false ]; and return
+ # Ensure fish_vi_key_bindings or fish_hybrid_key_bindings are used
+ # Here we are trying to be compatible with default fish_mode_prompt implementation,
+ # wich handle both "fish_vi_key_bindings" and "fish_hybrid_key_bindings"
+ [ "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings" ]; or [ "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_hybrid_key_bindings" ]; or return
+ # Use `set -l` to define local variables to avoid populating
+ # the global namespace
+ set -l vi_mode_symbol
+ # Check current mode and set vi_mode_symbol based on it
+ switch $fish_bind_mode
+ case default
+ set vi_mode_symbol $SPACEFISH_VI_MODE_NORMAL
+ case insert
+ set vi_mode_symbol $SPACEFISH_VI_MODE_INSERT
+ case replace_one
+ set vi_mode_symbol $SPACEFISH_VI_MODE_REPLACE_ONE
+ case visual
+ set vi_mode_symbol $SPACEFISH_VI_MODE_VISUAL
+ end
+ __sf_lib_section \
+ $vi_mode_symbol \
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8be99f61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Git branch
+function __sf_util_git_branch -d "Display the current branch name"
+ echo (command git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null)
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ce804749
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Human time
+function __sf_util_human_time -d "Humanize a time interval for display"
+ command awk '
+ function hmTime(time, stamp) {
+ split("h:m:s:ms", units, ":")
+ for (i = 2; i >= -1; i--) {
+ if (t = int( i < 0 ? time % 1000 : time / (60 ^ i * 1000) % 60 )) {
+ stamp = stamp t units[sqrt((i - 2) ^ 2) + 1] " "
+ }
+ }
+ if (stamp ~ /^ *$/) {
+ return "0ms"
+ }
+ return substr(stamp, 1, length(stamp) - 1)
+ }
+ {
+ print hmTime($0)
+ }
+ '
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..63b0e88b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Set default
+function __sf_util_set_default -a var -d "Set the default value for a global variable"
+ if not set -q $var
+ # Multiple arguments will become a list
+ set -g $var $argv[2..-1]
+ end
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ce88c92d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Truncate directory
+function __sf_util_truncate_dir -a path truncate_to -d "Truncate a directory path"
+ if test "$truncate_to" -eq 0
+ echo $path
+ else
+ set -l folders (string split / $path)
+ if test (count $folders) -le "$truncate_to"
+ echo $path
+ else
+ echo (string join / $folders[(math 0 - $truncate_to)..-1])
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b1f10e3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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fill="#FFFFFE"/><path d="M271.586 216.142c.221 1.437-.827 2.763-2.206 2.984-1.489.166-2.812-.829-3.033-2.321a2.703 2.703 0 0 1 2.316-2.985 2.616 2.616 0 0 1 2.923 2.322zm5.018-104.305a1.372 1.372 0 0 1-1.103-.553 1.387 1.387 0 0 1-.22-1.216l.496-1.99a1.374 1.374 0 0 1 .87-1.036 1.383 1.383 0 0 1 1.336.207c.386.332.551.829.441 1.327a28.34 28.34 0 0 1-.496 2.211c-.166.663-.717 1.105-1.324 1.105" fill="#F8EB33"/><path d="M223.058 161.087a1.383 1.383 0 0 1-1.087-.497 1.377 1.377 0 0 1-.291-1.161c.275-1.327.662-2.653 1.103-3.98 3.363-9.341 10.808-13.874 18.418-17.412l4.246-1.934a87.092 87.092 0 0 0 20.349-11.498c3.86-3.15 6.672-6.798 8.437-10.778a1.382 1.382 0 0 1 2.555.044c.134.342.128.724-.019 1.061-1.93 4.422-5.018 8.347-9.209 11.829-6.341 5.196-13.786 8.568-20.9 11.829l-4.246 1.935c-7.058 3.316-13.951 7.462-16.984 15.864a26.519 26.519 0 0 0-.938 3.593c-.165.608-.717 1.105-1.378 1.105" fill="#F1A944"/><path d="M222.562 167.72c-.717 0-1.324-.552-1.379-1.326v-2.764c0-.387.111-.774.386-1.05.221-.277.552-.387.938-.387.772 0 1.323.663 1.323 1.492v2.488c.055.386 0 .718-.275 1.05a1.434 1.434 0 0 1-.883.497h-.11" fill="#F8EB33"/><path d="M229.896 181.539c-.331 0-.662-.11-.882-.331a21.292 21.292 0 0 1-7.169-11.442c-.165-.498 0-.995.331-1.327a1.381 1.381 0 0 1 1.352-.351 1.385 1.385 0 0 1 .964 1.014 20.137 20.137 0 0 0 3.695 7.462c.055-2.542.661-5.748 3.143-7.849 2.206-1.879 5.349-2.487 9.54-1.769a73.143 73.143 0 0 1-14.117-16.416l-.441-.774a38.547 38.547 0 0 1-2.206-36.15 45.227 45.227 0 0 1 20.569-21.779 40.289 40.289 0 0 1 30.881-2.21c.386.165.662.441.827.773.111.221 3.033 6.19 2.592 14.151a1.38 1.38 0 1 1-2.757-.111 29.358 29.358 0 0 0-2.096-12.327c-19.3-5.859-38.766 3.372-47.534 22.663a35.884 35.884 0 0 0 2.536 34.382c6.066 10.392 18.308 19.678 18.419 19.733.551.442.716 1.216.386 1.769-.331.608-1.103.884-1.71.663-6.231-2.377-10.753-2.542-13.124-.553-3.199 2.82-1.875 9.066-1.875 9.121a1.38 1.38 0 0 1-.275 1.14 1.365 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fill="#F1A944"/><path d="M352.593 276.613a1.879 1.879 0 0 1-1.709-2.598 38.973 38.973 0 0 0 1.654-4.864 1.89 1.89 0 0 1 2.316-1.327 1.89 1.89 0 0 1 1.324 2.322c-.552 1.824-1.103 3.593-1.82 5.306-.331.719-.993 1.161-1.765 1.161" fill="#F8EB33"/><path d="M334.175 295.959a1.92 1.92 0 0 1-1.642-.93 1.932 1.932 0 0 1-.068-1.889c0-.11 5.294-10.336.938-16.748-3.199-4.699-11.029-6.578-22.83-5.417a1.93 1.93 0 0 1-2.044-1.451 1.938 1.938 0 0 1 1.106-2.253c.276-.11 25.257-10.281 40.422-25.316l1.047-1.05c15.937-16.251 22.555-35.819 19.136-56.602-6.066-37.145-35.128-62.019-70.806-60.803a51.596 51.596 0 0 0-10.478 29.13c0 1.05-.882 1.879-1.93 1.879a1.938 1.938 0 0 1-1.93-1.989c.441-18.794 11.47-31.618 11.911-32.171.386-.387.883-.553 1.379-.608 19.301-.939 36.947 5.196 50.899 17.688A79.104 79.104 0 0 1 374.1 183.64c3.584 22.11-3.419 42.838-20.294 59.973l-1.102 1.106a130.555 130.555 0 0 1-32.812 22.11c8.107.498 13.731 2.93 16.709 7.407 3.364 4.975 2.537 11.276 1.269 15.588a32.932 32.932 0 0 0 9.76-9.95 1.948 1.948 0 0 1 3.538.687 1.962 1.962 0 0 1-.284 1.469 36.804 36.804 0 0 1-15.937 13.763 1.938 1.938 0 0 1-.772.166" fill="#71C6CD"/><path d="M303.294 140.47a3.877 3.877 0 0 0 1.014 2.784 3.859 3.859 0 0 0 6.706-2.453 3.873 3.873 0 0 0-3.694-4.035 3.86 3.86 0 0 0-3.669 2.235c-.214.462-.335.96-.357 1.469" fill="#F8EB33"/><path d="M346.582 321.939c-.551 0-1.102-.332-1.268-.829-.22-.553-.11-1.106.276-1.548a155.243 155.243 0 0 0 34.054-50.707 155.523 155.523 0 0 0 11.881-59.955 1.377 1.377 0 1 1 2.758 0c0 42.563-16.544 82.527-46.708 112.652-.276.221-.607.387-.993.387z" fill="#71C6CD"/><path d="M235.135 368.37c-42.462 0-82.442-16.583-112.495-46.708a158.48 158.48 0 0 1-34.534-51.71A158.804 158.804 0 0 1 76.097 208.9c0-42.562 16.544-82.636 46.598-112.761a157.907 157.907 0 0 1 51.551-34.647 157.611 157.611 0 0 1 60.889-12.061 1.378 1.378 0 0 1 1.379 1.382 1.377 1.377 0 0 1-1.379 1.382 154.856 154.856 0 0 0-59.842 11.837 155.15 155.15 0 0 0-50.668 34.041 155.742 155.742 0 0 0-33.959 50.819A156.031 156.031 0 0 0 78.855 208.9c0 41.844 16.267 81.255 45.77 110.828a155.15 155.15 0 0 0 50.668 34.041 154.852 154.852 0 0 0 59.842 11.837c41.745 0 80.953-16.306 110.455-45.878.256-.264.606-.415.973-.421a1.389 1.389 0 0 1 1.012 2.355 157.91 157.91 0 0 1-51.576 34.658 157.6 157.6 0 0 1-60.919 12.05" fill="#71C6CD"/><path d="M251.458 361.737a135.597 135.597 0 0 1-52.372-10.353 135.87 135.87 0 0 1-44.352-29.777 136.098 136.098 0 0 1-29.704-44.428 136.364 136.364 0 0 1-10.331-52.47 129.063 129.063 0 0 1 22.119-72.476 128.599 128.599 0 0 1 58.944-47.471 1.394 1.394 0 0 1 1.819.773 1.405 1.405 0 0 1-.772 1.825 125.838 125.838 0 0 0-57.689 46.436 126.3 126.3 0 0 0-21.664 70.913c0 35.929 13.952 69.592 39.263 94.963a133.094 133.094 0 0 0 43.418 29.15 132.85 132.85 0 0 0 51.266 10.151c35.844 0 69.482-13.984 94.739-39.301a1.38 1.38 0 0 1 2.264.419 1.39 1.39 0 0 1-.279 1.516 135.88 135.88 0 0 1-44.352 29.777 135.604 135.604 0 0 1-52.372 10.353" fill="#71C6CD"/><path d="M266.898 355.104a113.134 113.134 0 0 1-43.714-8.64 113.376 113.376 0 0 1-37.018-24.857c-21.506-21.613-33.417-50.301-33.417-80.923 0-22.11 7.168-43.834 20.238-61.135a101.016 101.016 0 0 1 19.19-19.346 1.379 1.379 0 0 1 2.192 1.301c-.052.363-.245.69-.538.91a98.303 98.303 0 0 0-18.639 18.793 99.382 99.382 0 0 0-19.686 59.477c0 29.849 11.58 57.873 32.59 78.933a110.597 110.597 0 0 0 36.128 24.281 110.388 110.388 0 0 0 42.674 8.442c29.778 0 57.737-11.608 78.747-32.723a1.4 1.4 0 0 1 2.29.457 1.414 1.414 0 0 1-.305 1.533c-21.561 21.557-50.181 33.497-80.732 33.497z" fill="#71C6CD"/><path d="M283.221 348.471c-24.484 0-47.535-9.563-64.85-26.919a92.329 92.329 0 0 1-25.762-51.051 92.443 92.443 0 0 1 9.218-56.46 1.382 1.382 0 0 1 1.777-.444 1.383 1.383 0 0 1 .65 1.715 89.616 89.616 0 0 0-8.987 54.769 89.504 89.504 0 0 0 24.979 49.536c16.874 16.804 39.263 26.09 63.03 26.09 23.768 0 46.101-9.286 62.92-26.09a1.382 1.382 0 0 1 1.958-.027 1.387 1.387 0 0 1 .028 1.962 91.156 91.156 0 0 1-29.788 19.988 90.969 90.969 0 0 1-35.173 6.931zM171.608 116.314c-10.753 0-20.955-4.754-23.712-15.643-4.026-15.698 11.966-28.522 16.984-32.06 12.298-8.788 27.573-12.99 39.87-16.361a1.379 1.379 0 0 1 1.45 1.989 1.38 1.38 0 0 1-.733.664c-12.077 3.317-27.131 7.462-38.987 15.92-4.633 3.316-19.522 15.2-15.937 29.185 3.419 13.377 19.135 14.924 28.84 12.713a1.377 1.377 0 0 1 1.862.943 1.389 1.389 0 0 1-.21 1.13 1.37 1.37 0 0 1-.99.58 37.95 37.95 0 0 1-8.437.94" fill="#71C6CD"/><path d="M175.137 171.59c-4.632 0-8.933-1.382-12.352-4.036-5.239-4.035-7.72-10.557-7.169-18.406.882-12.603 9.375-26.256 22.72-36.427.606-.442 1.489-.331 1.492-.276 1.934-12.683 9.729-20.845 22.553-21.672 34.437-.496 6.854 1.655 12.547 6.121 16.03 4.853 3.758 11.801 4.422 19.025 1.934.717-.221 1.489.166 1.765.885.221.718-.166 1.492-.882 1.713a28.066 28.066 0 0 1-9.21 1.659" fill="#71C6CD"/><path d="M186.663 225.207c-3.75 0-7.61-1.161-10.643-4.588-13.786-15.422-.552-42.562 7.499-52.678a1.41 1.41 0 0 1 2.507.728 1.42 1.42 0 0 1-.301 1.041c-6.562 8.07-20.459 34.713-7.72 49.029 7.72 8.568 22.058-.663 22.223-.718a1.388 1.388 0 0 1 1.93.387 1.397 1.397 0 0 1-.386 1.934c-.496.277-7.665 4.865-15.109 4.865zm-79.243-40.904a17.623 17.623 0 0 1-10.588-3.482c-8.106-5.915-10.092-16.307-5.956-31.729 3.885-13.32 10.001-25.88 18.088-37.145a1.376 1.376 0 0 1 2.256.632c.088.302.07.625-.051.916-5.845 8.457-13.73 21.558-17.646 36.316-3.75 14.151-2.206 23.603 4.963 28.743 10.312 7.573 22.499-.663 28.124-8.015.109-.145.245-.267.4-.36a1.388 1.388 0 0 1 1.53.084 1.376 1.376 0 0 1 .508 1.448 1.403 1.403 0 0 1-.232.487c-5.349 7.02-13.4 12.16-21.396 12.16" fill="#71C6CD"/><path d="M140.451 227.971c-1.102 0-2.15-.111-3.198-.277-6.397-1.216-11.58-5.804-14.668-13.045-6.011-14.261-1.765-32.612 3.694-43.944a1.387 1.387 0 0 1 1.327-.774 1.391 1.391 0 0 1 .949.466 1.385 1.385 0 0 1 .206 1.524c-5.239 10.834-9.32 28.246-3.64 41.623 2.702 6.356 7.169 10.447 12.628 11.442 5.901 1.105 12.353-1.493 17.647-7.02a1.372 1.372 0 0 1 1.802.128 1.382 1.382 0 0 1 .128 1.806c-4.963 5.251-11.029 8.071-16.875 8.071" fill="#71C6CD"/><path d="M176.02 269.98c-1.544 0-3.198-.277-4.908-.94-19.907-7.628-18.142-39.467-15.937-50.024.111-.553.441-.885.938-1.106.496-.11.992 0 1.378.332.386.332.552.829.386 1.327-2.04 9.949-3.86 39.964 14.228 46.928 10.698 4.091 19.3-10.668 19.411-10.778a1.392 1.392 0 0 1 1.902-.525 1.396 1.396 0 0 1 .524 1.907c-.386.552-7.61 12.879-17.922 12.879zm-74.556-7.96c-8.271 0-14.613-5.859-19.3-17.964a98.772 98.772 0 0 1-6.011-32.945 1.377 1.377 0 0 1 1.379-1.381c.716 0 1.378.552 1.378 1.326.166 8.292 1.324 20.563 5.79 32.06 4.246 10.889 9.76 16.196 16.764 16.196 10.037-.056 13.897-11.055 14.062-18.518 0-.773.662-1.381 1.434-1.326a1.378 1.378 0 0 1 1.323 1.382c-.22 10.502-6.065 21.17-16.764 21.17h-.055z" fill="#71C6CD"/><path d="M145.8 288.221c-3.529 0-7.279-1.438-10.753-4.201-10.257-8.181-17.315-27.417-19.797-42.839a1.422 1.422 0 0 1 1.103-1.603 1.37 1.37 0 0 1 1.08.219 1.386 1.386 0 0 1 .574.942c2.372 14.924 9.099 33.386 18.75 41.07 3.86 3.095 7.996 4.256 11.58 3.316 3.971-1.105 7.224-4.698 9.485-10.502.276-.663 1.103-.995 1.765-.719.717.277 1.103 1.106.772 1.769-3.254 8.347-7.941 11.221-11.305 12.161-1.103.221-2.206.387-3.309.387" fill="#71C6CD"/><path d="M191.791 313.26c-16.819 0-31.763-28.577-33.418-37.808a1.384 1.384 0 0 1 1.123-1.492 1.375 1.375 0 0 1 1.579.995c1.655 8.954 16.268 35.542 30.716 35.542h.276c8.602-.166 8.657-13.211 8.657-13.322a1.378 1.378 0 0 1 1.379-1.382c.772 0 1.379.608 1.379 1.382 0 5.473-2.316 15.864-11.36 16.03h-.331v.055zm-51.616 14.206c-3.86 0-7.444-1.658-9.043-2.432a58.779 58.779 0 0 1-16.048-11.774c-.551-.552-.551-1.437 0-1.934.552-.553 1.434-.553 1.931 0 3.419 3.427 8.823 8.181 15.275 11.165 6.066 2.875 10.257 2.93 13.069.222 3.64-3.483 2.095-9.287-1.213-12.935-.552-.553-.441-1.437.11-1.935.552-.552 1.434-.442 1.93.111 4.191 4.588 6.011 12.05 1.103 16.748a9.918 9.918 0 0 1-7.114 2.764" fill="#71C6CD"/><path d="M183.464 335.758a27.538 27.538 0 0 1-5.404-.664c-9.485-1.934-27.076-15.919-33.859-25.316-.441-.608-.331-1.492.276-1.935.607-.442 1.489-.331 1.93.277 6.342 8.844 23.437 22.442 32.205 24.266 4.577.939 7.389.774 9.098-.553 1.489-1.216 2.372-3.482 2.537-6.965.055-.774.717-1.382 1.489-1.326.331 0 .662.221.937.497.221.277.331.608.331.995-.275 4.312-1.433 7.296-3.639 8.955a9.36 9.36 0 0 1-5.901 1.769" fill="#71C6CD"/><path d="M219.474 340.401c-11.194 0-25.367-10.503-28.951-15.146a1.378 1.378 0 0 1-.173-1.379 1.382 1.382 0 0 1 1.11-.832c.497 0 .993.166 1.269.553 4.025 5.306 22.499 17.854 31.818 12.879 1.103-.608 1.82-1.437 2.041-2.487.496-2.598-1.82-6.191-2.758-7.352a1.403 1.403 0 0 1 .221-1.935 1.395 1.395 0 0 1 1.93.222c.165.165 4.191 5.195 3.309 9.617-.386 1.88-1.544 3.317-3.474 4.423a13.285 13.285 0 0 1-6.342 1.437zm-8.878 25.205c-2.041 0-3.916-.11-5.68-.276a1.384 1.384 0 0 1-1.241-1.52 1.388 1.388 0 0 1 1.516-1.244c3.254.332 7.059.332 11.029 0 3.309-.276 5.184-1.05 5.625-2.321a.555.555 0 0 0-.055-.553c-.551-.885-2.592-1.935-5.073-2.488a1.419 1.419 0 0 1-.886-.619 1.431 1.431 0 0 1-.19-1.067 1.419 1.419 0 0 1 1.132-1.089c.182-.032.369-.028.55.012 1.655.442 5.57 1.603 6.893 3.924a3.32 3.32 0 0 1 .221 2.764c-1.268 3.648-6.342 4.09-8.051 4.256a69.23 69.23 0 0 1-5.79.221" fill="#71C6CD"/><path d="M233.591 359.526a63.293 63.293 0 0 1-17.04-2.1 1.39 1.39 0 0 1-.95-1.228 1.398 1.398 0 0 1 1.833-1.426c5.514 1.824 18.749 2.598 23.16 1.327.828-.221 3.309-.94 3.64-1.658.055-.221.11-.774-.772-2.101a1.378 1.378 0 0 1-.13-1.447 1.377 1.377 0 0 1 1.233-.764c.441 0 .937.221 1.213.663 1.213 1.769 1.544 3.317 1.103 4.588-.772 1.935-3.143 2.764-5.515 3.427a31.887 31.887 0 0 1-7.72.719" fill="#71C6CD"/><path d="M251.348 353.446c-3.144 0-5.901-.332-7.28-.774a1.388 1.388 0 0 1-.909-1.741c.054-.175.142-.336.259-.476a1.367 1.367 0 0 1 1.478-.436c3.198.995 15.275 1.216 17.977-2.322.055-.111.22-.332.165-.442-.22-.553-1.654-1.382-2.922-1.658a1.406 1.406 0 0 1-.965-1.742 1.406 1.406 0 0 1 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1.168-.192.352-.139.618-.277.8-.416l.688 1.36zm-2.976-5.872c-.544 0-.95.165-1.216.496-.256.32-.411.752-.464 1.296h2.976c.042-.576-.048-1.019-.272-1.328-.214-.31-.555-.464-1.024-.464zM26.5 19a9.5 9.5 0 1 1 0 19 9.5 9.5 0 0 1 0-19z" fill="#27666B"/><path d="M26.5 34.2a1.425 1.425 0 1 1 0-2.85 1.425 1.425 0 0 1 0 2.85zm.95-5.605c-.123 1.14-1.786 1.14-1.9 0l-.475-4.75a.95.95 0 0 1 .95-1.045h.95a.95.95 0 0 1 .95 1.045l-.475 4.75z" fill="#F4FAFB"/><path d="M45.19 49.2h5.334v1.036h-4.172v3.346h3.892v1.036h-3.892V59H45.19v-9.8zm6.728 6.3c0-1.185.262-2.09.784-2.716.532-.635 1.293-.952 2.282-.952.523 0 .976.089 1.358.266.392.168.714.415.966.742.252.317.44.705.56 1.498 0 1.185-.266 2.095-.798 2.73-.522.625-1.278.938-2.268.938-.522 0-.98-.084-1.372-.252a2.582 2.582 0 0 1-.952-.742 3.285 3.285 0 0 1-.56-1.162 5.89 5.89 0 0 1-.182-1.512zm1.162 0c0 .355.033.695.098 1.27.01 1.904-.887 1.904-2.688 0-.364-.037-.71-.112-1.036a2.58 2.58 0 0 0-.322-.854 1.648 1.648 0 0 0-.588-.574c-.242-.15-.536-.224-.882-.224-1.269-.01-1.904.887-1.904 2.688zm11.51 3.038a2.96 2.96 0 0 1-.994.462 4.265 4.265 0 0 1-1.204.168c-.541 0-.998-.084-1.372-.252a2.486 2.486 0 0 1-.924-.742 3.392 3.392 0 0 1-.518-1.162 6.907 6.907 0 0 1-.154-1.512c0-1.185.262-2.09.784-2.716.523-.635 1.274-.952 2.254-.952.448 0 .826.037 2.847 0 0 0-.714-.28 3.045 3.045 0 0 0-.84-.112c-1.325 0-1.988.896-1.988 2.688 0 .355.033.695.098 0 .635-.051.896-.154.27-.103.49-.22.658-.35l.364.854zM67.14 52v3.99c0 .364.02.686.057.966. 0 .476-.037.672-.112.196-.084.368-.196.518-.336.158-.14.294-.299.406-.476a2.89 2.89 0 0 0 .294-.588V52h1.12v5.012c0 .336.009.686.028 2.785 0 0 1-.868.91c-.364.243-.826.364-1.386.364-.374 0-.705-.047-.994-.14a1.508 1.508 0 0 1-.714-.462c-.187-.224-.332-.523-.434-.896-.094-.383-.14-.863-.14-1.442V52h1.12zm9.62 5.096c0-.28-.084-.5-.252-.658a2.01 2.01 0 0 0-.63-.392 6.735 6.735 0 0 0-.812-.308 4.618 4.618 0 0 1-.812-.378 2.223 2.223 0 0 1-.616-.602c-.168-.243-.252-.57-.252-.98 0-.672.19-1.162.574-1.47.382-.317.914-.476 1.596-.476.504 0 .924.047 4.034 0 0 0-.784-.266 3.556 3.556 0 0 0-.966-.126c-.411 0-.714.07-.91.21-.187.14-.28.383-.28.728 0 .243.084.434.252.574.168.13.373.252.616.364.252.103.522.205.812.308.298.103.569.238.812.406.252.168.462.383.63.644. 1.008 0 .299-.052.579-.154.84a1.642 1.642 0 0 1-.448.672 2.127 2.127 0 0 1-.77.434 3.031 3.031 0 0 1-1.064.168c-.532 0-.985-.051-1.358-.154a4.28 4.28 0 0 1-.938-.364l.336-.952c.214.121.494.233.84.336.345.103.695.154 0 .732-.08.994-.238.26-.159.392-.443.392-.854zM87.799 59v-3.99c0-.364-.024-.681-.07-.952a1.698 1.698 0 0 0-.224-.686 1.058 1.058 0 0 0-.462-.42c-.187-.093-.434-.14-.742-.14-.44 0-.836.145-1.19.434-.355.28-.584.644-.686 1.092V59h-1.12v-9.8h1.12v3.584h.056c.242-.29.532-.518.868-.686.345-.177.77-.266 1.274-.266.392 0 .732.047 1.428V59h-1.12zm3.05-6.482a4.037 4.037 0 0 1 1.232-.476c.476-.103.97-.154 1.484-.154.485 0 .873.065 0 .56-.014 1.106-.042 1.638a28.832 28.832 0 0 0-.042 1.512c0 .345.014.672. 2.38 0 0 1-.322.392c-.122.121-.27.233-.448.336a2.966 2.966 0 0 1-1.414.336 2.48 2.48 0 0 1-.84-.14 2.021 2.021 0 0 1-.658-.392 2.035 2.035 0 0 1-.448-.63 2.102 2.102 0 0 1-.154-.826c0-.41.084-.751.252-1.022.168-.28.401-.5.7-.658a3.338 3.338 0 0 1 1.092-.35c.43-.075.9-.112 1.414-.112h.378c.13 0 .261.01.392.028a7.67 7.67 0 0 0 .042-.756c0-.513-.103-.873-.308-1.078-.206-.205-.579-.308-1.12-.308-.159 0-.332.014-.518.042a4.424 4.424 0 0 0-.56.098 3.642 3.642 0 0 0-.546.154 2.486 2.486 0 0 0-.448.196l-.35-.84zm1.988 5.614c.261 0 .495-.033.7-.098.205-.075.382-.163.532-.266.15-.112.27-.233.364-.364.102-.13.177-.257.224-.378v-1.162a5.722 5.722 0 0 0-.406-.014 6.461 6.461 0 0 0-1.246.042 2.45 2.45 0 0 0-.728.182 1.255 1.255 0 0 0-.504.364.881.881 0 0 0-.182.574c0 .327.117.597.35.812.233.205.532.308.896.308zm8.149-1.036c0-.28-.084-.5-.252-.658a2.01 2.01 0 0 0-.63-.392 6.714 6.714 0 0 0-.812-.308 4.622 4.622 0 0 1-.812-.378 2.225 2.225 0 0 1-.616-.602c-.168-.243-.252-.57-.252-.98 0-.672.192-1.162.574-1.47.383-.317.915-.476 1.596-.476.504 0 .924.047 4.041 0 0 0-.784-.266 3.559 3.559 0 0 0-.966-.126c-.41 0-.714.07-.91.21-.186.14-.28.383-.28.728 0 .243.084.434.252.574.168.13.374.252.616.364.252.103.523.205.812.308.299.103.569.238.812.406.252.168.462.383.63.644. 1.008 0 .299-.051.579-.154.84a1.641 1.641 0 0 1-.448.672 2.124 2.124 0 0 1-.77.434 3.03 3.03 0 0 1-1.064.168c-.532 0-.984-.051-1.358-.154a4.281 4.281 0 0 1-.938-.364l.336-.952c.215.121.495.233.84.336.346.103.696.154 0 .733-.08.994-.238.261-.159.392-.443.392-.854zm9.625 0c0-.28-.084-.5-.252-.658a2.01 2.01 0 0 0-.63-.392 6.728 6.728 0 0 0-.812-.308 4.632 4.632 0 0 1-.812-.378 2.22 2.22 0 0 1-.616-.602c-.168-.243-.252-.57-.252-.98 0-.672.191-1.162.574-1.47.383-.317.915-.476 1.596-.476.504 0 .924.047 4.041 0 0 0-.784-.266 3.559 3.559 0 0 0-.966-.126c-.411 0-.714.07-.91.21-.187.14-.28.383-.28.728 0 .243.084.434.252.574.168.13.373.252.616.364.252.103.523.205.812.308.299.103.569.238.812.406.252.168.462.383.63.644. 1.008 0 .299-.051.579-.154.84a1.641 1.641 0 0 1-.448.672 2.124 2.124 0 0 1-.77.434 3.03 3.03 0 0 1-1.064.168c-.532 0-.985-.051-1.358-.154a4.287 4.287 0 0 1-.938-.364l.336-.952c.215.121.495.233.84.336.345.103.695.154 0 .733-.08.994-.238.261-.159.392-.443.392-.854zM117.918 59v-3.99c0-.364-.024-.681-.07-.952a1.707 1.707 0 0 0-.224-.686 1.058 1.058 0 0 0-.462-.42c-.187-.093-.434-.14-.742-.14-.439 0-.836.145-1.19.434-.355.28-.584.644-.686 1.092V59h-1.12v-9.8h1.12v3.584h.056c.242-.29.532-.518.868-.686.345-.177.77-.266 1.274-.266.392 0 .732.047 1.428V59h-1.12zm3.4-7h1.12v7h-1.12v-7zm-.238-2.128c0-.215.07-.397.21-.546a.736.736 0 0 1 .56-.238c.224 0 .415.08.574.238a.72.72 0 0 1 .238.546.678.678 0 0 1-.238.532.838.838 0 0 1-.574.21.786.786 0 0 1-.56-.21.72.72 0 0 1-.21-.532zM124.056 52h1.092v-.392c0-.43.033-.803.098-1.12.075-.317.191-.574.35-.77.159-.205.364-.355.616-.448.252-.103.565-.154.938-.154.299 0 .56.019.784. 2.409 0 0 0-.616-.182 3.595 3.595 0 0 0-.532-.042c-.243 0-.434.037-.574.112a.69.69 0 0 0-.294.336c-.056.14-.093.317-.112.532-.009.205-.014.448-.014.728V52h1.862v.98h-1.862V59h-1.12v-6.02h-1.092V52zm4.098 0h1.092v-1.386l1.12-.322V52h1.904v.98h-1.904v3.878c0 .485.061.83.182 0 .448-.023.616-.07a8.99 8.99 0 0 0 .56-.21l.252.854c-.252.121-.527.22-.826.294a3.977 3.977 0 0 1-.966.112c-.569 0-.971-.159-1.204-.476-.233-.327-.35-.868-.35-1.624V52.98h-1.092V52zm10.628 6.44c-.28.224-.635.401-1.064.532-.42.13-.868.196-1.344.196-.532 0-.994-.084-1.386-.252a2.556 2.556 0 0 1-.966-.742 3.279 3.279 0 0 1-.56-1.162 5.76 5.76 0 0 1-.182-1.512c0-1.195.266-2.105.798-2.73s1.292-.938 2.282-.938c.317 0 .634.037.952.112.317.065.602.196.854.392s.457.476.616.84c.158.355.238.826.238 1.414 0 .308-.028.649-.084 1.022h-4.494c0 .41.042.775.126 0 .634-.056.952-.168.317-.112.555-.243.714-.392l.42.812zm-2.408-5.628c-.551 0-.994.145-1.33.434-.327.29-.523.784-.588 1.484h3.472c0-.71-.136-1.204-.406-1.484-.271-.29-.654-.434-1.148-.434zm9.783 3.78c0 .476.005.91.014 1.302.009.383.051.76.126 1.134h-.756l-.28-.994h-.056a2.256 2.256 0 0 1-.812.812c-.355.215-.77.322-1.246.322-.933 0-1.629-.294-2.086-.882-.448-.588-.672-1.507-.672-2.758 0-1.195.28-2.1.84-2.716.569-.625 1.349-.938 2.338-.938.345 0 .616.019.812. 1.596c.476 0 .854-.121 1.134-.364.28-.252.471-.63.574-1.134v-3.472a1.566 1.566 0 0 0-.574-.28 3.5 3.5 0 0 0-.854-.084c-.644 0-1.148.215-1.512.644-.364.42-.546 1.097-.546 2.03 0 .383.028.737.084 52h1.092v-1.386l1.12-.322V52h1.904v.98h-1.904v3.878c0 .485.06.83.182 0 .448-.023.616-.07.168-.056.354-.126.56-.21l.252.854c-.252.121-.528.22-.826.294a3.977 3.977 0 0 1-.966.112c-.57 0-.971-.159-1.204-.476-.234-.327-.35-.868-.35-1.624V52.98h-1.092V52zm5.126 3.5c0-1.185.261-2.09.784-2.716.532-.635 1.292-.952 2.282-.952.522 0 .975.089 1.358.266.392.168.714.415.966.742.252.317.438.705.56 1.498 0 1.185-.266 2.095-.798 2.73-.523.625-1.279.938-2.268.938-.523 0-.98-.084-1.372-.252a2.579 2.579 0 0 1-.952-.742 3.279 3.279 0 0 1-.56-1.162 5.86 5.86 0 0 1-.182-1.512zm1.161 0c0 .355.033.695.099 1.269.01 1.904-.887 1.904-2.688 0-.364-.038-.71-.112-1.036a2.604 2.604 0 0 0-.322-.854 1.66 1.66 0 0 0-.588-.574c-.243-.15-.537-.224-.882-.224-1.27-.01-1.905.887-1.905 2.688zm9.545-3.5h1.092v-1.386l1.12-.322V52h1.904v.98h-1.904v3.878c0 .485.06.83.182 0 .448-.023.616-.07.168-.056.354-.126.56-.21l.252.854c-.252.121-.528.22-.826.294a3.977 3.977 0 0 1-.966.112c-.57 0-.971-.159-1.204-.476-.234-.327-.35-.868-.35-1.624V52.98h-1.092V52zm10.162 7v-3.99c0-.364-.023-.681-.07-.952a1.692 1.692 0 0 0-.224-.686 1.058 1.058 0 0 0-.462-.42c-.187-.093-.434-.14-.742-.14-.439 0-.835.145-1.19.434-.355.28-.583.644-.686 1.092V59h-1.12v-9.8h1.12v3.584h.056c.243-.29.532-.518.868-.686.345-.177.77-.266 1.274-.266.392 0 .733.047 1.428V59h-1.12zm8.272-.56c-.28.224-.634.401-1.064.532-.42.13-.868.196-1.344.196-.532 0-.994-.084-1.386-.252a2.556 2.556 0 0 1-.966-.742 3.296 3.296 0 0 1-.56-1.162 5.802 5.802 0 0 1-.182-1.512c0-1.195.266-2.105.798-2.73s1.293-.938 2.282-.938c.318 0 .635.037.952.112.318.065.602.196.854.392s.458.476.616.84c.159.355.238.826.238 1.414 0 .308-.028.649-.084 1.022h-4.494c0 .41.042.775.126 1.092a2.2 2.2 0 0 0 .392.812c.178.215.406.383.686.504. 0 .635-.056.952-.168.318-.112.556-.243.714-.392l.42.812zm-2.408-5.628c-.55 0-.994.145-1.33.434-.326.29-.522.784-.588 1.484h3.472c0-.71-.135-1.204-.406-1.484-.27-.29-.653-.434-1.148-.434zm13.516 3.78c0 .476.005.91.014 1.302.009.383.051.76.126 1.134h-.756l-.28-.994h-.056a2.256 2.256 0 0 1-.812.812c-.355.215-.77.322-1.246.322-.933 0-1.629-.294-2.086-.882-.448-.588-.672-1.507-.672-2.758 0-1.195.28-2.1.84-2.716.569-.625 1.349-.938 2.338-.938.345 0 .616.019.812. 1.596c.476 0 .854-.121 1.134-.364.28-.252.471-.63.574-1.134v-3.472a1.566 1.566 0 0 0-.574-.28 3.5 3.5 0 0 0-.854-.084c-.644 0-1.148.215-1.512.644-.364.42-.546 1.097-.546 2.03 0 .383.028.737.084 0-.994-.084-1.386-.252a2.556 2.556 0 0 1-.966-.742 3.296 3.296 0 0 1-.56-1.162 5.802 5.802 0 0 1-.182-1.512c0-1.195.266-2.105.798-2.73s1.293-.938 2.282-.938c.318 0 .635.037.952.112.318.065.602.196.854.392s.458.476.616.84c.159.355.238.826.238 1.414 0 .308-.028.649-.084 1.022h-4.494c0 .41.042.775.126 1.092a2.2 2.2 0 0 0 .392.812c.178.215.406.383.686.504. 0 .635-.056.952-.168.318-.112.556-.243.714-.392l.42.812zm-2.408-5.628c-.55 0-.994.145-1.33.434-.326.29-.522.784-.588 1.484h3.472c0-.71-.135-1.204-.406-1.484-.27-.29-.653-.434-1.148-.434zm6.109 3.29l.392 1.33h.014l.35-1.358L209.789 52h1.204l-2.982 7.154h-.476L204.497 52h1.288l1.68 4.102zm9.698 2.338c-.28.224-.635.401-1.064.532-.42.13-.868.196-1.344.196-.532 0-.994-.084-1.386-.252a2.556 2.556 0 0 1-.966-.742 3.279 3.279 0 0 1-.56-1.162 5.76 5.76 0 0 1-.182-1.512c0-1.195.266-2.105.798-2.73s1.292-.938 2.282-.938c.317 0 .634.037.952.112.317.065.602.196.854.392s.457.476.616.84c.158.355.238.826.238 1.414 0 .308-.028.649-.084 1.022h-4.494c0 .41.042.775.126 0 .634-.056.952-.168.317-.112.555-.243.714-.392l.42.812zm-2.408-5.628c-.551 0-.994.145-1.33.434-.327.29-.523.784-.588 1.484h3.472c0-.71-.136-1.204-.406-1.484-.271-.29-.654-.434-1.148-.434zm5.653 4.466c0 .327. 0 .252-.01.392-.028.14-.019.299-.06.476-.126l.126.882a2.334 2.334 0 0 1-.63.182c-.261.047-.49.07-.686.07-.42 0-.765-.117-1.036-.35-.271-.243-.406-.649-.406-1.218v-8.4h1.12v8.078zm2.45-1.778c0-1.185.261-2.09.784-2.716.532-.635 1.293-.952 2.282-.952.523 0 .975.089 1.358.266.392.168.714.415.966.742.252.317.439.705.56 1.498 0 1.185-.266 2.095-.798 2.73-.523.625-1.279.938-2.268.938-.523 0-.98-.084-1.372-.252a2.579 2.579 0 0 1-.952-.742 3.279 3.279 0 0 1-.56-1.162 5.904 5.904 0 0 1-.182-1.512zm1.162 0c0 .355.033.695.098 1.269.01 1.904-.887 1.904-2.688 0-.364-.037-.71-.112-1.036a2.582 2.582 0 0 0-.322-.854 1.644 1.644 0 0 0-.588-.574c-.243-.15-.537-.224-.882-.224-1.269-.01-1.904.887-1.904 2.688zm6.736-3.5h.77l.21.84h.056c.214-.327.49-.574.826-.742a2.536 2.536 0 0 1 1.176-.266c.933 0 1.628.275 2.086.826.457.55.686 1.451.686 2.702 0 .588-.08 1.12-.238 1.596-.15.467-.364.863-.644 1.19a2.84 2.84 0 0 1-1.022.756 3.16 3.16 0 0 1-1.316.266c-.346 0-.621-.023-.826-.07a3.014 3.014 0 0 1-.644-.21V61.8h-1.12V52zm2.828.812c-.476 0-.854.126-1.134.378-.271.243-.462.616-.574 1.12v3.472c.168.13.359.233.574.308.214.065.499.098.854.098.644 0 1.152-.238 1.526-.714.382-.485.574-1.195.574-2.128 0-.383-.033-.728-.098-1.036a2.155 2.155 0 0 0-.322-.798 1.426 1.426 0 0 0-.56-.518c-.224-.121-.504-.182-.84-.182zM242.432 59v-3.962c0-.373-.019-.695-.056-.966a2.023 2.023 0 0 0-.182-.7.931.931 0 0 0-.406-.42c-.168-.093-.392-.14-.672-.14-.429 0-.789.13-1.078.392a2.1 2.1 0 0 0-.588.98V59h-1.12v-7h.784l.21.854h.056c.252-.299.541-.541.868-.728.336-.196.77-.294 1.302-.294.448 0 .812.089 2.682 0 0 1 1.288-.308c.392 0 .723.047.994. 1.456V59h-1.12v-4.214c0-.336-.019-.625-.056-.868a1.407 1.407 0 0 0-.196-.616.813.813 0 0 0-.406-.364c-.168-.084-.392-.126-.672-.126-.467 0-.831.13-1.092.392-.261.261-.448.635-.56 1.12V59h-1.12zm12.369-.56c-.28.224-.634.401-1.064.532-.42.13-.868.196-1.344.196-.532 0-.994-.084-1.386-.252a2.556 2.556 0 0 1-.966-.742 3.296 3.296 0 0 1-.56-1.162 5.802 5.802 0 0 1-.182-1.512c0-1.195.266-2.105.798-2.73s1.293-.938 2.282-.938c.318 0 .635.037.952.112.318.065.602.196.854.392s.458.476.616.84c.159.355.238.826.238 1.414 0 .308-.028.649-.084 1.022h-4.494c0 .41.042.775.126 1.092a2.2 2.2 0 0 0 .392.812c.178.215.406.383.686.504. 0 .635-.056.952-.168.318-.112.556-.243.714-.392l.42.812zm-2.408-5.628c-.55 0-.994.145-1.33.434-.326.29-.522.784-.588 1.484h3.472c0-.71-.135-1.204-.406-1.484-.27-.29-.653-.434-1.148-.434zM261.295 59v-3.99c0-.728-.108-1.274-.322-1.638-.206-.373-.588-.56-1.148-.56-.495 0-.906.135-1.232.406a2.093 2.093 0 0 0-.672.994V59h-1.12v-7h.784l.21.854h.056a2.48 2.48 0 0 1 .896-.728c.382-.196.835-.294 1.358-.294.382 0 .718.047 1.428V59h-1.12zm2.238-7h1.092v-1.386l1.12-.322V52h1.904v.98h-1.904v3.878c0 .485.061.83.182 0 .448-.023.616-.07a8.99 8.99 0 0 0 .56-.21l.252.854c-.252.121-.527.22-.826.294a3.977 3.977 0 0 1-.966.112c-.569 0-.971-.159-1.204-.476-.233-.327-.35-.868-.35-1.624V52.98h-1.092V52zm9.008 3.5c0-1.185.262-2.09.784-2.716.532-.635 1.293-.952 2.282-.952.523 0 .976.089 1.358.266.392.168.714.415.966.742.252.317.439.705.56 1.162a5.7 5.7 0 0 1 .182 1.498c0 1.185-.266 2.095-.798 2.73-.522.625-1.278.938-2.268.938-.522 0-.98-.084-1.372-.252a2.587 2.587 0 0 1-.952-.742 3.296 3.296 0 0 1-.56-1.162 5.904 5.904 0 0 1-.182-1.512zm1.162 0c0 .355.033.695.098 1.27.01 1.904-.887 1.904-2.688 0-.364-.037-.71-.112-1.036a2.56 2.56 0 0 0-.322-.854 1.644 1.644 0 0 0-.588-.574c-.242-.15-.536-.224-.882-.224-1.269-.01-1.904.887-1.904 2.688zm5.802-3.5h1.092v-.392c0-.43.033-.803.098-1.12.075-.317.192-.574.35-.77.159-.205.364-.355.616-.448.252-.103.565-.154.938-.154.299 0 .56.019.784. 2.397 0 0 0-.616-.182 3.585 3.585 0 0 0-.532-.042c-.242 0-.434.037-.574.112a.7.7 0 0 0-.294.336c-.056.14-.093.317-.112.532-.009.205-.014.448-.014.728V52h1.862v.98h-1.862V59h-1.12v-6.02h-1.092V52zm56.925 6.398c0-.224.075-.406.224-.546a.806.806 0 0 1 .574-.21.88.88 0 0 1 .7.308c. 0 .336-.047.63-.14.882a2.146 2.146 0 0 1-.364.644 1.997 1.997 0 0 1-.49.448c-.177.121-.355.21-.532.266l-.35-.546c.336-.13.583-.336.742-.616a1.55 1.55 0 0 0 .252-.826.752.752 0 0 1-.238.042.674.674 0 0 1-.476-.182c-.121-.13-.182-.317-.182-.56zM341.271 52h1.092v-1.386l1.12-.322V52h1.904v.98h-1.904v3.878c0 .485.061.83.182 0 .448-.023.616-.07a8.99 8.99 0 0 0 .56-.21l.252.854c-.252.121-.527.22-.826.294-.298.075-.62.112-.966.112-.569 0-.97-.159-1.204-.476-.233-.327-.35-.868-.35-1.624V52.98h-1.092V52zm10.162 7v-3.99c0-.364-.023-.681-.07-.952a1.692 1.692 0 0 0-.224-.686 1.058 1.058 0 0 0-.462-.42c-.186-.093-.434-.14-.742-.14-.438 0-.835.145-1.19.434-.354.28-.583.644-.686 1.092V59h-1.12v-9.8h1.12v3.584h.056c.243-.29.532-.518.868-.686.346-.177.77-.266 1.274-.266.392 0 .733.047 1.428V59h-1.12zm8.273-.56c-.28.224-.635.401-1.064.532-.42.13-.868.196-1.344.196-.532 0-.994-.084-1.386-.252a2.556 2.556 0 0 1-.966-.742 3.279 3.279 0 0 1-.56-1.162 5.76 5.76 0 0 1-.182-1.512c0-1.195.266-2.105.798-2.73s1.292-.938 2.282-.938c.317 0 .634.037.952.112.317.065.602.196.854.392s.457.476.616.84c.158.355.238.826.238 1.414 0 .308-.028.649-.084 1.022h-4.494c0 .41.042.775.126 0 .634-.056.952-.168.317-.112.555-.243.714-.392l.42.812zm-2.408-5.628c-.551 0-.994.145-1.33.434-.327.29-.523.784-.588 1.484h3.472c0-.71-.136-1.204-.406-1.484-.271-.29-.654-.434-1.148-.434zm11.219 4.284c0-.28-.084-.5-.252-.658a2.01 2.01 0 0 0-.63-.392 6.665 6.665 0 0 0-.812-.308 4.632 4.632 0 0 1-.812-.378 2.233 2.233 0 0 1-.616-.602c-.168-.243-.252-.57-.252-.98 0-.672.192-1.162.574-1.47.383-.317.915-.476 1.596-.476.504 0 .924.047 4.018 0 0 0-.784-.266 3.548 3.548 0 0 0-.966-.126c-.41 0-.714.07-.91.21-.186.14-.28.383-.28.728 0 .243.084.434.252.574.168.13.374.252.616.364.252.103.523.205.812.308. 1.008 0 .299-.051.579-.154.84a1.631 1.631 0 0 1-.448.672 2.124 2.124 0 0 1-.77.434 3.027 3.027 0 0 1-1.064.168c-.532 0-.984-.051-1.358-.154a4.287 4.287 0 0 1-.938-.364l.336-.952c.215.121.495.233.84.336.346.103.696.154 0 .733-.08.994-.238.262-.159.392-.443.392-.854zM372.338 52v3.99c0 .364.019.686.056.966. 0 .476-.037.672-.112.196-.084.369-.196.518-.336.159-.14.294-.299.406-.476.121-.187.219-.383.294-.588V52h1.12v5.012c0 .336.009.686.028 2.788 0 0 1-.868.91c-.364.243-.826.364-1.386.364-.373 0-.705-.047-.994-.14a1.508 1.508 0 0 1-.714-.462c-.187-.224-.331-.523-.434-.896-.093-.383-.14-.863-.14-1.442V52h1.12zm11.313 6.538c-.28.205-.612.36-.994.462a4.266 4.266 0 0 1-1.204.168c-.542 0-.999-.084-1.372-.252a2.476 2.476 0 0 1-.924-.742 3.38 3.38 0 0 1-.518-1.162 6.888 6.888 0 0 1-.154-1.512c0-1.185.261-2.09.784-2.716.522-.635 1.274-.952 2.254-.952.448 0 .826.037 2.856 0 0 0-.714-.28 3.05 3.05 0 0 0-.84-.112c-1.326 0-1.988.896-1.988 2.688 0 .355.032.695.098 0 .634-.051.896-.154.27-.103.49-.22.658-.35l.364.854zm5.988 0c-.28.205-.611.36-.994.462a4.266 4.266 0 0 1-1.204.168c-.541 0-.999-.084-1.372-.252a2.492 2.492 0 0 1-.924-.742 3.4 3.4 0 0 1-.518-1.162 6.888 6.888 0 0 1-.154-1.512c0-1.185.261-2.09.784-2.716.523-.635 1.274-.952 2.254-.952.448 0 .826.037 2.856 0 0 0-.714-.28 3.04 3.04 0 0 0-.84-.112c-1.325 0-1.988.896-1.988 2.688 0 .355.033.695.098 0 .635-.051.896-.154.271-.103.49-.22.658-.35l.364.854zm6.324-.098c-.28.224-.634.401-1.064.532-.42.13-.868.196-1.344.196-.532 0-.994-.084-1.386-.252a2.556 2.556 0 0 1-.966-.742 3.296 3.296 0 0 1-.56-1.162 5.802 5.802 0 0 1-.182-1.512c0-1.195.266-2.105.798-2.73s1.293-.938 2.282-.938c.318 0 .635.037.952.112.318.065.602.196.854.392s.458.476.616.84c.159.355.238.826.238 1.414 0 .308-.028.649-.084 1.022h-4.494c0 .41.042.775.126 1.092a2.2 2.2 0 0 0 .392.812c.178.215.406.383.686.504. 0 .635-.056.952-.168.318-.112.556-.243.714-.392l.42.812zm-2.408-5.628c-.55 0-.994.145-1.33.434-.326.29-.522.784-.588 1.484h3.472c0-.71-.135-1.204-.406-1.484-.27-.29-.653-.434-1.148-.434zm7.488 4.284c0-.28-.084-.5-.252-.658a2.01 2.01 0 0 0-.63-.392 6.793 6.793 0 0 0-.812-.308 4.598 4.598 0 0 1-.812-.378 2.22 2.22 0 0 1-.616-.602c-.168-.243-.252-.57-.252-.98 0-.672.191-1.162.574-1.47.382-.317.914-.476 1.596-.476.504 0 .924.047 4.041 0 0 0-.784-.266 3.559 3.559 0 0 0-.966-.126c-.411 0-.714.07-.91.21-.187.14-.28.383-.28.728 0 .243.084.434.252.574.168.13.373.252.616.364.252.103.522.205.812.308.298.103.569.238.812.406.252.168.462.383.63.644. 1.008 0 .299-.052.579-.154.84a1.65 1.65 0 0 1-.448.672 2.132 2.132 0 0 1-.77.434 3.035 3.035 0 0 1-1.064.168c-.532 0-.985-.051-1.358-.154a4.267 4.267 0 0 1-.938-.364l.336-.952c.214.121.494.233.84.336.345.103.695.154 0 .732-.08.994-.238.261-.159.392-.443.392-.854zm5.892 0c0-.28-.084-.5-.252-.658a2.01 2.01 0 0 0-.63-.392 6.665 6.665 0 0 0-.812-.308 4.632 4.632 0 0 1-.812-.378 2.233 2.233 0 0 1-.616-.602c-.168-.243-.252-.57-.252-.98 0-.672.192-1.162.574-1.47.383-.317.915-.476 1.596-.476.504 0 .924.047 4.018 0 0 0-.784-.266 3.548 3.548 0 0 0-.966-.126c-.41 0-.714.07-.91.21-.186.14-.28.383-.28.728 0 .243.084.434.252.574.168.13.374.252.616.364.252.103.523.205.812.308. 1.008 0 .299-.051.579-.154.84a1.631 1.631 0 0 1-.448.672 2.124 2.124 0 0 1-.77.434 3.027 3.027 0 0 1-1.064.168c-.532 0-.984-.051-1.358-.154a4.287 4.287 0 0 1-.938-.364l.336-.952c.215.121.495.233.84.336.346.103.696.154 0 .733-.08.994-.238.262-.159.392-.443.392-.854zm2.421-1.596c0-1.185.261-2.09.784-2.716.532-.635 1.293-.952 2.282-.952.523 0 .975.089 1.358.266.392.168.714.415.966.742.252.317.439.705.56 1.498 0 1.185-.266 2.095-.798 2.73-.523.625-1.279.938-2.268.938-.523 0-.98-.084-1.372-.252a2.579 2.579 0 0 1-.952-.742 3.279 3.279 0 0 1-.56-1.162 5.904 5.904 0 0 1-.182-1.512zm1.162 0c0 .355.033.695.098 1.269.01 1.904-.887 1.904-2.688 0-.364-.037-.71-.112-1.036a2.582 2.582 0 0 0-.322-.854 1.644 1.644 0 0 0-.588-.574c-.243-.15-.537-.224-.882-.224-1.269-.01-1.904.887-1.904 2.688zm10.04-2.422a2.526 2.526 0 0 0-.798-.14c-.402 0-.719.112-.952.336-.234.215-.378.49-.434.826V59h-1.12v-7h.784l.21.854h.056c.177-.317.387-.56.63-.728.252-.177.569-.266.952-.266.27 0 .574.047.91.14l-.238 1.078zM424.82 52h1.092v-1.386l1.12-.322V52h1.904v.98h-1.904v3.878c0 .485.061.83.182 0 .448-.023.616-.07a8.99 8.99 0 0 0 .56-.21l.252.854c-.252.121-.527.22-.826.294a3.977 3.977 0 0 1-.966.112c-.569 0-.971-.159-1.204-.476-.233-.327-.35-.868-.35-1.624V52.98h-1.092V52zm5.126 3.5c0-1.185.261-2.09.784-2.716.532-.635 1.292-.952 2.282-.952.522 0 .975.089 1.358.266.392.168.714.415.966.742.252.317.438.705.56 1.498 0 1.185-.266 2.095-.798 2.73-.523.625-1.279.938-2.268.938-.523 0-.98-.084-1.372-.252a2.579 2.579 0 0 1-.952-.742 3.279 3.279 0 0 1-.56-1.162 5.86 5.86 0 0 1-.182-1.512zm1.162 0c0 .355.032.695.098 1.269.01 1.904-.887 1.904-2.688 0-.364-.038-.71-.112-1.036a2.604 2.604 0 0 0-.322-.854 1.66 1.66 0 0 0-.588-.574c-.243-.15-.537-.224-.882-.224-1.27-.01-1.904.887-1.904 2.688zm15.004 1.008c0-.392-.117-.71-.35-.952a3.24 3.24 0 0 0-.882-.658 9.806 9.806 0 0 0-1.134-.546 6.696 6.696 0 0 1-1.148-.602 3.391 3.391 0 0 1-.868-.882c-.233-.355-.35-.803-.35-1.344 0-.765.266-1.372.798-1.82.532-.448 1.288-.672 2.268-.672a8.81 8.81 0 0 1 1.554.126c.467.084.831.191 1.092.322l-.35 1.022c-.215-.103-.532-.2-.952-.294a6.347 6.347 0 0 0-1.4-.14c-.616 0-1.078.14-1.386.42-.308.27-.462.593-.462.966 0 .364.117.667. 1.148.56a6.41 6.41 0 0 1 1.134.658c.355.243.649.537.882.882.233.345.35.775.35 1.288 0 .42-.075.798-.224 1.134a2.386 2.386 0 0 1-.658.868c-.289.243-.639.43-1.05.56-.411.13-.877.196-1.4.196-.7 0-1.279-.056-1.736-.168-.457-.103-.812-.22-1.064-.35l.392-1.05c.215.121.532.243.952.364.42.112.891.168 1.414.168.308 0 .597-.028.868-.084.271-.065.504-.163.7-.294.196-.14.35-.313.462-.518.121-.205.182-.448.182-.728zM449.014 52h.77l.21.84h.056c.214-.327.49-.574.826-.742a2.536 2.536 0 0 1 1.176-.266c.933 0 1.628.275 2.086.826.457.55.686 1.451.686 2.702 0 .588-.08 1.12-.238 1.596-.15.467-.364.863-.644 1.19a2.84 2.84 0 0 1-1.022.756 3.16 3.16 0 0 1-1.316.266c-.346 0-.621-.023-.826-.07a3.014 3.014 0 0 1-.644-.21V61.8h-1.12V52zm2.828.812c-.476 0-.854.126-1.134.378-.271.243-.462.616-.574 1.12v3.472c.168.13.359.233.574.308.214.065.499.098.854.098.644 0 1.152-.238 1.526-.714.382-.485.574-1.195.574-2.128 0-.383-.033-.728-.098-1.036a2.155 2.155 0 0 0-.322-.798 1.426 1.426 0 0 0-.56-.518c-.224-.121-.504-.182-.84-.182zm4.634-.294a4.026 4.026 0 0 1 1.232-.476c.476-.103.97-.154 1.484-.154.485 0 .872.065 0 .56-.014 1.106-.042 1.638a28.832 28.832 0 0 0-.042 1.512c0 .345.014.672. 2.188 0 0 1-.77.728 2.973 2.973 0 0 1-1.414.336c-.299 0-.579-.047-.84-.14a2.014 2.014 0 0 1-.658-.392 2.03 2.03 0 0 1-.448-.63 2.096 2.096 0 0 1-.154-.826c0-.41.084-.751.252-1.022.168-.28.401-.5.7-.658a3.338 3.338 0 0 1 1.092-.35c.429-.075.9-.112 1.414-.112h.378c.13 0 .261.01.392.028a7.67 7.67 0 0 0 .042-.756c0-.513-.103-.873-.308-1.078-.206-.205-.579-.308-1.12-.308-.159 0-.332.014-.518.042a4.402 4.402 0 0 0-.56.098 3.622 3.622 0 0 0-.546.154 2.465 2.465 0 0 0-.448.196l-.35-.84zm1.988 5.614c.261 0 .494-.033.7-.098a2.38 2.38 0 0 0 .532-.266c.149-.112.27-.233.364-.364.102-.13.177-.257.224-.378v-1.162a5.728 5.728 0 0 0-.406-.014 6.453 6.453 0 0 0-1.246.042 2.443 2.443 0 0 0-.728.182 1.246 1.246 0 0 0-.504.364c-.122.15-.182.34-.182.574 0 .327.116.597.35.812.233.205.532.308.896.308zm9.843.406c-.28.205-.611.36-.994.462a4.266 4.266 0 0 1-1.204.168c-.541 0-.999-.084-1.372-.252a2.492 2.492 0 0 1-.924-.742 3.4 3.4 0 0 1-.518-1.162 6.888 6.888 0 0 1-.154-1.512c0-1.185.261-2.09.784-2.716.523-.635 1.274-.952 2.254-.952.448 0 .826.037 2.856 0 0 0-.714-.28 3.04 3.04 0 0 0-.84-.112c-1.325 0-1.988.896-1.988 2.688 0 .355.033.695.098 0 .635-.051.896-.154.271-.103.49-.22.658-.35l.364.854zm6.324-.098c-.28.224-.634.401-1.064.532-.42.13-.868.196-1.344.196-.532 0-.994-.084-1.386-.252a2.556 2.556 0 0 1-.966-.742 3.296 3.296 0 0 1-.56-1.162 5.802 5.802 0 0 1-.182-1.512c0-1.195.266-2.105.798-2.73s1.293-.938 2.282-.938c.318 0 .635.037.952.112.318.065.602.196.854.392s.458.476.616.84c.159.355.238.826.238 1.414 0 .308-.028.649-.084 1.022h-4.494c0 .41.042.775.126 1.092a2.2 2.2 0 0 0 .392.812c.178.215.406.383.686.504. 0 .635-.056.952-.168.318-.112.556-.243.714-.392l.42.812zm-2.408-5.628c-.55 0-.994.145-1.33.434-.326.29-.522.784-.588 1.484h3.472c0-.71-.135-1.204-.406-1.484-.27-.29-.653-.434-1.148-.434zm9.798-.812v7h-1.12v-6.02h-2.828V59h-1.12v-6.02h-1.092V52h1.092v-.392c0-.877.214-1.512.644-1.904.438-.401 1.078-.602 1.918-.602.55 0 1.04.056 1.008.378l-.378.896a2.768 2.768 0 0 0-.896-.35 5.229 5.229 0 0 0-1.106-.112c-.346 0-.621.042-.826.126a.944.944 0 0 0-.462.364c-.103.159-.173.36-.21.602a7.271 7.271 0 0 0-.042.826h3.948zm5.25 5.096c0-.28-.084-.5-.252-.658a2.01 2.01 0 0 0-.63-.392 6.665 6.665 0 0 0-.812-.308 4.632 4.632 0 0 1-.812-.378 2.233 2.233 0 0 1-.616-.602c-.168-.243-.252-.57-.252-.98 0-.672.192-1.162.574-1.47.383-.317.915-.476 1.596-.476.504 0 .924.047 4.018 0 0 0-.784-.266 3.548 3.548 0 0 0-.966-.126c-.41 0-.714.07-.91.21-.186.14-.28.383-.28.728 0 .243.084.434.252.574.168.13.374.252.616.364.252.103.523.205.812.308. 1.008 0 .299-.051.579-.154.84a1.631 1.631 0 0 1-.448.672 2.124 2.124 0 0 1-.77.434 3.027 3.027 0 0 1-1.064.168c-.532 0-.984-.051-1.358-.154a4.287 4.287 0 0 1-.938-.364l.336-.952c.215.121.495.233.84.336.346.103.696.154 0 .733-.08.994-.238.262-.159.392-.443.392-.854zM494.578 59v-3.99c0-.364-.023-.681-.07-.952a1.692 1.692 0 0 0-.224-.686 1.058 1.058 0 0 0-.462-.42c-.187-.093-.434-.14-.742-.14-.439 0-.835.145-1.19.434-.355.28-.583.644-.686 1.092V59h-1.12v-9.8h1.12v3.584h.056c.243-.29.532-.518.868-.686.345-.177.77-.266 1.274-.266.392 0 .733.047 1.428V59h-1.12zm2.77-.644c0-.252.07-.448.21-.588a.794.794 0 0 1 .588-.224c.252 0 .453.075.602. 0 0 1-.224.588c-.149.15-.35.224-.602.224a.794.794 0 0 1-.588-.224c-.14-.15-.21-.345-.21-.588zM45.456 69.2h1.162V79h-1.162v-9.8zm2.926 2.8h1.092v-.392c0-.43.033-.803.098-1.12.075-.317.192-.574.35-.77.159-.205.364-.355.616-.448.252-.103.565-.154.938-.154.299 0 .56.019.784. 2.404 0 0 0-.616-.182 3.591 3.591 0 0 0-.532-.042c-.242 0-.434.037-.574.112a.695.695 0 0 0-.294.336c-.056.14-.093.317-.112.532-.01.205-.014.448-.014.728V72h1.862v.98h-1.862V79h-1.12v-6.02h-1.092V72zm10.84 4.536l.392 1.344h.07l.308-1.358L61.35 72h1.134l-2.072 6.286c-.159.457-.317.9-.476 1.33-.15.43-.317.812-.504 1.148a2.804 2.804 0 0 1-.63.798 1.192 1.192 0 0 1-.812.308c-.336 0-.611-.047-.826-.14l.196-.966c. 0 .513-.14.756-.42.243-.27.443-.742.602-1.414l-2.814-7h1.288l1.68 4.536zm3.921-1.036c0-1.185.261-2.09.784-2.716.532-.635 1.293-.952 2.282-.952.523 0 .975.089 1.358.266.392.168.714.415.966.742.252.317.439.705.56 1.498 0 1.185-.266 2.095-.798 2.73-.523.625-1.279.938-2.268.938-.523 0-.98-.084-1.372-.252a2.582 2.582 0 0 1-.952-.742 3.285 3.285 0 0 1-.56-1.162 5.89 5.89 0 0 1-.182-1.512zm1.162 0c0 .355.033.695.098 1.27.01 1.904-.887 1.904-2.688 0-.364-.037-.71-.112-1.036a2.58 2.58 0 0 0-.322-.854 1.648 1.648 0 0 0-.588-.574c-.243-.15-.537-.224-.882-.224-1.27-.01-1.904.887-1.904 2.688zm7.744-3.5v3.99c0 .364.019.686.056.966. 0 .476-.037.672-.112.196-.084.369-.196.518-.336.159-.14.294-.299.406-.476a2.89 2.89 0 0 0 .294-.588V72h1.12v5.012c0 .336.01.686.028 2.785 0 0 1-.868.91c-.364.243-.826.364-1.386.364-.373 0-.705-.047-.994-.14a1.508 1.508 0 0 1-.714-.462c-.187-.224-.331-.523-.434-.896-.093-.383-.14-.863-.14-1.442V72h1.12zm10.16.518a4.037 4.037 0 0 1 1.231-.476c.476-.103.97-.154 1.484-.154.485 0 .873.065 0 .56-.014 1.106-.042 1.638a28.832 28.832 0 0 0-.042 1.512c0 .345.014.672. 2.38 0 0 1-.322.392c-.121.121-.27.233-.448.336a2.966 2.966 0 0 1-1.414.336 2.48 2.48 0 0 1-.84-.14 2.021 2.021 0 0 1-.658-.392 2.035 2.035 0 0 1-.448-.63 2.102 2.102 0 0 1-.154-.826c0-.41.084-.751.252-1.022.168-.28.401-.5.7-.658a3.338 3.338 0 0 1 1.092-.35c.43-.075.9-.112 1.414-.112h.378c.13 0 .261.01.392.028a7.67 7.67 0 0 0 .042-.756c0-.513-.103-.873-.308-1.078-.205-.205-.579-.308-1.12-.308-.158 0-.331.014-.518.042a4.424 4.424 0 0 0-.56.098 3.642 3.642 0 0 0-.546.154 2.486 2.486 0 0 0-.448.196l-.35-.84zm1.987 5.614c.261 0 .495-.033.7-.098.206-.075.383-.163.532-.266.15-.112.27-.233.364-.364.103-.13.177-.257.224-.378v-1.162a5.722 5.722 0 0 0-.406-.014 6.461 6.461 0 0 0-1.246.042 2.45 2.45 0 0 0-.728.182 1.255 1.255 0 0 0-.504.364.881.881 0 0 0-.182.574c0 .327.117.597.35.812.234.205.532.308.896.308zm8.374-5.054a2.526 2.526 0 0 0-.798-.14c-.402 0-.72.112-.953.336a1.4 1.4 0 0 0-.434.826V79h-1.12v-7h.784l.21.854h.056c.178-.317.388-.56.63-.728.253-.177.57-.266.953-.266.27 0 .574.047.91.14l-.239 1.078zm6.563 5.362c-.28.224-.634.401-1.064.532-.42.13-.868.196-1.344.196-.532 0-.994-.084-1.386-.252a2.556 2.556 0 0 1-.966-.742 3.284 3.284 0 0 1-.56-1.162 5.79 5.79 0 0 1-.182-1.512c0-1.195.266-2.105.798-2.73s1.293-.938 2.282-.938c.318 0 .635.037.952.112.318.065.602.196.854.392s.458.476.616.84c.159.355.238.826.238 1.414 0 .308-.028.649-.084 1.022h-4.494c0 .41.042.775.126 1.8 0 0 0 .686.504c. 0 .635-.056.952-.168.318-.112.556-.243.714-.392l.42.812zm-2.408-5.628c-.55 0-.994.145-1.33.434-.326.29-.522.784-.588 1.484h3.472c0-.71-.135-1.204-.406-1.484-.27-.29-.653-.434-1.148-.434zm8.378-.812h1.12v7h-1.12v-7zm-.238-2.128c0-.215.07-.397.21-.546a.736.736 0 0 1 .56-.238c.224 0 .415.08.574.238a.72.72 0 0 1 .238.546.678.678 0 0 1-.238.532.838.838 0 0 1-.574.21.786.786 0 0 1-.56-.21.72.72 0 0 1-.21-.532zm8.24 9.128v-3.99c0-.728-.107-1.274-.322-1.638-.205-.373-.588-.56-1.148-.56-.494 0-.905.135-1.232.406a2.107 2.107 0 0 0-.672.994V79h-1.12v-7h.784l.21.854h.056c.224-.299.523-.541.896-.728.383-.196.836-.294 1.358-.294.383 0 .719.047 1.428V79h-1.12zm2.238-7h1.092v-1.386l1.12-.322V72h1.904v.98h-1.904v3.878c0 .485.061.83.182 0 .448-.023.616-.07a8.99 8.99 0 0 0 .56-.21l.252.854c-.252.121-.527.22-.826.294-.298.075-.62.112-.966.112-.569 0-.97-.159-1.204-.476-.233-.327-.35-.868-.35-1.624V72.98h-1.092V72zm10.628 6.44c-.28.224-.634.401-1.064.532-.42.13-.868.196-1.344.196-.532 0-.994-.084-1.386-.252a2.556 2.556 0 0 1-.966-.742 3.296 3.296 0 0 1-.56-1.162 5.802 5.802 0 0 1-.182-1.512c0-1.195.266-2.105.798-2.73s1.293-.938 2.282-.938c.318 0 .635.037.952.112.318.065.602.196.854.392s.458.476.616.84c.159.355.238.826.238 1.414 0 .308-.028.649-.084 1.022h-4.494c0 .41.042.775.126 1.092a2.2 2.2 0 0 0 .392.812c.178.215.406.383.686.504. 0 .635-.056.952-.168.318-.112.556-.243.714-.392l.42.812zm-2.408-5.628c-.55 0-.994.145-1.33.434-.326.29-.522.784-.588 1.484h3.472c0-.71-.135-1.204-.406-1.484-.27-.29-.653-.434-1.148-.434zm7.712.266a2.526 2.526 0 0 0-.798-.14c-.402 0-.719.112-.952.336-.234.215-.378.49-.434.826V79h-1.12v-7h.784l.21.854h.056c.177-.317.387-.56.63-.728.252-.177.569-.266.952-.266.27 0 .574.047.91.14l-.238 1.078zm6.563 5.362c-.28.224-.634.401-1.064.532-.42.13-.868.196-1.344.196-.532 0-.994-.084-1.386-.252a2.556 2.556 0 0 1-.966-.742 3.296 3.296 0 0 1-.56-1.162 5.802 5.802 0 0 1-.182-1.512c0-1.195.266-2.105.798-2.73s1.293-.938 2.282-.938c.318 0 .635.037.952.112.318.065.602.196.854.392s.458.476.616.84c.159.355.238.826.238 1.414 0 .308-.028.649-.084 1.022h-4.494c0 .41.042.775.126 1.092a2.2 2.2 0 0 0 .392.812c.178.215.406.383.686.504. 0 .635-.056.952-.168.318-.112.556-.243.714-.392l.42.812zm-2.408-5.628c-.55 0-.994.145-1.33.434-.326.29-.522.784-.588 1.484h3.472c0-.71-.135-1.204-.406-1.484-.27-.29-.653-.434-1.148-.434zm7.488 4.284c0-.28-.084-.5-.252-.658a2.01 2.01 0 0 0-.63-.392 6.793 6.793 0 0 0-.812-.308 4.598 4.598 0 0 1-.812-.378 2.22 2.22 0 0 1-.616-.602c-.168-.243-.252-.57-.252-.98 0-.672.191-1.162.574-1.47.382-.317.914-.476 1.596-.476.504 0 .924.047 4.041 0 0 0-.784-.266 3.559 3.559 0 0 0-.966-.126c-.411 0-.714.07-.91.21-.187.14-.28.383-.28.728 0 .243.084.434.252.574.168.13.373.252.616.364.252.103.522.205.812.308.298.103.569.238.812.406.252.168.462.383.63.644. 1.008 0 .299-.052.579-.154.84a1.65 1.65 0 0 1-.448.672 2.132 2.132 0 0 1-.77.434 3.035 3.035 0 0 1-1.064.168c-.532 0-.985-.051-1.358-.154a4.267 4.267 0 0 1-.938-.364l.336-.952c.214.121.494.233.84.336.345.103.695.154 0 .732-.08.994-.238.261-.159.392-.443.392-.854zM144.806 72h1.092v-1.386l1.12-.322V72h1.904v.98h-1.904v3.878c0 .485.061.83.182 0 .448-.023.616-.07a8.99 8.99 0 0 0 .56-.21l.252.854c-.252.121-.527.22-.826.294-.298.075-.62.112-.966.112-.569 0-.97-.159-1.204-.476-.233-.327-.35-.868-.35-1.624V72.98h-1.092V72zm10.628 6.44c-.28.224-.635.401-1.064.532-.42.13-.868.196-1.344.196-.532 0-.994-.084-1.386-.252a2.556 2.556 0 0 1-.966-.742 3.279 3.279 0 0 1-.56-1.162 5.802 5.802 0 0 1-.182-1.512c0-1.195.266-2.105.798-2.73s1.293-.938 2.282-.938c.317 0 .635.037.952.112.317.065.602.196.854.392s.457.476.616.84c.159.355.238.826.238 1.414 0 .308-.028.649-.084 1.022h-4.494c0 .41.042.775.126 1.092a2.2 2.2 0 0 0 .392.812c.177.215.406.383.686.504.289.112.639.168 0 .635-.056.952-.168.317-.112.555-.243.714-.392l.42.812zm-2.408-5.628c-.551 0-.994.145-1.33.434-.327.29-.523.784-.588 1.484h3.472c0-.71-.135-1.204-.406-1.484-.271-.29-.653-.434-1.148-.434zm9.783 3.78c0 .476.005.91.014 1.302.01.383.052.76.126 1.134h-.756l-.28-.994h-.056a2.248 2.248 0 0 1-.812.812c-.354.215-.77.322-1.246.322-.933 0-1.628-.294-2.086-.882-.448-.588-.672-1.507-.672-2.758 0-1.195.28-2.1.84-2.716.57-.625 1.349-.938 2.338-.938.346 0 .616.019.812. 1.596c.476 0 .854-.121 1.134-.364.28-.252.472-.63.574-1.134v-3.472a1.566 1.566 0 0 0-.574-.28 3.494 3.494 0 0 0-.854-.084c-.644 0-1.148.215-1.512.644-.364.42-.546 1.097-.546 2.03 0 .383.028.737.084 72h1.12v7h-1.12v-7zm-.238-2.128c0-.215.07-.397.21-.546a.736.736 0 0 1 .56-.238c.224 0 .415.08.574.238a.72.72 0 0 1 .238.546.678.678 0 0 1-.238.532.838.838 0 0 1-.574.21.786.786 0 0 1-.56-.21.72.72 0 0 1-.21-.532zm8.24 9.128v-3.99c0-.728-.107-1.274-.322-1.638-.205-.373-.588-.56-1.148-.56-.494 0-.905.135-1.232.406a2.107 2.107 0 0 0-.672.994V79h-1.12v-7h.784l.21.854h.056c.224-.299.523-.541.896-.728.383-.196.836-.294 1.358-.294.383 0 .719.047 1.428V79h-1.12zm11.669-.462c-.28.205-.611.36-.994.462a4.266 4.266 0 0 1-1.204.168c-.541 0-.999-.084-1.372-.252a2.492 2.492 0 0 1-.924-.742 3.4 3.4 0 0 1-.518-1.162 6.888 6.888 0 0 1-.154-1.512c0-1.185.261-2.09.784-2.716.523-.635 1.274-.952 2.254-.952.448 0 .826.037 2.856 0 0 0-.714-.28 3.04 3.04 0 0 0-.84-.112c-1.325 0-1.988.896-1.988 2.688 0 .355.033.695.098 0 .635-.051.896-.154.271-.103.49-.22.658-.35l.364.854zm.822-3.038c0-1.185.261-2.09.784-2.716.532-.635 1.293-.952 2.282-.952.523 0 .975.089 1.358.266.392.168.714.415.966.742.252.317.439.705.56 1.498 0 1.185-.266 2.095-.798 2.73-.523.625-1.279.938-2.268.938-.523 0-.98-.084-1.372-.252a2.579 2.579 0 0 1-.952-.742 3.279 3.279 0 0 1-.56-1.162 5.904 5.904 0 0 1-.182-1.512zm1.162 0c0 .355.033.695.098 1.269.01 1.904-.887 1.904-2.688 0-.364-.037-.71-.112-1.036a2.582 2.582 0 0 0-.322-.854 1.644 1.644 0 0 0-.588-.574c-.243-.15-.537-.224-.882-.224-1.269-.01-1.904.887-1.904 2.688zm11.23 3.5v-3.99c0-.728-.107-1.274-.322-1.638-.205-.373-.588-.56-1.148-.56-.495 0-.905.135-1.232.406a2.107 2.107 0 0 0-.672.994V79h-1.12v-7h.784l.21.854h.056c.224-.299.523-.541.896-.728.383-.196.835-.294 1.358-.294.383 0 .719.047 1.428V79h-1.12zm2.238-7h1.092v-1.386l1.12-.322V72h1.904v.98h-1.904v3.878c0 .485.061.83.182 0 .448-.023.616-.07a8.99 8.99 0 0 0 .56-.21l.252.854c-.252.121-.527.22-.826.294-.298.075-.62.112-.966.112-.569 0-.97-.159-1.204-.476-.233-.327-.35-.868-.35-1.624V72.98h-1.092V72zm8.972 1.078a2.526 2.526 0 0 0-.798-.14c-.401 0-.718.112-.952.336-.233.215-.378.49-.434.826V79h-1.12v-7h.784l.21.854h.056c.178-.317.388-.56.63-.728.252-.177.57-.266.952-.266.271 0 .574.047.91.14l-.238 1.078zM214.724 72h1.12v7h-1.12v-7zm-.238-2.128c0-.215.07-.397.21-.546a.738.738 0 0 1 .56-.238c.224 0 .416.08.574.238a.72.72 0 0 1 .238.546.678.678 0 0 1-.238.532.836.836 0 0 1-.574.21.788.788 0 0 1-.56-.21.72.72 0 0 1-.21-.532zm3.746-.672h1.12v3.486h.056c.215-.27.486-.48.812-.63.336-.15.7-.224 1.092-.224.906 0 1.582.29 2.03.868.458.579.686 1.475.686 2.688 0 1.223-.298 2.151-.896 2.786-.597.635-1.437.952-2.52.952-.522 0-.998-.056-1.428-.168-.42-.112-.737-.233-.952-.364V69.2zm2.884 3.612c-.466 0-.844.13-1.134.392-.289.261-.499.63-.63 1.106v3.528c.178.103.392.182.644.238a4.3 4.3 0 0 0 .784.07c.635 0 1.139-.224 1.512-.672.383-.448.574-1.148.574-2.1 0-.364-.032-.705-.098-1.022a2.449 2.449 0 0 0-.308-.812 1.568 1.568 0 0 0-.546-.532c-.214-.13-.48-.196-.798-.196zm5.685-.812v3.99c0 .364.019.686.056.966. 0 .476-.037.672-.112.196-.084.369-.196.518-.336.159-.14.294-.299.406-.476.121-.187.219-.383.294-.588V72h1.12v5.012c0 .336.009.686.028 2.788 0 0 1-.868.91c-.364.243-.826.364-1.386.364-.373 0-.705-.047-.994-.14a1.508 1.508 0 0 1-.714-.462c-.187-.224-.331-.523-.434-.896-.093-.383-.14-.863-.14-1.442V72h1.12zm5.615 0h1.092v-1.386l1.12-.322V72h1.904v.98h-1.904v3.878c0 .485.06.83.182 0 .448-.023.616-.07.168-.056.354-.126.56-.21l.252.854c-.252.121-.528.22-.826.294a3.977 3.977 0 0 1-.966.112c-.57 0-.971-.159-1.204-.476-.234-.327-.35-.868-.35-1.624V72.98h-1.092V72zm5.906 0h1.12v7h-1.12v-7zm-.238-2.128c0-.215.07-.397.21-.546a.736.736 0 0 1 .56-.238c.224 0 .415.08.574.238a.72.72 0 0 1 .238.546.678.678 0 0 1-.238.532.838.838 0 0 1-.574.21.786.786 0 0 1-.56-.21.72.72 0 0 1-.21-.532zm8.24 9.128v-3.99c0-.728-.107-1.274-.322-1.638-.205-.373-.588-.56-1.148-.56-.495 0-.905.135-1.232.406a2.107 2.107 0 0 0-.672.994V79h-1.12v-7h.784l.21.854h.056c.224-.299.523-.541.896-.728.383-.196.835-.294 1.358-.294.383 0 .719.047 1.428V79h-1.12zm8.524.322c0 .905-.242 1.573-.728 2.002-.476.43-1.185.644-2.128.644-.56 0-1.012-.037-1.358-.112a3.82 3.82 0 0 1-.868-.266l.294-.952c.215.084.453.163.714. 0 .71-.037.952-.112.252-.065.453-.182.602-.35.15-.159.252-.369.308-.63.056-.252.084-.555.084-.91v-.672h-.056a1.92 1.92 0 0 1-.714.63c-.289.14-.667.21-1.134.21-.942 0-1.638-.294-2.086-.882-.438-.588-.658-1.503-.658-2.744 0-1.195.285-2.1.854-2.716.57-.625 1.41-.938 2.52-.938.532 0 .985.042 1.358.126.383.084.724.182 1.022.294v7.028zm-2.814-1.148c.476 0 .85-.117 1.12-.35.271-.243.462-.616.574-1.12V73.12c-.373-.177-.849-.266-1.428-.266-.634 0-1.134.215-1.498.644-.364.43-.546 1.101-.546 2.016 0 .392.033.751.098 1.293-.952 2.282-.952.523 0 .975.089 1.358.266.392.168.714.415.966.742.252.317.439.705.56 1.498 0 1.185-.266 2.095-.798 2.73-.523.625-1.279.938-2.268.938-.523 0-.98-.084-1.372-.252a2.579 2.579 0 0 1-.952-.742 3.279 3.279 0 0 1-.56-1.162 5.904 5.904 0 0 1-.182-1.512zm1.162 0c0 .355.033.695.098 1.269.01 1.904-.887 1.904-2.688 0-.364-.037-.71-.112-1.036a2.582 2.582 0 0 0-.322-.854 1.644 1.644 0 0 0-.588-.574c-.243-.15-.537-.224-.882-.224-1.269-.01-1.904.887-1.904 2.688zm10.04-2.422a2.526 2.526 0 0 0-.798-.14c-.401 0-.719.112-.952.336-.233.215-.378.49-.434.826V79h-1.12v-7h.784l.21.854h.056c.177-.317.387-.56.63-.728.252-.177.569-.266.952-.266.271 0 .574.047.91.14l-.238 1.078zM277.742 72v3.99c0 .364.019.686.056.966. 0 .476-.037.672-.112.196-.084.369-.196.518-.336.159-.14.294-.299.406-.476a2.82 2.82 0 0 0 .294-.588V72h1.12v5.012c0 .336.01.686.028 2.778 0 0 1-.868.91c-.364.243-.826.364-1.386.364-.373 0-.704-.047-.994-.14a1.508 1.508 0 0 1-.714-.462c-.186-.224-.331-.523-.434-.896-.093-.383-.14-.863-.14-1.442V72h1.12zm9.619 5.096c0-.28-.084-.5-.252-.658a2.01 2.01 0 0 0-.63-.392 6.728 6.728 0 0 0-.812-.308 4.632 4.632 0 0 1-.812-.378 2.22 2.22 0 0 1-.616-.602c-.168-.243-.252-.57-.252-.98 0-.672.191-1.162.574-1.47.383-.317.915-.476 1.596-.476.504 0 .924.047 4.041 0 0 0-.784-.266 3.559 3.559 0 0 0-.966-.126c-.411 0-.714.07-.91.21-.187.14-.28.383-.28.728 0 .243.084.434.252.574.168.13.373.252.616.364.252.103.523.205.812.308.299.103.569.238.812.406.252.168.462.383.63.644. 1.008 0 .299-.051.579-.154.84a1.641 1.641 0 0 1-.448.672 2.124 2.124 0 0 1-.77.434 3.03 3.03 0 0 1-1.064.168c-.532 0-.985-.051-1.358-.154a4.287 4.287 0 0 1-.938-.364l.336-.952c.215.121.495.233.84.336.345.103.695.154 0 .733-.08.994-.238.261-.159.392-.443.392-.854zM290.412 72h1.12v7h-1.12v-7zm-.238-2.128c0-.215.07-.397.21-.546a.736.736 0 0 1 .56-.238c.224 0 .415.08.574. 0 0 1-.238.532.838.838 0 0 1-.574.21.786.786 0 0 1-.56-.21.72.72 0 0 1-.21-.532zm8.24 9.128v-3.99c0-.728-.108-1.274-.322-1.638-.206-.373-.588-.56-1.148-.56-.495 0-.906.135-1.232.406a2.093 2.093 0 0 0-.672.994V79h-1.12v-7h.784l.21.854h.056a2.48 2.48 0 0 1 .896-.728c.382-.196.835-.294 1.358-.294.382 0 .718.047 1.428V79h-1.12zm8.524.322c0 .905-.243 1.573-.728 2.002-.476.43-1.185.644-2.128.644-.56 0-1.013-.037-1.358-.112a3.82 3.82 0 0 1-.868-.266l.294-.952c.215.084.453.163.714. 0 .709-.037.952-.112.252-.065.453-.182.602-.35.149-.159.252-.369.308-.63.056-.252.084-.555.084-.91v-.672h-.056c-.187.27-.425.48-.714.63-.289.14-.667.21-1.134.21-.943 0-1.638-.294-2.086-.882-.439-.588-.658-1.503-.658-2.744 0-1.195.285-2.1.854-2.716.569-.625 1.409-.938 2.52-.938.532 0 .985.042 1.358.126a7.51 7.51 0 0 1 1.022.294v7.028zm-2.814-1.148c.476 0 .849-.117 1.12-.35.271-.243.462-.616.574-1.12V73.12c-.373-.177-.849-.266-1.428-.266-.635 0-1.134.215-1.498.644-.364.43-.546 1.101-.546 2.016 0 .392.033.751.098 72h1.12v7h-1.12v-7zm-.238-2.128c0-.215.07-.397.21-.546a.736.736 0 0 1 .56-.238c.224 0 .415.08.574.238a.72.72 0 0 1 .238.546.678.678 0 0 1-.238.532.838.838 0 0 1-.574.21.786.786 0 0 1-.56-.21.72.72 0 0 1-.21-.532zM315.65 72h1.092v-1.386l1.12-.322V72h1.904v.98h-1.904v3.878c0 .485.061.83.182 0 .448-.023.616-.07a8.99 8.99 0 0 0 .56-.21l.252.854c-.252.121-.527.22-.826.294a3.977 3.977 0 0 1-.966.112c-.569 0-.971-.159-1.204-.476-.233-.327-.35-.868-.35-1.624V72.98h-1.092V72zm5.495 6.398c0-.224.075-.406.224-.546a.806.806 0 0 1 .574-.21.88.88 0 0 1 .7.308c. 0 .336-.047.63-.14.882a2.146 2.146 0 0 1-.364.644 1.997 1.997 0 0 1-.49.448c-.177.121-.355.21-.532.266l-.35-.546c.336-.13.583-.336.742-.616a1.55 1.55 0 0 0 .252-.826.752.752 0 0 1-.238.042.674.674 0 0 1-.476-.182c-.121-.13-.182-.317-.182-.56zm10.539.14c-.28.205-.611.36-.994.462a4.266 4.266 0 0 1-1.204.168c-.541 0-.999-.084-1.372-.252a2.492 2.492 0 0 1-.924-.742 3.4 3.4 0 0 1-.518-1.162 6.888 6.888 0 0 1-.154-1.512c0-1.185.261-2.09.784-2.716.523-.635 1.274-.952 2.254-.952.448 0 .826.037 2.856 0 0 0-.714-.28 3.04 3.04 0 0 0-.84-.112c-1.325 0-1.988.896-1.988 2.688 0 .355.033.695.098 0 .635-.051.896-.154.271-.103.49-.22.658-.35l.364.854zm.822-3.038c0-1.185.262-2.09.784-2.716.532-.635 1.293-.952 2.282-.952.523 0 .976.089 1.358.266.392.168.714.415.966.742.252.317.439.705.56 1.162a5.7 5.7 0 0 1 .182 1.498c0 1.185-.266 2.095-.798 2.73-.522.625-1.278.938-2.268.938-.522 0-.98-.084-1.372-.252a2.587 2.587 0 0 1-.952-.742 3.296 3.296 0 0 1-.56-1.162 5.904 5.904 0 0 1-.182-1.512zm1.162 0c0 .355.033.695.098 1.27.01 1.904-.887 1.904-2.688 0-.364-.037-.71-.112-1.036a2.56 2.56 0 0 0-.322-.854 1.644 1.644 0 0 0-.588-.574c-.242-.15-.536-.224-.882-.224-1.269-.01-1.904.887-1.904 2.688zm10.838 3.5v-3.962c0-.373-.018-.695-.056-.966a2.001 2.001 0 0 0-.182-.7.926.926 0 0 0-.406-.42c-.168-.093-.392-.14-.672-.14-.429 0-.788.13-1.078.392a2.1 2.1 0 0 0-.588.98V79h-1.12v-7h.784l.21.854h.056c.252-.299.542-.541.868-.728.336-.196.77-.294 1.302-.294.448 0 .812.089 2.682 0 0 1 1.288-.308c.392 0 .724.047.994. 1.456V79h-1.12v-4.214c0-.336-.018-.625-.056-.868a1.407 1.407 0 0 0-.196-.616.809.809 0 0 0-.406-.364c-.168-.084-.392-.126-.672-.126-.466 0-.83.13-1.092.392-.261.261-.448.635-.56 1.12V79h-1.12zm12.37-.56c-.28.224-.635.401-1.064.532-.42.13-.868.196-1.344.196-.532 0-.994-.084-1.386-.252a2.556 2.556 0 0 1-.966-.742 3.279 3.279 0 0 1-.56-1.162 5.76 5.76 0 0 1-.182-1.512c0-1.195.266-2.105.798-2.73s1.292-.938 2.282-.938c.317 0 .634.037.952.112.317.065.602.196.854.392s.457.476.616.84c.158.355.238.826.238 1.414 0 .308-.028.649-.084 1.022h-4.495c0 .41.043.775.127 0 .634-.056.952-.168.317-.112.555-.243.714-.392l.42.812zm-2.408-5.628c-.551 0-.994.145-1.33.434-.327.29-.523.784-.588 1.484h3.472c0-.71-.136-1.204-.406-1.484-.271-.29-.654-.434-1.148-.434zm7.215-.812h1.092v-1.386l1.12-.322V72h1.904v.98h-1.904v3.878c0 .485.061.83.182 0 .448-.023.616-.07a8.99 8.99 0 0 0 .56-.21l.252.854c-.252.121-.527.22-.826.294-.298.075-.62.112-.966.112-.569 0-.97-.159-1.204-.476-.233-.327-.35-.868-.35-1.624V72.98h-1.092V72zm5.556.518a4.047 4.047 0 0 1 1.232-.476 7.02 7.02 0 0 1 1.484-.154c.486 0 .873.065 0 .56-.014 1.106-.042 1.638a28.832 28.832 0 0 0-.042 1.512c0 .345.014.672. 2.963 0 0 1-1.414.336c-.298 0-.578-.047-.84-.14a2.024 2.024 0 0 1-.658-.392 2.047 2.047 0 0 1-.448-.63 2.114 2.114 0 0 1-.154-.826c0-.41.084-.751.252-1.022.168-.28.402-.5.7-.658a3.338 3.338 0 0 1 1.092-.35 8.28 8.28 0 0 1 1.414-.112h.378c.131 0 .262.01.392.028a7.67 7.67 0 0 0 .042-.756c0-.513-.102-.873-.308-1.078-.205-.205-.578-.308-1.12-.308a3.52 3.52 0 0 0-.518.042 4.433 4.433 0 0 0-.56.098 3.69 3.69 0 0 0-.546.154 2.496 2.496 0 0 0-.448.196l-.35-.84zm1.988 5.614c.262 0 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1.484h3.472c0-.71-.135-1.204-.406-1.484-.271-.29-.653-.434-1.148-.434zm8.028-.294a4.026 4.026 0 0 1 1.232-.476c.476-.103.97-.154 1.484-.154.485 0 .872.065 0 .56-.014 1.106-.042 1.638a28.832 28.832 0 0 0-.042 1.512c0 .345.014.672. 2.188 0 0 1-.77.728 2.973 2.973 0 0 1-1.414.336c-.299 0-.579-.047-.84-.14a2.014 2.014 0 0 1-.658-.392 2.03 2.03 0 0 1-.448-.63 2.096 2.096 0 0 1-.154-.826c0-.41.084-.751.252-1.022.168-.28.401-.5.7-.658a3.338 3.338 0 0 1 1.092-.35c.429-.075.9-.112 1.414-.112h.378c.13 0 .261.01.392.028a7.67 7.67 0 0 0 .042-.756c0-.513-.103-.873-.308-1.078-.206-.205-.579-.308-1.12-.308-.159 0-.332.014-.518.042a4.402 4.402 0 0 0-.56.098 3.622 3.622 0 0 0-.546.154 2.465 2.465 0 0 0-.448.196l-.35-.84zm1.988 5.614c.261 0 .494-.033.7-.098a2.38 2.38 0 0 0 .532-.266c.149-.112.27-.233.364-.364.102-.13.177-.257.224-.378v-1.162a5.728 5.728 0 0 0-.406-.014 6.453 6.453 0 0 0-1.246.042 2.443 2.443 0 0 0-.728.182 1.246 1.246 0 0 0-.504.364c-.122.15-.182.34-.182.574 0 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+ },
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+ "version": "1.0.0",
+ "resolved": "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-754xOG8DGn8NZDr4L95QxFfvAMs=",
+ "dev": true,
+ "requires": {
+ "number-is-nan": "^1.0.0"
+ }
+ },
+ "string-width": {
+ "version": "1.0.2",
+ "resolved": "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-EYvfW4zcUaKn5w0hHgfisLmxB9M=",
+ "dev": true,
+ "requires": {
+ "code-point-at": "^1.0.0",
+ "is-fullwidth-code-point": "^1.0.0",
+ "strip-ansi": "^3.0.0"
+ }
+ },
+ "strip-ansi": {
+ "version": "3.0.1",
+ "resolved": "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-ajhfuIU9lS1f8F0Oiq+UJ43GPc8=",
+ "dev": true,
+ "requires": {
+ "ansi-regex": "^2.0.0"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "wrappy": {
+ "version": "1.0.2",
+ "resolved": "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-tSQ9jz7BqjXxNkYFvA0QNuMKtp8=",
+ "dev": true
+ },
+ "write-file-atomic": {
+ "version": "1.1.4",
+ "resolved": "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-sfUtwujcDjywTRh6JfdYo4qQyjs=",
+ "dev": true,
+ "requires": {
+ "graceful-fs": "^4.1.2",
+ "imurmurhash": "^0.1.4",
+ "slide": "^1.1.5"
+ }
+ },
+ "y18n": {
+ "version": "3.2.1",
+ "resolved": "",
+ "integrity": "sha1-bRX7qITAhnnA136I53WegR4H+kE=",
+ "dev": true
+ },
+ "yallist": {
+ "version": "3.0.3",
+ "resolved": "",
+ "integrity": "sha512-S+Zk8DEWE6oKpV+vI3qWkaK+jSbIK86pCwe2IF/xwIpQ8jEuxpw9NyaGjmp9+BoJv5FV2piqCDcoCtStppiq2A==",
+ "dev": true
+ },
+ "yargs": {
+ "version": "10.1.2",
+ "resolved": "",
+ "integrity": "sha512-ivSoxqBGYOqQVruxD35+EyCFDYNEFL/Uo6FcOnz+9xZdZzK0Zzw4r4KhbrME1Oo2gOggwJod2MnsdamSG7H9ig==",
+ "dev": true,
+ "requires": {
+ "cliui": "^4.0.0",
+ "decamelize": "^1.1.1",
+ "find-up": "^2.1.0",
+ "get-caller-file": "^1.0.1",
+ "os-locale": "^2.0.0",
+ "require-directory": "^2.1.1",
+ "require-main-filename": "^1.0.1",
+ "set-blocking": "^2.0.0",
+ "string-width": "^2.0.0",
+ "which-module": "^2.0.0",
+ "y18n": "^3.2.1",
+ "yargs-parser": "^8.1.0"
+ }
+ },
+ "yargs-parser": {
+ "version": "8.1.0",
+ "resolved": "",
+ "integrity": "sha512-yP+6QqN8BmrgW2ggLtTbdrOyBNSI7zBa4IykmiV5R1wl1JWNxQvWhMfMdmzIYtKU7oP3OOInY/tl2ov3BDjnJQ==",
+ "dev": true,
+ "requires": {
+ "camelcase": "^4.1.0"
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c65e1cff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ "name": "spacefish",
+ "version": "0.0.0-semantic-release",
+ "description": "A Fish Shell prompt for Astronauts",
+ "repository": "",
+ "author": "Matan Kushner <>",
+ "scripts": {
+ "test": "fish tests/",
+ "docs:prepare": "gitbook install",
+ "docs:build": "npm run docs:prepare && gitbook build",
+ "docs:serve": "npm run docs:prepare && gitbook serve .",
+ "contributors:add": "all-contributors add",
+ "contributors:generate": "all-contributors generate"
+ },
+ "license": "MIT",
+ "devDependencies": {
+ "@semantic-release/changelog": "^3.0.2",
+ "@semantic-release/exec": "^3.3.1",
+ "@semantic-release/git": "^7.0.6",
+ "all-contributors-cli": "^5.4.1",
+ "gitbook-cli": "^2.3.2"
+ },
+ "release": {
+ "plugins": [
+ "@semantic-release/commit-analyzer",
+ "@semantic-release/release-notes-generator",
+ "@semantic-release/changelog",
+ [
+ "@semantic-release/exec",
+ {
+ "prepareCmd": "./scripts/ ${nextRelease.version}"
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ "@semantic-release/git",
+ {
+ "assets": [
+ "",
+ ""
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ "@semantic-release/github",
+ {
+ "releasedLabels": [
+ "Status: Released"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..3fb60717
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+sed -e "s/set -g SPACEFISH_VERSION .*/set -g SPACEFISH_VERSION $new_version/g" $filename > $filename.bak
+mv -- $filename.bak $filename
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fc5ed29c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+source $DIRNAME/
+function setup
+ spacefish_test_setup
+test "Displays only the colored content when 2 arguments are passed"
+ (
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n ""
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold red
+ echo -n "test content"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n ""
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_lib_section red "test content")
+test "Displays the prefix, colored content and suffix when 4 arguments are passed"
+ (
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "prefix"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold red
+ echo -n "test content"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "suffix"
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_lib_section red prefix "test content" suffix)
+test "Displays the prefix if prefixes are enabled"
+ (
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "prefix"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold red
+ echo -n "test content"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "suffix"
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_lib_section red prefix "test content" suffix)
+test "Doesn't display the prefix if prefixes are disabled"
+ (
+ set_color --bold red
+ echo -n "test content"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "suffix"
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_lib_section red prefix "test content" suffix)
+test "Displays the suffix if suffixes are enabled"
+ (
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "prefix"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold red
+ echo -n "test content"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "suffix"
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_lib_section red prefix "test content" suffix)
+test "Doesn't display the suffix if suffixes are disabled"
+ (
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "prefix"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold red
+ echo -n "test content"
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_lib_section red prefix "test content" suffix)
+test "Only prints the prefix for the second consecutive section"
+ (
+ set sf_prompt_opened false
+ set_color --bold red
+ echo -n "test content 1"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "suffix 1"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "prefix 2"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold red
+ echo -n "test content 2"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "suffix 2"
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (
+ __sf_lib_section red "prefix 1" "test content 1" "suffix 1"
+ __sf_lib_section red "prefix 2" "test content 2" "suffix 2"
+ )
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..17c5eb6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+source $DIRNAME/
+function setup
+ spacefish_test_setup
+ mock aws \* 0
+ set -g AWS_PROFILE user1
+test "Prints section when AWS_PROFILE is set"
+ (
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "using "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold ff8700
+ echo -n "☁️ user1"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_aws)
+test "Doesn't print the section when AWS_PROFILE isn't set"
+ (
+ set --erase AWS_PROFILE
+ ) = (__sf_section_aws)
+test "Doesn't print the section when AWS_PROFILE is set to \"default\""
+ (
+ set AWS_PROFILE default
+ ) = (__sf_section_aws)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_AWS_SYMBOL changes the displayed character"
+ (
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "using "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold ff8700
+ echo -n "· user1"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_aws)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_AWS_PREFIX changes the character prefix"
+ (
+ set sf_exit_code 0
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "·"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold ff8700
+ echo -n "☁️ user1"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_aws)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_AWS_SUFFIX changes the character suffix"
+ (
+ set sf_exit_code 0
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "using "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold ff8700
+ echo -n "☁️ user1"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "·"
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_aws)
+test "doesn't display the section when SPACEFISH_AWS_SHOW is set to \"false\""
+ (
+ ) = (__sf_section_aws)
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8ebf76b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+source $DIRNAME/
+function setup
+ spacefish_test_setup
+test "Displays default char with status code 0"
+ (
+ set sf_exit_code 0
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n ""
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold green
+ echo -n "➜"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_char)
+test "Displays default char with status code 1"
+ (
+ set sf_exit_code 1
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n ""
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold red
+ echo -n "➜"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_char)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_CHAR_SYMBOL changes the displayed character"
+ (
+ set sf_exit_code 0
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n ""
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold green
+ echo -n "·"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_char)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_CHAR_PREFIX changes the character prefix"
+ (
+ set sf_exit_code 0
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "·"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold green
+ echo -n "➜"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_char)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_CHAR_SYMBOL changes the character suffix"
+ (
+ set sf_exit_code 0
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n ""
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold green
+ echo -n "➜"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "·"
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_char)
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b63268ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+source $DIRNAME/
+set -l LOCAL_CONDA_VERSION 4.5.11
+function setup
+ spacefish_test_setup
+ mock conda -V 0 "echo \"conda 4.5.11\""
+ mkdir -p /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+ cd /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+function teardown
+ rm -rf /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+ if test "$CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV"
+ end
+test "Prints section when conda is installed and CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV is set"
+ (
+ set -g CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV some-env
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold blue
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_conda)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_CONDA_SYMBOL changes the displayed character"
+ (
+ set -g CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV some-env
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold blue
+ echo -n "· v$LOCAL_CONDA_VERSION"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_conda)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_CONDA_PREFIX changes the character prefix"
+ (
+ set -g CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV some-env
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "·"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold blue
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_conda)
+# Negative
+test "Doesn't display section when SPACEFISH_CONDA_SHOW is set to 'false'"
+ (
+ set -g CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV some-env
+ ) = (__sf_section_conda)
+test "Doesn't display section when CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV is not set"
+ () = (__sf_section_conda)
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..676cadff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+source $DIRNAME/
+function setup
+ spacefish_test_setup
+ mkdir -p ~/.tmp-spacefish/dir1/dir2
+ mkdir -p /tmp/tmp-spacefish/dir1/dir2/dir3
+ mkdir -p /tmp/tmp-spacefish/writeProtected
+ chmod 500 /tmp/tmp-spacefish/writeProtected
+ # disabling SPACEFISH_DIR_LOCK_SYMBOL to avoid breaking old tests
+function teardown
+ rm -rf ~/.tmp-spacefish
+ rm -rf /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+# Home directory
+test "Correctly truncates home directory"
+ (
+ cd ~
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "in "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "~"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_dir)
+test "Correctly truncates a home subdirectory"
+ (
+ cd ~/.tmp-spacefish/dir1/
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "in "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "~/.tmp-spacefish/dir1"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_dir)
+test "Correctly truncates a deeply nested home subdirectory"
+ (
+ cd ~/.tmp-spacefish/dir1/dir2
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "in "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n ".tmp-spacefish/dir1/dir2"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_dir)
+# Root directory
+test "Correctly truncates root directory"
+ (
+ cd /
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "in "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "/"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_dir)
+test "Correctly truncates a root subdirectory"
+ (
+ cd /usr
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "in "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "/usr"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_dir)
+test "Correctly truncates a deeply nested root subdirectory"
+ (
+ cd /tmp/tmp-spacefish/dir1/dir2
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "in "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "tmp-spacefish/dir1/dir2"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_dir)
+# Git directory
+test "Correctly truncates the root of a git directory"
+ (
+ cd /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+ command git init >/dev/null
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "in "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "tmp-spacefish"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_dir)
+test "Correctly truncates a git subdirectory"
+ (
+ cd /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+ command git init >/dev/null
+ cd /tmp/tmp-spacefish/dir1
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "in "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "tmp-spacefish/dir1"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_dir)
+test "Correctly truncates a deeply nested git subdirectory"
+ (
+ cd /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+ command git init >/dev/null
+ cd /tmp/tmp-spacefish/dir1/dir2/dir3
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "in "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "dir1/dir2/dir3"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_dir)
+test "Correctly truncates the root of a git directory within another"
+ (
+ cd /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+ command git init >/dev/null
+ cd /tmp/tmp-spacefish/dir1
+ command git init >/dev/null
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "in "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "dir1"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_dir)
+test "Doesn't throw an error when in a .git directory"
+ (
+ cd /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+ command git init >/dev/null
+ cd /tmp/tmp-spacefish/.git
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "in "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "tmp/tmp-spacefish/.git"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_dir)
+# Configuration
+test "Doesn't show if SPACEFISH_DIR_SHOW is false"
+ (
+ ) = (__sf_section_dir)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_DIR_PREFIX changes the dir prefix"
+ (
+ cd ~
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "·"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "~"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_dir)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_DIR_SUFFIX changes the dir prefix"
+ (
+ cd ~
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "in "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "~"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "·"
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_dir)
+# SPACEFISH_DIR_TRUNC functionality is further tested in:
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_DIR_TRUNC changes the dir length"
+ (
+ cd /tmp/tmp-spacefish/dir1/dir2/dir3
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "in "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "dir3"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_dir)
+test "Disabling SPACEFISH_DIR_TRUNC_REPO stops repo dir truncation"
+ (
+ cd ~/.tmp-spacefish
+ command git init >/dev/null
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "in "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "~/.tmp-spacefish"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_dir)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_DIR_COLOR changes the dir color"
+ (
+ cd ~
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "in "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold red
+ echo -n "~"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_dir)
+test "Shows DIR_LOCK_SYMBOL if in a dir with no write permissions and SPACEFISH_DIR_LOCK_SHOW is true"
+ (
+ cd /tmp/tmp-spacefish/writeProtected
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "in "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "tmp/tmp-spacefish/writeProtected"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_dir)
+test "Doesn't show DIR_LOCK_SYMBOL if SPACEFISH_DIR_LOCK_SHOW is false"
+ (
+ cd /tmp/tmp-spacefish/writeProtected
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "in "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "tmp/tmp-spacefish/writeProtected"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_dir)
+test "Doesn't show DIR_LOCK_SYMBOL if current directory is not write protected for this user"
+ (
+ cd ~
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "in "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "~"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_dir)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_DIR_LOCK_SYMBOL changes the symbol"
+ (
+ cd /tmp/tmp-spacefish/writeProtected
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "in "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "tmp/tmp-spacefish/writeProtected"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_dir)
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4321afc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+source $DIRNAME/
+set -l LOCAL_DOCKER_VERSION 18.06.1
+function setup
+ spacefish_test_setup
+ mock docker version 0 "echo \"18.06.1\""
+ mkdir -p /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+ cd /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+function teardown
+ rm -rf /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+ if test "$COMPOSE_FILE"
+ end
+ end
+test "Prints section when only Dockerfile is present"
+ (
+ touch Dockerfile
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "is "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "🐳 v$LOCAL_DOCKER_VERSION"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_docker)
+test "Prints section when only docker-compose.yml is present"
+ (
+ touch docker-compose.yml
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "is "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "🐳 v$LOCAL_DOCKER_VERSION"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_docker)
+test "Prints section when both Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml are present"
+ (
+ touch Dockerfile
+ touch docker-compose.yml
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "is "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "🐳 v$LOCAL_DOCKER_VERSION"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_docker)
+test "Prints Docker section when COMPOSE_FILE is set and the $COMPOSE_FILE exists"
+ (
+ set -g COMPOSE_FILE /tmp/some-compose-file.yml
+ touch /tmp/some-compose-file.yml
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "is "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "🐳 v$LOCAL_DOCKER_VERSION"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_docker)
+test "Prints section when only Dockerfile is present with DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME set"
+ (
+ rm /tmp/some-compose-file.yml
+ touch Dockerfile
+ set -g DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME some-machine-name
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "is "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_docker)
+test "Prints section when only docker-compose.yml is present with DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME set"
+ (
+ touch docker-compose.yml
+ set -g DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME some-machine-name
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "is "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_docker)
+test "Prints section when both Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml are present with DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME set"
+ (
+ touch Dockerfile
+ touch docker-compose.yml
+ set -g DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME some-machine-name
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "is "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_docker)
+test "Prints Docker section when COMPOSE_FILE is set with DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME set"
+ (
+ set -g COMPOSE_FILE /tmp/some-compose-file.yml
+ touch /tmp/some-compose-file.yml
+ set -g DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME some-machine-name
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "is "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_docker)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_DOCKER_SYMBOL changes the displayed character"
+ (
+ rm /tmp/some-compose-file.yml
+ touch Dockerfile
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "is "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "· v$LOCAL_DOCKER_VERSION"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_docker)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_DOCKER_PREFIX changes the character prefix"
+ (
+ set sf_exit_code 0
+ touch Dockerfile
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "·"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "🐳 v$LOCAL_DOCKER_VERSION"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_docker)
+# Negative
+test "Doesn't display section when SPACEFISH_DOCKER_SHOW is set to 'false'"
+ (
+ touch Dockerfile
+ ) = (__sf_section_docker)
+test "Doesn't print section if docker is not installed"
+ (
+ touch Dockerfile
+ mock docker version 127
+ ) = (__sf_section_docker)
+# This case can be checked only by bringing down the docker deamon
+test "Doesn't print section if docker deamon is not running"
+ () = (__sf_section_docker)
+test "Doesn't print section when not in a directory with Dockerfile or docker-compose.yml"
+ () = (__sf_section_docker)
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f3277445
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+source $DIRNAME/
+function setup
+ spacefish_test_setup
+ mock dotnet --version 0 "echo \"2.1.403\""
+ mkdir -p /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+ cd /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+function teardown
+ rm -rf /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+test "Prints nothing when required files are missing"
+ (
+ rm -f /tmp/tmp-spacefish/project.json
+ rm -f /tmp/tmp-spacefish/global.json
+ rm -f /tmp/tmp-spacefish/paket.dependencies
+ rm -f '/tmp/tmp-spacefish/*.sln'
+ rm -f '/tmp/tmp-spacefish/*.csproj'
+ rm -f '/tmp/tmp-spacefish/*.fsproj'
+ rm -f '/tmp/tmp-spacefish/*.xproj'
+ ) = (__sf_section_dotnet)
+test "Prints section if project.json is present"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/project.json
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold af00d7
+ echo -n ".NET 2.1.403"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_dotnet)
+test "Prints section if global.json is present"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/global.json
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold af00d7
+ echo -n ".NET 2.1.403"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_dotnet)
+test "Prints section if paket.dependencies is present"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/paket.dependencies
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold af00d7
+ echo -n ".NET 2.1.403"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_dotnet)
+test "Prints section if a .csproj file is present"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/tmp.csproj
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold af00d7
+ echo -n ".NET 2.1.403"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_dotnet)
+test "Prints section if a .fsproj file is present"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/tmp.fsproj
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold af00d7
+ echo -n ".NET 2.1.403"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_dotnet)
+test "Prints section if a .xproj file is present"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/tmp.xproj
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold af00d7
+ echo -n ".NET 2.1.403"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_dotnet)
+test "Prints section if a .sln file is present"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/tmp.sln
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold af00d7
+ echo -n ".NET 2.1.403"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_dotnet)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_DOTNET_SYMBOL changes the displayed character"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/tmp.sln
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold af00d7
+ echo -n "· 2.1.403"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_dotnet)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_DOTNET_PREFIX changes the character prefix"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/tmp.sln
+ set sf_exit_code 0
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "·"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold af00d7
+ echo -n ".NET 2.1.403"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_dotnet)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_DOTNET_SUFFIX changes the character prefix"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/tmp.sln
+ set sf_exit_code 0
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold af00d7
+ echo -n ".NET 2.1.403"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "·"
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_dotnet)
+test "Doesn't display .NET when SPACEFISH_DOTNET_SHOW is set to 'false'"
+ (
+ ) = (__sf_section_dotnet)
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5c411f23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+source $DIRNAME/
+function setup
+ spacefish_test_setup
+ mock elixir -v 0 "echo \"Erlang/OTP 21 [erts-10.3.4] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [ds:8:8:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe] [dtrace]
+Elixir 1.8.1 (compiled with Erlang/OTP 21)\""
+ set -x ELIXIR_VERSION 1.8.1
+ mkdir -p /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+ cd /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+function teardown
+ rm -rf /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+test "Prints section when mix.exs is present"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/mix.exs
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold magenta
+ echo -n "💧 v1.8.1"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_elixir)
+test "Prints section when a *.ex file is present"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/testfile.ex
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold magenta
+ echo -n "💧 v1.8.1"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_elixir)
+test "Doesn't print the section when mix.exs and *.ex aren't present"
+ () = (__sf_section_elixir)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_ELIXIR_SYMBOL changes the displayed character"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/mix.exs
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold magenta
+ echo -n "· v1.8.1"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_elixir)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_ELIXIR_PREFIX changes the character prefix"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/mix.exs
+ set sf_exit_code 0
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "·"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold magenta
+ echo -n "💧 v1.8.1"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_elixir)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_ELIXIR_SUFFIX changes the character suffix"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/mix.exs
+ set sf_exit_code 0
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold magenta
+ echo -n "💧 v1.8.1"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "·"
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_elixir)
+test "doesn't display the section when SPACEFISH_ELIXIR_SHOW is set to \"false\""
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/mix.exs
+ ) = (__sf_section_elixir)
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8559669
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+source $DIRNAME/
+function setup
+ spacefish_test_setup
+test "Exit code not enabled by default"
+ (
+ set sf_exit_code 1
+ ) = (__sf_section_exit_code)
+test "Enable exit-code, shows exit code upon fail"
+ (
+ set sf_exit_code 1
+ set_color --bold
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold red
+ echo -n "✘1"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_exit_code)
+test "Hides exit code upon success"
+ (
+ set sf_exit_code 0
+ ) = (__sf_section_exit_code)
+test "Color-changing exit code"
+ (
+ set sf_exit_code 1
+ set_color --bold
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold purple
+ echo -n "✘1"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_exit_code)
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..91c6fd5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+source $DIRNAME/
+function setup
+ spacefish_test_setup
+ mkdir -p /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+ cd /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+ command git init >/dev/null
+ command git config --local ""
+ command git config --local "Test User"
+function teardown
+ rm -rf /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+test "Displays no status symbols in a clean repo"
+ () = (__sf_section_git_status)
+test "Displays the correct symbol for untracked file"
+ (
+ touch testfile
+ set_color --bold
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold red
+ echo -n " [?]"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_git_status)
+test "Displays the correct symbol for added file"
+ (
+ touch testfile
+ command git add testfile
+ set_color --bold
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold red
+ echo -n " [+]"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_git_status)
+test "Displays the correct symbol for modified file"
+ (
+ touch testfile
+ command git add testfile
+ command git commit -m "Initial commit" --quiet
+ echo "modification" > testfile
+ set_color --bold
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold red
+ echo -n " [!]"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_git_status)
+test "Displays the correct symbol for renamed file"
+ (
+ touch testfile
+ command git add testfile
+ command git commit -m "Initial commit" --quiet
+ mv testfile newtestfile
+ command git add testfile newtestfile
+ set_color --bold
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold red
+ echo -n " [»]"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_git_status)
+test "Displays the correct symbol for deleted file"
+ (
+ touch testfile
+ command git add testfile
+ command git commit -m "Initial commit" --quiet
+ rm testfile
+ command git add testfile
+ set_color --bold
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold red
+ echo -n " [✘]"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_git_status)
+test "Displays the correct symbol for stashed file"
+ (
+ touch testfile
+ command git add testfile
+ command git commit -m "Initial commit" --quiet
+ echo "modification" > testfile
+ command git stash --quiet
+ set_color --bold
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold red
+ echo -n " [\$]"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_git_status)
+test "Test config option SPACEFISH_GIT_STATUS_SHOW"
+ (
+ ) = (__sf_section_git_status)
+# TODO: Get test dir into status *U*
+# TODO: Add test for ahead
+# TODO: Add test for behind
+# TODO: Add test for diverged
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bff4c704
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+source $DIRNAME/
+function setup
+ spacefish_test_setup
+ mock go version 0 "echo \"go version go1.10.3 darwin/amd64\""
+ mkdir -p /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+ cd /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+function teardown
+ rm -rf /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+test "Prints section when Godeps is present"
+ (
+ mkdir /tmp/tmp-spacefish/Godeps
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "🐹 v1.10.3"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_golang)
+test "Prints section when glide.yaml is present"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/glide.yaml
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "🐹 v1.10.3"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_golang)
+test "Prints section when Gopkg.yml is present"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/Gopkg.yml
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "🐹 v1.10.3"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_golang)
+test "Prints section when Gopkg.lock is present"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/Gopkg.lock
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "🐹 v1.10.3"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_golang)
+test "Prints section when go.mod is present"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/go.mod
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "🐹 v1.10.3"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_golang)
+test "Print section when using development version of golang"
+ (
+ mock go version 0 "echo go version devel +5efe9a8f11 Wed Jan 9 07:21:16 2019 +0000 darwin/amd64"
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/Gopkg.lock
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "🐹 devel:5efe9a8f11"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_golang)
+test "Doesn't print the section when golang files aren't present"
+ () = (__sf_section_golang)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_GOLANG_SYMBOL changes the displayed character"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/Gopkg.lock
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "· v1.10.3"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_golang)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_GOLANG_PREFIX changes the character prefix"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/Gopkg.lock
+ set sf_exit_code 0
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "·"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "🐹 v1.10.3"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_golang)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_GOLANG_SUFFIX changes the character suffix"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/Gopkg.lock
+ set sf_exit_code 0
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "🐹 v1.10.3"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "·"
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_golang)
+test "doesn't display the section when SPACEFISH_GOLANG_SHOW is set to \"false\""
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/Gopkg.lock
+ ) = (__sf_section_golang)
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a040226d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+source $DIRNAME/
+function setup
+ spacefish_test_setup
+function teardown
+ if set -q SSH_CONNECTION;
+ set --erase SSH_CONNECTION
+ end
+test "Correctly shows hostname upon SSH connection"
+ (
+ set SSH_CONNECTION " 12345 22"
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "at "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold green
+ echo -n (hostname)
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_host)
+test "Displays user when SPACEFISH_HOST_SHOW is set to \"always\""
+ (
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "at "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold blue
+ echo -n (hostname)
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_host)
+test "Displays user when SPACEFISH_HOST_SHOW is set to \"always\", over SSH"
+ (
+ set SSH_CONNECTION " 12345 22"
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "at "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold green
+ echo -n (hostname)
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_host)
+test "doesn't display the section when SPACEFISH_HOST_SHOW is set to \"false\""
+ (
+ ) = (__sf_section_host)
+test "Displays hostname when set different from machine name, over SSH"
+ (
+ mock hostname \* 0 "echo \"spacefish\""
+ set SSH_CONNECTION " 12345 22"
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "at "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold green
+ echo -n "spacefish"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_host)
+test "Doesn't display hostname by default, without SSH"
+ () = (__sf_section_host)
+# Color testing; magenta = pass, red = failure.
+test "Test color, no SSH."
+ (
+ set SPACEFISH_HOST_COLOR "magenta" # No SSH connection. This should display.
+ set SPACEFISH_HOST_COLOR_SSH "red" # If red shows, test failed.
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "at "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold "magenta"
+ echo -n (hostname)
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_host)
+test "Test color, with SSH."
+ (
+ set SPACEFISH_HOST_COLOR "red" # If red shows, test failed.
+ set SPACEFISH_HOST_COLOR_SSH "magenta" # SSH connection exists. This should take precedence.
+ set SSH_CONNECTION " 12345 22"
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "at "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold "magenta"
+ echo -n (hostname)
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_host)
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2ce12051
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+source $DIRNAME/
+function setup
+ spacefish_test_setup
+function teardown
+ killall sleep # Kill any previous background jobs
+test "Test a single background job"
+ (
+ sleep 5 & # Background process
+ set_color --bold
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold blue
+ echo -n "✦"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_jobs)
+test "Test with two background jobs"
+ (
+ sleep 5 & # Background process #1
+ sleep 5 & # Background process #2
+ set_color --bold
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold blue
+ echo -n "✦2"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_jobs)
+test "Test with five background jobs"
+ (
+ sleep 5 & # Background process #1
+ sleep 5 & # Background process #2
+ sleep 5 & # Background process #3
+ sleep 5 & # Background process #4
+ sleep 5 & # Background process #5
+ set_color --bold
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold blue
+ echo -n "✦5"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_jobs)
+test "Test with less than threshold of background jobs"
+ (
+ sleep 5 & # Background process #1
+ sleep 5 & # Background process #2
+ sleep 5 & # Background process #3
+ set_color --bold
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold blue
+ echo -n "✦"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_jobs)
+test "Test with equal threshold of background jobs"
+ (
+ sleep 5 & # Background process #1
+ sleep 5 & # Background process #2
+ sleep 5 & # Background process #3
+ sleep 5 & # Background process #4
+ set_color --bold
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold blue
+ echo -n "✦"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_jobs)
+test "Test with more than threshold of background jobs"
+ (
+ sleep 5 & # Background process #1
+ sleep 5 & # Background process #2
+ sleep 5 & # Background process #3
+ sleep 5 & # Background process #4
+ sleep 5 & # Background process #5
+ sleep 5 & # Background process #6
+ set_color --bold
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold blue
+ echo -n "✦6"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_jobs)
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..941212b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+source $DIRNAME/
+function setup
+ spacefish_test_setup
+ mock julia --version 0 "echo \"julia version 1.0.1\""
+ mkdir -p /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+ cd /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+function teardown
+ rm -rf /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+test "Prints section when julia is installed and pwd has *.jl file(s)"
+ (
+ touch some-julia-file.jl
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "is "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold green
+ echo -n "ஃ v1.0.1"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_julia)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_JULIA_SYMBOL changes the displayed character"
+ (
+ touch some-julia-file.jl
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "is "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold green
+ echo -n "· v1.0.1"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_julia)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_JULIA_PREFIX changes the character prefix"
+ (
+ touch some-julia-file.jl
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "·"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold green
+ echo -n "ஃ v1.0.1"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_julia)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_JULIA_SUFFIX changes the character suffix"
+ (
+ touch some-julia-file.jl
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "is "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold green
+ echo -n "ஃ v1.0.1"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "·"
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_julia)
+# Negative
+test "Doesn't display section when SPACEFISH_JULIA_SHOW is set to 'false'"
+ (
+ touch some-julia-file.jl
+ ) = (__sf_section_julia)
+test "Doesn't display section when pwd has no *.jl file"
+ () = (__sf_section_julia)
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3b0f3400
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+source $DIRNAME/
+function setup
+ spacefish_test_setup
+ mock kubectl config 0 "echo \"testkube\""
+test "Prints section"
+ (
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "at "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "☸️ testkube (testkube)"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_kubecontext)
+test "Kubecontext symbol does not appear outside of a Kubernetes project"
+ (
+ mock kubectl config 1
+ ) = (__sf_section_kubecontext)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_KUBECONTEXT_SYMBOL changes the displayed character"
+ (
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "at "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "· testkube (testkube)"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_kubecontext)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_KUBECONTEXT_PREFIX changes the character prefix"
+ (
+ set sf_exit_code 0
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "·"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "☸️ testkube (testkube)"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_kubecontext)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_KUBECONTEXT_SUFFIX changes the character suffix"
+ (
+ set sf_exit_code 0
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "at "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "☸️ testkube (testkube)"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "·"
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_kubecontext)
+test "Doesn't display the section when SPACEFISH_KUBECONTEXT_SHOW is set to \"false\""
+ (
+ ) = (__sf_section_kubecontext)
+test "Doesn't display the namespace section when SPACEFISH_KUBECONTEXT_NAMESPACE_SHOW is set to \"false\""
+ (
+ set sf_exit_code 0
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "at "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "☸️ testkube"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "·"
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_kubecontext)
+test "Doesn't display the namespace section when kube_context is set to \"default\""
+ (
+ mock kubectl config 0 "echo \"default\""
+ set sf_exit_code 0
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "at "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold cyan
+ echo -n "☸️ default"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "·"
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_kubecontext)
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d2f8208
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+source $DIRNAME/
+function setup
+ spacefish_test_setup
+test "Echoes a line break"
+ (
+ echo -n -e \n
+ ) = (__sf_section_line_sep)
+test "Disabling SPACEFISH_PROMPT_SEPARATE_LINE doesn't display a line break"
+ (
+ ) = (__sf_section_line_sep)
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..12622a42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+source $DIRNAME/
+function setup
+ spacefish_test_setup
+ mock node -v 0 "echo \"v9.8.0\""
+ mkdir -p /tmp/tmp-spacefish/
+ cd /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+function teardown
+ rm -rf /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+test "Prints section when node_modules is present"
+ (
+ mkdir /tmp/tmp-spacefish/node_modules
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold green
+ echo -n "⬢ v9.8.0"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_node)
+test "Prints section when package.json is present"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/package.json
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold green
+ echo -n "⬢ v9.8.0"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_node)
+test "Doesn't print section when not in a directory with node_modules or package.json"
+ () = (__sf_section_node)
+test "Prints nvm version when nvm is installed"
+ (
+ mkdir /tmp/tmp-spacefish/node_modules
+ set -e sf_node_version
+ mock nvm current 0 "echo \"v9.8.0\""
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold green
+ echo -n "⬢ v9.8.0"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_node)
+test "Prints cached nvm version if previously used"
+ (
+ mkdir /tmp/tmp-spacefish/node_modules
+ set sf_node_version "v1.2.3"
+ set sf_last_nvm_bin "path_to_bin"
+ set NVM_BIN "path_to_bin"
+ mock nvm current 0
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold green
+ echo -n "⬢ v1.2.3"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_node)
+test "Prints nodenv version when nodenv is installed"
+ (
+ mkdir /tmp/tmp-spacefish/node_modules
+ mock nodenv version-name 0 "echo \"v9.8.0\""
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold green
+ echo -n "⬢ v9.8.0"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_node)
+test "Prints nothing when using the \"system\" version of node with nvm"
+ (
+ mkdir -p /tmp/tmp-spacefish/node_modules
+ mock nvm current 0 "echo \"system\""
+ ) = (__sf_section_node)
+test "Prints nothing when using the \"system\" version of node with nodenv"
+ (
+ mkdir /tmp/tmp-spacefish/node_modules
+ mock nodenv version-name 0 "echo \"system\""
+ ) = (__sf_section_node)
+test "Prints nodenv version when nodenv is installed"
+ (
+ mkdir /tmp/tmp-spacefish/node_modules
+ mock nodenv version-name 0 "echo \"node\""
+ ) = (__sf_section_node)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_NODE_SYMBOL changes the displayed character"
+ (
+ mkdir /tmp/tmp-spacefish/node_modules
+ mock nvm current 0 "echo \"v9.8.0\""
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold green
+ echo -n "· v9.8.0"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_node)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_NODE_PREFIX changes the character prefix"
+ (
+ mkdir /tmp/tmp-spacefish/node_modules
+ set sf_exit_code 0
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "·"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold green
+ echo -n "⬢ v9.8.0"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_node)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_NODE_PREFIX changes the character prefix"
+ (
+ mkdir /tmp/tmp-spacefish/node_modules
+ set sf_exit_code 0
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold green
+ echo -n "⬢ v9.8.0"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "·"
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_node)
+test "Setting SPACEFISH_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION to the current version disables the section"
+ (
+ mkdir /tmp/tmp-spacefish/node_modules
+ set sf_exit_code 0
+ ) = (__sf_section_node)
+test "doesn't display the section when SPACEFISH_NODE_SHOW is set to \"false\""
+ (
+ mkdir /tmp/tmp-spacefish/node_modules
+ ) = (__sf_section_node)
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..06660730
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+source $DIRNAME/
+function setup
+ spacefish_test_setup
+ mock cargo pkgid 0 "echo \"file:///Users/sirMerr/Development/test-rust#0.1.0\""
+ mkdir -p /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+ cd /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+function teardown
+ rm -rf /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+test "Prints section when Cargo.toml is present"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/Cargo.toml
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "is "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold red
+ echo -n "📦 v0.1.0"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_package)
+test "Prints section when package.json is present"
+ (
+ echo "{\"version\": \"1.0\"}" > /tmp/tmp-spacefish/package.json
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "is "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold red
+ echo -n "📦 v1.0"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_package)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_PACKAGE_SUFFIX changes the character suffix"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/Cargo.toml
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "is "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold red
+ echo -n "📦 v0.1.0"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "·"
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_package)
+test "Does not print section when Cargo.toml or package.json is not present"
+ () = (__sf_section_package)
+test "Doesn't display the section when SPACEFISH_PACKAGE_SHOW is set to \"false\""
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/Cargo.toml
+ ) = (__sf_section_package)
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f0333bd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+source $DIRNAME/
+function setup
+ spacefish_test_setup
+ mock php -v 0 "echo \"PHP 7.1.16 (cli) (built: Mar 31 2018 02:59:59) ( NTS )
+ Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group
+ Zend Engine v3.1.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Zend Technologies\""
+ mkdir -p /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+ cd /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+function teardown
+ rm -rf /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+test "Prints section when composer.json is present"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/composer.json
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold blue
+ echo -n "🐘 v7.1.16"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_php)
+test "Prints section when a *.php file is present"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/testfile.php
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold blue
+ echo -n "🐘 v7.1.16"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_php)
+test "Doesn't print the section when composer.json and *.php aren't present"
+ () = (__sf_section_php)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_PHP_SYMBOL changes the displayed character"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/composer.json
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold blue
+ echo -n "· v7.1.16"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_php)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_PHP_PREFIX changes the character prefix"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/composer.json
+ set sf_exit_code 0
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "·"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold blue
+ echo -n "🐘 v7.1.16"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_php)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_PHP_SUFFIX changes the character suffix"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/composer.json
+ set sf_exit_code 0
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold blue
+ echo -n "🐘 v7.1.16"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "·"
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_php)
+test "doesn't display the section when SPACEFISH_PHP_SHOW is set to \"false\""
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/composer.json
+ ) = (__sf_section_php)
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b9576800
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+source $DIRNAME/
+function setup
+ spacefish_test_setup
+ mock pyenv version-name 0 "echo \"3.7.0\""
+ mkdir -p /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+ cd /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+function teardown
+ rm -rf /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+ if test "$PYENV_VERSION"
+ end
+test "Prints section when \$PYENV_VERSION is defined"
+ (
+ set PYENV_VERSION 3.7.0
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold yellow
+ echo -n "🐍 3.7.0"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_pyenv)
+test "Prints section when .python-version is present"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/.python-version
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold yellow
+ echo -n "🐍 3.7.0"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_pyenv)
+test "Prints section when requirements.txt is present"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/requirements.txt
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold yellow
+ echo -n "🐍 3.7.0"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_pyenv)
+test "Prints section when pyproject.toml is present"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/pyproject.toml
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold yellow
+ echo -n "🐍 3.7.0"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_pyenv)
+test "Prints section when a *.py file is present"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold yellow
+ echo -n "🐍 3.7.0"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_pyenv)
+test "Doesn't print the section when requirements.txt and *.py aren't present"
+ () = (__sf_section_pyenv)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_PYENV_SYMBOL changes the displayed character"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/requirements.txt
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold yellow
+ echo -n "· 3.7.0"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_pyenv)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_PYENV_PREFIX changes the character prefix"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/requirements.txt
+ set sf_exit_code 0
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "·"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold yellow
+ echo -n "🐍 3.7.0"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_pyenv)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_PYENV_SUFFIX changes the character suffix"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/requirements.txt
+ set sf_exit_code 0
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold yellow
+ echo -n "🐍 3.7.0"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "·"
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_pyenv)
+test "doesn't display the section when SPACEFISH_PYENV_SHOW is set to \"false\""
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/requirements.txt
+ ) = (__sf_section_pyenv)
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ea99a4a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+source $DIRNAME/
+function setup
+ spacefish_test_setup
+ mock rustc --version 0 "echo \"rustc 1.28.0-nightly (9634041f0 2018-07-30)\""
+ mkdir -p /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+ cd /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+function teardown
+ rm -rf /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+test "Prints section when Cargo.toml is present"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/Cargo.toml
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold red
+ echo -n "𝗥 v1.28.0"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_rust)
+test "Prints section when a *.rs file is present"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold red
+ echo -n "𝗥 v1.28.0"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_rust)
+test "Doesn't print the section when Cargo.toml and *.rs aren't present"
+ () = (__sf_section_rust)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_RUST_SYMBOL changes the displayed character"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/Cargo.toml
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold red
+ echo -n "· v1.28.0"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_rust)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_RUST_PREFIX changes the character prefix"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/Cargo.toml
+ set sf_exit_code 0
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "·"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold red
+ echo -n "𝗥 v1.28.0"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_rust)
+test "Changing SPACEFISH_RUST_SUFFIX changes the character suffix"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/Cargo.toml
+ set sf_exit_code 0
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold red
+ echo -n "𝗥 v1.28.0"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "·"
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_rust)
+test "Prints verbose version when configured to do so"
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/Cargo.toml
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "via "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold red
+ echo -n "𝗥 v1.28.0-nightly"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_rust)
+test "doesn't display the section when SPACEFISH_RUST_SHOW is set to \"false\""
+ (
+ touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/Cargo.toml
+ ) = (__sf_section_rust)
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fe7ce215
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+source $DIRNAME/
+function setup
+ spacefish_test_setup
+ function date -a time_format
+ command date --version >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ switch $status
+ case 0 # GNU Coreutil
+ command date "-u" "-d @1536116421" "$time_format"
+ case '*' # MacOS + BSD Compatibility (Lacks --version)
+ command date "-u" "-r 1536116421" "$time_format"
+ end
+ end
+function teardown
+ functions --erase date
+test "Time is disabled by default?"
+ () = (__sf_section_time)
+test "Enabling time! 24-hour by default"
+ (
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "at "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold yellow
+ echo -n "03:00:21"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_time)
+test "Enabling time with 12-hour instead"
+ (
+ set SPACEFISH_TIME_12HR true
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "at "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold yellow
+ echo -n "03:00:21"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_time)
+test "Show the date too"
+ (
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "at "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold yellow
+ echo -n "2018-09-05"
+ echo -n " "
+ echo -n "03:00:21"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_time)
+test "Custom date/time format"
+ (
+ set SPACEFISH_TIME_FORMAT (date '+%H') # Unix timestamp
+ set SPACEFISH_TIME_PREFIX "" # Get rid of "at " prefix.
+ set_color --bold
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold yellow
+ echo -n "03"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_time)
+test "What is the time? Purple?!"
+ (
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "at "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold purple
+ echo -n "03:00:21"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_time)
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..489983de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+source $DIRNAME/
+function setup
+ spacefish_test_setup
+function teardown
+test "Displays user when different from logname"
+ (
+ set USER spacefishUser
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "with "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold yellow
+ echo -n "spacefishUser"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_user)
+test "Displays user when UID = 0"
+ (
+ set UID 0
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "with "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold yellow
+ echo -n $USER
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_user)
+test "Displays user when there's an SSH connection"
+ (
+ set SSH_CONNECTION " 12345 22"
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "with "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold yellow
+ echo -n $USER
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_user)
+test "Changes user color when logged in as root"
+ (
+ set USER root
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "with "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold red
+ echo -n root
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_user)
+test "Displays user when SPACEFISH_USER_SHOW is set to \"always\""
+ (
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n "with "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold yellow
+ echo -n $USER
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_user)
+test "Doesn't display user when SPACEFISH_USER_SHOW is set to \"false\""
+ (
+ ) = (__sf_section_user)
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f60d23e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+source $DIRNAME/
+function setup
+ spacefish_test_setup
+function teardown
+ if test "$VIRTUAL_ENV"
+ set -e VIRTUAL_ENV
+ end
+test "Prints section when \$VIRTUAL_ENV is defined"
+ (
+ set VIRTUAL_ENV "/Users/JaneDoe/.venv/coolenviron"
+ set_color --bold
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold blue
+ echo -n "·coolenviron"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_venv)
+test "Prints section when \$VIRTUAL_ENV is defined with venv as the directory name"
+ (
+ set VIRTUAL_ENV "/Users/JaneDoe/.venv/coolenviron/virtualenv"
+ set_color --bold
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold blue
+ echo -n "·coolenviron"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_venv)
+test "doesn't display the section when SPACEFISH_VENV_SHOW is set to \"false\""
+ (
+ set VIRTUAL_ENV "/Users/JaneDoe/.venv/coolenviron"
+ ) = (__sf_section_venv)
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4a9bda20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+source $DIRNAME/
+function setup
+ spacefish_test_setup
+ fish_vi_key_bindings; or true
+ # Unfortunately right after enabling vi-keys it's in 'normal' state on CI and in 'insert' locally
+ set fish_bind_mode insert
+test "Prints section when fish_vi_key_bindigs is set"
+ (
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold white
+ echo -n "[I]"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_vi_mode)
+test "Prints SPACEFISH_VI_MODE_VISUAL when fish_bind_mode is visual"
+ (
+ set fish_bind_mode visual
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold white
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_vi_mode)
+test "Prints SPACEFISH_VI_MODE_REPLACE_ONE when fish_bind_mode is replace_one"
+ (
+ set fish_bind_mode replace_one
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold white
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_vi_mode)
+test "Prints SPACEFISH_VI_MODE_NORMAL when fish_bind_mode is normal"
+ (
+ set fish_bind_mode default
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold white
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_vi_mode)
+test "Prints SPACEFISH_VI_MODE_INSERT when fish_bind_mode is insert"
+ (
+ set fish_bind_mode insert
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold white
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_vi_mode)
+test "Prints prefix when SPACEFISH_VI_MODE_PREFIX is set"
+ (
+ set_color --bold
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold white
+ echo -n "[I]"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_vi_mode)
+test "Prints suffix when SPACEFISH_VI_MODE_SUFFIX is set"
+ (
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold white
+ echo -n "[I]"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_vi_mode)
+test "Use color from SPACEFISH_VI_MODE_COLOR"
+ (
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold red
+ echo -n "[I]"
+ set_color normal
+ set_color --bold
+ echo -n " "
+ set_color normal
+ ) = (__sf_section_vi_mode)
+test "Don't print anything if SPACEFISH_VI_MODE_SHOW is false"
+ (
+ ) = (__sf_section_vi_mode)
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..33a65a1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+source $DIRNAME/
+function setup
+ spacefish_test_setup
+ mkdir -p /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+ cd /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+ command git init >/dev/null
+ command git config --local ""
+ command git config --local "Test User"
+function teardown
+ rm -rf /tmp/tmp-spacefish
+test "Identifies HEAD before initial commit"
+ (
+ echo "HEAD"
+ ) = (__sf_util_git_branch)
+test "Identifies master branch"
+ (
+ command git commit --allow-empty -m "initial commit" --quiet
+ echo "master"
+ ) = (__sf_util_git_branch)
+test "Identifies an alternate branch name"
+ (
+ command git checkout -b "testBranch" 2>/dev/null
+ command git commit --allow-empty -m "initial commit" --quiet
+ echo "testBranch"
+ ) = (__sf_util_git_branch)
+test "No result provided for non-git directory"
+ (
+ cd ~
+ echo ""
+ ) = (__sf_util_git_branch)
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..730cc027
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+test "Shows milliseconds"
+ '1ms' = (
+ echo 1 | __sf_util_human_time my_var
+ )
+test "Shows seconds"
+ '1s' = (
+ echo 1000 | __sf_util_human_time my_var
+ )
+test "Shows seconds and milliseconds"
+ '1s 1ms' = (
+ echo 1001 | __sf_util_human_time my_var
+ )
+test "Shows minutes"
+ '1m' = (
+ echo 60000 | __sf_util_human_time my_var
+ )
+test "Shows minutes and milliseconds"
+ '1m 1ms' = (
+ echo 60001 | __sf_util_human_time my_var
+ )
+test "Shows minutes and seconds"
+ '1m 1s' = (
+ echo 61000 | __sf_util_human_time my_var
+ )
+test "Shows minutes, seconds, and milliseconds"
+ '1m 1s 1ms' = (
+ echo 61001 | __sf_util_human_time my_var
+ )
+test "Shows hours"
+ '1h' = (
+ echo 3600000 | __sf_util_human_time my_var
+ )
+test "Shows hours and milliseconds"
+ '1h 1ms' = (
+ echo 3600001 | __sf_util_human_time my_var
+ )
+test "Shows hours and seconds"
+ '1h 1s' = (
+ echo 3601000 | __sf_util_human_time my_var
+ )
+test "Shows hours, seconds, and milliseconds"
+ '1h 1s 1ms' = (
+ echo 3601001 | __sf_util_human_time my_var
+ )
+test "Shows hours and minutes"
+ '1h 1m' = (
+ echo 3660000 | __sf_util_human_time my_var
+ )
+test "Shows hours, minutes, and milliseconds"
+ '1h 1m 1ms' = (
+ echo 3660001 | __sf_util_human_time my_var
+ )
+test "Shows hours, minutes, and seconds"
+ '1h 1m 1s' = (
+ echo 3661000 | __sf_util_human_time my_var
+ )
+test "Shows hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds"
+ '1h 1m 1s 1ms' = (
+ echo 3661001 | __sf_util_human_time my_var
+ )
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..de2faa57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+test "Sets a variable"
+ 'default_value' = (
+ __sf_util_set_default my_var 'default_value'
+ echo $my_var
+ )
+test "Skips setting a variable if one is already set"
+ 'default_value' = (
+ __sf_util_set_default my_var 'default_value'
+ __sf_util_set_default my_var 'another_value'
+ echo $my_var
+ )
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ac1e2cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+set path /tmp/$DIRNAME/$TESTNAME
+function setup
+ mkdir -p $path/temp1/temp2/temp3
+ cd $path/temp1/temp2/temp3
+function teardown
+ rm -rf $path
+test "Truncate path to 1 directory"
+ 'temp3' = (
+ __sf_util_truncate_dir (pwd) 1
+ )
+test "Truncate path to 3 directories"
+ 'temp1/temp2/temp3' = (
+ __sf_util_truncate_dir (pwd) 3
+ )
+test "Don't truncate path"
+ (pwd) = (
+ __sf_util_truncate_dir (pwd) 0
+ )
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..132bf15d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env fish
+set -l gitRoot (git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
+set -l testDir (dirname (status --current-filename))
+set -l tmpDir /tmp/spacefish
+# Install fisher if not installed in temporary fish env
+if test ! -f $tmpDir/.config/fish/functions/
+ curl --create-dirs -sLo $tmpDir/.config/fish/functions/
+# Install fishtape and local spacefish into temp env
+env HOME=$tmpDir fish -c "fisher add jorgebucaran/fishtape@7426171 matchai/fish-mock $gitRoot"
+env HOME=$tmpDir fish -c "fish_prompt"
+if test (count $argv) -gt 0
+ # Run an individual test file if it is provided as an argument
+ env HOME=$tmpDir fish -c "fishtape $argv[1]"
+ # Otherwise run all test files
+ env HOME=$tmpDir fish -c "fishtape $testDir/*"
diff --git a/.config/fisher/ b/.config/fisher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..31001a7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fisher/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+function spacefish_test_setup
+ # Delete all lingering spacefish variables
+ set --name | grep -E '^(SPACEFISH_|sf_)' | while read -l var
+ set -e $var
+ end
+ # Delete lingering mocked functions
+ for mock in $_mocked
+ unmock $mock
+ end
+ # Initialize spacefish theme
+ fish_prompt>/dev/null
diff --git a/.config/i3/config b/.config/i3/config
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..43f46f3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/i3/config
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+# This file has been auto-generated by i3-config-wizard(1).
+# It will not be overwritten, so edit it as you like.
+# Should you change your keyboard layout some time, delete
+# this file and re-run i3-config-wizard(1).
+# i3 config file (v4)
+# Please see for a complete reference!
+set $mod Mod4
+set $aux Mod1
+# Font for window titles. Will also be used by the bar unless a different font
+# is used in the bar {} block below.
+# This font is widely installed, provides lots of unicode glyphs, right-to-left
+# text rendering and scalability on retina/hidpi displays (thanks to pango).
+font pango:DejaVu Sans Mono 8
+# The combination of xss-lock, nm-applet and pactl is a popular choice, so
+# they are included here as an example. Modify as you see fit.
+# xss-lock grabs a logind suspend inhibit lock and will use i3lock to lock the
+# screen before suspend. Use loginctl lock-session to lock your screen.
+exec --no-startup-id xss-lock --transfer-sleep-lock -- i3lock --nofork
+# NetworkManager is the most popular way to manage wireless networks on Linux,
+# and nm-applet is a desktop environment-independent system tray GUI for it.
+exec --no-startup-id nm-applet
+# Use pactl to adjust volume in PulseAudio.
+set $refresh_i3status killall -SIGUSR1 i3status
+bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +10% && $refresh_i3status
+bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -10% && $refresh_i3status
+bindsym XF86AudioMute exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle && $refresh_i3status
+bindsym XF86AudioMicMute exec --no-startup-id pactl set-source-mute @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ toggle && $refresh_i3status
+bindsym XF86AudioNext exec playerctl next
+bindsym XF86AudioPrev exec playerctl previous
+# Sreen brightness controls
+bindsym XF86MonBrightnessUp exec xbacklight -inc 20 # increase screen brightness
+bindsym XF86MonBrightnessDown exec xbacklight -dec 20 # decrease screen brightness
+# Disable titlebars
+for_window [class=".*"] border pixel 0
+# Use gaps
+smart_gaps on
+gaps inner 5
+gaps outer 5
+# Use Mouse+$mod to drag floating windows to their wanted position
+floating_modifier $mod
+# start a terminal
+bindsym $mod+Return exec terminator
+# kill focused window
+bindsym $mod+Shift+q kill
+# start rofi (a program launcher)
+bindsym $mod+d exec --no-startup-id "rofi -combi-modi window,drun,ssh -theme DarkBlue -font \\"pango mono 24\\" -show combi"
+# change focus
+bindsym $mod+h focus left
+bindsym $mod+j focus down
+bindsym $mod+k focus up
+bindsym $mod+l focus right
+# alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:
+bindsym $mod+Left focus left
+bindsym $mod+Down focus down
+bindsym $mod+Up focus up
+bindsym $mod+Right focus right
+# move windows:
+bindsym $mod+Shift+h move left
+bindsym $mod+Shift+j move down
+bindsym $mod+Shift+k move up
+bindsym $mod+Shift+l move right
+# alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:
+bindsym $mod+Shift+Left move left
+bindsym $mod+Shift+Down move down
+bindsym $mod+Shift+Up move up
+bindsym $mod+Shift+Right move right
+# split in horizontal orientation
+bindsym $mod+o split v
+# split in vertical orientation
+bindsym $mod+v split h
+# enter fullscreen mode for the focused container
+bindsym $mod+f fullscreen toggle
+# change container layout (stacked, tabbed, toggle split)
+bindsym $mod+s layout stacking
+bindsym $mod+w layout tabbed
+bindsym $mod+e layout toggle split
+# toggle tiling / floating
+bindsym $mod+Shift+space floating toggle
+# change focus between tiling / floating windows
+bindsym $mod+space focus mode_toggle
+# focus the parent container
+bindsym $mod+a focus parent
+# focus the child container
+#bindsym $mod+d focus child
+# Define names for default workspaces for which we configure key bindings later on.
+# We use variables to avoid repeating the names in multiple places.
+set $ws1 "1: "
+set $ws2 "2: "
+set $ws3 "3: "
+set $ws4 "4: "
+set $ws5 "5: "
+set $ws6 "6: "
+set $ws7 "7: all"
+set $ws8 "8"
+set $ws9 "9"
+set $ws10 "10"
+# switch to workspace
+bindsym $mod+1 workspace number $ws1
+bindsym $mod+2 workspace number $ws2
+bindsym $mod+3 workspace number $ws3
+bindsym $mod+4 workspace number $ws4
+bindsym $mod+5 workspace number $ws5
+bindsym $mod+6 workspace number $ws6
+bindsym $mod+7 workspace number $ws7
+bindsym $mod+8 workspace number $ws8
+bindsym $mod+9 workspace number $ws9
+bindsym $mod+0 workspace number $ws10
+# move focused container to workspace
+bindsym $mod+Shift+1 move container to workspace number $ws1
+bindsym $mod+Shift+2 move container to workspace number $ws2
+bindsym $mod+Shift+3 move container to workspace number $ws3
+bindsym $mod+Shift+4 move container to workspace number $ws4
+bindsym $mod+Shift+5 move container to workspace number $ws5
+bindsym $mod+Shift+6 move container to workspace number $ws6
+bindsym $mod+Shift+7 move container to workspace number $ws7
+bindsym $mod+Shift+8 move container to workspace number $ws8
+bindsym $mod+Shift+9 move container to workspace number $ws9
+bindsym $mod+Shift+0 move container to workspace number $ws10
+# reload the configuration file
+bindsym $mod+Shift+c reload
+# restart i3 inplace (preserves your layout/session, can be used to upgrade i3)
+bindsym $mod+Shift+r restart
+# lock the screen
+set $Locker exec "~/.config/i3/"
+set $mode_system System (l) lock, (e) logout, (s) suspend, (h) hibernate, (r) reboot, (Shift+s) shutdown
+mode "$mode_system" {
+ bindsym l exec --no-startup-id $Locker, mode "default"
+ bindsym e exec --no-startup-id i3-msg exit, mode "default"
+ bindsym s exec --no-startup-id $Locker && systemctl suspend, mode "default"
+ bindsym h exec --no-startup-id $Locker && systemctl hibernate, mode "default"
+ bindsym r exec --no-startup-id systemctl reboot, mode "default"
+ bindsym Shift+s exec --no-startup-id systemctl poweroff -i, mode "default"
+ # back to normal: Enter or Escape
+ bindsym Return mode "default"
+ bindsym Escape mode "default"
+bindsym $mod+Shift+e mode "$mode_system"
+# resize window (you can also use the mouse for that)
+mode "resize" {
+ # These bindings trigger as soon as you enter the resize mode
+ # Pressing left will shrink the window’s width.
+ # Pressing right will grow the window’s width.
+ # Pressing up will shrink the window’s height.
+ # Pressing down will grow the window’s height.
+ bindsym h resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt
+ bindsym j resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
+ bindsym k resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
+ bindsym l resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt
+ # same bindings, but for the arrow keys
+ bindsym Left resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt
+ bindsym Down resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
+ bindsym Up resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
+ bindsym Right resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt
+ # back to normal: Enter or Escape or $mod+r
+ bindsym Return mode "default"
+ bindsym Escape mode "default"
+ bindsym $mod+r mode "default"
+bindsym $mod+r mode "resize"
+# Start Polybar
+exec_always --no-startup-id .config/polybar/
+# Hotkeys for opening programs
+bindsym $aux+f exec termite -e ~/.config/vifm/scripts/vifmrun
+bindsym $aux+t exec ./.telegram/Telegram
+## Languages
+bindsym $aux+Shift+e exec setxkbmap es
+bindsym $aux+Shift+u exec setxkbmap us
+## Screnshots
+bindsym Print escrotum "~/Imágenes/%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S.png"
+bindsym Ctrl+Print exec escrotum -s "~/Imágenes/%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S.png"
+bindsym Ctrl+Shift+Print exec escrotum -s -C
+# Disable focus follows
+focus_follows_mouse no
+# Asign workspaces
+assign [class="Brave"] $ws1
+assign [class="Emacs"] $ws2
+assign [class="Postman"] $ws2
+assign [class="Terminator"] $ws3
+for_window [class = "DBeaver"] move to workspace $ws2
+assign [class="Slack"] $ws4
+assign [class="Telegram"] $ws4
+assign [class="Keybase"] $ws4
+assign [class="Franz"] $ws4
+assign [class="Mailspring"] $ws5
+assign [class="MineTime"] $ws5
+for_window [class = "Spotify"] move to workspace $ws6
+# Open specific applications in floating mode
+for_window [title="File Transfer*"] floating enable
+for_window [class="Galculator"] floating enable border pixel 1
+for_window [class="GParted"] floating enable border normal
+for_window [class="Nitrogen"] floating enable sticky enable border normal
+# Autostarts
+exec --no-startup-id i3-msg 'exec /usr/bin/minetime'
+exec --no-startup-id i3-msg 'exec /usr/bin/mailspring'
+exec --no-startup-id i3-msg 'exec /usr/bin/nextcloud'
+exec_always --no-startup-id .config/conky/
+exec --no-startup-id i3-msg 'exec /usr/bin/emacs'
+exec --no-startup-id i3-msg 'exec /usr/bin/brave'
+exec --no-startup-id i3-msg 'exec /usr/bin/terminator'
+exec --no-startup-id i3-msg '~/.telegram/Telegram'
+exec --no-startup-id i3-msg '/usr/bin/pasystray'
+exec --no-startup-id i3-msg 'exec /opt/Mullvad\ VPN/mullvad-gui --no-sandbox'
+exec --no-startup-id nitrogen --restore
+# Window colors
+# class border backgr. text indicator child_border
+client.focused #000000 #75D85A #424242 #2e9ef4 #000000
+client.focused_inactive #000000 #5f676a #ffffff #484e50 #000000
+client.unfocused #000000 #204D14 #424242 #292d2e #000000
+client.urgent #000000 #900000 #ffffff #900000 #000000
+client.placeholder #000000 #0c0c0c #ffffff #000000 #000000
diff --git a/.config/i3/ b/.config/i3/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..e8c13e31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/i3/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+scrot /tmp/screen.png
+xwobf -s 11 /tmp/screen.png
+i3lock -i /tmp/screen.png
+rm /tmp/screen.png
diff --git a/.config/i3/ b/.config/i3/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..8b39354a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/i3/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+i3status --config ~/.config/i3status/config | while :
+ read line
+ LG=$(setxkbmap -query | awk '/layout/{print $2}')
+ if [ $LG == "es" ]
+ then
+ dat="[{ \"full_text\": \"LANG: $LG\", \"color\":\"#88b090\" },"
+ else
+ dat="[{ \"full_text\": \"LANG: $LG\", \"color\":\"#e89393\" },"
+ fi
+ echo "${line/[/$dat}" || exit 1
diff --git a/.config/i3status/config b/.config/i3status/config
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..193165a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/i3status/config
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# ceerious i3 status config
+# see "man i3status" for documentation.
+# It is important that this file is edited as UTF-8.
+# The following line should contain a sharp s:
+# ß
+# If the above line is not correctly displayed, fix your editor first!
+general {
+ interval = 1
+ colors = true
+ color_good = '#88b090'
+ color_degraded = '#ccdc90'
+ color_bad = '#e89393'
+ output_format = i3bar
+order += "volume master"
+order += "disk /"
+order += "wireless _first_"
+order += "battery 0"
+order += "cpu_temperature 0"
+order += "cpu_usage 0"
+order += "load"
+order += "tztime local"
+wireless _first_ {
+ format_up = "%quality  %essid %ip"
+ format_down = ""
+battery 0 {
+ format = "%status %percentage %remaining"
+ format_down = ""
+ last_full_capacity = true
+ integer_battery_capacity = true
+ low_threshold = 11
+ threshold_type = percentage
+ hide_seconds = true
+ status_chr = " "
+ status_bat = " "
+ status_unk = " "
+ status_full = " "
+tztime local {
+ format = " %A %e.%B  %H:%M:%S"
+load {
+ format = " %1min"
+cpu_usage {
+ format = " %usage"
+cpu_temperature 0 {
+ format = " %degrees°C"
+disk "/" {
+ format = " %avail"
+ prefix_type = custom
+ low_threshold = 20
+ threshold_type = percentage_avail
+volume master {
+ format = "%volume  "
+ format_muted = " "
+ device = "default"
+ mixer = "Master"
+ mixer_idx = 0
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.config/nitrogen/bg-saved.cfg b/.config/nitrogen/bg-saved.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..46a3b3f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nitrogen/bg-saved.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/.config/nitrogen/nitrogen.cfg b/.config/nitrogen/nitrogen.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..34768c35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nitrogen/nitrogen.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
diff --git a/.config/omf/bundle b/.config/omf/bundle
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..abef50cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/omf/bundle
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+theme bobthefish
+theme default
diff --git a/.config/omf/channel b/.config/omf/channel
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2bf5ad04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/omf/channel
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/.config/omf/theme b/.config/omf/theme
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ff8a58d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/omf/theme
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/.config/polybar/config b/.config/polybar/config
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..74342e01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/polybar/config
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+accent = #fba922
+enable-ipc = true
+width = 100%
+height = 40
+;background = #222
+background = #1f1f1f
+foreground = #eee
+border-bottom = 1
+border-bottom-color = #333
+overline-size = 10
+overline-color = ${self.background}
+underline-size = 10
+underline-color = ${self.background}
+padding-left = 0
+padding-right = 0
+module-margin-left = 3
+module-margin-right = 3
+font-0 = NotoSans-Regular:size=20;0
+font-1 = MaterialIcons:size=20;2
+font-2 = Termsynu:size=20;0
+font-3 = Siji:pixelsize=20;1
+font-4 = FontAwesome:size=20;0
+modules-left = mpd
+modules-center = xwindow
+modules-right = wireless-network battery
+tray-position = right
+;monitor = eDP-1
+bottom = true
+width = 100%
+height = 40
+background = #1c1c1c
+foreground = #eefafafa
+overline-size = 3
+overline-color = ${colors.accent}
+underline-size = 3
+underline-color = ${colors.accent}
+;border-color = #ff0000
+border-top-size = 3
+border-top-color = #3d3d3d
+;border-bottom = 0
+;border-bottom-color = #333333
+spacing = 2
+;padding-right = 4
+padding-left = 0
+padding-right = 0
+module-margin-left = 0
+module-margin-right = 4
+font-0 = NotoSans-Regular:size=20;0
+font-1 = Unifont:size=20;0
+font-2 = FontAwesome:size=20;0
+font-3 = NotoSans-Regular:size=20;-1
+font-4 = Unifont:size=20;0
+font-5 = Termsynu:size=20;0
+modules-left = i3
+;modules-center =
+modules-right = pulseaudio xkeyboard xbacklight cpu memory clock
+;modules-right = memory
+type = internal/fs
+mount-0 = /
+label-mounted = %{F#e60053}%percentage_used%%%{F-} used of %mountpoint%
+type = internal/xbacklight
+format-prefix = "BL: "
+label = %percentage:2%%
+type = internal/i3
+format = <label-state> <label-mode>
+pin-workspaces = true
+ws-icon-0 = term;
+ws-icon-1 = web;
+ws-icon-2 = code;
+ws-icon-3 = music;
+ws-icon-4 = irssi;
+label-dimmed-underline = ${root.background}
+label-focused = %icon% %name%
+label-focused-foreground = #f3f3f3
+label-focused-background = #3f3f3f
+label-focused-underline = #75d85a
+label-focused-font = 4
+label-focused-padding = 4
+label-unfocused = %icon% %name%
+label-unfocused-underline = #555555
+label-unfocused-font = 4
+label-unfocused-padding = 4
+label-urgent = %icon% %name%
+label-urgent-foreground = #000000
+label-urgent-background = #bd2c40
+label-urgent-underline = #9b0a20
+label-urgent-font = 4
+label-urgent-padding = 4
+label-visible = %icon% %name%
+label-visible-foreground = #55ffffff
+label-visible-font = 4
+label-visible-padding = 4
+type = internal/cpu
+interval = 2
+format-prefix = " "
+format-underline = #f90000
+label = %percentage:2%%
+type = internal/memory
+interval = 2
+format-prefix = "  "
+format-underline = #4bffdc
+label = %percentage_used%%
+type = internal/network
+interface = wlp2s0
+interval = 2.0
+ping-interval = 10
+label-connected =  %essid%
+label-disconnected =  not connected
+label-disconnected-foreground = #66
+type = internal/mpd
+format-online = <bar-progress> <icon-prev> <icon-stop> <toggle> <icon-next> <label-song>
+format-online-overline = ${root.background}
+format-online-underline = ${root.background}
+format-offline = <label-offline>
+label-offline = mpd is off
+icon-play = 
+icon-pause = 
+icon-stop = 
+icon-prev = 
+icon-next = 
+icon-random = 
+icon-repeat = 
+toggle-on-foreground =
+toggle-off-foreground = #55
+bar-progress-width = 45
+bar-progress-format = %{+o +u}%fill%%{-o -u}%indicator%%{+o +u}%empty%%{-u -o}
+; bar-progress-indicator = |
+bar-progress-indicator = █
+bar-progress-indicator-foreground = #ff
+bar-progress-indicator-font = 3
+; bar-progress-fill = ─
+bar-progress-fill = █
+bar-progress-fill-foreground = #bb
+bar-progress-fill-font = 3
+; bar-progress-empty = ─
+bar-progress-empty = ▒
+bar-progress-empty-font = 3
+bar-progress-empty-foreground = #44
+type = internal/date
+interval = 5
+format-padding = 5
+format-foreground = #fff
+date = %%{F#bb} %d-%m-%Y%%{F-} %%{F#ee} %H:%M%%{F-}
+type = internal/battery
+full-at = 100
+format-charging = %{T3}  <label-charging> %{T-}
+format-discharging = %{T3} <label-discharging> %{T-}
+format-full = %{T3} <label-full>
+label-charging-font = 3
+label-discharging-font = 3
+label-full = '100%'
+;label-full-font = 3
+type = internal/xwindow
+label-maxlen = 75
+label-foreground = #bbb
+type = internal/xkeyboard
+format-prefix = "layout: "
+label-layout = %layout%
+type = internal/pulseaudio
+label-volume =  %percentage%%
+label-muted = 
+label-muted-foreground = #666
diff --git a/.config/polybar/ b/.config/polybar/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..9df22040
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/polybar/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Terminate already running bar instances
+killall -q polybar
+# Wait until the processes have been shut down
+while pgrep -u $UID -x polybar >/dev/null; do sleep 1; done
+# Launch Polybar, using default config location ~/.config/polybar/config
+polybar --config=$HOME/.config/polybar/config top &
+polybar --config=$HOME/.config/polybar/config bottom &
+echo "Polybar launched..."
diff --git a/.config/rofi/config b/.config/rofi/config
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..efa0bd68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/rofi/config
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+configuration {
+ modi: "window,drun,ssh,combi";
+ theme: DarkBlue;
+ font: "hack 22";
+ combi-modi: "window,drun,ssh";
diff --git a/.config/terminator/config b/.config/terminator/config
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..be3c3621
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/terminator/config
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ borderless = True
+ extra_styling = False
+ suppress_multiple_term_dialog = True
+ title_transmit_bg_color = "#75d85a"
+ title_transmit_fg_color = "#000000"
+ go_down = <Primary><Shift>Down
+ go_left = <Primary><Shift>Left
+ go_right = <Primary><Shift>Right
+ go_up = <Primary><Shift>Up
+ resize_down = <Alt>Down
+ resize_left = <Alt>Left
+ resize_right = <Alt>Right
+ resize_up = <Alt>Up
+ [[default]]
+ [[[child1]]]
+ parent = window0
+ profile = default
+ type = Terminal
+ [[[window0]]]
+ parent = ""
+ type = Window
+ [[default]]
+ cursor_color = "#aaaaaa"
+ font = Monospace 12
+ palette = "#000000:#cd0000:#00cd00:#cdcd00:#0000ee:#cd00cd:#00cdcd:#e5e5e5:#7f7f7f:#ff0000:#00ff00:#ffff00:#5c5cff:#ff00ff:#00ffff:#ffffff"
+ scrollbar_position = hidden
+ show_titlebar = False
+ use_system_font = False
diff --git a/.config/termite/config b/.config/termite/config
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b470f57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/termite/config
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+font = Monospace 12
diff --git a/.config/vifm/colors/Default.vifm b/.config/vifm/colors/Default.vifm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c47cbfa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/vifm/colors/Default.vifm
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+" You can edit this file by hand.
+" The " character at the beginning of a line comments out the line.
+" Blank lines are ignored.
+" The Default color scheme is used for any directory that does not have
+" a specified scheme and for parts of user interface like menus. A
+" color scheme set for a base directory will also
+" be used for the sub directories.
+" The standard ncurses colors are:
+" Default = -1 = None, can be used for transparency or default color
+" Black = 0
+" Red = 1
+" Green = 2
+" Yellow = 3
+" Blue = 4
+" Magenta = 5
+" Cyan = 6
+" White = 7
+" Light versions of colors are also available (set bold attribute):
+" LightBlack
+" LightRed
+" LightGreen
+" LightYellow
+" LightBlue
+" LightMagenta
+" LightCyan
+" LightWhite
+" Available attributes (some of them can be combined):
+" bold
+" underline
+" reverse or inverse
+" standout
+" italic (on unsupported systems becomes reverse)
+" none
+" Vifm supports 256 colors you can use color numbers 0-255
+" (requires properly set up terminal: set your TERM environment variable
+" (directly or using resources) to some color terminal name (e.g.
+" xterm-256color) from /usr/lib/terminfo/; you can check current number
+" of colors in your terminal with tput colors command)
+" highlight group cterm=attrs ctermfg=foreground_color ctermbg=background_color
+highlight clear
+highlight Win cterm=none ctermfg=white ctermbg=black
+highlight Directory cterm=bold ctermfg=cyan ctermbg=default
+highlight Link cterm=bold ctermfg=yellow ctermbg=default
+highlight BrokenLink cterm=bold ctermfg=red ctermbg=default
+highlight Socket cterm=bold ctermfg=magenta ctermbg=default
+highlight Device cterm=bold ctermfg=red ctermbg=default
+highlight Fifo cterm=bold ctermfg=cyan ctermbg=default
+highlight Executable cterm=bold ctermfg=green ctermbg=default
+highlight Selected cterm=bold ctermfg=magenta ctermbg=default
+highlight CurrLine cterm=bold,reverse ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
+highlight TopLine cterm=none ctermfg=black ctermbg=white
+highlight TopLineSel cterm=bold ctermfg=black ctermbg=default
+highlight StatusLine cterm=bold ctermfg=black ctermbg=white
+highlight WildMenu cterm=underline,reverse ctermfg=white ctermbg=black
+highlight CmdLine cterm=none ctermfg=white ctermbg=black
+highlight ErrorMsg cterm=none ctermfg=red ctermbg=black
+highlight Border cterm=none ctermfg=black ctermbg=white
+highlight JobLine cterm=bold,reverse ctermfg=black ctermbg=white
+highlight SuggestBox cterm=bold ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
+highlight CmpMismatch cterm=bold ctermfg=white ctermbg=red
+highlight AuxWin cterm=bold,underline,reverse,standout,italic ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
+highlight TabLine cterm=none ctermfg=white ctermbg=black
+highlight TabLineSel cterm=bold,reverse ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
+highlight User1 cterm=bold,underline,reverse,standout,italic ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
+highlight User2 cterm=bold,underline,reverse,standout,italic ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
+highlight User3 cterm=bold,underline,reverse,standout,italic ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
+highlight User4 cterm=bold,underline,reverse,standout,italic ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
+highlight User5 cterm=bold,underline,reverse,standout,italic ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
+highlight User6 cterm=bold,underline,reverse,standout,italic ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
+highlight User7 cterm=bold,underline,reverse,standout,italic ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
+highlight User8 cterm=bold,underline,reverse,standout,italic ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
+highlight User9 cterm=bold,underline,reverse,standout,italic ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
+highlight OtherWin cterm=bold,underline,reverse,standout,italic ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
diff --git a/.config/vifm/scripts/vifmimg b/.config/vifm/scripts/vifmimg
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..668a340b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/vifm/scripts/vifmimg
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+readonly ID_PREVIEW="preview"
+# By enabling this option the GIF will be animated, by leaving it commented like it
+# is now will make the gif previews behave the same way as video previews.
+# By enabling this option the script will remove the preview file after it is drawn
+# and by doing so the preview will always be up-to-date with the file.
+# This however, requires more CPU and therefore affects the overall performance.
+# The messy code below is for moving pages in pdf files in the vifm file preview by
+# utilizing the < and > keys which will be bound to `vifmimg inc` or `vifmimg dec`.
+# Initialize the variables and required files
+# Create temporary working directory if the directory structure doesn't exist
+if [[ ! -d "/tmp$PWD/" ]]; then
+ mkdir -p "/tmp$PWD/"
+function inc() {
+ echo "$(expr $VAL + 1)" > $PDF_PAGE_CONFIG
+function dec() {
+ echo "$(expr $VAL - 1)" > $PDF_PAGE_CONFIG
+ if [[ $VAL -le 0 ]]; then
+ echo 0 > $PDF_PAGE_CONFIG
+ fi
+function previewclear() {
+ declare -p -A cmd=([action]=remove [identifier]="$ID_PREVIEW") \
+function fileclean() {
+ if [[ -f "/tmp$PWD/$6.png" ]]; then
+ rm -f "/tmp$PWD/$6.png"
+ elif [[ -d "/tmp$PWD/$6/" ]]; then
+ rm -rf "/tmp$PWD/$6/"
+ fi
+function preview() {
+ declare -p -A cmd=([action]=add [identifier]="$ID_PREVIEW"
+ [x]="$2" [y]="$3" [width]="$4" [height]="$5" \
+ [path]="$PWD/$6") \
+function previewvideo() {
+ if [[ ! -f "/tmp$PWD/$6.png" ]]; then
+ ffmpegthumbnailer -i "$PWD/$6" -o "/tmp$PWD/$6.png" -s 0 -q 10
+ fi
+ declare -p -A cmd=([action]=add [identifier]="$ID_PREVIEW"
+ [x]="$2" [y]="$3" [width]="$4" [height]="$5" \
+ [path]="/tmp$PWD/$6.png") \
+function previewepub() {
+ if [[ ! -f "/tmp$PWD/$6.png" ]]; then
+ epub-thumbnailer "$6" "/tmp$PWD/$6.png" 1024
+ fi
+ declare -p -A cmd=([action]=add [identifier]="$ID_PREVIEW"
+ [x]="$2" [y]="$3" [width]="$4" [height]="$5" \
+ [path]="/tmp$PWD/$6.png") \
+function previewgif() {
+ if [[ ! -d "/tmp$PWD/$6/" ]]; then
+ mkdir -p "/tmp$PWD/$6/"
+ convert -coalesce "$PWD/$6" "/tmp$PWD/$6/$6.png"
+ fi
+ if [[ ! -z "$PLAY_GIF" ]]; then
+ for frame in $(ls -1 /tmp$PWD/$6/$6*.png | sort -V); do
+ declare -p -A cmd=([action]=add [identifier]="$ID_PREVIEW"
+ [x]="$2" [y]="$3" [width]="$4" [height]="$5" \
+ [path]="$frame") \
+ # Sleep between frames to make the animation smooth.
+ sleep .07
+ done
+ else
+ declare -p -A cmd=([action]=add [identifier]="$ID_PREVIEW"
+ [x]="$2" [y]="$3" [width]="$4" [height]="$5" \
+ [path]="/tmp$PWD/$6/$6-0.png") \
+ fi
+function previewpdf() {
+ if [[ ! "$6" == "$PDF_FILE" ]]; then
+ echo 1 > $PDF_PAGE_CONFIG
+ rm -f "/tmp$PWD/$6.png"
+ fi
+ if [[ ! "$PDF_PAGE" == "1" ]] && [[ -f "/tmp$PWD/$6.png" ]]; then
+ rm -f "/tmp$PWD/$6.png"
+ fi
+ if [[ ! -f "/tmp$PWD/$6.png" ]]; then
+ pdftoppm -png -f $PDF_PAGE -singlefile "$6" "/tmp$PWD/$6"
+ fi
+ echo "$6" > $PDF_FILE_CONFIG
+ declare -p -A cmd=([action]=add [identifier]="$ID_PREVIEW"
+ [x]="$2" [y]="$3" [width]="$4" [height]="$5" \
+ [path]="/tmp$PWD/$6.png") \
+function previewmagick() {
+ if [[ ! -f "/tmp$PWD/$6.png" ]]; then
+ convert -thumbnail $(identify -format "%wx%h" "$6") "$PWD/$6" "/tmp$PWD/$6.png"
+ fi
+ declare -p -A cmd=([action]=add [identifier]="$ID_PREVIEW"
+ [x]="$2" [y]="$3" [width]="$4" [height]="$5" \
+ [path]="/tmp$PWD/$6.png") \
+function main() {
+ case "$1" in
+ "inc") inc "$@" ;;
+ "dec") dec "$@" ;;
+ "clear") previewclear "$@" ;;
+ "clean") fileclean "$@" ;;
+ "draw") preview "$@" ;;
+ "videopreview") previewvideo "$@" ;;
+ "epubpreview") previewepub "$@" ;;
+ "gifpreview") previewgif "$@" ;;
+ "pdfpreview") previewpdf "$@" ;;
+ "magickpreview") previewmagick "$@" ;;
+ "*") echo "Unknown command: '$@'" ;;
+ esac
+main "$@"
diff --git a/.config/vifm/scripts/vifmrun b/.config/vifm/scripts/vifmrun
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..a032b418
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/vifm/scripts/vifmrun
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+export FIFO_UEBERZUG="/tmp/vifm-ueberzug-${PPID}"
+function cleanup {
+ rm "$FIFO_UEBERZUG" 2>/dev/null
+ pkill -P $$ 2>/dev/null
+pkill -P $$ 2>/dev/null
+rm "$FIFO_UEBERZUG" 2>/dev/null
+mkfifo "$FIFO_UEBERZUG" >/dev/null
+trap cleanup EXIT 2>/dev/null
+tail --follow "$FIFO_UEBERZUG" | ueberzug layer --silent --parser bash 2>&1 >/dev/null &
diff --git a/.config/vifm/vifm-help.txt b/.config/vifm/vifm-help.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d4880650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/vifm/vifm-help.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,6103 @@
+VIFM(1) General Commands Manual VIFM(1)
+ vifm - vi file manager
+ vifm [OPTION]...
+ vifm [OPTION]... path
+ vifm [OPTION]... path path
+ Vifm is an ncurses based file manager with vi like keybindings. If you
+ use vi, vifm gives you complete keyboard control over your files with-
+ out having to learn a new set of commands.
+ vifm starts in the current directory unless it is given a different di-
+ rectory on the command line or 'vifminfo' option includes "savedirs"
+ (in which case last visited directories are used as defaults).
+ - Read list of files from standard input stream and compose custom
+ view out of them (see "Custom views" section). Current working
+ directory is used as a base for relative paths.
+ <path> Starts Vifm in the specified path.
+ <path> <path>
+ Starts Vifm in the specified paths.
+ Specifying two directories triggers split view even when vifm was in
+ single-view mode on finishing previous session. To suppress this be-
+ haviour :only command can be put in the vifmrc file.
+ When only one path argument is found on command-line, the left/top pane
+ is automatically set as the current view.
+ Paths to files are also allowed in case you want vifm to start with
+ some archive opened.
+ --select <path>
+ Open parent directory of the given path and select specified
+ file in it.
+ -f Makes vifm instead of opening files write selection to
+ $VIFM/vimfiles and quit.
+ --choose-files <path>|-
+ Sets output file to write selection into on exit instead of
+ opening files. "-" means standard output. Use empty value to
+ disable it.
+ --choose-dir <path>|-
+ Sets output file to write last visited directory into on exit.
+ "-" means standard output. Use empty value to disable it.
+ --delimiter <delimiter>
+ Sets separator for list of file paths written out by vifm.
+ Empty value means null character. Default is new line charac-
+ ter.
+ --on-choose <command>
+ Sets command to be executed on selected files instead of opening
+ them. The command may use any of macros described in "Command
+ macros" section below. The command is executed once for whole
+ selection.
+ --logging[=<startup log path>]
+ Log some operational details $VIFM/log. If the optional startup
+ log path is specified and permissions allow to open it for writ-
+ ing, then logging of early initialization (before value of $VIFM
+ is determined) is put there.
+ --server-list
+ List available server names and exit.
+ --server-name <name>
+ Name of target or this instance (sequential numbers are appended
+ on name conflict).
+ --remote
+ Sends the rest of the command line to another instance of vifm,
+ --server-name is treated just like any other argument and should
+ precede --remote on the command line. When there is no server,
+ quits silently. There is no limit on how many arguments can be
+ processed. One can combine --remote with -c <command> or +<com-
+ mand> to execute commands in already running instance of vifm.
+ See also "Client-Server" section below.
+ --remote-expr
+ passes expression to vifm server and prints result. See also
+ "Client-Server" section below.
+ -c <command> or +<command>
+ Run command-line mode <command> on startup. Commands in such
+ arguments are executed in the order they appear in command line.
+ Commands with spaces or special symbols must be enclosed in dou-
+ ble or single quotes or all special symbols should be escaped
+ (the exact syntax strongly depends on shell). "+" argument is
+ equivalent to "$" and thus picks last item of of the view.
+ --help, -h
+ Show a brief command summary and exit vifm.
+ --version, -v
+ Show version information and quit.
+ --no-configs
+ Skip reading vifmrc and vifminfo.
+ See "Startup" section below for the explanations on $VIFM.
+General keys
+ Ctrl-C or Escape
+ cancel most operations (see "Cancellation" section below), clear
+ all selected files.
+ Ctrl-L clear and redraw the screen.
+Basic Movement
+ The basic vi key bindings are used to move through the files and pop-up
+ windows.
+ k, gk, or Ctrl-P
+ move cursor up one line.
+ j, gj or Ctrl-N
+ move cursor down one line.
+ h when 'lsview' is off move up one directory (moves to parent di-
+ rectory node in tree view), otherwise move left one file.
+ l when 'lsview' is off move into a directory or launches a file,
+ otherwise move right one file.
+ gg move to the first line of the file list.
+ G move to the last line in the file list.
+ gh go up one directory regardless of view representation (regular,
+ ls-like). Also can be used to leave custom views including tree
+ view.
+ gl or Enter
+ enter directory or launch a file.
+ H move to the first file in the window.
+ M move to the file in the middle of the window.
+ L move to the last file in the window.
+ Ctrl-F or Page Down
+ move forward one page.
+ Ctrl-B or Page Up
+ move back one page.
+ Ctrl-D jump back one half page.
+ Ctrl-U jump forward one half page.
+ n% move to the file that is n percent from the top of the list (for
+ example 25%).
+ 0 or ^ move cursor to the first column. See 'lsview' option descrip-
+ tion.
+ $ move cursor to the last column. See 'lsview' option descrip-
+ tion.
+ Space switch file lists.
+ gt switch to the next tab (wrapping around).
+ {n}gt switch to the tab number {n} (wrapping around).
+ gT switch to the previous tab (wrapping around).
+ {n}gT switch to {n}-th previous tab.
+Movement with Count
+ Most movement commands also accept a count, 12j would move down 12
+ files.
+ [count]%
+ move to percent of the file list.
+ [count]j
+ move down [count] files.
+ [count]k
+ move up [count] files.
+ [count]G or [count]gg
+ move to list position [count].
+ [count]h
+ go up [count] directories.
+Scrolling panes
+ zt redraw pane with file in top of list.
+ zz redraw pane with file in center of list.
+ zb redraw pane with file in bottom of list.
+ Ctrl-E scroll pane one line down.
+ Ctrl-Y scroll pane one line up.
+Pane manipulation
+ Second character can be entered with or without Control key.
+ Ctrl-W H
+ move the pane to the far left.
+ Ctrl-W J
+ move the pane to the very bottom.
+ Ctrl-W K
+ move the pane to the very top.
+ Ctrl-W L
+ move the pane to the far right.
+ Ctrl-W h
+ switch to the left pane.
+ Ctrl-W j
+ switch to the pane below.
+ Ctrl-W k
+ switch to the pane above.
+ Ctrl-W l
+ switch to the right pane.
+ Ctrl-W b
+ switch to bottom-right window.
+ Ctrl-W t
+ switch to top-left window.
+ Ctrl-W p
+ switch to previous window.
+ Ctrl-W w
+ switch to other pane.
+ Ctrl-W o
+ leave only one pane.
+ Ctrl-W s
+ split window horizontally.
+ Ctrl-W v
+ split window vertically.
+ Ctrl-W x
+ exchange panes.
+ Ctrl-W z
+ quit preview pane or view modes.
+ Ctrl-W -
+ decrease size of the view by count.
+ Ctrl-W +
+ increase size of the view by count.
+ Ctrl-W <
+ decrease size of the view by count.
+ Ctrl-W >
+ increase size of the view by count.
+ Ctrl-W |
+ set current view size to count.
+ Ctrl-W _
+ set current view size to count.
+ Ctrl-W =
+ make size of two views equal.
+ For Ctrl-W +, Ctrl-W -, Ctrl-W <, Ctrl-W >, Ctrl-W | and Ctrl-W _ com-
+ mands count can be given before and/or after Ctrl-W. The resulting
+ count is a multiplication of those two. So "2 Ctrl-W 2 -" decreases
+ window size by 4 lines or columns.
+ Ctrl-W | and Ctrl-W _ maximise current view by default.
+ Marks are set the same way as they are in vi.
+ You can use these characters for marks [a-z][A-Z][0-9].
+ m[a-z][A-Z][0-9]
+ set a mark for the file at the current cursor position.
+ '[a-z][A-Z][0-9]
+ navigate to the file set for the mark.
+ There are also several special marks that can't be set manually:
+ - ' (single quote) - previously visited directory of the view, thus
+ hitting '' allows switching between two last locations
+ - < - the first file of the last visually selected block
+ - > - the last file of the last visually selected block
+ /regular expression pattern
+ search for files matching regular expression in forward direc-
+ tion and advance cursor to next match.
+ / perform forward search with top item of search pattern history.
+ ?regular expression pattern
+ search for files matching regular expression in backward direc-
+ tion and advance cursor to previous match.
+ ? perform backward search with top item of search pattern history.
+ Trailing slash for directories is taken into account, so /\/ searches
+ for directories and symbolic links to directories. At the moment //
+ works too, but this can change in the future, so consider escaping the
+ slash if not typing pattern by hand.
+ Matches are automatically selected if 'hlsearch' is set. Enabling
+ 'incsearch' makes search interactive. 'ignorecase' and 'smartcase' op-
+ tions affect case sensitivity of search queries.
+ [count]n
+ go to the next file matching last search pattern. Takes last
+ search direction into account.
+ [count]N
+ go to the previous file matching last search pattern. Takes
+ last search direction into account.
+ If 'hlsearch' option is set, hitting n/N to perform search and go to
+ the first matching item resets current selection in normal mode. It is
+ not the case if search was already performed on files in the directory,
+ thus selection is not reset after clearing selection with escape key
+ and hitting n/N key again.
+ Note: vifm uses extended regular expressions for / and ?.
+ [count]f[character]
+ search forward for file with [character] as first character in
+ name. Search wraps around the end of the list.
+ [count]F[character]
+ search backward for file with [character] as first character in
+ name. Search wraps around the end of the list.
+ [count];
+ find the next match of f or F.
+ [count],
+ find the previous match of f or F.
+ Note: f, F, ; and , wrap around list beginning and end when they are
+ used alone and they don't wrap when they are used as selectors.
+File Filters
+ There are three basic file filters:
+ - dot files filter (does not affect "." and ".." special directories,
+ whose appearance is controlled by the 'dotdirs' option), see 'dot-
+ files' option;
+ - permanent filter;
+ - local filter (see description of the "=" normal mode command).
+ Permanent filter essentially allows defining a group of files names
+ which are not desirable to be seen by default, like temporary or backup
+ files, which might be created alongside normal ones. Just like you
+ don't usually need to see hidden dot files (files starting with a dot).
+ Local filter on the other hand is for temporary immediate filtering of
+ file list at hand, to get rid of uninterested files in the view or to
+ make it possible to use % range in a :command.
+ For the purposes of more deterministic editing permanent filter is
+ split into two parts:
+ - one edited explicitly via :filter command;
+ - another one which is edited implicitly via zf shortcut.
+ Files are tested against both parts and a match counts if at least one
+ of the parts matched.
+ Each file list has its own copy of each filter.
+ Filtered files are not checked in / search or :commands.
+ Files and directories are filtered separately. This is done by append-
+ ing a slash to a directory name before testing whether it matches the
+ filter. Examples:
+ " filter directories which names end with '.files'
+ :filter /^.*\.files\/$/
+ " filter files which names end with '.d'
+ :filter {*.d}
+ " filter files and directories which names end with '.o'
+ :filter /^.*\.o\/?$/
+ Note: vifm uses extended regular expressions.
+ The basic vim folding key bindings are used for managing filters.
+ za toggle visibility of dot files.
+ zo show dot files.
+ zm hide dot files.
+ zf add selected files to permanent filter.
+ zO reset permanent filter.
+ zR save and reset all filters.
+ zr clear local filter.
+ zM restore all filters (undoes last zR).
+ zd exclude selection or current file from a custom view. Does
+ nothing for regular view. For tree view excluding directory ex-
+ cludes that sub-tree. For compare views zd hides group of adja-
+ cent identical files, count can be specified as 1 to exclude
+ just single file or selected items instead. Files excluded this
+ way are not counted as filtered out and can't be returned unless
+ view is reloaded.
+ =regular expression pattern
+ filter out files that don't match regular expression. Whether
+ view is updated as regular expression is changed depends on the
+ value of the 'incsearch' option. This kind of filter is auto-
+ matically reset when directory is changed.
+Other Normal Mode Keys
+ [count]:
+ enter command line mode. [count] generates range.
+ q: open external editor to prompt for command-line command. See
+ "Command line editing" section for details.
+ q/ open external editor to prompt for search pattern to be searched
+ in forward direction. See "Command line editing" section for
+ details.
+ q? open external editor to prompt for search pattern to be searched
+ in backward direction. See "Command line editing" section for
+ details.
+ q= open external editor to prompt for filter pattern. See "Command
+ line editing" section for details. Unlike other q{x} commands
+ this one doesn't work in Visual mode.
+ [count]!! and [count]!<selector>
+ enter command line mode with entered ! command. [count] modi-
+ fies range.
+ Ctrl-O go backwards through directory history of current view. Nonex-
+ istent directories are automatically skipped.
+ Ctrl-I if 'cpoptions' contains "t" flag, <tab> and <c-i> switch active
+ pane just like <space> does, otherwise it goes forward through
+ directory history of current view. Nonexistent directories are
+ automatically skipped.
+ Ctrl-G create a window showing detailed information about the current
+ file.
+ Shift-Tab
+ enters view mode (works only after activating view pane with
+ :view command).
+ ga calculate directory size. Uses cached directory sizes when pos-
+ sible for better performance. As a special case calculating
+ size of ".." entry results in calculation of size of current di-
+ rectory.
+ gA like ga, but force update. Ignores old values of directory
+ sizes.
+ If file under cursor is selected, each selected item is processed, oth-
+ erwise only current file is updated.
+ gf find link destination (like l with 'followlinks' off, but also
+ finds directories).
+ gr only for MS-Windows
+ same as l key, but tries to run program with administrative
+ privileges.
+ av go to visual mode into selection amending state preserving cur-
+ rent selection.
+ gv go to visual mode restoring last selection.
+ [reg]gs
+ when no register is specified, restore last t selection (similar
+ to what gv does for visual mode selection). If register is
+ present, then all files listed in that register and which are
+ visible in current view are selected.
+ gu<selector>
+ make names of selected files lowercase.
+ [count]guu and [count]gugu
+ make names of [count] files starting from the current one lower-
+ case. Without [count] only current file is affected.
+ gU<selector>
+ make names of selected files uppercase.
+ [count]gUU and [count]gUgU
+ make names of [count] files starting from the current one upper-
+ case. Without [count] only current file is affected.
+ e explore file in the current pane.
+ i handle file (even if it's an executable and 'runexec' option is
+ set).
+ cw change word is used to rename a file or files.
+ cW change WORD is used to change only name of file (without exten-
+ sion).
+ cl change link target.
+ co only for *nix
+ change file owner.
+ cg only for *nix
+ change file group.
+ [count]cp
+ change file attributes (permission on *nix and properties on
+ Windows). If [count] is specified, it's treated as numerical
+ argument for non-recursive `chmod` command (of the form
+ [0-7]{3,4}).
+ [count]C
+ clone file [count] times.
+ [count]dd or d[count]selector
+ move selected file or files to trash directory (if 'trash' op-
+ tion is set, otherwise delete). See "Trash directory" section
+ below.
+ [count]DD or D[count]selector
+ like dd and d<selector>, but omitting trash directory (even when
+ 'trash' option is set).
+ Y, [count]yy or y[count]selector
+ yank selected files.
+ p copy yanked files to the current directory or move the files to
+ the current directory if they were deleted with dd or :d[elete]
+ or if the files were yanked from trash directory. See "Trash
+ directory" section below.
+ P move the last yanked files. The advantage of using P instead of
+ d followed by p is that P moves files only once. This isn't im-
+ portant in case you're moving files in the same file system
+ where your home directory is, but using P to move files on some
+ other file system (or file systems, in case you want to move
+ files from fs1 to fs2 and your home is on fs3) can save your
+ time.
+ al put symbolic links with absolute paths.
+ rl put symbolic links with relative paths.
+ t select or unselect (tag) the current file.
+ u undo last change.
+ Ctrl-R redo last change.
+ dp in compare view of "ofboth grouppaths" kind, makes corresponding
+ entry of the other pane equal to the current one. The semantics
+ is as follows:
+ - nothing done for identical entries
+ - if file is missing in current view, its pair gets removed
+ - if file is missing or differs in other view, it's replaced
+ - file pairs are defined by matching relative paths
+ File removal obeys 'trash' option. When the option is enabled,
+ the operation can be undone/redone (although results won't be
+ visible automatically).
+ Unlike in Vim, this operation is performed on a single line
+ rather than a set of adjacent changes.
+ do same as dp, but applies changes in the opposite direction.
+ v or V enter visual mode, clears current selection.
+ [count]Ctrl-A
+ increment first number in file name by [count] (1 by default).
+ [count]Ctrl-X
+ decrement first number in file name by [count] (1 by default).
+ ZQ same as :quit!.
+ ZZ same as :quit.
+ . repeat last command-line command (not normal mode command) of
+ this session (does nothing right after startup or :restart com-
+ mand). The command doesn't depend on command-line history and
+ can be used with completely disabled history.
+ ( go to previous group. Groups are defined by primary sorting
+ key. For name and iname members of each group have same first
+ letter, for all other sorting keys vifm uses size, uid, ...
+ ) go to next group. See ( key description above.
+ { speeds up navigation to closest previous entry of the opposite
+ type by moving to the first file backwards when cursor is on a
+ directory and to the first directory backwards when cursor is on
+ a file. This is essentially a special case of ( that is locked
+ on "dirs".
+ } same as {, but in forward direction.
+ [c go to previous mismatched entry in directory comparison view or
+ do nothing.
+ ]c go to next mismatched entry in directory comparison view or do
+ nothing.
+ [d go to previous directory entry or do nothing.
+ ]d go to next directory entry or do nothing.
+ [r same as :siblprev.
+ ]r same as :siblnext.
+ [R same as :siblprev!.
+ ]R same as :siblnext!.
+ [s go to previous selected entry or do nothing.
+ ]s go to next selected entry or do nothing.
+ [z go to first sibling of current entry.
+ ]z go to last sibling of current entry.
+ zj go to next directory sibling of current entry or do nothing.
+ zk go to previous directory sibling of current entry or do nothing.
+Using Count
+ You can use count with commands like yy.
+ [count]yy
+ yank count files starting from current cursor position downward.
+ Or you can use count with motions passed to y, d or D.
+ d[count]j
+ delete (count + 1) files starting from current cursor position
+ upward.
+ vifm supports multiple registers for temporary storing list of yanked
+ or deleted files.
+ Registers should be specified by hitting double quote key followed by a
+ register name. Count is specified after register name. By default
+ commands use unnamed register, which has double quote as its name.
+ Though all commands accept registers, most of commands ignores them
+ (for example H or Ctrl-U). Other commands can fill register or append
+ new files to it.
+ Presently vifm supports ", _, a-z and A-Z characters as register names.
+ As mentioned above " is unnamed register and has special meaning of the
+ default register. Every time when you use named registers (a-z and A-
+ Z) unnamed register is updated to contain same list of files as the
+ last used register.
+ _ is black hole register. It can be used for writing, but its list is
+ always empty.
+ Registers with names from a to z and from A to Z are named ones. Low-
+ ercase registers are cleared before adding new files, while uppercase
+ aren't and should be used to append new files to the existing file list
+ of appropriate lowercase register (A for a, B for b, ...).
+ Registers can be changed on :empty command if they contain files under
+ trash directory (see "Trash directory" section below).
+ Registers do not contain one file more than once.
+ Example:
+ "a2yy
+ puts names of two files to register a (and to the unnamed register),
+ "Ad
+ removes one file and append its name to register a (and to the unnamed
+ register),
+ p or "ap or "Ap
+ inserts previously yanked and deleted files into current directory.
+ y, d, D, !, gu and gU commands accept selectors. You can combine them
+ with any of selectors below to quickly remove or yank several files.
+ Most of selectors are like vi motions: j, k, gg, G, H, L, M, %, f, F,
+ ;, comma, ', ^, 0 and $. But there are some additional ones.
+ a all files in current view.
+ s selected files.
+ S all files except selected.
+ Examples:
+ - dj - delete file under cursor and one below;
+ - d2j - delete file under cursor and two below;
+ - y6gg - yank all files from cursor position to 6th file in the list.
+ When you pass a count to whole command and its selector they are multi-
+ plied. So:
+ - 2d2j - delete file under cursor and four below;
+ - 2dj - delete file under cursor and two below;
+ - 2y6gg - yank all files from cursor position to 12th file in the
+ list.
+Visual Mode
+ Visual mode has to generic operating submodes:
+ - plain selection as it is in Vim;
+ - selection editing submode.
+ Both modes select files in range from cursor position at which visual
+ mode was entered to current cursor position (let's call it "selection
+ region"). Each of two borders can be adjusted by swapping them via "o"
+ or "O" keys and updating cursor position with regular cursor motion
+ keys. Obviously, once initial cursor position is altered this way,
+ real start position becomes unavailable.
+ Plain Vim-like visual mode starts with cleared selection, which is not
+ restored on rejecting selection ("Escape", "Ctrl-C", "v", "V"). Con-
+ trary to it, selection editing doesn't clear previously selected files
+ and restores them after reject. Accepting selection by performing an
+ operation on selected items (e.g. yanking them via "y") moves cursor to
+ the top of current selection region (not to the top most selected file
+ of the view).
+ In turn, selection editing supports three types of editing (look at
+ statusbar to know which one is currently active):
+ - append - amend selection by selecting elements in selection region;
+ - remove - amend selection by deselecting elements in selection re-
+ gion;
+ - invert - amend selection by inverting selection of elements in se-
+ lection region.
+ No matter how you activate selection editing it starts in "append".
+ One can switch type of operation (in the order given above) via "Ctrl-
+ G" key.
+ Almost all normal mode keys work in visual mode, but instead of accept-
+ ing selectors they operate on selected items.
+ Enter save selection and go back to normal mode not moving cursor.
+ av leave visual mode if in amending mode (restores previous selec-
+ tion), otherwise switch to amending selection mode.
+ gv restore previous visual selection.
+ v, V, Ctrl-C or Escape
+ leave visual mode if not in amending mode, otherwise switch to
+ normal visual selection.
+ Ctrl-G switch type of amending by round robin scheme: append -> remove
+ -> invert.
+ : enter command line mode. Selection is cleared on leaving the
+ mode.
+ o switch active selection bound.
+ O switch active selection bound.
+ gu, u make names of selected files lowercase.
+ gU, U make names of selected files uppercase.
+View Mode
+ This mode tries to imitate the less program. List of builtin shortcuts
+ can be found below. Shortcuts can be customized using :qmap, :qnoremap
+ and :qunmap command-line commands.
+ Shift-Tab, Tab, q, Q, ZZ
+ return to normal mode.
+ [count]e, [count]Ctrl-E, [count]j, [count]Ctrl-N, [count]Enter
+ scroll forward one line (or [count] lines).
+ [count]y, [count]Ctrl-Y, [count]k, [count]Ctrl-K, [count]Ctrl-P
+ scroll backward one line (or [count] lines).
+ [count]f, [count]Ctrl-F, [count]Ctrl-V, [count]Space
+ scroll forward one window (or [count] lines).
+ [count]b, [count]Ctrl-B, [count]Alt-V
+ scroll backward one window (or [count] lines).
+ [count]z
+ scroll forward one window (and set window to [count]).
+ [count]w
+ scroll backward one window (and set window to [count]).
+ [count]Alt-Space
+ scroll forward one window, but don't stop at end-of-file.
+ [count]d, [count]Ctrl-D
+ scroll forward one half-window (and set half-window to [count]).
+ [count]u, [count]Ctrl-U
+ scroll backward one half-window (and set half-window to
+ [count]).
+ r, Ctrl-R, Ctrl-L
+ repaint screen.
+ R reload view preserving scroll position.
+ F toggle automatic forwarding. Roughly equivalent to periodic
+ file reload and scrolling to the bottom. The behaviour is simi-
+ lar to `tail -F` or F key in less.
+ [count]/pattern
+ search forward for ([count]-th) matching line.
+ [count]?pattern
+ search backward for ([count]-th) matching line.
+ [count]n
+ repeat previous search (for [count]-th occurrence).
+ [count]N
+ repeat previous search in reverse direction (for [count]-th oc-
+ currence).
+ [count]g, [count]<, [count]Alt-<
+ scroll to the first line of the file (or line [count]).
+ [count]G, [count]>, [count]Alt->
+ scroll to the last line of the file (or line [count]).
+ [count]p, [count]%
+ scroll to the beginning of the file (or N percent into file).
+ v invoke an editor to edit the current file being viewed. The
+ command for editing is taken from the 'vicmd'/'vixcmd' option
+ value and extended with middle line number prepended by a plus
+ sign and name of the current file.
+ All "Ctrl-W x" keys work the same was as in Normal mode. Active mode
+ is automatically changed on navigating among windows. When less-like
+ mode activated on file preview is left using one by "Ctrl-W x" keys,
+ its state is stored until another file is displayed using preview (it's
+ possible to leave the mode, hide preview pane, do something else, then
+ get back to the file and show preview pane again with previously stored
+ state in it).
+Command line Mode
+ These keys are available in all submodes of the command line mode: com-
+ mand, search, prompt and filtering.
+ Down, Up, Left, Right, Home, End and Delete are extended keys and they
+ are not available if vifm is compiled with --disable-extended-keys op-
+ tion.
+ Esc, Ctrl-C
+ leave command line mode, cancels input. Cancelled input is
+ saved into appropriate history and can be recalled later.
+ Ctrl-M, Enter
+ execute command and leave command line mode.
+ Ctrl-I, Tab
+ complete command or its argument.
+ Shift-Tab
+ complete in reverse order.
+ Ctrl-_ stop completion and return original input.
+ Ctrl-B, Left
+ move cursor to the left.
+ Ctrl-F, Right
+ move cursor to the right.
+ Ctrl-A, Home
+ go to line beginning.
+ Ctrl-E, End
+ go to line end.
+ Alt-B go to the beginning of previous word.
+ Alt-F go to the end of next word.
+ Ctrl-U remove characters from cursor position till the beginning of
+ line.
+ Ctrl-K remove characters from cursor position till the end of line.
+ Ctrl-H, Backspace
+ remove character before the cursor.
+ Ctrl-D, Delete
+ remove character under the cursor.
+ Ctrl-W remove characters from cursor position till the beginning of
+ previous word.
+ Alt-D remove characters from cursor position till the beginning of
+ next word.
+ Ctrl-T swap the order of current and previous character and move cursor
+ forward or, if cursor past the end of line, swap the order of
+ two last characters in the line.
+ Alt-. insert last part of previous command to current cursor position.
+ Each next call will insert last part of older command.
+ Ctrl-G edit command-line content in external editor. See "Command line
+ editing" section for details.
+ Ctrl-N recall more recent command-line from history.
+ Ctrl-P recall older command-line from history.
+ Up recall more recent command-line from history, that begins as the
+ current command-line.
+ Down recall older command-line from history, that begins as the cur-
+ rent command-line.
+ Ctrl-] trigger abbreviation expansion.
+Pasting special values
+ The shortcuts listed below insert specified values into current cursor
+ position. Last key of every shortcut references value that it inserts:
+ - c - [c]urrent file
+ - d - [d]irectory path
+ - e - [e]xtension of a file name
+ - r - [r]oot part of a file name
+ - t - [t]ail part of directory path
+ - a - [a]utomatic filter
+ - m - [m]anual filter
+ - = - local filter, which is bound to "=" in normal mode
+ Values related to filelist in current pane are available through Ctrl-X
+ prefix, while values from the other pane have doubled Ctrl-X key as
+ their prefix (doubled Ctrl-X is presumably easier to type than upper-
+ case letters; it's still easy to remap the keys to correspond to names
+ of similar macros).
+ Ctrl-X c
+ name of the current file of the active pane.
+ Ctrl-X d
+ path to the current directory of the active pane.
+ Ctrl-X e
+ extension of the current file of the active pane.
+ Ctrl-X r
+ name root of current file of the active pane.
+ Ctrl-X t
+ the last component of path to the current directory of the ac-
+ tive pane.
+ Ctrl-X Ctrl-X c
+ name of the current file of the inactive pane.
+ Ctrl-X Ctrl-X d
+ path to the current directory of the inactive pane.
+ Ctrl-X Ctrl-X e
+ extension of the current file of the inactive pane.
+ Ctrl-X Ctrl-X r
+ name root of current file of the inactive pane.
+ Ctrl-X Ctrl-X t
+ the last component of path to the current directory of the inac-
+ tive pane.
+ Ctrl-X a
+ value of implicit permanent filter (old name "automatic") of the
+ active pane.
+ Ctrl-X m
+ value of explicit permanent filter (old name "manual") of the
+ active pane.
+ Ctrl-X =
+ value of local filter of the active pane.
+ Ctrl-X /
+ last pattern from search history.
+Command line editing
+ vifm provides a facility to edit several kinds of data, that is usually
+ edited in command-line mode, in external editor (using command speci-
+ fied by 'vicmd' or 'vixcmd' option). This has at least two advantages
+ over built-in command-line mode:
+ - one can use full power of Vim to edit text;
+ - finding and reusing history entries becomes possible.
+ The facility is supported by four input submodes of the command-line:
+ - command;
+ - forward search;
+ - backward search;
+ - file rename (see description of cw and cW normal mode keys).
+ Editing command-line using external editor is activated by the Ctrl-G
+ shortcut. It's also possible to do almost the same from Normal and
+ Visual modes using q:, q/ and q? commands.
+ Temporary file created for the purpose of editing the line has the fol-
+ lowing structure:
+ 1. First line, which is either empty or contains text already entered
+ in command-line.
+ 2. 2nd and all other lines with history items starting with the most
+ recent one. Altering this lines in any way won't change history
+ items stored by vifm.
+ After editing application is finished the first line of the file is
+ taken as the result of operation, when the application returns zero
+ exit code. If the application returns an error (see :cquit command in
+ Vim), all the edits made to the file are ignored, but the initial value
+ of the first line is saved in appropriate history.
+More Mode
+ This is the mode that appears when status bar content is so big that it
+ doesn't fit on the screen. One can identify the mode by "-- More --"
+ message at the bottom.
+ The following keys are handled in this mode:
+ Enter, Ctrl-J, j or Down
+ scroll one line down.
+ Backspace, k or Up
+ scroll one line up.
+ d scroll one page (half of a screen) down.
+ u scroll one page (half of a screen) up.
+ Space, f or PageDown
+ scroll down a screen.
+ b or PageUp
+ scroll up a screen.
+ G scroll to the bottom.
+ g scroll to the top.
+ q, Escape or Ctrl-C
+ quit the mode.
+ : switch to command-line mode.
+ Commands are executed with :command_name<Enter>
+ Commented out lines should start with the double quote symbol ("),
+ which may be preceded by whitespace characters intermixed with colons.
+ Inline comments can be added at the end of the line after double quote
+ symbol, only last line of a multi-line command can contain such com-
+ ment. Not all commands support inline comments as their syntax con-
+ flicts with names of registers and fields where double quotes are al-
+ lowed.
+ Most of the commands have two forms: complete and the short one. Exam-
+ ple:
+ :noh[lsearch]
+ This means the complete command is nohlsearch, and the short one is
+ noh.
+ Most of command-line commands completely reset selection in the current
+ view. However, there are several exceptions:
+ - `:invert s` most likely leaves some files selected;
+ - :normal command (when it doesn't leave command-line mode);
+ - :if and :else commands don't affect selection on successful execu-
+ tion.
+ '|' can be used to separate commands, so you can give multiple commands
+ in one line. If you want to use '|' in an argument, precede it with
+ '\'.
+ These commands see '|' as part of their arguments even when it's es-
+ caped:
+ :[range]!
+ :autocmd
+ :cabbrev
+ :cmap
+ :cnoreabbrev
+ :cnoremap
+ :command
+ :dmap
+ :dnoremap
+ :filetype
+ :fileviewer
+ :filextype
+ :map
+ :mmap
+ :mnoremap
+ :nmap
+ :nnoremap
+ :noremap
+ :normal
+ :qmap
+ :qnoremap
+ :vmap
+ :vnoremap
+ :wincmd
+ :windo
+ :winrun
+ To be able to use another command after one of these, wrap it with the
+ :execute command. An example:
+ if filetype('.') == 'reg' | execute '!!echo regular file' | endif
+ :[count]
+ :number
+ move to the file number.
+ :12 would move to the 12th file in the list.
+ :0 move to the top of the list.
+ :$ move to the bottom of the list.
+ :[count]command
+ The only builtin :[count]command are :[count]d[elete] and
+ :[count]y[ank].
+ :d3 would delete three files starting at the current file position
+ moving down.
+ :3d would delete one file at the third line in the list.
+ :command [args]
+ :[range]!program
+ execute command via shell. Accepts macros.
+ :[range]!command &
+ same as above, but the command is run in the background using vifm's
+ means.
+ Programs that write to stdout like "ls" create an error message showing
+ partial output of the command.
+ Note the space before ampersand symbol, if you omit it, command will be
+ run in the background using job control of your shell.
+ Accepts macros.
+ :!!
+ :[range]!!command
+ same as :!, but pauses before returning.
+ :!! repeat the last command.
+ :alink
+ :[range]alink[!?]
+ create absolute symbolic links to files in directory of inactive
+ view. With "?" prompts for destination file names in an edi-
+ tor. "!" forces overwrite.
+ :[range]alink[!] path
+ create absolute symbolic links to files in directory specified
+ by the path (absolute or relative to directory of inactive
+ view).
+ :[range]alink[!] name1 name2...
+ create absolute symbolic links of files in directory of other
+ view giving each next link a corresponding name from the argu-
+ ment list.
+ :apropos
+ :apropos keyword...
+ create a menu of items returned by the apropos command. Select-
+ ing an item in the menu opens corresponding man page. By de-
+ fault the command relies on the external "apropos" utility,
+ which can be customized by altering value of the 'aproposprg'
+ option.
+ :autocmd
+ :au[tocmd] {event} {pat} {cmd}
+ register autocommand for the {event}, which can be:
+ - DirEnter - triggered after directory is changed
+ Event name is case insensitive.
+ {pat} is a comma-separated list of modified globs patterns,
+ which can contain tilde or environment variables. All paths use
+ slash ('/') as directory separator. The pattern can start with
+ a '!', which negates it. Patterns that do not contain slashes
+ are matched against the last item of the path only (e.g. "dir"
+ in "/path/dir"). Literal comma can be entered by doubling it.
+ Two modifications to globs matching are as follows:
+ - * - never matches a slash (i.e., can signify single direc-
+ tory level)
+ - ** - matches any character (i.e., can match path of arbi-
+ trary depth)
+ {cmd} is a :command or several of them separated with '|'.
+ Examples of patterns:
+ - conf.d - matches conf.d directory anywhere
+ - *.d - matches directories ending with ".d" anywhere
+ - **.git - matches something.git, but not .git anywhere
+ - **/.git/** - matches /path/.git/objects, but not /path/.git
+ - **/.git/**/ - matches /path/.git/ only (because of trailing
+ slash)
+ - /etc/* - matches /etc/conf.d/, /etc/X11, but not
+ /etc/X11/fs
+ - /etc/**/*.d - matches /etc/conf.d, /etc/X11/conf.d, etc.
+ - /etc/**/* - matches /etc/ itself and any file below it
+ - /etc/**/** - matches /etc/ itself and any file below it
+ :au[tocmd] [{event}] [{pat}]
+ list those autocommands that match given event-pattern combina-
+ tion.
+ {event} and {pat} can be omitted to list all autocommands. To
+ list any autocommands for specific pattern one can use * place-
+ holder in place of {event}.
+ :au[tocmd]! [{event}] [{pat}]
+ remove autocommands that match given event-pattern combination.
+ Syntax is the same as for listing above.
+ :apropos
+ repeat last :apropos command.
+ :bmark
+ :bmark tag1 [tag2 [tag3...]]
+ bookmark current directory with specified tags.
+ :bmark! path tag1 [tag2 [tag3...]]
+ same as :bmark, but allows bookmarking specific path instead of
+ current directory. This is for use in vifmrc and for bookmark-
+ ing files.
+ Path can contain macros that expand to single path (%c, %C, %d,
+ %D) or those that can expand to multiple paths, but contain only
+ one (%f, %F, %rx). The latter is done for convenience on using
+ the command interactively. Complex macros that include spaces
+ (e.g. "%c:gs/ /_") should be escaped.
+ :bmarks
+ :bmarks
+ display all bookmarks in a menu.
+ :bmarks [tag1 [tag2...]]
+ display menu of bookmarks that include all of the specified
+ tags.
+ :bmgo
+ :bmgo [tag1 [tag2...]]
+ when there are more than one match acts exactly like :bmarks,
+ otherwise navigates to single match immediately (and fails if
+ there is no match).
+ :cabbrev
+ :ca[bbrev]
+ display menu of command-line mode abbreviations.
+ :ca[bbrev] lhs-prefix
+ display command-line mode abbreviations which left-hand side
+ starts with specified prefix.
+ :ca[bbrev] lhs rhs
+ register new or overwrites existing abbreviation for command-
+ line mode. rhs can contain spaces and any special sequences ac-
+ cepted in rhs of mappings (see "Mappings" section below). Ab-
+ breviations are expanded non-recursively.
+ :cnoreabbrev
+ :cnorea[bbrev]
+ display menu of command-line mode abbreviations.
+ :cnorea[bbrev] lhs-prefix
+ display command-line mode abbreviations which left-hand side
+ starts with specified prefix.
+ :cnorea[bbrev] lhs rhs
+ same as :cabbrev, but mappings in rhs are ignored during expan-
+ sion.
+ :cd
+ :cd or :cd ~ or :cd $HOME
+ change to home directory.
+ :cd - go to the last visited directory.
+ :cd ~/dir
+ change directory to ~/dir.
+ :cd /curr/dir /other/dir
+ change directory of the current pane to /curr/dir and directory
+ of the other pane to /other/dir. Relative paths are assumed to
+ be relative to directory of current view. Command won't fail if
+ one of directories is invalid. All forms of the command accept
+ macros.
+ :cd! /dir
+ same as :cd /dir /dir.
+ :cds
+ :cds[!] pattern string
+ navigate to path obtained by substituting first match in current
+ path. Arguments can include slashes, but starting first argu-
+ ment with a separator will activate below form of the command.
+ Specifying "!" changes directory of both panes.
+ Available flags:
+ - i - ignore case (the 'ignorecase' and 'smartcase' options are not
+ used)
+ - I - don't ignore case (the 'ignorecase' and 'smartcase' options are
+ not used)
+ :cds[!]/pattern/string/[flags]
+ same as above, but with :substitute-like syntax. Other punctua-
+ tion characters can be used as separators.
+ :change
+ :c[hange]
+ create a menu window to alter a files properties.
+ :chmod
+ :[range]chmod
+ display file attributes (permission on *nix and properties on
+ Windows) change dialog.
+ :[range]chmod[!] arg...
+ only for *nix
+ change permissions for files. See `man 1 chmod` for arg format.
+ "!" means set permissions recursively.
+ :chown
+ :[range]chown
+ only for *nix
+ same as co key in normal mode.
+ :[range]chown [user][:][group]
+ only for *nix
+ change owner and/or group of files. Operates on directories re-
+ cursively.
+ :clone
+ :[range]clone[!?]
+ clones files in current directory. With "?" vifm will open vi
+ to edit file names. "!" forces overwrite. Macros are expanded.
+ :[range]clone[!] path
+ clones files to directory specified with the path (absolute or
+ relative to current directory). "!" forces overwrite. Macros
+ are expanded.
+ :[range]clone[!] name1 name2...
+ clones files in current directory giving each next clone a cor-
+ responding name from the argument list. "!" forces overwrite.
+ Macros are expanded.
+ :colorscheme
+ :colo[rscheme]?
+ print current color scheme name on the status bar.
+ :colo[rscheme]
+ display a menu with a list of available color schemes. You can
+ choose primary color scheme here. It is used for view if no di-
+ rectory specific colorscheme fits current path. It's also used
+ to set border color (except view titles) and colors in menus and
+ dialogs.
+ :colo[rscheme] color_scheme_name
+ change primary color scheme to color_scheme_name. In case of
+ errors (e.g. some colors are not supported by terminal) either
+ nothing is changed or color scheme is reset to builtin colors to
+ ensure that TUI is left in a usable state.
+ :colo[rscheme] color_scheme_name directory
+ associate directory with the color scheme. The directory argu-
+ ment can be either absolute or relative path when :colorscheme
+ command is executed from command line, but mandatory should be
+ an absolute path when the command is executed in scripts loaded
+ at startup (until vifm is completely loaded).
+ :colo[rscheme] color_scheme_name color_scheme_name...
+ loads the first color scheme in the order given that exists and
+ is supported by the terminal. If none matches, current one re-
+ mains unchanged. For example:
+ " use a separate color scheme for panes which are inside FUSE mounts
+ execute 'colorscheme in-fuse' &fusehome
+ :comclear
+ :comc[lear]
+ remove all user defined commands.
+ :command
+ :com[mand]
+ display a menu of user commands.
+ :com[mand] beginning
+ display user defined commands that start with the beginning.
+ :com[mand] name action
+ set a new user command.
+ Trying to use a reserved command name will result in an error
+ message.
+ Use :com[mand]! to overwrite a previously set command.
+ Unlike vim user commands do not have to start with a capital
+ letter. User commands are run in a shell by default. To run a
+ command in the background you must set it as a background com-
+ mand with & at the end of the commands action (:com rm rm %f &).
+ Command name cannot contain numbers or special symbols (except
+ '?' and '!').
+ :com[mand] name /pattern
+ set search pattern.
+ :com[mand] name =pattern
+ set local filter value.
+ :com[mand] name filter{:filter args}
+ set file name filter (see :filter command description). For ex-
+ ample:
+ " display only audio files
+ :command onlyaudio filter/.+.\(mp3|wav|mp3|flac|ogg|m4a|wma|ape\)$/i
+ " display everything except audio files
+ :command noaudio filter!/.+.\(mp3|wav|mp3|flac|ogg|m4a|wma|ape\)$/i
+ :com[mand] cmd :commands
+ set kind of an alias for internal command (like in a shell).
+ Passes range given to alias to an aliased command, so running
+ :%cp after
+ :command cp :copy %a
+ equals
+ :%copy
+ :compare
+ :compare [byname | bysize | bycontents | listall | listunique |
+ listdups | ofboth | ofone | groupids | grouppaths | skipempty]...
+ compare files in one or two views according the arguments. The
+ default is "bycontents listall ofboth grouppaths". See "Compare
+ views" section below for details. Tree structure is incompati-
+ ble with alternative representations, so values of 'lsview' and
+ 'millerview' options are ignored.
+ :copen
+ :cope[n]
+ opens menu with contents of the last displayed menu with naviga-
+ tion to files by default, if any.
+ :copy
+ :[range]co[py][!?][ &]
+ copy files to directory of other view. With "?" prompts for
+ destination file names in an editor. "!" forces overwrite.
+ :[range]co[py][!] path[ &]
+ copy files to directory specified with the path (absolute or
+ relative to directory of other view). "!" forces overwrite.
+ :[range]co[py][!] name1 name2...[ &]
+ copy files to directory of other view giving each next file a
+ corresponding name from the argument list. "!" forces over-
+ write.
+ :cquit
+ :cq[uit][!]
+ same as :quit, but also aborts directory choosing via
+ --choose-dir (empties output file) and returns non-zero exit
+ code.
+ :cunabbrev
+ :cuna[bbrev] lhs
+ unregister command-line mode abbreviation by its lhs.
+ :cuna[bbrev] rhs
+ unregister command-line mode abbreviation by its rhs, so that
+ abbreviation could be removed even after expansion.
+ :delbmarks
+ :delbmarks
+ remove bookmarks from current directory.
+ :delbmarks tag1 [tag2 [tag3...]]
+ remove set of bookmarks that include all of the specified tags.
+ :delbmarks!
+ remove all bookmarks.
+ :delbmarks! path1 [path2 [path3...]]
+ remove bookmarks of listed paths.
+ :delcommand
+ :delc[ommand] user_command
+ remove user defined command named user_command.
+ :delete
+ :[range]d[elete][!][ &]
+ delete selected file or files. "!" means complete removal
+ (omitting trash).
+ :[range]d[elete][!] [reg] [count][ &]
+ delete selected or [count] files to the reg register. "!" means
+ complete removal (omitting trash).
+ :delmarks
+ :delm[arks]!
+ delete all marks.
+ :delm[arks] marks ...
+ delete specified marks, each argument is treated as a set of
+ marks.
+ :display
+ :di[splay]
+ display menu with registers content.
+ :di[splay] list ...
+ display the contents of the numbered and named registers that
+ are mentioned in list (for example "az to display "", "a and "z
+ content).
+ :dirs
+ :dirs display directory stack.
+ :echo
+ :ec[ho] [<expr>...]
+ evaluate each argument as an expression and output them sepa-
+ rated with a space. See help on :let command for a definition
+ of <expr>.
+ :edit
+ :[range]e[dit] [file...]
+ open selected or passed file(s) in editor. Macros and environ-
+ ment variables are expanded.
+ :else
+ :el[se]
+ execute commands until next matching :endif if all other condi-
+ tions didn't match. See also help on :if and :endif commands.
+ :elseif
+ :elsei[f] {expr1}
+ execute commands until next matching :elseif, :else or :endif if
+ conditions of previous :if and :elseif branches were evaluated
+ to zero. See also help on :if and :endif commands.
+ :empty
+ :empty permanently remove files from all existing non-empty trash di-
+ rectories (see "Trash directory" section below). Trash directo-
+ ries which are specified via %r and/or %u also get deleted com-
+ pletely. Also remove all operations from undolist that have no
+ sense after :empty and remove all records about files located
+ inside directories from all registers. Removal is performed as
+ background task with undetermined amount of work and can be
+ checked via :jobs menu.
+ :endif
+ :en[dif]
+ end conditional block. See also help on :if and :else commands.
+ :execute
+ :exe[cute] [<expr>...]
+ evaluate each argument as an expression and join results sepa-
+ rated by a space to get a single string which is then executed
+ as a command-line command. See help on :let command for a defi-
+ nition of <expr>.
+ :exit
+ :exi[t][!]
+ same as :quit.
+ :file
+ :f[ile][ &]
+ display menu of programs set for the file type of the current
+ file. " &" forces running associated program in background.
+ :f[ile] arg[ &]
+ run associated command that begins with the arg skipping opening
+ menu. " &" forces running associated program in background.
+ :filetype
+ :filet[ype] pattern-list [{descr}]def_prog[ &],[{descr}]prog2[ &],...
+ associate given program list to each of the patterns. Associ-
+ ated program (command) is used by handlers of l and Enter keys
+ (and also in the :file menu). If you need to insert comma into
+ command just double it (",,"). Space followed by an ampersand
+ as two last characters of a command means running of the command
+ in the background. Optional description can be given to each
+ command to ease understanding of what command will do in the
+ :file menu. Vifm will try the rest of the programs for an asso-
+ ciation when the default isn't found. When program entry
+ doesn't contain any of vifm macros, name of current file is ap-
+ pended as if program entry ended with %c macro on *nix and %"c
+ on Windows. On Windows path to executables containing spaces
+ can (and should be for correct work with such paths) be double
+ quoted. See "Patterns" section below for pattern definition.
+ See also "Automatic FUSE mounts" section below. Example for zip
+ archives and several actions:
+ filetype *.zip,*.jar,*.war,*.ear
+ \ {Mount with fuse-zip}
+ \ {View contents}
+ \ zip -sf %c | less,
+ \ {Extract here}
+ \ tar -xf %c,
+ Note that on OS X when `open` is used to call an app, vifm is
+ unable to check whether that app is actually available. So if
+ automatic skipping of programs that aren't there is desirable,
+ `open` should be replaced with an actual command.
+ :filet[ype] filename
+ list (in menu mode) currently registered patterns that match
+ specified file name. Same as ":filextype filename".
+ :filextype
+ :filex[type] pattern-list [{ description }] def_program,program2,...
+ same as :filetype, but this command is ignored if not running in
+ X. In X :filextype is equal to :filetype. See "Patterns" sec-
+ tion below for pattern definition. See also "Automatic FUSE
+ mounts" section below.
+ For example, consider the following settings (the order might
+ seem strange, but it's for the demonstration purpose):
+ filetype *.html,*.htm
+ \ {View in lynx}
+ \ lynx
+ filextype *.html,*.htm
+ \ {Open with dwb}
+ \ dwb %f %i &,
+ filetype *.html,*.htm
+ \ {View in links}
+ \ links
+ filextype *.html,*.htm
+ \ {Open with firefox}
+ \ firefox %f &,
+ \ {Open with uzbl}
+ \ uzbl-browser %f %i &,
+ If you're using vifm inside a terminal emulator that is running
+ in graphical environment (when X is used on *nix; always on Win-
+ dows), vifm attempts to run application in this order:
+ 1. lynx
+ 2. dwb
+ 3. links
+ 4. firefox
+ 5. uzbl
+ If there is no graphical environment (checked presence of $DIS-
+ PLAY environment variable on *nix; never happens on Windows),
+ the list will look like:
+ 1. lynx
+ 2. links
+ Just as if all :filextype commands were not there.
+ The purpose of such differentiation is to allow comfortable use
+ of vifm with same settings in desktop environment/through remote
+ connection (SSH)/in native console.
+ Note that on OS X $DISPLAY isn't defined unless you define it,
+ so :filextype should be used only if you set $DISPLAY in some
+ way.
+ :filext[ype] filename
+ list (in menu mode) currently registered patterns that match
+ specified file name. Same as ":filetype filename".
+ :fileviewer
+ :filev[iewer] pattern-list command1,command2,...
+ register specified list of commands as viewers for each of the
+ patterns. Viewer is a command which output is captured and dis-
+ played in one of the panes of vifm after pressing "e" or running
+ :view command. When the command doesn't contain any of vifm
+ macros, name of current file is appended as if command ended
+ with %c macro. Comma escaping and missing commands processing
+ rules as for :filetype apply to this command. See "Patterns"
+ section below for pattern definition.
+ Example for zip archives:
+ fileviewer *.zip,*.jar,*.war,*.ear zip -sf %c, echo "No zip to preview:"
+ :filev[iewer] filename
+ list (in menu mode) currently registered patterns that match
+ specified filename.
+ :filter
+ :filter[!] {pattern}
+ filter files matching the pattern out of directory listings.
+ '!' controls state of filter inversion after updating filter
+ value (see also 'cpoptions' description). Filter is matched
+ case sensitively on *nix and case insensitively on Windows. See
+ "File Filters" and "Patterns" sections.
+ Example:
+ " filter all files ending in .o from the filelist.
+ :filter /.o$/
+ :filter[!] {empty-pattern}
+ same as above, but use last search pattern as pattern value.
+ Example:
+ :filter //I
+ :filter
+ reset filter (set it to an empty string) and show all files.
+ :filter!
+ same as :invert.
+ :filter?
+ show information on local, name and auto filters.
+ :find
+ :[range]fin[d] pattern
+ display results of find command in the menu. Searches among se-
+ lected files if any. Accepts macros. By default the command
+ relies on the external "find" utility, which can be customized
+ by altering value of the 'findprg' option.
+ :[range]fin[d] -opt...
+ same as :find above, but user defines all find arguments.
+ Searches among selected files if any.
+ :[range]fin[d] path -opt...
+ same as :find above, but user defines all find arguments. Ig-
+ nores selection and range.
+ :[range]fin[d]
+ repeat last :find command.
+ :finish
+ :fini[sh]
+ stop sourcing a script. Can only be used in a vifm script file.
+ This is a quick way to skip the rest of the file.
+ :goto
+ :go[to]
+ change directory if necessary and put specified path under the
+ cursor. The path should be existing non-root path. Macros and
+ environment variables are expanded.
+ :grep
+ :[range]gr[ep][!] pattern
+ will show results of grep command in the menu. Add "!" to re-
+ quest inversion of search (look for lines that do not match pat-
+ tern). Searches among selected files if any and no range given.
+ Ignores binary files by default. By default the command relies
+ on the external "grep" utility, which can be customized by al-
+ tering value of the 'grepprg' option.
+ :[range]gr[ep][!] -opt...
+ same as :grep above, but user defines all grep arguments, which
+ are not escaped. Searches among selected files if any.
+ :[range]gr[ep][!]
+ repeat last :grep command. "!" of this command inverts "!" in
+ repeated command.
+ :help
+ :h[elp]
+ show the help file.
+ :h[elp] argument
+ is the same as using ':h argument' in vim. Use vifm-<something>
+ to get help on vifm (tab completion works). This form of the
+ command doesn't work when 'vimhelp' option is off.
+ :hideui
+ :hideui
+ hide interface to show previous commands' output.
+ :highlight
+ :hi[ghlight]
+ display information about all highlight groups active at the mo-
+ ment.
+ :hi[ghlight] clear
+ reset all highlighting to builtin defaults and removed all file-
+ name-specific rules.
+ :hi[ghlight] clear ( {pat1,pat2,...} | /regexp/ )
+ remove specified rule.
+ :hi[ghlight] ( group-name | {pat1,pat2,...} | /regexp/ )
+ display information on given highlight group or file name pat-
+ tern of color scheme used in the active view.
+ :hi[ghlight] ( group-name | {pat1,pat2,...} | /regexp/[iI] )
+ cterm=style | ctermfg=color | ctermbg=color
+ set style (cterm), foreground (ctermfg) or/and background
+ (ctermbg) parameters of highlight group or file name pattern for
+ color scheme used in the active view.
+ All style values as well as color names are case insensitive.
+ Available style values (some of them can be combined):
+ - bold
+ - underline
+ - reverse or inverse
+ - standout
+ - italic (on unsupported systems becomes reverse)
+ - none
+ Available group-name values:
+ - Win - color of all windows (views, dialogs, menus) and default color
+ for their content (e.g. regular files in views)
+ - AuxWin - color of auxiliary areas of windows
+ - OtherWin - color of inactive pane
+ - Border - color of vertical parts of the border
+ - TabLine - tab line color (for 'tabscope' set to "global")
+ - TabLineSel - color of the tip of selected tab (regardless of 'tab-
+ scope')
+ - TopLineSel - top line color of the current pane
+ - TopLine - top line color of the other pane
+ - CmdLine - the command line/status bar color
+ - ErrorMsg - color of error messages in the status bar
+ - StatusLine - color of the line above the status bar
+ - JobLine - color of job line that appears above the status line
+ - WildMenu - color of the wild menu items
+ - SuggestBox - color of key suggestion box
+ - CurrLine - line at cursor position in active view
+ - OtherLine - line at cursor position in inactive view
+ - Selected - color of selected files
+ - Directory - color of directories
+ - Link - color of symbolic links in the views
+ - BrokenLink - color of broken symbolic links
+ - Socket - color of sockets
+ - Device - color of block and character devices
+ - Executable - color of executable files
+ - Fifo - color of fifo pipes
+ - CmpMismatch - color of mismatched files in side-by-side comparison
+ by path
+ - User1..User9 - 9 colors which can be used via %* 'statusline' macro
+ Available colors:
+ - -1 or default or none - default or transparent
+ - black and lightblack
+ - red and lightred
+ - green and lightgreen
+ - yellow and lightyellow
+ - blue and lightblue
+ - magenta and lightmagenta
+ - cyan and lightcyan
+ - white and lightwhite
+ - 0-255 - corresponding colors from 256-color palette
+ Light versions of colors are regular colors with bold attribute set.
+ So order of arguments of :highlight command is important and it's bet-
+ ter to put "cterm" in front of others to prevent it from overwriting
+ attributes set by "ctermfg" or "ctermbg" arguments.
+ For convenience of color scheme authors xterm-like names for 256 color
+ palette is also supported. The mapping is taken from
+ Dupli-
+ cated entries were altered by adding an underscore followed by numeri-
+ cal suffix.
+ 0 Black 86 Aquamarine1 172 Orange3
+ 1 Red 87 DarkSlateGray2 173 LightSalmon3_2
+ 2 Green 88 DarkRed_2 174 LightPink3
+ 3 Yellow 89 DeepPink4_2 175 Pink3
+ 4 Blue 90 DarkMagenta 176 Plum3
+ 5 Magenta 91 DarkMagenta_2 177 Violet
+ 6 Cyan 92 DarkViolet 178 Gold3_2
+ 7 White 93 Purple 179 LightGoldenrod3
+ 8 LightBlack 94 Orange4_2 180 Tan
+ 9 LightRed 95 LightPink4 181 MistyRose3
+ 10 LightGreen 96 Plum4 182 Thistle3
+ 11 LightYellow 97 MediumPurple3 183 Plum2
+ 12 LightBlue 98 MediumPurple3_2 184 Yellow3_2
+ 13 LightMagenta 99 SlateBlue1 185 Khaki3
+ 14 LightCyan 100 Yellow4 186 LightGoldenrod2
+ 15 LightWhite 101 Wheat4 187 LightYellow3
+ 16 Grey0 102 Grey53 188 Grey84
+ 17 NavyBlue 103 LightSlateGrey 189 LightSteelBlue1
+ 18 DarkBlue 104 MediumPurple 190 Yellow2
+ 19 Blue3 105 LightSlateBlue 191 DarkOliveGreen1
+ 20 Blue3_2 106 Yellow4_2 192 DarkOliveG-
+ reen1_2
+ 21 Blue1 107 DarkOliveGreen3 193 DarkSeaGreen1_2
+ 22 DarkGreen 108 DarkSeaGreen 194 Honeydew2
+ 23 DeepSkyBlue4 109 LightSkyBlue3 195 LightCyan1
+ 24 DeepSkyBlue4_2 110 LightSkyBlue3_2 196 Red1
+ 25 DeepSkyBlue4_3 111 SkyBlue2 197 DeepPink2
+ 26 DodgerBlue3 112 Chartreuse2_2 198 DeepPink1
+ 27 DodgerBlue2 113 DarkOliveGreen3_2 199 DeepPink1_2
+ 28 Green4 114 PaleGreen3_2 200 Magenta2_2
+ 29 SpringGreen4 115 DarkSeaGreen3 201 Magenta1
+ 30 Turquoise4 116 DarkSlateGray3 202 OrangeRed1
+ 31 DeepSkyBlue3 117 SkyBlue1 203 IndianRed1
+ 32 DeepSkyBlue3_2 118 Chartreuse1 204 IndianRed1_2
+ 33 DodgerBlue1 119 LightGreen_2 205 HotPink
+ 34 Green3 120 LightGreen_3 206 HotPink_2
+ 35 SpringGreen3 121 PaleGreen1 207 MediumOrchid1_2
+ 36 DarkCyan 122 Aquamarine1_2 208 DarkOrange
+ 37 LightSeaGreen 123 DarkSlateGray1 209 Salmon1
+ 38 DeepSkyBlue2 124 Red3 210 LightCoral
+ 39 DeepSkyBlue1 125 DeepPink4_3 211 PaleVioletRed1
+ 40 Green3_2 126 MediumVioletRed 212 Orchid2
+ 41 SpringGreen3_2 127 Magenta3 213 Orchid1
+ 42 SpringGreen2 128 DarkViolet_2 214 Orange1
+ 43 Cyan3 129 Purple_2 215 SandyBrown
+ 44 DarkTurquoise 130 DarkOrange3 216 LightSalmon1
+ 45 Turquoise2 131 IndianRed 217 LightPink1
+ 46 Green1 132 HotPink3 218 Pink1
+ 47 SpringGreen2_2 133 MediumOrchid3 219 Plum1
+ 48 SpringGreen1 134 MediumOrchid 220 Gold1
+ 49 MediumSpringGreen 135 MediumPurple2 221 LightGolden-
+ rod2_2
+ 50 Cyan2 136 DarkGoldenrod 222 LightGolden-
+ rod2_3
+ 51 Cyan1 137 LightSalmon3 223 NavajoWhite1
+ 52 DarkRed 138 RosyBrown 224 MistyRose1
+ 53 DeepPink4 139 Grey63 225 Thistle1
+ 54 Purple4 140 MediumPurple2_2 226 Yellow1
+ 55 Purple4_2 141 MediumPurple1 227 LightGoldenrod1
+ 56 Purple3 142 Gold3 228 Khaki1
+ 57 BlueViolet 143 DarkKhaki 229 Wheat1
+ 58 Orange4 144 NavajoWhite3 230 Cornsilk1
+ 59 Grey37 145 Grey69 231 Grey100
+ 60 MediumPurple4 146 LightSteelBlue3 232 Grey3
+ 61 SlateBlue3 147 LightSteelBlue 233 Grey7
+ 62 SlateBlue3_2 148 Yellow3 234 Grey11
+ 63 RoyalBlue1 149 DarkOliveGreen3_3 235 Grey15
+ 64 Chartreuse4 150 DarkSeaGreen3_2 236 Grey19
+ 65 DarkSeaGreen4 151 DarkSeaGreen2 237 Grey23
+ 66 PaleTurquoise4 152 LightCyan3 238 Grey27
+ 67 SteelBlue 153 LightSkyBlue1 239 Grey30
+ 68 SteelBlue3 154 GreenYellow 240 Grey35
+ 69 CornflowerBlue 155 DarkOliveGreen2 241 Grey39
+ 70 Chartreuse3 156 PaleGreen1_2 242 Grey42
+ 71 DarkSeaGreen4_2 157 DarkSeaGreen2_2 243 Grey46
+ 72 CadetBlue 158 DarkSeaGreen1 244 Grey50
+ 73 CadetBlue_2 159 PaleTurquoise1 245 Grey54
+ 74 SkyBlue3 160 Red3_2 246 Grey58
+ 75 SteelBlue1 161 DeepPink3 247 Grey62
+ 76 Chartreuse3_2 162 DeepPink3_2 248 Grey66
+ 77 PaleGreen3 163 Magenta3_2 249 Grey70
+ 78 SeaGreen3 164 Magenta3_3 250 Grey74
+ 79 Aquamarine3 165 Magenta2 251 Grey78
+ 80 MediumTurquoise 166 DarkOrange3_2 252 Grey82
+ 81 SteelBlue1_2 167 IndianRed_2 253 Grey85
+ 82 Chartreuse2 168 HotPink3_2 254 Grey89
+ 83 SeaGreen2 169 HotPink2 255 Grey93
+ 84 SeaGreen1 170 Orchid
+ 85 SeaGreen1_2 171 MediumOrchid1
+ There are two colors (foreground and background) and only one bold at-
+ tribute. Thus single bold attribute affects both colors when "reverse"
+ attribute is used in vifm run inside terminal emulator. At the same
+ time linux native console can handle boldness of foreground and back-
+ ground colors independently, but for consistency with terminal emula-
+ tors this is available only implicitly by using light versions of col-
+ ors. This behaviour might be changed in the future.
+ Although vifm supports 256 colors in a sense they are supported by UI
+ drawing library, whether you will be able to use all of them highly de-
+ pends on your terminal. To set up terminal properly, make sure that
+ $TERM in the environment you run vifm is set to name of 256-color ter-
+ minal (on *nixes it can also be set via X resources), e.g.
+ xterm-256color. One can find list of available terminal names by list-
+ ing /usr/lib/terminfo/. Number of colors supported by terminal with
+ current settings can be checked via "tput colors" command.
+ Here is the hierarchy of highlight groups, which you need to know for
+ using transparency:
+ JobLine
+ SuggestBox
+ StatusLine
+ WildMenu
+ User1..User9
+ Border
+ CmdLine
+ ErrorMsg
+ Win
+ OtherWin
+ AuxWin
+ File name specific highlights
+ Directory
+ Link
+ BrokenLink
+ Socket
+ Device
+ Fifo
+ Executable
+ Selected
+ CurrLine
+ OtherLine
+ TopLine
+ TopLineSel
+ TabLineSel (for pane tabs)
+ TabLine
+ TabLineSel
+ "none" means default terminal color for highlight groups at the first
+ level of the hierarchy and transparency for all others.
+ Here file name specific highlights mean those configured via globs ({})
+ or regular expressions (//). At most one of them is applied per file
+ entry, namely the first that matches file name, hence order of :high-
+ light commands might be important in certain cases.
+ :history
+ :his[tory]
+ creates a pop-up menu of directories visited.
+ :his[tory] x
+ x can be:
+ d[ir] or . show directory history.
+ c[md] or : show command line history.
+ s[earch] or / show search history and search forward on l key.
+ f[search] or / show search history and search forward on l key.
+ b[search] or ? show search history and search backward on l key.
+ i[nput] or @ show prompt history (e.g. on one file renaming).
+ fi[lter] or = show filter history (see description of the "="
+ normal mode command).
+ :histnext
+ :histnext
+ same as <c-i>. The main use case for this command is to work
+ around the common pain point of <tab> and <c-i> being the same
+ ASCII character: one could alter the terminal emulator settings
+ to emit, for example, the `F1` keycode when Ctrl-I is pressed,
+ then `:noremap <f1> :histnext<cr>` in vifm, add "t" flag to the
+ 'cpoptions', and thus have both <c-i> and <tab> working as ex-
+ pected.
+ :histprev
+ :histprev
+ same as <c-o>.
+ :if
+ :if {expr1}
+ starts conditional block. Commands are executed until next
+ matching :elseif, :else or :endif command if {expr1} evaluates
+ to non-zero, otherwise they are ignored. See also help on :else
+ and :endif commands.
+ Example:
+ if $TERM == 'screen.linux'
+ highlight CurrLine ctermfg=lightwhite ctermbg=lightblack
+ elseif $TERM == 'tmux'
+ highlight CurrLine cterm=reverse ctermfg=black ctermbg=white
+ else
+ highlight CurrLine cterm=bold,reverse ctermfg=black ctermbg=white
+ endif
+ :invert
+ :invert [f]
+ invert file name filter.
+ :invert? [f]
+ show current filter state.
+ :invert s
+ invert selection.
+ :invert o
+ invert sorting order of the primary sorting key.
+ :invert? o
+ show sorting order of the primary sorting key.
+ :jobs
+ :jobs shows menu of current backgrounded processes.
+ :let
+ :let $ENV_VAR = <expr>
+ sets environment variable. Warning: setting environment vari-
+ able to an empty string on Windows removes it.
+ :let $ENV_VAR .= <expr>
+ append value to environment variable.
+ :let &[l:|g:]opt = <expr>
+ sets option value.
+ :let &[l:|g:]opt .= <expr>
+ append value to string option.
+ :let &[l:|g:]opt += <expr>
+ increasing option value, adding sub-values.
+ :let &[l:|g:]opt -= <expr>
+ decreasing option value, removing sub-values.
+ Where <expr> could be a single-quoted string, double-quoted string, an
+ environment variable, function call or a concatanation of any of them
+ in any order using the '.' operator. Any whitespace is ignored.
+ :locate
+ :locate filename
+ use "locate" command to create a menu of filenames. Selecting a
+ file from the menu will reload the current file list in vifm to
+ show the selected file. By default the command relies on the
+ external "locate" utility (it's assumed that its database is al-
+ ready built), which can be customized by altering value of the
+ 'locateprg' option.
+ :locate
+ repeats last :locate command.
+ :ls
+ :ls lists windows of active terminal multiplexer (only when terminal
+ multiplexer is used). This is achieved by issuing proper com-
+ mand for active terminal multiplexer, thus the list is not han-
+ dled by vifm.
+ :lstrash
+ :lstrash
+ displays a menu with list of files in trash. Each element of
+ the list is original path of a deleted file, thus the list can
+ contain duplicates.
+ :mark
+ :[range]ma[rk][?] x [/full/path] [filename]
+ Set mark x (a-zA-Z0-9) at /full/path and filename. By default
+ current directory is being used. If no filename was given and
+ /full/path is current directory then last file in [range] is
+ used. Using of macros is allowed. Question mark will stop com-
+ mand from overwriting existing marks.
+ :marks
+ :marks create a pop-up menu of marks.
+ :marks list ...
+ display the contents of the marks that are mentioned in list.
+ :media
+ :media only for *nix
+ display media management menu. See also 'mediaprg' option.
+ :messages
+ :mes[sages]
+ shows previously given messages (up to 50).
+ :mkdir
+ :[line]mkdir[!] dir ...
+ create directories at specified paths. The [line] can be used
+ to pick node in a tree-view. "!" means make parent directories
+ as needed. Macros are expanded.
+ :move
+ :[range]m[ove][!?][ &]
+ move files to directory of other view. With "?" prompts for
+ destination file names in an editor. "!" forces overwrite.
+ :[range]m[ove][!] path[ &]
+ move files to directory specified with the path (absolute or
+ relative to directory of other view). "!" forces overwrite.
+ :[range]m[ove][!] name1 name2...[ &]
+ move files to directory of other view giving each next file a
+ corresponding name from the argument list. "!" forces over-
+ write.
+ :nohlsearch
+ :noh[lsearch]
+ clear selection in current pane.
+ :normal
+ :norm[al][!] commands
+ execute normal mode commands. If "!" is used, user defined map-
+ pings are ignored. Unfinished last command is aborted as if
+ <esc> or <c-c> was typed. A ":" should be completed as well.
+ Commands can't start with a space, so put a count of 1 (one) be-
+ fore it.
+ :only
+ :on[ly]
+ switch to a one window view.
+ :popd
+ :popd remove pane directories from stack.
+ :pushd
+ :pushd[!] /curr/dir [/other/dir]
+ add pane directories to stack and process arguments like :cd
+ command.
+ :pushd exchange the top two items of the directory stack.
+ :put
+ :[line]pu[t][!] [reg] [ &]
+ puts files from specified register (" by default) into current
+ directory. The [line] can be used to pick node in a tree-view.
+ "!" moves files "!" moves files from their original location in-
+ stead of copying them. During this operation no confirmation
+ dialogs will be shown, all checks are performed beforehand.
+ :pwd
+ :pw[d] show the present working directory.
+ :qall
+ :qa[ll][!]
+ exit vifm (add ! to skip saving changes and checking for active
+ backgrounded commands).
+ :quit
+ :q[uit][!]
+ if there is more than one tab, close the current one, otherwise
+ exit vifm (add ! to skip saving changes and checking for active
+ backgrounded commands).
+ :redraw
+ :redr[aw]
+ redraw the screen immediately.
+ :registers
+ :reg[isters]
+ display menu with registers content.
+ :reg[isters] list ...
+ display the contents of the numbered and named registers that
+ are mentioned in list (for example "az to display "", "a and "z
+ content).
+ :regular
+ :regular
+ switch to regular view leaving custom view.
+ :rename
+ :[range]rename[!]
+ rename files using vi to edit names. ! means go recursively
+ through directories.
+ :[range]rename name1 name2...
+ rename each of selected files to a corresponding name.
+ :restart
+ :restart
+ free a lot of things (histories, commands, etc.), reread
+ vifminfo and vifmrc files and run startup commands passed in the
+ argument list, thus losing all unsaved changes (e.g. recent his-
+ tory or keys mapped in current session).
+ While many things get reset, some basic UI state and current lo-
+ cations are preserved, including tabs.
+ :restore
+ :[range]restore
+ restore file from trash directory, doesn't work outside one of
+ trash directories. See "Trash directory" section below.
+ :rlink
+ :[range]rlink[!?]
+ create relative symbolic links to files in directory of other
+ view. With "?" prompts for destination file names in an editor.
+ "!" forces overwrite.
+ :[range]rlink[!] path
+ create relative symbolic links of files in directory specified
+ with the path (absolute or relative to directory of other view).
+ "!" forces overwrite.
+ :[range]rlink[!] name1 name2...
+ create relative symbolic links of files in directory of other
+ view giving each next link a corresponding name from the argu-
+ ment list. "!" forces overwrite.
+ :screen
+ :screen
+ toggle whether to use the terminal multiplexer or not.
+ A terminal multiplexer uses pseudo terminals to allow multiple
+ windows to be used in the console or in a single xterm. Start-
+ ing vifm from terminal multiplexer with appropriate support
+ turned on will cause vifm to open a new terminal multiplexer
+ window for each new file edited or program launched from vifm.
+ This requires screen version 3.9.9 or newer for the screen -X
+ argument or tmux (1.8 version or newer is recommended).
+ :screen!
+ enable integration with terminal multiplexers.
+ :screen?
+ display whether integration with terminal multiplexers is en-
+ abled.
+ Note: the command is called screen for historical reasons (when tmux
+ wasn't yet supported) and might be changed in future releases, or get
+ an alias.
+ :select
+ :[range]select
+ select files in the given range (current file if no range is
+ given).
+ :select {pattern}
+ select files that match specified pattern. Possible {pattern}
+ forms are described in "Patterns" section below. Trailing slash
+ for directories is taken into account, so `:select! */ | invert
+ s` selects only files.
+ :select //[iI]
+ same as item above, but reuses last search pattern.
+ :select !{external command}
+ select files from the list supplied by external command. Files
+ are matched by full paths, relative paths are converted to abso-
+ lute ones beforehand.
+ :[range]select! [{pattern}]
+ same as above, but resets previously selected items before pro-
+ ceeding.
+ :set
+ :se[t] display all options that differ from their default value.
+ :se[t] all
+ display all options.
+ :se[t] opt1=val1 opt2='val2' opt3="val3" ...
+ sets given options. For local options both values are set.
+ You can use following syntax:
+ - for all options - option, option? and option&
+ - for boolean options - nooption, invoption and option!
+ - for integer options - option=x, option+=x and option-=x
+ - for string options - option=x and option+=x
+ - for string list options - option=x, option+=x, option-=x and
+ option^=x
+ - for enumeration options - option=x, option+=x and option-=x
+ - for set options - option=x, option+=x, option-=x and op-
+ tion^=x
+ - for charset options - option=x, option+=x, option-=x and op-
+ tion^=x
+ the meaning:
+ - option - turn option on (for boolean) or print its value (for
+ all others)
+ - nooption - turn option off
+ - invoption - invert option state
+ - option! - invert option state
+ - option? - print option value
+ - option& - reset option to its default value
+ - option=x or option:x - set option to x
+ - option+=x - add/append x to option
+ - option-=x - remove (or subtract) x from option
+ - option^=x - toggle x presence among values of the option
+ Option name can be prepended and appended by any number of
+ whitespace characters.
+ :setglobal
+ :setg[lobal]
+ display all global options that differ from their default value.
+ :setg[lobal] all
+ display all global options.
+ :setg[lobal] opt1=val1 opt2='val2' opt3="val3" ...
+ same as :set, but changes/prints only global options or global
+ values of local options. Changes to the latter might be not
+ visible until directory is changed.
+ :setlocal
+ :setl[ocal]
+ display all local options that differ from their default value.
+ :setl[ocal] all
+ display all local options.
+ :setl[ocal] opt1=val1 opt2='val2' opt3="val3" ...
+ same as :set, but changes/prints only local values of local op-
+ tions.
+ :shell
+ :sh[ell][!]
+ start a shell in current directory. "!" suppresses spawning
+ dedicated window of terminal multiplexer for a shell. To make
+ vifm adaptive to environment it uses $SHELL if it's defined,
+ otherwise 'shell' value is used.
+ :siblnext
+ :[count]siblnext[!]
+ change directory to [count]th next sibling directory after cur-
+ rent path using value of global sort option of current pane.
+ "!" enables wrapping.
+ For example, say, you're at /boot and root listing starts like
+ this:
+ bin/
+ boot/
+ dev/
+ ...
+ Issuing :siblnext will navigate to /dev.
+ :siblprev
+ :[count]siblprev[!]
+ same as :siblnext, but in the opposite direction.
+ :sort
+ :sor[t]
+ display dialog with different sorting methods, when one can se-
+ lect primary sorting key. When 'viewcolumns' options is empty
+ and 'lsview' is off, changing primary sorting key will also af-
+ fect view look (in particular the second column of the view will
+ be changed).
+ :source
+ :so[urce] file
+ read command-line commands from the file.
+ :split
+ :sp[lit]
+ switch to a two window horizontal view.
+ :sp[lit]!
+ toggle horizontal window splitting.
+ :sp[lit] path
+ splits the window horizontally to show both file directories.
+ Also changes other pane to path (absolute or relative to current
+ directory of active pane).
+ :substitute
+ :[range]s[ubstitute]/pattern/string/[flags]
+ for each file in range replace a match of pattern with string.
+ String can contain \0...\9 to link to capture groups (\0 - all match,
+ \1 - first group, etc.).
+ Pattern is stored in search history.
+ Available flags:
+ - i - ignore case (the 'ignorecase' and 'smartcase' options are not
+ used)
+ - I - don't ignore case (the 'ignorecase' and 'smartcase' options are
+ not used)
+ - g - substitute all matches in each file name (each g toggles this)
+ :[range]s[ubstitute]/pattern
+ substitute pattern with an empty string.
+ :[range]s[ubstitute]//string/[flags]
+ use last pattern from search history.
+ :[range]s[ubstitute]
+ repeat previous substitution command.
+ :sync
+ :sync [relative path]
+ change the other pane to the current pane directory or to some
+ path relative to the current directory. Using macros is al-
+ lowed.
+ :sync! change the other pane to the current pane directory and synchro-
+ nize cursor position. If current pane displays custom list of
+ files, position before entering it is used (current one might
+ not make any sense).
+ :sync! [location | cursorpos | localopts | filters | filelist | tree |
+ all]...
+ change enumerated properties of the other pane to match corre-
+ sponding properties of the current pane. Arguments have the
+ following meanings:
+ - location - current directory of the pane;
+ - cursorpos - cursor position (doesn't make sense without "lo-
+ cation");
+ - localopts - all local options;
+ - filters - all filters;
+ - filelist - list of files for custom view (implies "loca-
+ tion");
+ - tree - tree structure for tree view (implies "location");
+ - all - all of the above.
+ :tabclose
+ :tabc[lose]
+ close current tab, unless it's the only one open at current
+ scope.
+ :tabmove
+ :tabm[ove] [N]
+ without the argument or with `$` as the argument, current tab
+ becomes the last tab. With the argument, current tab is moved
+ after the tab with the specified number. Argument of `0` moves
+ current tab to the first position.
+ :tabname
+ :tabname [name]
+ set, update or reset (when no argument is provided) name of the
+ current tab.
+ :tabnew
+ :tabnew [path]
+ create new tab. Accepts optional path for the new tab. Macros
+ and environment variables are expanded.
+ :tabnext
+ :tabn[ext]
+ switch to the next tab (wrapping around).
+ :tabn[ext] {n}
+ go to the tab number {n}. Tab numeration starts with 1.
+ :tabprevious
+ :tabp[revious]
+ switch to the previous tab (wrapping around).
+ :tabp[revious] {n}
+ go to the {n}-th previous tab. Note that :tabnext handles its
+ argument differently.
+ :touch
+ :[line]touch file...
+ create files at specified paths. Aborts on errors. Doesn't up-
+ date time of existing files. The [line] can be used to pick
+ node in a tree-view. Macros are expanded.
+ :tr
+ :[range]tr/pattern/string/
+ for each file in range transliterate the characters which appear
+ in pattern to the corresponding character in string. When
+ string is shorter than pattern, it's padded with its last char-
+ acter.
+ :trashes
+ :trashes
+ lists all valid trash directories in a menu. Only non-empty and
+ writable trash directories are shown. This is exactly the list
+ of directories that are cleared when :empty command is executed.
+ :trashes?
+ same as :trashes, but also displays size of each trash direc-
+ tory.
+ :tree
+ :tree turn pane into tree view with current directory as its root.
+ The tree view is implemented on top of a custom view, but is au-
+ tomatically kept in sync with file system state and considers
+ all the filters. Thus the structure corresponds to what one
+ would see on visiting the directories manually. As a special
+ case for trees built out of custom view file-system tracking
+ isn't performed.
+ To leave tree view go up from its root or use gh at any level of
+ the tree. Any command that changes directory will also do, in
+ particular, `:cd ..`.
+ Tree structure is incompatible with alternative representations,
+ so values of 'lsview' and 'millerview' options are ignored.
+ :tree! toggle current view in and out of tree mode.
+ :undolist
+ :undol[ist]
+ display list of latest changes. Use "!" to see actual commands.
+ :unlet
+ :unl[et][!] $ENV_VAR1 $ENV_VAR2 ...
+ remove environment variables. Add ! to omit displaying of warn-
+ ings about nonexistent variables.
+ :unselect
+ :[range]unselect
+ unselect files in the given range (current file if no range is
+ given).
+ :unselect {pattern}
+ unselect files that match specified pattern. Possible {pattern}
+ forms are described in "Patterns" section below. Trailing slash
+ for directories is taken into account, so `:unselect */` unse-
+ lects directories.
+ :unselect !{external command}
+ unselect files from the list supplied by external command.
+ Files are matched by full paths, relative paths are converted to
+ absolute ones beforehand.
+ :unselect //[iI]
+ same as item above, but reuses last search pattern.
+ :version
+ :ve[rsion]
+ show menu with version information.
+ :vifm
+ :vifm same as :version.
+ :view
+ :vie[w]
+ toggle on and off the quick file view. See also 'quickview' op-
+ tion.
+ :vie[w]!
+ turn on quick file view if it's off.
+ :volumes
+ :volumes
+ only for MS-Windows
+ display menu with volume list. Hitting l (or Enter) key opens
+ appropriate volume in the current pane.
+ :vsplit
+ :vs[plit]
+ switch to a two window vertical view.
+ :vs[plit]!
+ toggle window vertical splitting.
+ :vs[plit] path
+ split the window vertically to show both file directories. And
+ changes other pane to path (absolute or relative to current di-
+ rectory of active pane).
+ :wincmd
+ :[count]winc[md] {arg}
+ same as running Ctrl-W [count] {arg}.
+ :windo
+ :windo [command...]
+ execute command for each pane (same as :winrun % command).
+ :winrun
+ :winrun type [command...]
+ execute command for pane(s), which is determined by type argu-
+ ment:
+ - ^ - top-left pane
+ - $ - bottom-right pane
+ - % - all panes
+ - . - current pane
+ - , - other pane
+ :write
+ :w[rite]
+ write vifminfo file.
+ :wq
+ :wq[!] same as :quit, but ! only disables check of backgrounded com-
+ mands. :wqall
+ :wqa[ll][!]
+ same as :qall, but ! only disables check of backgrounded com-
+ mands.
+ :xall
+ :xa[ll][!]
+ same as :qall.
+ :xit
+ :x[it][!]
+ same as :quit.
+ :yank
+ :[range]y[ank] [reg] [count]
+ will yank files to the reg register.
+ :map lhs rhs
+ :map lhs rhs
+ map lhs key sequence to rhs in normal and visual modes.
+ :map! lhs rhs
+ map lhs key sequence to rhs in command line mode.
+ :cmap :dmap :mmap :nmap :qmap
+ :vmap
+ :cm[ap] lhs rhs
+ map lhs to rhs in command line mode.
+ :dm[ap] lhs rhs
+ map lhs to rhs in dialog modes.
+ :mm[ap] lhs rhs
+ map lhs to rhs in menu mode.
+ :nm[ap] lhs rhs
+ map lhs to rhs in normal mode.
+ :qm[ap] lhs rhs
+ map lhs to rhs in view mode.
+ :vm[ap] lhs rhs
+ map lhs to rhs in visual mode.
+ :*map
+ :cm[ap]
+ list all maps in command line mode.
+ :dm[ap]
+ list all maps in dialog modes.
+ :mm[ap]
+ list all maps in menu mode.
+ :nm[ap]
+ list all maps in normal mode.
+ :qm[ap]
+ list all maps in view mode.
+ :vm[ap]
+ list all maps in visual mode.
+ :*map beginning
+ :cm[ap] beginning
+ list all maps in command line mode that start with the begin-
+ ning.
+ :dm[ap] beginning
+ list all maps in dialog modes that start with the beginning.
+ :mm[ap] beginning
+ list all maps in menu mode that start with the beginning.
+ :nm[ap] beginning
+ list all maps in normal mode that start with the beginning.
+ :qm[ap] beginning
+ list all maps in view mode that start with the beginning.
+ :vm[ap] beginning
+ list all maps in visual mode that start with the beginning.
+ :noremap
+ :no[remap] lhs rhs
+ map the key sequence lhs to rhs for normal and visual modes, but
+ disallow mapping of rhs.
+ :no[remap]! lhs rhs
+ map the key sequence lhs to rhs for command line mode, but dis-
+ allow mapping of rhs.
+ :cnoremap :dnoremap :mnoremap :nnoremap :qnoremap
+ :vnoremap
+ :cno[remap] lhs rhs
+ map the key sequence lhs to rhs for command line mode, but dis-
+ allow mapping of rhs.
+ :dn[oremap] lhs rhs
+ map the key sequence lhs to rhs for dialog modes, but disallow
+ mapping of rhs.
+ :mn[oremap] lhs rhs
+ map the key sequence lhs to rhs for menu mode, but disallow map-
+ ping of rhs.
+ :nn[oremap] lhs rhs
+ map the key sequence lhs to rhs for normal mode, but disallow
+ mapping of rhs.
+ :qn[oremap] lhs rhs
+ map the key sequence lhs to rhs for view mode, but disallow map-
+ ping of rhs.
+ :vn[oremap] lhs rhs
+ map the key sequence lhs to rhs for visual mode, but disallow
+ mapping of rhs.
+ :unmap
+ :unm[ap] lhs
+ remove user mapping of lhs from normal and visual modes.
+ :unm[ap]! lhs
+ remove user mapping of lhs from command line mode.
+ :cunmap :dunmap :munmap :nunmap :qunmap
+ :vunmap
+ :cu[nmap] lhs
+ remove user mapping of lhs from command line mode.
+ :du[nmap] lhs
+ remove user mapping of lhs from dialog modes.
+ :mu[nmap] lhs
+ remove user mapping of lhs from menu mode.
+ :nun[map] lhs
+ remove user mapping of lhs from normal mode.
+ :qun[map] lhs
+ remove user mapping of lhs from view mode.
+ :vu[nmap] lhs
+ remove user mapping of lhs from visual mode.
+ The ranges implemented include:
+ 2,3 - from second to third file in the list (including it)
+ % - the entire directory.
+ . - the current position in the filelist.
+ $ - the end of the filelist.
+ 't - the mark position t.
+ Examples:
+ :%delete
+ would delete all files in the directory.
+ :2,4delete
+ would delete the files in the list positions 2 through 4.
+ :.,$delete
+ would delete the files from the current position to the end of the
+ filelist.
+ :3delete4
+ would delete the files in the list positions 3, 4, 5, 6.
+ If a backward range is given :4,2delete - an query message is given and
+ user can chose what to do next.
+ The builtin commands that accept a range are :d[elete] and :y[ank].
+Command macros
+ The command macros may be used in user commands.
+ %a User arguments. When user arguments contain macros, they are
+ expanded before preforming substitution of %a.
+ %c %"c The current file under the cursor.
+ %C %"C The current file under the cursor in the other directory.
+ %f %"f All of the selected files.
+ %F %"F All of the selected files in the other directory list.
+ %b %"b Same as %f %F.
+ %d %"d Full path to current directory.
+ %D %"D Full path to other file list directory.
+ %rx %"rx
+ Full paths to files in the register {x}. In case of invalid
+ symbol in place of {x}, it's processed with the rest of the line
+ and default register is used.
+ %m Show command output in a menu.
+ %M Same as %m, but l (or Enter) key is handled like for :locate and
+ :find commands.
+ %u Process command output as list of paths and compose custom view
+ out of it.
+ %U Same as %u, but implies less list updates inside vifm, which is
+ absence of sorting at the moment.
+ %Iu same as %u, but gives up terminal before running external com-
+ mand.
+ %IU same as %U, but gives up terminal before running external com-
+ mand.
+ %S Show command output in the status bar.
+ %q redirect command output to quick view, which is activated if
+ disabled.
+ %s Execute command in split window of active terminal multiplexer
+ (ignored if not running inside one).
+ %n Forbid using of terminal multiplexer to run the command.
+ %i Completely ignore command output.
+ %pc Marks the end of the main command and the beginning of the clear
+ command for graphical preview, which is invoked on closing pre-
+ view of a file.
+ %pd Marks a preview command as one that directly communicates with
+ the terminal. Beware that this is for things like sixel which
+ are self-contained sequences that depend only on current cursor
+ position, using this with anything else is likely to mangle ter-
+ minal state.
+ The following dimensions and coordinates are in characters:
+ %px x coordinate of top-left corner of preview area.
+ %py y coordinate of top-left corner of preview area.
+ %pw width of preview area.
+ %ph height of preview area.
+ Use %% if you need to put a percent sign in your command.
+ Note that %m, %M, %s, %S, %i, %u and %U macros are mutually exclusive.
+ Only the last one of them on the command will take effect.
+ You can use file name modifiers after %c, %C, %f, %F, %b, %d and %D
+ macros. Supported modifiers are:
+ - :p - full path
+ - :u - UNC name of path (e.g. "\\server" in
+ "\\server\share"), Windows only. Expands to current computer name
+ for not UNC paths.
+ - :~ - relative to the home directory
+ - :. - relative to current directory
+ - :h - head of the file name
+ - :t - tail of the file name
+ - :r - root of the file name (without last extension)
+ - :e - extension of the file name (last one)
+ - :s?pat?sub? - substitute the first occurrence of pat with sub.
+ You can use any character for '?', but it must not occur in pat or
+ sub.
+ - :gs?pat?sub? - like :s, but substitutes all occurrences of pat with
+ sub.
+ See ':h filename-modifiers' in Vim's documentation for the detailed de-
+ scription.
+ Using %x means expand corresponding macro escaping all characters that
+ have special meaning. And %"x means using of double quotes and escape
+ only backslash and double quote characters, which is more useful on
+ Windows systems.
+ Position and quantity (if there is any) of %m, %M, %S or %s macros in
+ the command is unimportant. All their occurrences are removed from the
+ resulting command.
+ %c and %f macros are expanded to file names only, when %C and %F are
+ expanded to full paths. %f and %F follow this in %b too.
+ :com move mv %f %D
+ set the :move command to move all of the files selected in the
+ current directory to the other directory.
+ The %a macro is replaced with any arguments given to an alias command.
+ All arguments are considered optional.
+ :com lsl !!ls -l %a - set the lsl command to execute ls -l with
+ or without an argument.
+ :lsl<Enter>
+ will list the directory contents of the current directory.
+ :lsl filename<Enter>
+ will list only the given filename.
+ The macros can also be used in directly executing commands. ":!mv %f
+ %D" would move the current directory selected files to the other direc-
+ tory.
+ Appending & to the end of a command causes it to be executed in the
+ background. Typically you want to run two kinds of external commands
+ in the background:
+ - GUI applications that doesn't fork thus block vifm (:!sxiv %f &);
+ - console tools that do not work with terminal (:!mv %f %D &).
+ You don't want to run terminal commands, which require terminal input
+ or output something in background because they will mess up vifm's TUI.
+ Anyway, if you did run such a command, you can use Ctrl-L key to update
+ vifm's TUI.
+ Rewriting the example command with macros given above with background-
+ ing:
+ %m, %M, %s, %S, %u and %U macros cannot be combined with background
+ mark (" &") as it doesn't make much sense.
+Command backgrounding
+ Copy and move operation can take a lot of time to proceed. That's why
+ vifm supports backgrounding of this two operations. To run :copy,
+ :move or :delete command in the background just add " &" at the end of
+ a command.
+ For each background operation a new thread is created. Job cancella-
+ tion can be requested in the :jobs menu via dd shortcut.
+ You can see if command is still running in the :jobs menu. Back-
+ grounded commands have progress instead of process id at the line be-
+ ginning.
+ Background operations cannot be undone.
+ Note that cancellation works somewhat different on Windows platform due
+ to different mechanism of break signal propagation. One also might
+ need to use Ctrl-Break shortcut instead of Ctrl-C.
+ There are two types of operations that can be cancelled:
+ - file system operations;
+ - mounting with FUSE (but not unmounting as it can cause loss of
+ data);
+ - calls of external applications.
+ Note that vifm never terminates applications, it sends SIGINT signal
+ and lets the application quit normally.
+ When one of set of operations is cancelled (e.g. copying of 5th file of
+ 10 files), further operations are cancelled too. In this case undo
+ history will contain only actually performed operations.
+ Cancelled operations are indicated by "(cancelled)" suffix appended to
+ information message on statusbar.
+ File system operations
+ Currently the following commands can be cancelled: :alink, :chmod,
+ :chown, :clone, :copy, :delete, :mkdir, :move, :restore, :rlink,
+ :touch. File putting (on p/P key) can be cancelled as well. It's not
+ hard to see that these are mainly long-running operations.
+ Cancelling commands when they are repeated for undo/redo operations is
+ allowed for convenience, but is not recommended as further undo/redo
+ operations might get blocked by side-effects of partially cancelled
+ group of operations.
+ These commands can't be cancelled: :empty, :rename, :substitute, :tr.
+ Mounting with FUSE
+ It's not considered to be an error, so only notification on the status
+ bar is shown.
+ External application calls
+ Each of this operations can be cancelled: :apropos, :find, :grep, :lo-
+ cate.
+ :highlight, :filetype, :filextype, :fileviewer commands and 'classify'
+ option support globs, regular expressions and mime types to match file
+ names or their paths.
+ There are six possible ways to write a single pattern:
+ 1. [!]{comma-separated-name-globs}
+ 2. [!]{{comma-separated-path-globs}}
+ 3. [!]/name-regular-expression/[iI]
+ 4. [!]//path-regular-expression//[iI]
+ 5. [!]<comma-separated-mime-type-globs>
+ 6. undecorated-pattern
+ First five forms can include leading exclamation mark that negates pat-
+ tern matching.
+ The last form is implicitly refers to one of others. :highlight does
+ not accept undecorated form, while :filetype, :filextype, :fileviewer,
+ :select, :unselect and 'classify' treat it as list of name globs.
+ Path patterns receive absolute path of the file that includes its name
+ component as well.
+ To combine several patterns (AND them), make sure you're using one of
+ the first five forms and write patterns one after another, like this:
+ <text/plain>{*.vifm}
+ Mind that if you make a mistake the whole string will be treated as the
+ sixth form.
+ :filetype, :filextype and :fileviewer commands accept comma-separated
+ list of patterns instead of a single pattern, thus effectively handling
+ OR operation on them:
+ <text/plain>{*.vifm},<application/pdf>{*.pdf}
+ Forms that accept comma-separated lists of patterns also process them
+ as lists of alternatives.
+ Patterns with regular expressions
+ Regular expression patterns are case insensitive by default, see de-
+ scription of commands, which might override default behaviour.
+ Flags of regular expressions mean the following:
+ - "i" makes filter case insensitive;
+ - "I" makes filter case sensitive. They can be repeated multiple
+ times, but the later one takes precedence (e.g. "iiiI" is equivalent
+ to "I" and "IiIi" is the same as "i").
+ There are no implicit `^` or `$`, so make sure to specify them explic-
+ itly if the pattern should match the whole name or path.
+ Patterns with globs
+ "Globs" section below provides short overview of globs and some impor-
+ tant points that one needs to know about them.
+ Patterns with mime-types
+ Mime type matching is essentially globs matching applied to mime type
+ of a file instead of its name/path. Note: mime types aren't detected
+ on Windows.
+ Examples
+ Associate `evince` to PDF-files only inside `/home/user/downloads/` di-
+ rectory (excluding its subdirectories):
+ :filextype //^/home/user/downloads/[^/]*.pdf$// evince %f
+ Globs are always case insensitive as it makes sense in general case.
+ `*`, `?`, `[` and `]` are treated as special symbols in the pattern.
+ E.g.
+ :filetype * less %c
+ matches all files. One can use character classes for escaping, so
+ :filetype [*] less %c
+ matches only one file name, the one which contains only asterisk sym-
+ bol.
+ `*` means any number of any characters (possibly an empty substring),
+ with one exception: asterisk at the pattern beginning doesn't match dot
+ in the first position. E.g.
+ :fileviewer *.zip,*.jar zip -sf %c
+ associates using of `zip` program to preview all files with `zip` or
+ `jar` extensions as listing of their content, but `` won't be
+ matched.
+ `?` means any character at this position. E.g.
+ :fileviewer ?.out file %c
+ calls `file` tool for all files which have exactly one character before
+ their extension (e.g. a.out, b.out).
+ Square brackets designate character class, which means that whole char-
+ acter class matches against any of characters listed in it. For exam-
+ ple
+ :fileviewer *.[ch] highlight -O xterm256 -s dante --syntax c %c
+ makes vifm call `highlight` program to colorize source and header files
+ in C language for a 256-color terminal. Equal command would be
+ :fileviewer *.c,*.h highlight -O xterm256 -s dante --syntax c %c
+ Inside square brackets `^` or `!` can be used for symbol class negotia-
+ tion and the `-` symbol to set a range. `^` and `!` should appear
+ right after the opening square bracket. For example
+ :filetype *.[!d]/ inspect_dir
+ associates `inspect_dir` as additional handler for all directories that
+ have one character extension unless it's "d" letter. And
+ :filetype [0-9].jpg sxiv
+ associates `sxiv` picture viewer only for JPEG-files that contain sin-
+ gle digit in their name.
+:set options
+ Local options
+ These are kind of options that are local to a specific view. So
+ you can set ascending sorting order for left pane and descending
+ order for right pane.
+ In addition to being local to views, each such option also has
+ two values:
+ - local to current directory (value associated with current
+ location);
+ - global to current directory (value associated with the
+ pane).
+ The idea is that current directory can be made a temporary ex-
+ ception to regular configuration of the view, until directory
+ change. Use :setlocal for that. :setglobal changes view value
+ not affecting settings until directory change. :set applies
+ changes immediately to all values.
+ 'aproposprg'
+ type: string
+ default: "apropos %a"
+ Specifies format for an external command to be invoked by the
+ :apropos command. The format supports expanding of macros, spe-
+ cific for a particular *prg option, and %% sequence for insert-
+ ing percent sign literally. This option should include the %a
+ macro to specify placement of arguments passed to the :apropos
+ command. If the macro is not used, it will be implicitly added
+ after a space to the value of this option.
+ 'autochpos'
+ type: boolean
+ default: true
+ When disabled vifm will set cursor to the first line in the view
+ after :cd and :pushd commands instead of saved cursor position.
+ Disabling this will also make vifm clear information about cur-
+ sor position in the view history on :cd and :pushd commands (and
+ on startup if 'autochpos' is disabled in the vifmrc). l key in
+ the ":history ." and ":trashes" menus are treated like :cd com-
+ mand. This option also affects marks so that navigating to a
+ mark doesn't restore cursor position.
+ When this option is enabled, more fine grained control over cur-
+ sor position is available via 'histcursor' option.
+ 'columns' 'co'
+ type: integer
+ default: terminal width on startup
+ Terminal width in characters.
+ 'caseoptions'
+ type: charset
+ default: ""
+ This option gives additional control over case sensitivity by
+ allowing overriding default behaviour to either always be case
+ sensitive or always be case insensitive. Possible values form
+ pairs of lower and upper case letters that configure specific
+ aspect of behaviour:
+ p - always ignore case of paths during completion.
+ P - always match case of paths during completion.
+ g - always ignore case of characters for f/F/;/,.
+ G - always match case of characters for f/F/;/,.
+ At most one item of each pair takes affect, if both or more are
+ present, only the last one matters. When none of pair's ele-
+ ments are present, the behaviour is default (depends on operat-
+ ing system for path completion and on values of 'ignorecase' and
+ 'smartcase' options for file navigation).
+ 'cdpath' 'cd'
+ type: string list
+ default: value of $CDPATH with commas instead of colons
+ Specifies locations to check on changing directory with relative
+ path that doesn't start with "./" or "../". When non-empty,
+ current directory is examined after directories listed in the
+ option.
+ This option doesn't affect completion of :cd command.
+ Example:
+ set cdpath=~
+ This way ":cd bin" will switch to "~/bin" even if directory
+ named "bin" exists in current directory, while ":cd ./bin" com-
+ mand will ignore value of 'cdpath'.
+ 'chaselinks'
+ type: boolean
+ default: false
+ When enabled path of view is always resolved to real path (with
+ all symbolic links expanded).
+ 'classify'
+ type: string list
+ default: ":dir:/"
+ Specifies file name prefixes and suffixes depending on file type
+ or name. The format is either of:
+ - [{prefix}]:{filetype}:[{suffix}]
+ - [{prefix}]::{pattern}::[{suffix}]
+ Possible {pattern} forms are described in "Patterns" section
+ above.
+ Priority rules:
+ - file name patterns have priority over type patterns
+ - file name patterns are matched in left-to-right order of
+ their appearance in this option
+ Either {prefix} or {suffix} or both can be omitted (which is the
+ default for all unspecified file types), this means empty {pre-
+ fix} and/or {suffix}. {prefix} and {suffix} should consist of
+ at most eight characters. Elements are separated by commas.
+ Neither prefixes nor suffixes are part of file names, so they
+ don't affect commands which operate on file names in any way.
+ Comma (',') character can be inserted by doubling it. List of
+ file type names can be found in the description of filetype()
+ function.
+ 'confirm' 'cf'
+ type: set
+ default: delete,permdelete
+ Defines which operations require confirmation:
+ - delete - moving files to trash (on d or :delete);
+ - permdelete - permanent deletion of files (on D or :delete!
+ command or on undo/redo operation).
+ 'cpoptions' 'cpo'
+ type: charset
+ default: "fst"
+ Contains a sequence of single-character flags. Each flag en-
+ ables behaviour of older versions of vifm. Flags:
+ - f - when included, running :filter command results in not in-
+ verted (matching files are filtered out) and :filter! in in-
+ verted (matching files are left) filter, when omitted, meaning
+ of the exclamation mark changes to the opposite;
+ - s - when included, yy, dd and DD normal mode commands act on
+ selection, otherwise they operate on current file only;
+ - t - when included, <tab> (thus <c-i>) behave as <space> and
+ switches active pane, otherwise <tab> and <c-i> go forward in
+ the view history. It's possible to make both <tab> and <c-i> to
+ work as expected by setting up the terminal to emit a custom se-
+ quence when <c-i> is pressed; see :histnext for details.
+ 'cvoptions'
+ type: set
+ default:
+ Specifies whether entering/leaving custom views triggers events
+ that normally happen on entering/leaving directories:
+ - autocmds - trigger autocommands on entering/leaving custom
+ views;
+ - localopts - reset local options on entering/leaving custom
+ views;
+ - localfilter - reset local filter on entering/leaving custom
+ views.
+ 'deleteprg'
+ type: string
+ default: ""
+ Specifies program to run on files that are permanently removed.
+ When empty, files are removed as usual, otherwise this command
+ is invoked on each file by appending its name. If the command
+ doesn't remove files, they will remain on the file system.
+ 'dirsize'
+ type: enumeration
+ default: size
+ Controls how size of directories is displayed in file views.
+ The following values are possible:
+ - size - size of directory (i.e., size used to store list of
+ files)
+ - nitems - number of entries in the directory (excluding . and
+ ..)
+ Size obtained via ga/gA overwrites this setting so seeing count
+ of files and occasionally size of directories is possible.
+ 'dotdirs'
+ type: set
+ default: nonrootparent
+ Controls displaying of dot directories. The following values
+ are possible:
+ - rootparent - show "../" in root directory of file system
+ - nonrootparent - show "../" in non-root directories of file
+ system
+ Note that empty directories always contain "../" entry regard-
+ less of value of this option. "../" disappears at the moment at
+ least one file is created.
+ 'dotfiles'
+ type: boolean
+ default: false
+ Whether dot files are shown in the view. Can be controlled with
+ z* bindings.
+ 'fastrun'
+ type: boolean
+ default: false
+ With this option turned on you can run partially entered com-
+ mands with unambiguous beginning using :! (e.g. :!Te instead of
+ :!Terminal or :!Te<tab>).
+ 'fillchars' 'fcs'
+ type: string list
+ default: ""
+ Sets characters used to fill borders.
+ item default used for
+ vborder:c ' ' left, middle and right vertical bor-
+ ders
+ If value is omitted, its default value is used. Example:
+ set fillchars=vborder:.
+ 'findprg'
+ type: string
+ default: "find %s %a -print , -type d \( ! -readable -o ! -exe-
+ cutable \) -prune"
+ Specifies format for an external command to be invoked by the
+ :find command. The format supports expansion of macros specific
+ for this particular option and %% sequence for inserting percent
+ sign literally. The macros are:
+ macro value/meaning
+ %s literal arguments of :find or
+ list of paths to search in
+ %A empty or
+ literal arguments of :find
+ %a empty or
+ literal arguments of :find or
+ predicate followed by escaped arguments of :find
+ %p empty or
+ literal arguments of :find or
+ escaped arguments (parameters) of :find
+ %u redirect output to custom view instead of showing a
+ menu
+ %U redirect output to unsorted custom view instead of
+ showing a menu
+ Predicate in %a is "-name" on *nix and "-iname" on Windows.
+ If both %u and %U are specified, %U is chosen.
+ Some macros can be added implicitly:
+ - if %s isn't present, it's appended
+ - if neither of %a, %A and %p is present, %a is appended
+ - if neither of %s, %a, %A and %p is present, %s and %a are ap-
+ pended in this order
+ The macros slightly change their meaning depending on format of
+ :find's arguments:
+ - if the first argument points to an existing directory, %s is
+ assigned all arguments while %a, %A and %p are left empty
+ - otherwise:
+ - %s is assigned a dot (".") meaning current directory or
+ list of selected file names, if any
+ - %a, %A and %p are assigned literal arguments when first
+ argument starts with a dash ("-"), otherwise %a gets an escaped
+ version of the arguments with a predicate and %p contains es-
+ caped version of the arguments
+ Starting with Windows Server 2003 a `where` command is avail-
+ able. One can configure vifm to use it in the following way:
+ set findprg="where /R %s %A"
+ As the syntax of this command is rather limited, one can't use
+ :find command with selection of more than one item because the
+ command ignores all directory paths except for the last one.
+ When using find port on Windows, another option is to setup
+ 'findprg' like this:
+ set findprg="find %s %a"
+ 'followlinks'
+ type: boolean
+ default: true
+ Follow links on l or Enter. That is navigate to destination
+ file instead of treating the link as if it were target file.
+ Doesn't affects links to directories, which are always entered
+ (use gf key for directories).
+ 'fusehome'
+ type: string
+ default: "($XDG_DATA_HOME/.local/share | $VIFM)/fuse/"
+ Directory to be used as a root dir for FUSE mounts. Value of
+ the option can contain environment variables (in form "$en-
+ vname"), which will be expanded (prepend it with a slash to pre-
+ vent expansion). The value should expand to an absolute path.
+ If you change this option, vifm won't remount anything. It af-
+ fects future mounts only. See "Automatic FUSE mounts" section
+ below for more information.
+ 'gdefault' 'gd'
+ type: boolean
+ default: false
+ When on, 'g' flag is on for :substitute by default.
+ 'grepprg'
+ type: string
+ default: "grep -n -H -I -r %i %a %s"
+ Specifies format for an external command to be invoked by the
+ :grep command. The format supports expanding of macros, spe-
+ cific for a particular *prg option, and %% sequence for insert-
+ ing percent sign literally. This option should include the %i
+ macro to specify placement of "-v" string when inversion of re-
+ sults is requested, %a or %A macro to specify placement of argu-
+ ments passed to the :grep command and the %s macro to specify
+ placement of list of files to search in. If some of the macros
+ are not used, they will be implicitly added after a space to the
+ value of the 'grepprg' option in the following order: %i, %a,
+ %s. Note that when neither %a nor %A are specified, it's %a
+ which is added implicitly.
+ Optional %u or %U macro could be used (if both specified %U is
+ chosen) to force redirection to custom or unsorted custom view
+ respectively.
+ See 'findprg' option for description of difference between %a
+ and %A.
+ Example of setup to use ack ( instead of
+ grep:
+ set grepprg='ack -H -r %i %a %s'
+ or The Silver Searcher (
+ ver_searcher):
+ set grepprg='ag --line-numbers %i %a %s'
+ 'histcursor'
+ type: set
+ default: startup,dirmark,direnter
+ Defines situations when cursor should be moved according to di-
+ rectory history:
+ - startup - on loading file lists during startup
+ - dirmark - after navigating to a mark that doesn't specify
+ file
+ - direnter - on opening directory from a file list
+ This option has no effect when 'autochpos' is disabled.
+ Note that the list is not exhaustive and there are other situa-
+ tions when cursor is positioned automatically.
+ 'history' 'hi'
+ type: integer
+ default: 15
+ Maximum number of stored items in all histories.
+ 'hlsearch' 'hls'
+ type: boolean
+ default: true
+ Highlight all matches of search pattern.
+ 'iec' type: boolean
+ default: false
+ Use KiB, MiB, ... suffixes instead of K, M, ... when printing
+ size in human-friendly format.
+ 'ignorecase' 'ic'
+ type: boolean
+ default: false
+ Ignore case in search patterns (:substitute, / and ? commands)
+ and characters after f and F commands. It doesn't affect file
+ filtering.
+ 'incsearch' 'is'
+ type: boolean
+ default: false
+ When this option is set, search and view update for local filter
+ is be performed starting from initial cursor position each time
+ search pattern is changed.
+ 'iooptions'
+ type: set
+ default:
+ Controls details of file operations. The following values are
+ available:
+ - fastfilecloning - perform fast file cloning (copy-on-write),
+ when available
+ (available on Linux and btrfs file system).
+ 'laststatus' 'ls'
+ type: boolean
+ default: true
+ Controls if status bar is visible.
+ 'lines'
+ type: integer
+ default: terminal height on startup
+ Terminal height in lines.
+ 'locateprg'
+ type: string
+ default: "locate %a"
+ Specifies format for an external command to be invoked by the
+ :locate command. The format supports expanding of macros, spe-
+ cific for a particular *prg option, and %% sequence for insert-
+ ing percent sign literally. This option should include the %a
+ macro to specify placement of arguments passed to the :locate
+ command. If the macro is not used, it will be implicitly added
+ after a space to the value of this option.
+ Optional %u or %U macro could be used (if both specified %U is
+ chosen) to force redirection to custom or unsorted custom view
+ respectively.
+ 'mediaprg'
+ type: string
+ default: path to bundled script that supports udevil, udisks and
+ udisks2
+ (using udisks2 requires python with dbus module in-
+ stalled)
+ OS X: path points to a python script that uses diskutil
+ {only for *nix}
+ Specifies command to be used to manage media devices. Used by
+ :media command.
+ The command can be passed the following parameters:
+ - list -- list media
+ - mount {device} -- mount a device
+ - unmount {path} -- unmount given mount point
+ The output of `list` subcommand is parsed in search of lines
+ that start with one of the following prefixes:
+ - device= - specifies device path (e.g., "/dev/sde")
+ - label= - specifies optional device label (e.g., "Memory
+ card")
+ - info= - specifies arbitrary text to display next to
+ device (by
+ default "[label]" is used, if label is pro-
+ vided)
+ - mount-point= - specifies a mount point (can be absent or ap-
+ pear more than once)
+ All other lines are ignored. Each `device=` starts a new sec-
+ tion describing a device which should include two other possible
+ prefixes.
+ `list` subcommand is assumed to always succeed, while exit code
+ of `mount` and `unmount` is taken into account to determine
+ whether operation was performed successfully.
+ 'lsoptions'
+ type: string list
+ default: ""
+ scope: local
+ Configures ls-like view.
+ item used for
+ transposed filling view grid by columns rather than by
+ lines
+ 'lsview'
+ type: boolean
+ default: false
+ scope: local
+ When this option is set, directory view will be displayed in
+ multiple columns with file names similar to output of `ls -x`
+ command. See "ls-like view" section below for format descrip-
+ tion. This option has no effect if 'millerview' is on.
+ 'milleroptions'
+ type: string list
+ default: "lsize:1,csize:1,rsize:1,rpreview:dirs"
+ scope: local
+ Configures miller view.
+ item default used for
+ lsize:num 0 left column
+ csize:num 1 center column (can't be disabled)
+ rsize:num 0 right column
+ rpreview:str dirs right column
+ *size specifies ratios of columns. Each ratio is in the range
+ from 0 to 100 and values are adjusted to fit the limits. Zero
+ disables a column, but central (main) column can't be disabled.
+ rpreview specifies what file-system objects should be previewed
+ in the right column and can take two values: dirs (only directo-
+ ries) or all. Both options don't include parent directory
+ ("..").
+ Example of two-column mode which is useful in combination with
+ :view command:
+ set milleroptions=lsize:1,csize:2
+ 'millerview'
+ type: boolean
+ default: false
+ scope: local
+ When this option is set, directory view will be displayed in
+ multiple cascading columns. Ignores 'lsview'.
+ 'mintimeoutlen'
+ type: integer
+ default: 150
+ The fracture of 'timeoutlen' in milliseconds that is waited be-
+ tween subsequent input polls, which affects various asynchronous
+ operations (detecting changes made by external applications,
+ monitoring background jobs, redrawing UI). There are no strict
+ guarantees, however the higher this value is, the less is CPU
+ load in idle mode.
+ 'number' 'nu'
+ type: boolean
+ default: false
+ scope: local
+ Print line number in front of each file name when 'lsview' op-
+ tion is turned off. Use 'numberwidth' to control width of line
+ number. Also see 'relativenumber'.
+ 'numberwidth' 'nuw'
+ type: integer
+ default: 4
+ scope: local
+ Minimal number of characters for line number field.
+ 'previewprg'
+ type: string
+ default: ""
+ scope: local
+ External command to be used instead of preview programs config-
+ ured via :fileviewer command.
+ Example:
+ " always show git log in preview of files inside some repository
+ au DirEnter '~/git-repo/**/*' setl previewprg='git log --color -- %c 2>&1'
+ 'quickview'
+ type: boolean
+ default: false
+ Whether quick view (:view) is currently active or not.
+ 'relativenumber' 'rnu'
+ type: boolean
+ default: false
+ scope: local
+ Print relative line number in front of each file name when
+ 'lsview' option is turned off. Use 'numberwidth' to control
+ width of line number. Various combinations of 'number' and
+ 'relativenumber' lead to such results:
+ nonumber number
+ norelativenumber | first | 1 first
+ | second | 2 second
+ | third | 3 third
+ relativenumber | 1 first | 1 first
+ | 0 second |2 second
+ | 1 third | 1 third
+ 'rulerformat' 'ruf'
+ type: string
+ default: "%l/%S "
+ Determines the content of the ruler. Its minimal width is 13
+ characters and it's right aligned. Following macros are sup-
+ ported:
+ %= - separation point between left and right aligned halves of
+ the line
+ %l - file number
+ %L - total number of files in view (including filtered out
+ ones)
+ %x - number of files excluded by filters
+ %0- - old name for %x macro
+ %S - number of displayed files
+ %= - separation point between left and right align items
+ %% - percent sign
+ %[ - designates beginning of an optional block
+ %] - designates end of an optional block
+ Percent sign can be followed by optional minimum field width.
+ Add '-' before minimum field width if you want field to be right
+ aligned.
+ Example:
+ set rulerformat='%2l-%S%[ +%x%]'
+ 'runexec'
+ type: boolean
+ default: false
+ Run executable file on Enter or l.
+ 'scrollbind' 'scb'
+ type: boolean
+ default: false
+ When this option is set, vifm will try to keep difference of
+ scrolling positions of two windows constant.
+ 'scrolloff' 'so'
+ type: integer
+ default: 0
+ Minimal number of screen lines to keep above and below the cur-
+ sor. If you want cursor line to always be in the middle of the
+ view (except at the beginning or end of the file list), set this
+ option to some large value (e.g. 999).
+ 'shell' 'sh'
+ type: string
+ default: $SHELL or "/bin/sh" or "cmd" (on MS-Windows)
+ Full path to the shell to use to run external commands. On *nix
+ a shell argument can be supplied.
+ 'shellcmdflag' 'shcf'
+ type: string
+ default: "-c" or "/C" (for cmd.exe on MS-Windows)
+ Command-line option used to pass a command to 'shell'. It's
+ used in contexts where command comes from the user.
+ 'shortmess' 'shm'
+ type: charset
+ default: "p"
+ Contains a sequence of single-character flags. Each flag en-
+ ables shortening of some message displayed by vifm in the TUI.
+ Flags:
+ - L - display only last directory in tab line instead of full
+ path.
+ - M - shorten titles in windows of terminal multiplexers cre-
+ ated by vifm down to file name instead of using full path.
+ - T - truncate status-bar messages in the middle if they are
+ too long to fit on the command line. "..." will appear in the
+ middle.
+ - p - use tilde shortening in view titles.
+ 'showtabline' 'stal'
+ type: enumeration
+ default: multiple
+ Specifies when tab line should be displayed. Possible values:
+ - never - never display tab line
+ - multiple - show tab line only when there are at least two
+ tabs
+ - always - display tab line always
+ Alternatively 0, 1 and 2 Vim-like values are also accepted and
+ correspond to "never", "multiple" and "always" respectively.
+ 'sizefmt'
+ type: string list
+ default: "units:iec"
+ Configures the way size is formatted in human-friendly way.
+ item value meaning
+ units: iec Use 1024 byte units (K or KiB,
+ etc.).
+ See 'iec' option.
+ si Use 1000 byte units (KB, etc.).
+ precision: i > 0 How many fraction digits to con-
+ sider.
+ {not set} Precision of 1 for integer part
+ < 10,
+ 0 otherwise (provides old behav-
+ iour).
+ space {present} Insert space before unit sym-
+ bols.
+ This is the default.
+ nospace {present} Do not insert space before unit
+ symbols.
+ Numbers are rounded from zero. Trailing zeros are dropped.
+ Example:
+ set sizefmt=units:iec,precision:2,nospace
+ 'slowfs'
+ type: string list
+ default: ""
+ only for *nix
+ A list of mounter fs name beginnings (first column in /etc/mtab
+ or /proc/mounts) or paths prefixes for fs/directories that work
+ too slow for you. This option can be used to stop vifm from
+ making some requests to particular kinds of file systems that
+ can slow down file browsing. Currently this means don't check
+ if directory has changed, skip check if target of symbolic links
+ exists, assume that link target located on slow fs to be a di-
+ rectory (allows entering directories and navigating to files via
+ gf). If you set the option to "*", it means all the systems are
+ considered slow (useful for cygwin, where all the checks might
+ render vifm very slow if there are network mounts).
+ Example for autofs root /mnt/autofs:
+ set slowfs+=/mnt/autofs
+ 'smartcase' 'scs'
+ type: boolean
+ default: false
+ Overrides the ignorecase option if the search pattern contains
+ at least one upper case character. Only used when ignorecase
+ option is enabled. It doesn't affect file filtering.
+ 'sort' type: string list
+ default: +name on *nix and +iname on Windows
+ scope: local
+ Sets list of sorting keys (first item is primary key, second is
+ secondary key, etc.):
+ [+-]ext - extension of files and directories
+ [+-]fileext - extension of files only
+ [+-]name - name (including extension)
+ [+-]iname - name (including extension, ignores case)
+ [+-]type - file type
+ (dir/reg/exe/link/char/block/sock/fifo)
+ [+-]dir - directory grouping (directory < file)
+ [+-]gid - group id (*nix only)
+ [+-]gname - group name (*nix only)
+ [+-]mode - file type derived from its mode (*nix only)
+ [+-]perms - permissions string (*nix only)
+ [+-]uid - owner id (*nix only)
+ [+-]uname - owner name (*nix only)
+ [+-]nlinks - number of hard links (*nix only)
+ [+-]inode - inode number (*nix only)
+ [+-]size - size
+ [+-]nitems - number of items in a directory (zero for files)
+ [+-]groups - groups extracted via regexps from 'sortgroups'
+ [+-]target - symbolic link target (empty for other file
+ types)
+ [+-]atime - time accessed (e.g. read, executed)
+ [+-]ctime - time changed (changes in metadata, e.g. mode)
+ [+-]mtime - time modified (when file contents is changed)
+ Note: look for st_atime, st_ctime and st_mtime in "man 2 stat"
+ for more information on time keys.
+ '+' means ascending sort for this key, and '-' means descending
+ sort.
+ "dir" key is somewhat similar in this regard but it's added im-
+ plicitly: when "dir" is not specified, sorting behaves as if it
+ was the first key in the list. That's why if one wants sorting
+ algorithm to mix directories and files, "dir" should be appended
+ to sorting option, for example like this:
+ set sort+=dir
+ or
+ set sort=-size,dir
+ Value of the option is checked to include dir key and default
+ sorting key (name on *nix, iname on Windows). Here is what hap-
+ pens if one of them is missing:
+ - type key is added at the beginning;
+ - default key is added at the end;
+ all other keys are left untouched (at most they are moved).
+ This option also changes view columns according to primary sort-
+ ing key set, unless 'viewcolumns' option is not empty.
+ 'sortnumbers'
+ type: boolean
+ default: false
+ scope: local
+ Natural sort of (version) numbers within text.
+ 'sortgroups'
+ type: string
+ default: ""
+ scope: local
+ Sets comma-separated list of regular expressions to use for
+ group sorting, double comma is literal comma. Each expression
+ should contain at least one group or its value will be consid-
+ ered to be always empty. Only first match of each regular ex-
+ pression is considered. Groups are considered from right to
+ first similar to 'sort', first group divides list of files into
+ sub-groups, each of which is sorted by the second group and so
+ on.
+ Example:
+ set sortgroups=-(done|todo).*
+ this would put files with "-done" in their names above all files
+ with "-todo".
+ 'sortorder'
+ type: enumeration
+ default: ascending
+ Sets sort order for primary key: ascending, descending.
+ 'statusline' 'stl'
+ type: string
+ default: ""
+ Determines the content of the status line (the line right above
+ command-line). Empty string means use same format like in pre-
+ vious versions. Following macros are supported:
+ - %t - file name (considering value of the 'classify' option)
+ - %T - symbolic link target (empty for other filetypes)
+ - %f - file name relative to current directory (considers 'clas-
+ sify')
+ - %A - file attributes (permissions on *nix or properties on
+ Windows) %u - user name or uid (if it cannot be resolved)
+ - %g - group name or gid (if it cannot be resolved)
+ - %s - file size in human readable format
+ - %E - size of selected files in human readable format, same as
+ %s when no files are selected, except that it will never show
+ size of ../ in visual mode, since it cannot be selected
+ - %d - file modification date (uses 'timefmt' option)
+ - %D - path of the other pane for single-pane layout
+ - %a - amount of free space available at current partition
+ - %z - short tips/tricks/hints that chosen randomly after one
+ minute period
+ - %{<expr>} - evaluate arbitrary vifm expression '<expr>', e.g.
+ '&sort'
+ - %* - resets or applies one of User1..User9 highlight groups;
+ reset happens when width field is 0 or not specified, one of
+ groups gets picked when width field is in the range from 1 to
+ 9
+ - all 'rulerformat' macros
+ Percent sign can be followed by optional minimum field width.
+ Add '-' before minimum field width if you want field to be right
+ aligned.
+ On Windows file properties include the following flags (upper
+ case means flag is on):
+ A - archive
+ H - hidden
+ I - content isn't indexed
+ R - readonly
+ S - system
+ C - compressed
+ D - directory
+ E - encrypted
+ P - reparse point (e.g. symbolic link)
+ Z - sparse file
+ Example without colors:
+ set statusline=" %t%= %A %10u:%-7g %15s %20d %{&sort} "
+ Example with colors:
+ highlight User1 ctermbg=yellow
+ highlight User2 ctermbg=blue ctermfg=white cterm=bold
+ set statusline="%1* %-26t %2* %= %1* %A %2* %7u:%-7g %1* %-5s %2* %d "
+ 'suggestoptions'
+ type: string list
+ default:
+ Controls when, for what and how suggestions are displayed. The
+ following values are available:
+ - normal - in normal mode;
+ - visual - in visual mode;
+ - view - in view mode;
+ - otherpane - use other pane to display suggestions, when
+ available;
+ - delay[:num] - display suggestions after a small delay (to
+ do not annoy if you just want to type a fast shortcut consisting
+ of multiple keys), num specifies the delay in ms (500 by de-
+ fault), 'timeoutlen' at most;
+ - keys - include shortcuts (commands and selectors);
+ - foldsubkeys - fold multiple keys with common prefix;
+ - marks - include marks;
+ - registers[:num] - include registers, at most num files (5 by
+ default).
+ 'syncregs'
+ type: string
+ default:
+ Specifies identifier of group of instances that share registers
+ between each other. When several instances of vifm have this
+ option set to identical value, they automatically synchronize
+ contents of their registers on operations which use them.
+ 'syscalls'
+ type: boolean
+ default: false
+ When disabled, vifm will rely on external applications to per-
+ form file-system operations, otherwise system calls are used in-
+ stead (much faster and supports progress tracking). The option
+ should eventually be removed. Mostly *nix-like systems are af-
+ fected.
+ 'tabscope'
+ type: enumeration
+ default: global
+ Picks style of tabs, which defines what a single tab contains.
+ Possible values:
+ - global - tab describes complete UI of two views and how they
+ are arranged
+ - pane - tab is located "inside" a pane and manages it and
+ quick view
+ 'tabstop' 'ts'
+ type: integer
+ default: value from curses library
+ Number of spaces that a Tab in the file counts for.
+ 'timefmt'
+ type: string
+ default: "%m/%d %H:%M"
+ Format of time in file list. See "man 1 date" or "man 3 strf-
+ time" for details.
+ 'timeoutlen' 'tm'
+ type: integer
+ default: 1000
+ The time in milliseconds that is waited for a mapped key in case
+ of already typed key sequence is ambiguous.
+ 'title'
+ type: boolean
+ default: true when title can be restored, false otherwise
+ When enabled, title of the terminal or terminal multiplexer's
+ window is updated according to current location. Because not
+ all terminals support setting title, this works only if `$TERM`
+ value matches one of the following conditions:
+ - equals "xterm" or starts with "xterm-"
+ - equals "rxvt" or starts with "rxvt-"
+ - equals "screen" or starts with "screen-"
+ - equals "aterm"
+ - equals "Eterm"
+ 'trash'
+ type: boolean
+ default: true
+ Use trash directory. See "Trash directory" section below.
+ 'trashdir'
+ type: string
+ default: on *nix:
+ "%r/.vifm-Trash-%u,$VIFM/Trash,%r/.vifm-Trash"
+ or if $VIFM/Trash doesn't exist
+ "%r/.vifm-Trash-%u,$XDG_DATA_HOME/vifm/Trash,%r/.vifm-Trash"
+ on Windows:
+ "%r/.vifm-Trash,$XDG_DATA_HOME/vifm/Trash"
+ List of trash directory path specifications, separated with com-
+ mas. Each list item either defines an absolute path to trash
+ directory or a path relative to a mount point root when list el-
+ ement starts with "%r/". Value of the option can contain envi-
+ ronment variables (of form "$envname"), which will be expanded
+ (prepend $ with a slash to prevent expansion). Environment
+ variables are expanded when the option is set.
+ On *nix, if element ends with "%u", the mark is replaced with
+ real user ID and permissions are set so that only that only
+ owner is able to use it.
+ Note that even this setup is not completely secure when combined
+ with "%r/" and it's overall safer to keep files in home direc-
+ tory, but that implies cost of copying files between partitions.
+ When new file gets cut (deleted) vifm traverses each element of
+ the option in the order of their appearance and uses first trash
+ directory that it was able to create or that is already
+ writable.
+ Default value tries to use trash directory per mount point and
+ falls back to ~/.vifm/Trash on failure.
+ Will attempt to create the directory if it does not exist. See
+ "Trash directory" section below.
+ 'tuioptions' 'to'
+ type: charset
+ default: "ps"
+ Each flag configures some aspect of TUI appearance. The flags
+ are:
+ p - when included:
+ * file list inside a pane gets additional single character
+ padding on left and right sides;
+ * quick view and view mode get single character padding.
+ s - when included, left and right borders (side borders, hence
+ "s" character) are visible.
+ u - use Unicode characters in the TUI (Unicode ellipsis instead
+ of "...").
+ 'undolevels' 'ul'
+ type: integer
+ default: 100
+ Maximum number of changes that can be undone. Note that here
+ single file operation is used as a unit, not operation, i.e.
+ deletion of 101 files will exceed default limit.
+ 'vicmd'
+ type: string
+ default: "vim"
+ Command used to edit files in various contexts. Ampersand sign
+ at the end (regardless whether it's preceded by space or not)
+ means backgrounding of command.
+ Background flag is ignored in certain context where vifm waits
+ for the editor to finish. Such contexts include any command
+ that spawns editor to change list of file names or a command,
+ with :rename being one example. `-f` is also appended to pre-
+ vent forking in such cases, so the command needs to handle the
+ flag.
+ Additionally `+{num}` and `+'call cursor()'` arguments are used
+ to position cursor when location is known.
+ 'viewcolumns'
+ type: string
+ default: ""
+ scope: local
+ Format string containing list of columns in the view. When this
+ option is empty, view columns to show are chosen automatically
+ using sorting keys (see 'sort') as a base. Value of this option
+ is ignored if 'lsview' is set. See "Column view" section below
+ for format description.
+ An example of setting the options for both panes (note :windo
+ command):
+ windo set viewcolumns=-{name}..,6{size},11{perms}
+ 'vixcmd'
+ type: string
+ default: value of 'vicmd'
+ Same as 'vicmd', but takes precedence over it when running in-
+ side a graphical environment.
+ 'vifminfo'
+ type: set
+ default: bookmarks,bmarks
+ Controls what will be saved in the $VIFM/vifminfo file.
+ bmarks - named bookmarks
+ bookmarks - marks, except special ones like '< and '>
+ tui - state of the user interface (sorting, number of
+ windows, quick
+ view state, active view)
+ dhistory - directory history
+ state - file name and dot filters and terminal multiplex-
+ ers integration
+ state
+ cs - primary color scheme
+ savedirs - save last visited directory (requires dhistory)
+ chistory - command line history
+ shistory - search history (/ and ? commands)
+ phistory - prompt history
+ fhistory - history of local filter (see description of the
+ "=" normal mode
+ command)
+ dirstack - directory stack overwrites previous stack, unless
+ stack of
+ current session is empty
+ registers - registers content
+ options - all options that can be set with the :set command
+ (obsolete)
+ filetypes - associated programs and viewers (obsolete)
+ commands - user defined commands (see :command description)
+ (obsolete)
+ 'vimhelp'
+ type: boolean
+ default: false
+ Use vim help format.
+ 'wildmenu' 'wmnu'
+ type: boolean
+ default: false
+ Controls whether possible matches of completion will be shown
+ above the command line.
+ 'wildstyle'
+ type: enumeration
+ default: bar
+ Picks presentation style of wild menu. Possible values:
+ - bar - one-line with left-to-right cursor
+ - popup - multi-line with top-to-bottom cursor
+ 'wordchars'
+ type: string list
+ default: "1-8,14-31,33-255" (that is all non-whitespace charac-
+ ters)
+ Specifies which characters in command-line mode should be con-
+ sidered as part of a word. Value of the option is comma-sepa-
+ rated list of ranges. If both endpoints of a range match, sin-
+ gle endpoint is enough (e.g. "a" = "a-a"). Both endpoints are
+ inclusive. There are two accepted forms: character representing
+ itself or number encoding character according to ASCII table.
+ In case of ambiguous characters (dash, comma, digit) use numeric
+ form. Accepted characters are in the range from 0 to 255. Any
+ Unicode character with code greater than 255 is considered to be
+ part of a word.
+ The option affects Alt-D, Alt-B and Alt-F, but not Ctrl-W. This
+ is intentionally to allow two use cases:
+ - Moving by WORDS and deletion by words.
+ - Moving by words and deletion by WORDS.
+ To get the latter use the following mapping:
+ cnoremap <c-w> <a-b><a-d>
+ Also used for abbreviations.
+ 'wrap' type: boolean
+ default: true
+ Controls whether to wrap text in quick view.
+ 'wrapscan' 'ws'
+ type: boolean
+ default: true
+ Searches wrap around end of the list.
+ Map arguments
+ LHS of mappings can be preceded by arguments which take the form of
+ special sequences:
+ <silent>
+ Postpone UI updates until RHS is completely processed.
+ <wait> In case of builtin mapping causing conflict for a user-defined
+ mapping (e.g., `t` builtin to a partially typed `ta` user-de-
+ fined mapping), ignore the builtin mapping and wait for input
+ indefinitely as opposed to default behaviour of triggering the
+ builtin mapping after a delay defined by 'timeoutlen'. Example:
+ nnoremap <wait> tw :set wrap!<cr>
+ nnoremap <wait> tn :set number!<cr>
+ nnoremap <wait> tr :set relativenumber!<cr>
+ Special sequences
+ Since it's not easy to enter special characters there are several spe-
+ cial sequences that can be used in place of them. They are:
+ <cr> Enter key.
+ <esc> Escape key.
+ <space>
+ Space key.
+ <lt> Less-than character (<).
+ <nop> provides a way to disable a mapping (by mapping it to <nop>).
+ <bs> Backspace key (see key conflict description below).
+ <tab> <s-tab>
+ Tabulation and Shift+Tabulation keys.
+ <home> <end>
+ Home/End.
+ <left> <right> <up> <down>
+ Arrow keys.
+ <pageup> <pagedown>
+ PageUp/PageDown.
+ <del> <delete>
+ Delete key. <del> and <delete> mean different codes, but
+ <delete> is more common.
+ <insert>
+ Insert key.
+ <c-a>,<c-b>,...,<c-z>,<c-[>,<c->,<c-]>,<c-^>,<c-_>
+ Control + some key (see key conflict description below).
+ <c-@> only for *nix
+ Control + Space.
+ <a-a>,<a-b>,...,<a-z>
+ <m-a>,<m-b>,...,<m-z> Alt + some key.
+ <a-c-a>,<a-c-b>,...,<a-c-z>
+ <m-c-a>,<m-c-b>,...,<m-c-z> only for *nix
+ Alt + Ctrl + some key.
+ <f0> - <f63>
+ Functional keys.
+ <c-f1> - <c-f12>
+ only for MS-Windows
+ functional keys with Control key pressed.
+ <a-f1> - <a-f12>
+ only for MS-Windows
+ functional keys with Alt key pressed.
+ <s-f1> - <s-f12>
+ only for MS-Windows
+ functional keys with Shift key pressed.
+ Note that due to the way terminals process their input, several key-
+ board keys might be mapped to single key code, for example:
+ - <cr> and <c-m>;
+ - <tab> and <c-i>;
+ - <c-h> and <bs>;
+ - etc.
+ Most of the time they are defined consistently and don't cause sur-
+ prises, but <c-h> and <bs> are treated differently in different envi-
+ ronments (although they match each other all the time), that's why they
+ correspond to different keys in vifm. As a consequence, if you map <c-
+ h> or <bs> be sure to repeat the mapping with the other one so that it
+ works in all environments. Alternatively, provide your mapping in one
+ form and add one of the following:
+ " if mappings with <c-h> in the LHS work
+ map <c-h> <bs>
+ " if mappings with <bs> in the LHS work
+ map <bs> <c-h>
+ Whitespace
+ vifm removes whitespace characters at the beginning and end of com-
+ mands. That's why you may want to use <space> at the end of rhs in
+ mappings. For example:
+ cmap <f1> man<space>
+ will put "man " in line when you hit the <f1> key in the command line
+ mode.
+Expression syntax
+ Supported expressions is a subset of what VimL provides.
+ Expression syntax summary, from least to most significant:
+ expr1 expr2
+ expr2 || expr2 .. logical OR
+ expr2 expr3
+ expr3 && expr3 .. logical AND
+ expr3 expr4
+ expr4 == expr4 equal
+ expr4 != expr4 not equal
+ expr4 > expr4 greater than
+ expr4 >= expr4 greater than or equal
+ expr4 < expr4 smaller than
+ expr4 <= expr4 smaller than or equal
+ expr4 expr5
+ expr5 + expr5 .. number addition
+ expr5 - expr5 .. number subtraction
+ expr5 expr6
+ expr6 . expr6 .. string concatenation
+ expr6 expr7
+ - expr6 unary minus
+ + expr6 unary plus
+ ! expr6 logical NOT
+ expr7 number number constant
+ "string" string constant, \ is special
+ 'string' string constant, ' is doubled
+ &option option value
+ $VAR environment variable
+ v:var builtin variable
+ function(expr1, ...) function call
+ (expr1) nested expression
+ ".." indicates that the operations in this level can be concatenated.
+ expr1
+ -----
+ expr2 || expr2
+ Arguments are converted to numbers before evaluation.
+ Result is non-zero if at least one of arguments is non-zero.
+ It's right associative and with short-circuiting, so sub-expressions
+ are evaluated from left to right until result of whole expression is
+ determined (i.e., until first non-zero) or end of the expression.
+ expr2
+ -----
+ expr3 && expr3
+ Arguments are converted to numbers before evaluation.
+ Result is non-zero only if both arguments are non-zero.
+ It's right associative and with short-circuiting, so sub-expressions
+ are evaluated from left to right until result of whole expression is
+ determined (i.e., until first zero) or end of the expression.
+ expr3
+ -----
+ expr4 {cmp} expr4
+ Compare two expr4 expressions, resulting in a 0 if it evaluates to
+ false or 1 if it evaluates to true.
+ equal ==
+ not equal !=
+ greater than >
+ greater than or equal >=
+ smaller than <
+ smaller than or equal <=
+ Examples:
+ 'a' == 'a' == 1
+ 'a' > 'b' == 1
+ 'a' == 'b' == 0
+ '2' > 'b' == 0
+ 2 > 'b' == 1
+ 2 > '1b' == 1
+ 2 > '9b' == 0
+ -1 == -'1' == 1
+ 0 == '--1' == 1
+ expr4
+ -----
+ expr5 + expr5 .. number addition expr5 - expr5 .. number sub-
+ traction
+ Examples:
+ 1 + 3 - 3 == 1
+ 1 + '2' == 3
+ expr5
+ -----
+ expr6 . expr6 .. string concatenation
+ Examples:
+ 'a' . 'b' == 'ab'
+ 'aaa' . '' . 'c' == 'aaac'
+ expr6
+ -----
+ - expr6 unary minus
+ + expr6 unary plus
+ ! expr6 logical NOT
+ For '-' the sign of the number is changed.
+ For '+' the number is unchanged.
+ For '!' non-zero becomes zero, zero becomes one.
+ A String will be converted to a Number first.
+ These operations can be repeated and mixed. Examples:
+ --9 == 9
+ ---9 == -9
+ -+9 == 9
+ !-9 == 0
+ !'' == 1
+ !'x' == 0
+ !!9 == 1
+ expr7
+ -----
+ number number constant
+ -----
+ Decimal number. Examples:
+ 0 == 0
+ 0000 == 0
+ 01 == 1
+ 123 == 123
+ 10000 == 10000
+ string
+ ------
+ "string" string constant
+ Note that double quotes are used.
+ A string constant accepts these special characters:
+ \b backspace <bs>
+ \e escape <esc>
+ \n newline
+ \r return <cr>
+ \t tab <tab>
+ \\ backslash
+ \" double quote
+ Examples:
+ "\"Hello,\tWorld!\""
+ "Hi,\nthere!"
+ literal-string
+ --------------
+ 'string' string constant
+ Note that single quotes are used.
+ This string is taken as it is. No backslashes are removed or have a
+ special meaning. The only exception is that two quotes stand for one
+ quote.
+ Examples:
+ 'All\slashes\are\saved.'
+ 'This string contains doubled single quotes ''here'''
+ option
+ ------
+ &option option value (local one is preferred, if exists)
+ &g:option global option value &l:option local
+ option value
+ Examples:
+ echo 'Terminal size: '.&columns.'x'.&lines
+ if &columns > 100
+ Any valid option name can be used here (note that "all" in ":set all"
+ is a pseudo option). See ":set options" section above.
+ environment variable
+ --------------------
+ $VAR environment variable
+ The String value of any environment variable. When it is not defined,
+ the result is an empty string.
+ Examples:
+ 'This is my $PATH env: ' . $PATH
+ 'vifmrc at ' . $MYVIFMRC . ' is used.'
+ builtin variable
+ --------------------
+ v:var builtin variable
+ Information exposed by vifm for use in scripting.
+ v:count
+ count passed to : command, 0 by default. Can be used in mappings to
+ pass
+ count to a different command.
+ v:count1
+ same as v:count, but 1 by default.
+ v:servername
+ See below.
+ function call
+ -------------
+ function(expr1, ...) function call
+ See "Functions" section below.
+ Examples:
+ "'" . filetype('.') . "'"
+ filetype('.') == 'reg'
+ expression nesting
+ ------------------
+ (expr1) nested expression
+ Groups any other expression of arbitrary complexity enforcing order in
+ which operators are applied.
+ chooseopt({opt}) String Queries choose parameters passed on
+ startup.
+ executable({expr}) Integer Checks whether {expr} command avail-
+ able.
+ expand({expr}) String Expands special keywords in {expr}.
+ extcached({cache}, {path}, {extcmd})
+ String Caches output of {extcmd} per {cache}
+ and
+ {path} combination.
+ filetype({fnum} [, {resolve}])
+ String Returns file type from position.
+ fnameescape({expr}) String Escapes {expr} for use in a :command.
+ getpanetype() String Returns type of current pane.
+ has({property}) Integer Checks whether instance has {prop-
+ erty}.
+ layoutis({type}) Integer Checks whether layout is of type
+ {type}.
+ paneisat({loc}) Integer Checks whether current pane is at
+ {loc}.
+ system({command}) String Executes shell command and returns
+ its output.
+ tabpagenr([{arg}]) Integer Returns number of current or last
+ tab.
+ term({command}) String Like system(), but for interactive
+ commands.
+ chooseopt({opt})
+ Retrieves values of options related to file choosing. {opt} can be one
+ of:
+ files returns argument of --choose-files or empty string
+ dir returns argument of --choose-dir or empty string
+ cmd returns argument of --on-choose or empty string
+ delimiter returns argument of --delimiter or the default one (\n)
+ executable({expr})
+ If {expr} is absolute or relative path, checks whether path destination
+ exists and refers to an executable, otherwise checks whether command
+ named {expr} is present in directories listed in $PATH. Checks for
+ various executable extensions on Windows. Returns boolean value de-
+ scribing result of the check.
+ Example:
+ " use custom default viewer script if it's available and installed
+ " in predefined system directory, otherwise try to find it elsewhere
+ if executable('/usr/local/bin/defviewer')
+ fileview * /usr/local/bin/defviewer %c
+ else
+ if executable('defviewer')
+ fileview * defviewer %c
+ endif
+ endif
+ expand({expr})
+ Expands environment variables and macros in {expr} just like it's done
+ for command-line commands. Returns a string. See "Command macros"
+ section above.
+ Examples:
+ " percent sign
+ :echo expand('%%')
+ " the last part of directory name of the other pane
+ :echo expand('%D:t')
+ " $PATH environment variable (same as `:echo $PATH`)
+ :echo expand('$PATH')
+ extcached({cache}, {path}, {extcmd})
+ Caches value of {extcmd} external command automatically updating it as
+ necessary based on monitoring change date of a {path}. The cache is
+ invalidated when file or its meta-data is updated. A single path can
+ have multiple caches associated with it.
+ {path} value is normalized, but symbolic links in it aren't resolved.
+ Example:
+ " display number and size of blocks actually used by a file or directory
+ set statusline+=" Uses: %{ extcached('uses',
+ expand('%c'),
+ expand('stat --format=%%bx%%B %c')) }"
+ filetype({fnum} [, {resolve}])
+ The result is a string, which represents file type and is one of the
+ list:
+ exe executables
+ reg regular files
+ link symbolic links
+ broken broken symbolic links (appears only when resolving)
+ dir directories
+ char character devices
+ block block devices
+ fifo pipes
+ sock *nix domain sockets
+ ? unknown file type (should not normally appear)
+ The result can also be an empty string in case of invalid argument.
+ Parameter {fnum} can have following values:
+ - '.' to get type of file under the cursor in the active pane
+ - numerical value base 1 to get type of file on specified line num-
+ ber
+ Optional parameter {resolve} is treated as a boolean and specifies
+ whether symbolic links should be resolved.
+ fnameescape({expr})
+ Escapes parameter to make it suitable for use as an argument of a :com-
+ mand. List of escaped characters includes %, which is doubled.
+ Usage example:
+ " navigate to most recently modified file in current directory
+ execute 'goto' fnameescape(system('ls -t | head -1'))
+ getpanetype()
+ Retrieves string describing type of current pane. Possible return val-
+ ues:
+ regular regular file listing of some directory
+ custom custom file list (%u)
+ very-custom very custom file list (%U)
+ tree tree view
+ has({property})
+ Allows examining internal parameters from scripts to e.g. figure out
+ environment in which application is running. Returns 1 if property is
+ true/present, otherwise 0 is returned. Currently the following proper-
+ ties are supported (anything else will yield 0):
+ unix runs in *nix-like environment (including Cygwin)
+ win runs on Windows
+ Usage example:
+ " skip user/group on Windows
+ if !has('win')
+ let $RIGHTS = '%10u:%-7g '
+ endif
+ execute 'set' 'statusline=" %t%= %A '.$RIGHTS.'%15E %20d "'
+ layoutis({type})
+ Checks whether current interface layout is {type} or not, where {type}
+ can be:
+ only single-pane mode
+ split double-pane mode (either vertical or horizon split)
+ vsplit vertical split (left and right panes)
+ hsplit horizontal split (top and bottom panes)
+ Usage example:
+ " automatically split vertically before enabling preview
+ :nnoremap w :if layoutis('only') | vsplit | endif | view!<cr>
+ paneisat({loc})
+ Checks whether position of active pane in current layout matches one of
+ the following locations:
+ top pane reaches top border
+ bottom pane reaches bottom border
+ left pane reaches left border
+ right pane reaches right border
+ system({command})
+ Runs the command in shell and returns its output (joined standard out-
+ put and standard error streams). All trailing newline characters are
+ stripped to allow easy appending to command output. Ctrl-C should in-
+ terrupt the command.
+ Use this function to consume output of external commands that don't re-
+ quire user interaction and term() for interactive commands that make
+ use of terminal and are capable of handling stream redirection.
+ Usage example:
+ " command to enter .git/ directory of git-repository (when ran inside one)
+ command! cdgit :execute 'cd' system('git rev-parse --git-dir')
+ tabpagenr([{arg}])
+ When called without arguments returns number of current tab page base
+ one.
+ When called with "$" as an argument returns number of the last tab page
+ base one, which is the same as number of tabs.
+ term({command})
+ Same as system() function, but user interface is shutdown during the
+ execution of the command, which makes sure that external interactive
+ applications won't affect the way terminal is used by vifm.
+ Usage example:
+ " command to change directory by picking it via fzf
+ command! fzfcd :execute 'cd' "'".term('find -type d | fzf 2> /dev/tty')."'"
+Menus and dialogs
+ When navigating to some path from a menu there is a difference in end
+ location depending on whether path has trailing slash or not. Files
+ normally don't have trailing slashes so "file/" won't work and one can
+ only navigate to a file anyway. On the other hand with directories
+ there are two options: navigate to a directory or inside of it. To al-
+ low both use cases, the first one is used on paths like "dir" and the
+ second one for "dir/".
+ Commands
+ :range navigate to a menu line.
+ :exi[t][!] :q[uit][!] :x[it][!]
+ leave menu mode.
+ :noh[lsearch]
+ reset search match highlighting.
+ :w[rite] {dest}
+ write all menu lines into file specified by {dest}.
+ General
+ j, Ctrl-N - move down.
+ k, Ctrl-P - move up.
+ Enter, l - select and exit the menu.
+ Ctrl-L - redraw the menu.
+ Escape, Ctrl-C, ZZ, ZQ, q - quit.
+ In all menus
+ The following set of keys has the same meaning as in normal mode.
+ Ctrl-B, Ctrl-F
+ Ctrl-D, Ctrl-U
+ Ctrl-E, Ctrl-Y
+ /, ?
+ n, N
+ [count]G, [count]gg
+ H, M, L
+ zb, zt, zz
+ zh - scroll menu items [count] characters to the right.
+ zl - scroll menu items [count] characters to the left.
+ zH - scroll menu items half of screen width characters to the right.
+ zL - scroll menu items half of screen width characters to the left.
+ : - enter command line mode for menus (currently only :exi[t], :q[uit],
+ :x[it] and :{range} are supported).
+ b - interpret content of the menu as list of paths and use it to create
+ custom view in place of previously active pane. See "Custom views"
+ section below.
+ B - same as above, but creates unsorted view.
+ v - load menu content into quickfix list of the editor (Vim compatible
+ by assumption) or if list doesn't have separators after file names
+ (colons) open each line as a file name.
+ Below is description of additional commands and reaction on selection
+ in some menus and dialogs.
+ Apropos menu
+ Selecting menu item runs man on a given topic. Menu won't be closed
+ automatically to allow view several pages one by one.
+ Command-line mode abbreviations menu
+ Type dd on an abbreviation to remove it.
+ c leaves menu preserving file selection and inserts right-hand side of
+ selected command into command-line.
+ Color scheme menu
+ Selecting name of a color scheme applies it the same way as if ":col-
+ orscheme <name>" was executed on the command-line.
+ Commands menu
+ Selecting command executes it with empty arguments (%a).
+ dd on a command to remove.
+ Marks menu
+ Selecting mark navigates to it.
+ dd on a mark to remove it.
+ Bookmarks menu
+ Selecting a bookmark navigates to it.
+ Type dd on a bookmark to remove it.
+ gf and e also work to make it more convenient to bookmark files.
+ Trash (:lstrash) menu
+ r on a file name to restore it from trash.
+ dd deletes file under the cursor.
+ Trashes menu
+ dd empties selected trash in background.
+ Directory history and Trashes menus
+ Selecting directory name will change directory of the current view as
+ if :cd command was used.
+ Directory stack menu
+ Selecting directory name will rotate stack to put selected directory
+ pair at the top of the stack.
+ Filetype menu
+ Commands from vifmrc or typed in command-line are displayed above empty
+ line. All commands below empty line are from .desktop files.
+ c leaves menu preserving file selection and inserts command after :! in
+ command-line mode.
+ Grep, find, locate, bookmarks and user menu with navigation (%M macro)
+ gf - navigate previously active view to currently selected item.
+ Leaves menu mode except for grep menu. Pressing Enter key has the same
+ effect.
+ e - open selected path in the editor, stays in menu mode.
+ c - leave menu preserving file selection and insert file name after :!
+ in command-line mode.
+ User menu without navigation (%m macro)
+ c leaves menu preserving file selection and inserts whole line after :!
+ in command-line mode.
+ Grep menu
+ Selecting file (via Enter or l key) opens it in editor set by 'vicmd'
+ at given line number. Menu won't be closed automatically to allow
+ viewing more than one result.
+ See above for "gf" and "e" keys description.
+ Command-line history menu
+ Selecting an item executes it as command-line command, search query or
+ local filter.
+ c leaves menu preserving file selection and inserts line into command-
+ line of appropriate kind.
+ Volumes menu
+ Selecting a drive navigates previously active pane to the root of that
+ drive.
+ Fileinfo dialog
+ Enter, q - close dialog
+ Sort dialog
+ h, Space - switch ascending/descending.
+ q - close dialog
+ One shortcut per sorting key (see the dialog).
+ Attributes (permissions or properties) dialog
+ h, Space - check/uncheck.
+ q - close dialog
+ Item states:
+ - * - checked flag.
+ - X - means that it has different value for files in selection.
+ - d (*nix only) - (only for execute flags) means u-x+X, g-x+X or o-x+X
+ argument for the chmod program. If you're not on OS X and want to
+ remove execute permission bit from all files, but preserve it for di-
+ rectories, set all execute flags to 'd' and check 'Set Recursively'
+ flag.
+ Jobs menu
+ dd requests cancellation of job under cursor. The job won't be removed
+ from the list, but marked as being cancelled (if cancellation was suc-
+ cessfully requested). A message will pop up if the job has already
+ stopped. Note that on Windows cancelling external programs like this
+ might not work, because their parent shell doesn't have any windows.
+ e key displays errors of selected job if any were collected. They are
+ displayed in a new menu, but you can get back to jobs menu by pressing
+ h.
+ Undolist menu
+ r - reset undo position to group under the cursor.
+ Media menu
+ Selecting a device either mounts (if it wasn't mounted yet) or navi-
+ gates to its first mount point.
+ Selecting a mount point navigates to it.
+ Selecting "not mounted" line causes mounting.
+ Selecting any other line does nothing.
+ r - reload the list.
+ m - mount/unmount device (cursor should be positioned on lines under
+ device information).
+ [ - put cursor on the previous device.
+ ] - put cursor on the next device.
+Custom views
+ Definition
+ Normally file views contain list of files from a single directory, but
+ sometimes it's useful to populate them with list of files that do not
+ belong to the same directory, which is what custom views are for.
+ Presentation
+ Custom views are still related to directory they were in before custom
+ list was loaded. Path to that directory (original directory) can be
+ seen in the title of a custom view.
+ Files in same directory have to be named differently, this doesn't hold
+ for custom views thus seeing just file names might be rather confusing.
+ In order to give an idea where files come from and when possible, rela-
+ tive paths to original directory of the view is displayed, otherwise
+ full path is used instead.
+ Custom views normally don't contain any inexistent files.
+ Navigation
+ Custom views have some differences related to navigation in regular
+ views.
+ gf - acts similar to gf on symbolic links and navigates to the file at
+ its real
+ location.
+ h - go to closes parent node in tree view, otherwise return to the
+ original directory.
+ gh - return to the original directory.
+ Opening ".." entry also causes return to the original directory.
+ History
+ Custom list exists only while it's visible, once left one can't return
+ to it, so there is no appearances of it in any history.
+ Filters
+ Only local filter affects content of the view. This is intentional,
+ presumably if one loads list, precisely that list should be displayed
+ (except for inexistent paths, which are ignored).
+ Search
+ Although directory names are visible in listing, they are not search-
+ able. Only file names are taken into account (might be changed in fu-
+ ture, searching whole lines seems quite reasonable).
+ Sorting
+ Contrary to search sorting by name works on whole visible part of file
+ path.
+ Highlight
+ Whole file name is highlighted as one entity, even if there are direc-
+ tory elements.
+ Updates
+ Reloads can occur, though they are not automatic due to files being
+ scattered among different places. On a reload, inexistent files are
+ removed and meta-data of all other files is updated.
+ Once custom view forgets about the file, it won't add it back even if
+ it's created again. So not seeing file previously affected by an oper-
+ ation, which was undone is normal.
+ Operations
+ All operations that add files are forbidden for custom views. For ex-
+ ample, moving/copying/putting files into a custom view doesn't work,
+ because it doesn't make much sense.
+ On the other hand, operations that use files of a custom view as a
+ source (e.g. yanking, copying, moving file from custom view, deletion)
+ and operations that modify names are all allowed.
+Compare views
+ Kinds
+ :compare can produce four different results depending on arguments:
+ - single compare view (ofone and either listall or listdups);
+ - single custom view (ofone and listunique);
+ - two compare views (ofboth and either listall or listdups);
+ - two custom views (ofboth and listunique).
+ The first two display files of one file system tree. Here duplicates
+ are files that have at least one copy in the same tree. The other two
+ kinds of operation compare two trees, in which duplicates are files
+ that are found in both trees.
+ Lists of unique files are presented in custom views because there is no
+ file grouping to preserve as all file ids are guaranteed to be dis-
+ tinct.
+ Creation
+ Arguments passed to :compare form four categories each with its own
+ prefix and is responsible for particular property of operation.
+ Which files to compare:
+ - ofboth - compares files of two panes against each other;
+ - ofone - compares files of the same directory.
+ How files are compared:
+ - byname - by their name only;
+ - bysize - only by their size;
+ - bycontents - by combination of size and hash of file contents.
+ Which files to display:
+ - listall - all files;
+ - listunique - unique files only;
+ - listdups - only duplicated files.
+ How results are grouped (has no effect if "ofone" specified):
+ - groupids - files considered identical are always adjacent in out-
+ put;
+ - grouppaths - file system ordering is preferred (this also enables
+ displaying identically named files as mismatches).
+ Which files to omit:
+ - skipempty - ignore empty files.
+ Each argument can appear multiple times, the rightmost one of the group
+ is considered. Arguments alter default behaviour instead of substitut-
+ ing it.
+ Examples
+ The defaults corresponds to probably the most common use case of com-
+ paring files in two trees with grouping by paths, so the following are
+ equivalent:
+ :compare
+ :compare bycontents grouppaths
+ :compare bycontents listall ofboth grouppaths
+ Another use case is to find duplicates in the current sub-tree:
+ :compare listdups ofone
+ The following command lists files that are unique to each pane:
+ :compare listunique
+ Look
+ The view can't switch to ls-like view as it's unable to display diff-
+ like data.
+ Comparison views have second column displaying id of the file, files
+ with same id are considered to be equal. The view columns configura-
+ tion is predefined.
+ Behaviour
+ When two views are being compared against each other the following
+ changes to the regular behaviour apply:
+ - views are scrolled synchronously (as if 'scrollbind' was set);
+ - views' cursors are synchronized;
+ - local filtering is disabled (its results wouldn't be meaningful);
+ - zd excludes groups of adjacent identical files, 1zd gives usual be-
+ haviour;
+ - sorting is permanently disabled (ordering is fixed);
+ - removed files hide their counter pairs;
+ - exiting one of the views terminates the other immediately;
+ - renaming files isn't blocked, but isn't taken into account and might
+ require regeneration of comparison;
+ - entries which indicate absence of equivalent file have empty names
+ and can be matched as such;
+ - when unique files of both views are listed custom views can be
+ empty, this absence of unique files is stated clearly.
+ One compare view has similar properties (those that are applicable for
+ single pane).
+ Files are gathered in this way:
+ - recursively starting at current location of the view;
+ - dot files are excluded if view hides them at the moment of compari-
+ son;
+ - directories are not taken into account;
+ - symbolic links to directories are ignored.
+ On startup vifm determines several variables that are used during the
+ session. They are determined in the order they appear below.
+ On *nix systems $HOME is normally present and used as is. On Windows
+ systems vifm tries to find correct home directory in the following or-
+ der:
+ - $HOME variable;
+ - $USERPROFILE variable (on Windows only);
+ - a combination of $HOMEDRIVE and $HOMEPATH variables (on Windows
+ only).
+ vifm tries to find correct configuration directory by checking the fol-
+ lowing places:
+ - $VIFM variable;
+ - parent directory of the executable file (on Windows only);
+ - $HOME/.vifm directory;
+ - $APPDATA/Vifm directory (on Windows only);
+ - $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vifm directory;
+ - $HOME/.config/vifm directory.
+ vifm tries to find correct configuration file by checking the following
+ places:
+ - $MYVIFMRC variable;
+ - vifmrc in parent directory of the executable file (on Windows only);
+ - $VIFM/vifmrc file.
+ See "Startup" section above for the explanations on $VIFM and $MYV-
+ The vifmrc file contains commands that will be executed on vifm
+ startup. There are two such files: global and local. Global one is at
+ {prefix}/etc/vifm/vifmrc, see $MYVIFMRC variable description for the
+ search algorithm used to find local vifmrc. Global vifmrc is loaded
+ before the local one, so that the later one can redefine anything con-
+ figured globally.
+ Use vifmrc to set settings, mappings, filetypes etc. To use multi line
+ commands precede each next line with a slash (whitespace before slash
+ is ignored, but all spaces at the end of the lines are saved). For ex-
+ ample:
+ set
+ \smartcase
+ equals "setsmartcase". When
+ set<space here>
+ \ smartcase
+ equals "set smartcase".
+ The $VIFM/vifminfo file contains session settings. You may edit it by
+ hand to change the settings, but it's not recommended to do that, edit
+ vifmrc instead. You can control what settings will be saved in
+ vifminfo by setting 'vifminfo' option. Vifm always writes this file on
+ exit unless 'vifminfo' option is empty. Marks, bookmarks, commands,
+ histories, filetypes, fileviewers and registers in the file are merged
+ with vifm configuration (which has bigger priority).
+ Generally, runtime configuration has bigger priority during merging,
+ but there are some exceptions:
+ - directory stack stored in the file is not overwritten unless some-
+ thing is changed in vifm session that performs merge;
+ - each mark or bookmark is marked with a timestamp, so that newer
+ value is not overwritten by older one, thus no matter from where it
+ comes, the newer one wins.
+ The $VIFM/scripts directory can contain shell scripts. vifm modifies
+ its PATH environment variable to let user run those scripts without
+ specifying full path. All subdirectories of the $VIFM/scripts will be
+ added to PATH too. Script in a subdirectory overlaps script with the
+ same name in all its parent directories.
+ The $VIFM/colors/ and {prefix}/etc/vifm/colors/ directories contain
+ color schemes. Available color schemes are searched in that order, so
+ on name conflict the one in $VIFM/colors/ wins.
+ Each color scheme should have ".vifm" extension. This wasn't the case
+ before and for this reason the following rules apply during lookup:
+ - if there is no file with .vifm extension, all regular files are
+ listed;
+ - otherwise only files with .vifm extension are listed (with the ex-
+ tension being truncated).
+Automatic FUSE mounts
+ vifm has a builtin support of automated FUSE file system mounts. It is
+ implemented using file associations mechanism. To enable automated
+ mounts, one needs to use a specially formatted program line in filetype
+ or filextype commands. These use special macros, which differ from
+ macros in commands unrelated to FUSE. Currently three formats are sup-
+ ported:
+ 1) FUSE_MOUNT This format should be used in case when all information
+ needed for mounting all files of a particular type is the same. E.g.
+ mounting of tar files don't require any file specific options.
+ Format line:
+ Example filetype command:
+ 2) FUSE_MOUNT2 This format allows one to use specially formatted files
+ to perform mounting and is useful for mounting remotes, for example re-
+ mote file systems over ftp or ssh.
+ Format line:
+ Example filetype command:
+ :filetype *.ssh FUSE_MOUNT2|sshfs %PARAM %DESTINATION_DIR
+ Example file content:
+ root@
+ This format is equivalent to FUSE_MOUNT, but omits unmounting. It is
+ useful for cases, when unmounting isn't needed, like when using AVFS.
+ Example :filetype command:
+ :filetype *.tar,*.tar.bz2,*.tbz2,*.tgz,*.tar.gz,*.tar.xz,*.txz,*.deb
+ \ {Mount with avfs}
+ Example `mount-avfs` helper script:
+ #!/bin/sh
+ dest=$1
+ file=$2
+ rmdir "$dest"
+ ln -s "$HOME/.avfs$file#/" "$dest"
+ All % macros are expanded by vifm at runtime and have the following
+ meaning:
+ - %SOURCE_FILE is replaced by full path to selected file;
+ - %DESTINATION_DIR is replaced by full path to mount directory, which
+ is created by vifm basing on the value of 'fusehome' option;
+ - %PARAM value is filled from the first line of file (whole line),
+ though in the future it can be changed to whole file content;
+ - %FOREGROUND means that you want to run mount command as a regular
+ command (required to be able to provide input for communication with
+ mounter in interactive way).
+ %FOREGROUND is an optional macro. Other macros are not mandatory, but
+ mount commands likely won't work without them.
+ %CLEAR is obsolete name of %FOREGROUND, which is still supported, but
+ might be removed in future. Its use is discouraged.
+ Unlike macros elsewhere, these are recognized only if they appear at
+ the end of a command or are followed by a space. There is no way to
+ escape % either. These are historical limitations, which might be ad-
+ dressed in the future.
+ The mounted FUSE file systems will be automatically unmounted in two
+ cases:
+ - when vifm quits (with ZZ, :q, etc. or when killed by signal);
+ - when you explicitly leave mount point going up to its parent direc-
+ tory (with h, Enter on "../" or ":cd ..") and other pane is not in
+ the same directory or its child directories.
+View look
+ vifm supports displaying of file list view in two different ways:
+ - in a table mode, when multiple columns can be set using 'view-
+ columns' option (see "Column view" section below for details);
+ - in a multicolumn list manner which looks almost like `ls -x` com-
+ mand output (see "ls-like view" section below for details).
+ The look is local for each view and can be chosen by changing value of
+ the 'lsview' boolean option.
+ Depending on view look some of keys change their meaning to allow more
+ natural cursor moving. This concerns mainly h, j, k, l and other simi-
+ lar navigation keys.
+ Also some of options can be ignored if they don't affect view display-
+ ing in selected look. For example value of 'viewcolumns' when 'lsview'
+ is set.
+ls-like view
+ When this view look is enabled by setting 'lsview' option on, vifm will
+ display files in multiple columns. Number of columns depends on the
+ length of the longest file name present in current directory of the
+ view. Whole file list is automatically reflowed on directory change,
+ terminal or view resize.
+ View looks close to output of `ls -x` command, so files are listed left
+ to right in rows.
+ In this mode file manipulation commands (e.g. d) don't work line-wise
+ like they do in Vim, since such operations would be uncommon for file
+ manipulation tasks. Thus, for example, dd will remove only current
+ file.
+ By default the view is filled by lines, 'lsoptions' can be used to get
+ filling by columns.
+ Note that tree-view and compare view inhibit ls-like view.
+Column view
+ View columns are described by a comma-separated list of column descrip-
+ tions, each of which has the following format
+ [ '-' ] [ fw ( [ '.' tw ] | '%' ) ] '{' type '}' '.'{0,3}
+ where fw stands for full width and tw stands for text width.
+ So it basically consists of four parts:
+ 1. Optional alignment specifier
+ 2. Optional width specifier
+ 3. Mandatory column name
+ 4. Optional cropping specifier
+ Alignment specifier
+ It's an optional minus or asterisk sign as the first symbol of the
+ string.
+ Specifies type of text alignment within a column. Three types are sup-
+ ported:
+ - left align
+ set viewcolumns=-{name}
+ - right align (default)
+ set viewcolumns={name}
+ - dynamic align
+ It's like left alignment, but when the text is bigger than the col-
+ umn, the alignment is made at the right (so the part of the field is
+ always visible).
+ set viewcolumns=*{name}
+ Width specifier
+ It's a number followed by a percent sign, two numbers (second one
+ should be less than or equal to the first one) separated with a dot or
+ a single number.
+ Specifies column width and its units. There are three size types:
+ - absolute size - column width is specified in characters
+ set viewcolumns=-100{name},20.15{ext}
+ results in two columns with lengths of 100 and 20 and a reserved
+ space of five characters on the left of second column.
+ - relative (percent) size - column width is specified in percents of
+ view width
+ set viewcolumns=-80%{name},15%{ext},5%{mtime}
+ results in three columns with lengths of 80/100, 15/100 and 5/100 of
+ view width.
+ - auto size (default) - column width is automatically determined
+ set viewcolumns=-{name},{ext},{mtime}
+ results in three columns with length of one third of view width.
+ There is no size adjustment to content, since it will slow down ren-
+ dering.
+ Columns of different sizing types can be freely mixed in one view.
+ Though sometimes some of columns can be seen partly or be completely
+ invisible if there is not enough space to display them.
+ Column name
+ This is just a sort key surrounded with curly braces or {root}, e.g.
+ {name},{ext},{mtime}
+ {name} and {iname} keys are the same and present both for consistency
+ with 'sort' option.
+ Following keys don't have corresponding sorting keys:
+ - {root} - display name without extension (as a complement for
+ {ext})
+ - {fileroot} - display name without extension for anything except for
+ directories and symbolic links to directories (as a complement for
+ {fileext})
+ Empty curly braces ({}) are replaced with the default secondary column
+ for primary sort key. So after the next command view will be displayed
+ almost as if 'viewcolumns' is empty, but adding ellipsis for long file
+ names:
+ set viewcolumns=-{name}..,6{}.
+ Cropping specifier
+ It's from one to three dots after closing curly brace in column format.
+ Specifies type of text truncation if it doesn't fit in the column.
+ Currently three types are supported:
+ - truncation - text is truncated
+ set viewcolumns=-{name}.
+ results in truncation of names that are too long too fit in the
+ view.
+ - adding of ellipsis - ellipsis on the left or right are added when
+ needed
+ set viewcolumns=-{name}..
+ results in that ellipsis are added at the end of too long file
+ names.
+ - none (default) - text can pass column boundaries
+ set viewcolumns=-{name}...,{ext}
+ results in that long file names can partially be written on the ext
+ column.
+Color schemes
+ The color schemes in vifm can be applied in two different ways:
+ - as the primary color scheme;
+ - as local to a pane color scheme.
+ Both types are set using :colorscheme command, but of different forms:
+ - :colorscheme color_scheme_name - for the primary color scheme;
+ - :colorscheme color_scheme_name directory - for local color schemes.
+ Look of different parts of the TUI (Text User Interface) is determined
+ in this way:
+ - Border, TabLine, TabLineSel, TopLineSel, TopLine, CmdLine, Er-
+ rorMsg, StatusLine, JobLine, SuggestBox and WildMenu are always de-
+ termined by the primary color scheme;
+ - CurrLine, Selected, Directory, Link, BrokenLink, Socket, Device,
+ Executable, Fifo, CmpMismatch, Win, AuxWin and OtherWin are deter-
+ mined by primary color scheme and a set of local color schemes,
+ which can be empty.
+ There might be a set of local color schemes because they are structured
+ hierarchically according to file system structure. For example, having
+ the following piece of file system:
+ ~
+ `-- bin
+ |
+ `-- my
+ Two color schemes:
+ # ~/.vifm/colors/for_bin
+ highlight Win cterm=none ctermfg=white ctermbg=red
+ highlight CurrLine cterm=none ctermfg=red ctermbg=black
+ # ~/.vifm/colors/for_bin_my
+ highlight CurrLine cterm=none ctermfg=green ctermbg=black
+ And these three commands in the vifmrc file:
+ colorscheme Default
+ colorscheme for_bin ~/bin
+ colorscheme for_bin_my ~/bin/my
+ File list will look in the following way for each level:
+ - ~/ - Default color scheme
+ black background
+ cursor with blue background
+ - ~/bin/ - mix of Default and for_bin color schemes
+ red background
+ cursor with black background and red foreground
+ - ~/bin/my/ - mix of Default, for_bin and for_bin_my color schemes
+ red background
+ cursor with black background and green foreground
+Trash directory
+ vifm has support of trash directory, which is used as temporary storage
+ for deleted files or files that were cut. Using trash is controlled by
+ the 'trash' option, and exact path to the trash can be set with
+ 'trashdir' option. Trash directory in vifm differs from the system-
+ wide one by default, because of possible incompatibilities of storing
+ deleted files among different file managers. But one can set
+ 'trashdir' to "~/.local/share/Trash" to use a "standard" trash direc-
+ tory.
+ There are two scenarios of using trash in vifm:
+ 1. As a place for storing files that were cut by "d" and may be in-
+ serted to some other place in file system.
+ 2. As a storage of files, that are deleted but not purged yet.
+ The first scenario uses deletion ("d") operations to put files to trash
+ and put ("p") operations to restore files from trash directory. Note
+ that such operations move files to and from trash directory, which can
+ be long term operations in case of different partitions or remote
+ drives mounted locally.
+ The second scenario uses deletion ("d") operations for moving files to
+ trash directory and :empty command-line command to purge all previously
+ deleted files.
+ Deletion and put operations depend on registers, which can point to
+ files in trash directory. Normally, there are no nonexistent files in
+ registers, but vifm doesn't keep track of modifications under trash di-
+ rectory, so one shouldn't expect value of registers to be absolutely
+ correct if trash directory was modified not by operation that are meant
+ for it. But this won't lead to any issues with operations, since they
+ ignore nonexistent files.
+ vifm supports remote execution of command-line mode commands, remote
+ changing of directories and expression evaluation. This is possible
+ using --remote and --remote-expr command-line arguments.
+ To execute a command remotely combine --remote argument with -c <com-
+ mand> or +<command>. For example:
+ vifm --remote -c 'cd /'
+ vifm --remote '+cd /'
+ To change directory not using command-line mode commands one can spec-
+ ify paths right after --remote argument, like this:
+ vifm --remote /
+ vifm --remote ~
+ vifm --remote /usr/bin /tmp
+ Evaluating expression remotely might be useful to query information
+ about an instance, for example its location:
+ vifm --remote-expr 'expand("%d")'
+ If there are several running instances, the target can be specified
+ with --server-name option (otherwise, the first one lexicographically
+ is used):
+ vifm --server-name work --remote ~/work/project
+ List of names of running instances can be obtained via --server-list
+ option. Name of the current one is available via v:servername.
+ v:servername
+ server name of the running vifm instance. Empty if client-
+ server feature is disabled.
+ Plugin for using vifm in vim as a file selector.
+ Commands:
+ :EditVifm select a file or files to open in the current buffer.
+ :Vifm alias for :EditVifm.
+ :SplitVifm split buffer and select a file or files to open.
+ :VsplitVifm vertically split buffer and select a file or files to
+ open.
+ :DiffVifm select a file or files to compare to the current file
+ with
+ :vert diffsplit.
+ :TabVifm select a file or files to open in tabs.
+ Each command accepts up to two arguments: left pane directory and right
+ pane directory. After arguments are checked, vifm process is spawned
+ in a special "file-picker" mode. To pick files just open them either
+ by pressing l, i or Enter keys, or by running :edit command. If no
+ files are selected, file under the cursor is opened, otherwise whole
+ selection is passed to the plugin and opened in vim.
+ The plugin have only two settings. It's a string variable named
+ g:vifm_term to let user specify command to run GUI terminal. By de-
+ fault it's equal to 'xterm -e'. And another string variable named
+ g:vifm_exec, which equals "vifm" by default and specifies path to
+ vifm's executable. To pass arguments to vifm use g:vifm_exec_args,
+ which is empty by default.
+ To use the plugin copy the vifm.vim file to either the system wide
+ vim/plugin directory or into ~/.vim/plugin.
+ If you would prefer not to use the plugin and it is in the system wide
+ plugin directory add
+ let loaded_vifm=1
+ to your ~/.vimrc file.
+ The following command names are reserved and shouldn't be used for user
+ commands.
+ g[lobal]
+ v[global]
+ VIFM Points to main configuration directory (usually ~/.vifm/).
+ Points to main configuration file (usually ~/.vifm/vifmrc).
+ These environment variables are valid inside vifm and also can be used
+ to configure it by setting some of them before running vifm.
+ When $MYVIFMRC isn't set, it's made as $VIFM/vifmrc (exception for Win-
+ dows: vifmrc in the same directory as vifm.exe has higher priority than
+ $VIFM/vifmrc).
+ See "Startup" section above for more details.
+ On execution of external commands this variable is set to the
+ full path of file used to initiate FUSE mount of the closes
+ mount point from current pane directory up. It's not set when
+ outside FUSE mount point. When vifm is used inside terminal
+ multiplexer, it tries to set this variable as well (it doesn't
+ work this way on its own).
+ vifm-convert-dircolors(1), vifm-pause(1)
+ Website:
+ Wiki:
+ Esperanto translation of the documentation by Sebastian Cyprych:
+ Vifm was written by ksteen <>
+ And currently is developed by xaizek <>
+vifm 0.10.1 July 29, 2019 VIFM(1)
diff --git a/.config/vifm/vifmimgpdffile b/.config/vifm/vifmimgpdffile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..959b9eae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/vifm/vifmimgpdffile
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Factura UTE Noviembre.pdf
diff --git a/.config/vifm/vifmimgpdfpage b/.config/vifm/vifmimgpdfpage
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d00491fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/vifm/vifmimgpdfpage
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/.config/vifm/vifmrc b/.config/vifm/vifmrc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e84de679
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/vifm/vifmrc
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+" vim: filetype=vifm :
+" Sample configuration file for vifm (last updated: 2 June, 2019)
+" You can edit this file by hand.
+" The " character at the beginning of a line comments out the line.
+" Blank lines are ignored.
+" The basic format for each item is shown with an example.
+" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Command used to edit files in various contexts. The default is vim.
+" If you would like to use another vi clone such as Elvis or Vile
+" you will need to change this setting.
+set vicmd=vim
+" set vicmd=elvis\ -G\ termcap
+" set vicmd=vile
+" This makes vifm perform file operations on its own instead of relying on
+" standard utilities like `cp`. While using `cp` and alike is a more universal
+" solution, it's also much slower when processing large amounts of files and
+" doesn't support progress measuring.
+set syscalls
+" Trash Directory
+" The default is to move files that are deleted with dd or :d to
+" the trash directory. If you change this you will not be able to move
+" files by deleting them and then using p to put the file in the new location.
+" I recommend not changing this until you are familiar with vifm.
+" This probably shouldn't be an option.
+set trash
+" This is how many directories to store in the directory history.
+set history=100
+" Automatically resolve symbolic links on l or Enter.
+set nofollowlinks
+" With this option turned on you can run partially entered commands with
+" unambiguous beginning using :! (e.g. :!Te instead of :!Terminal or :!Te<tab>).
+" set fastrun
+" Natural sort of (version) numbers within text.
+set sortnumbers
+" Maximum number of changes that can be undone.
+set undolevels=100
+" Use Vim's format of help file (has highlighting and "hyperlinks").
+" If you would rather use a plain text help file set novimhelp.
+set vimhelp
+" If you would like to run an executable file when you
+" press return on the file name set this.
+set norunexec
+" Selected color scheme
+colorscheme Default
+" Format for displaying time in file list. For example:
+" See man date or man strftime for details.
+set timefmt=%m/%d\ %H:%M
+" Show list of matches on tab completion in command-line mode
+set wildmenu
+" Display completions in a form of popup with descriptions of the matches
+set wildstyle=popup
+" Display suggestions in normal, visual and view modes for keys, marks and
+" registers (at most 5 files). In other view, when available.
+set suggestoptions=normal,visual,view,otherpane,keys,marks,registers
+" Ignore case in search patterns unless it contains at least one uppercase
+" letter
+set ignorecase
+set smartcase
+" Don't highlight search results automatically
+set nohlsearch
+" Use increment searching (search while typing)
+set incsearch
+" Try to leave some space from cursor to upper/lower border in lists
+set scrolloff=4
+" Don't do too many requests to slow file systems
+if !has('win')
+ set slowfs=curlftpfs
+" Set custom status line look
+set statusline=" Hint: %z%= %A %10u:%-7g %15s %20d "
+" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" :mark mark /full/directory/path [filename]
+mark b ~/bin/
+mark h ~/
+" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" :com[mand][!] command_name action
+" The following macros can be used in a command
+" %a is replaced with the user arguments.
+" %c the current file under the cursor.
+" %C the current file under the cursor in the other directory.
+" %f the current selected file, or files.
+" %F the current selected file, or files in the other directory.
+" %b same as %f %F.
+" %d the current directory name.
+" %D the other window directory name.
+" %m run the command in a menu window
+command! df df -h %m 2> /dev/null
+command! diff vim -d %f %F
+command! zip zip -r %f
+command! run !! ./%f
+command! make !!make %a
+command! mkcd :mkdir %a | cd %a
+command! vgrep vim "+grep %a"
+command! reload :write | restart
+" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" The file type is for the default programs to be used with
+" a file extension.
+" :filetype pattern1,pattern2 defaultprogram,program2
+" :fileviewer pattern1,pattern2 consoleviewer
+" The other programs for the file type can be accessed with the :file command
+" The command macros %f, %F, %d, %F may be used in the commands.
+" The %a macro is ignored. To use a % you must put %%.
+" For automated FUSE mounts, you must register an extension with :file[x]type
+" in one of following formats:
+" :filetype extensions FUSE_MOUNT|some_mount_command using %SOURCE_FILE and %DESTINATION_DIR variables
+" %SOURCE_FILE and %DESTINATION_DIR are filled in by vifm at runtime.
+" A sample line might look like this:
+" :filetype *.zip,*.jar,*.war,*.ear FUSE_MOUNT|fuse-zip %SOURCE_FILE %DESTINATION_DIR
+" :filetype extensions FUSE_MOUNT2|some_mount_command using %PARAM and %DESTINATION_DIR variables
+" %PARAM and %DESTINATION_DIR are filled in by vifm at runtime.
+" A sample line might look like this:
+" :filetype *.ssh FUSE_MOUNT2|sshfs %PARAM %DESTINATION_DIR
+" %PARAM value is filled from the first line of file (whole line).
+" Example first line for SshMount filetype: root@
+" You can also add %CLEAR if you want to clear screen before running FUSE
+" program.
+" Pdf
+filextype *.pdf evince %c %i &, apvlv %c, xpdf %c
+fileviewer *.pdf
+ \ vifmimg pdfpreview %px %py %pw %ph %c
+ \ %pc
+ \ vifmimg clear
+" Epub
+fileviewer *.epub
+ \ vifmimg epubpreview %px %py %pw %ph %c
+ \ %pc
+ \ vifmimg clear
+" PostScript
+filextype *.ps,*.eps,*.ps.gz
+ \ {View in zathura}
+ \ zathura %f,
+ \ {View in gv}
+ \ gv %c %i &,
+" Djvu
+filextype *.djvu
+ \ {View in zathura}
+ \ zathura %f,
+ \ {View in apvlv}
+ \ apvlv %f,
+" Audio
+filetype *.wav,*.mp3,*.flac,*.m4a,*.wma,*.ape,*.ac3,*.og[agx],*.spx,*.opus
+ \ {Play using ffplay}
+ \ ffplay -nodisp -autoexit %c,
+ \ {Play using MPlayer}
+ \ mplayer %f,
+fileviewer *.mp3 mp3info
+fileviewer *.flac soxi
+" Video
+filextype *.avi,*.mp4,*.wmv,*.dat,*.3gp,*.ogv,*.mkv,*.mpg,*.mpeg,*.vob,
+ \*.fl[icv],*.m2v,*.mov,*.webm,*.ts,*.mts,*.m4v,*.r[am],*.qt,*.divx,
+ \*.as[fx]
+ \ {View using ffplay}
+ \ ffplay -fs -autoexit %f,
+ \ {View using Dragon}
+ \ dragon %f:p,
+ \ {View using mplayer}
+ \ mplayer %f,
+fileviewer *.avi,*.mp4,*.wmv,*.dat,*.3gp,*.ogv,*.mkv,*.mpg,*.mpeg,*.vob,
+ \*.fl[icv],*.m2v,*.mov,*.webm,*.ts,*.mts,*.m4v,*.r[am],*.qt,*.divx,
+ \ vifmimg videopreview %px %py %pw %ph %c
+ \ %pc
+ \ vifmimg clear
+" Web
+filextype *.html,*.htm
+ \ {Open with dwb}
+ \ dwb %f %i &,
+ \ {Open with firefox}
+ \ firefox %f &,
+ \ {Open with uzbl}
+ \ uzbl-browser %f %i &,
+filetype *.html,*.htm links, lynx
+" Object
+filetype *.o nm %f | less
+" Man page
+filetype *.[1-8] man ./%c
+fileviewer *.[1-8] man ./%c | col -b
+" Images
+filextype *.bmp,*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.png,*.gif,*.xpm
+ \ {View in feh}
+ \ feh %f,
+ \ {View in gpicview}
+ \ gpicview %c,
+ \ {View in shotwell}
+ \ shotwell,
+fileviewer *.bmp,*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.png,*.xpm
+ \ vifmimg draw %px %py %pw %ph %c
+ \ %pc
+ \ vifmimg clear
+fileviewer *.gif
+ \ vifmimg gifpreview %px %py %pw %ph %c
+ \ %pc
+ \ vifmimg clear
+fileviewer *.ico
+ \ vifmimg magickpreview %px %py %pw %ph %c
+ \ %pc
+ \ vifmimg clear
+" OpenRaster
+filextype *.ora
+ \ {Edit in MyPaint}
+ \ mypaint %f,
+" Mindmap
+filextype *.vym
+ \ {Open with VYM}
+ \ vym %f &,
+" MD5
+filetype *.md5
+ \ {Check MD5 hash sum}
+ \ md5sum -c %f %S,
+" SHA1
+filetype *.sha1
+ \ {Check SHA1 hash sum}
+ \ sha1sum -c %f %S,
+" SHA256
+filetype *.sha256
+ \ {Check SHA256 hash sum}
+ \ sha256sum -c %f %S,
+" SHA512
+filetype *.sha512
+ \ {Check SHA512 hash sum}
+ \ sha512sum -c %f %S,
+" GPG signature
+filetype *.asc
+ \ {Check signature}
+ \ !!gpg --verify %c,
+" Torrent
+filetype *.torrent ktorrent %f &
+fileviewer *.torrent dumptorrent -v %c
+" FuseZipMount
+filetype *.zip,*.jar,*.war,*.ear,*.oxt,*.apkg
+ \ {Mount with fuse-zip}
+ \ {View contents}
+ \ zip -sf %c | less,
+ \ {Extract here}
+ \ tar -xf %c,
+fileviewer *.zip,*.jar,*.war,*.ear,*.oxt zip -sf %c
+" ArchiveMount
+filetype *.tar,*.tar.bz2,*.tbz2,*.tgz,*.tar.gz,*.tar.xz,*.txz
+ \ {Mount with archivemount}
+fileviewer *.tgz,*.tar.gz tar -tzf %c
+fileviewer *.tar.bz2,*.tbz2 tar -tjf %c
+fileviewer *.tar.txz,*.txz xz --list %c
+fileviewer *.tar tar -tf %c
+" Rar2FsMount and rar archives
+filetype *.rar
+ \ {Mount with rar2fs}
+fileviewer *.rar unrar v %c
+" IsoMount
+filetype *.iso
+ \ {Mount with fuseiso}
+" SshMount
+filetype *.ssh
+ \ {Mount with sshfs}
+" FtpMount
+filetype *.ftp
+ \ {Mount with curlftpfs}
+ \ FUSE_MOUNT2|curlftpfs -o ftp_port=-,,disable_eprt %PARAM %DESTINATION_DIR %FOREGROUND,
+" Fuse7z and 7z archives
+filetype *.7z
+ \ {Mount with fuse-7z}
+fileviewer *.7z 7z l %c
+" Office files
+filextype *.odt,*.doc,*.docx,*.xls,*.xlsx,*.odp,*.pptx libreoffice %f &
+fileviewer *.doc catdoc %c
+fileviewer *.docx %f -
+" TuDu files
+filetype *.tudu tudu -f %c
+" Qt projects
+filextype *.pro qtcreator %f &
+" Directories
+filextype */
+ \ {View in thunar}
+ \ Thunar %f &,
+" Syntax highlighting in preview
+" Explicitly set highlight type for some extensions
+" 256-color terminal
+" fileviewer *.[ch],*.[ch]pp highlight -O xterm256 -s dante --syntax c %c
+" fileviewer Makefile,Makefile.* highlight -O xterm256 -s dante --syntax make %c
+" 16-color terminal
+" fileviewer *.c,*.h highlight -O ansi -s dante %c
+" Or leave it for automatic detection
+" fileviewer *[^/] pygmentize -O style=monokai -f console256 -g
+" Displaying pictures in terminal
+" fileviewer *.jpg,*.png shellpic %c
+" Open all other files with default system programs (you can also remove all
+" :file[x]type commands above to ensure they don't interfere with system-wide
+" settings). By default all unknown files are opened with 'vi[x]cmd'
+" uncommenting one of lines below will result in ignoring 'vi[x]cmd' option
+" for unknown file types.
+" For *nix:
+" filetype * xdg-open
+" For OS X:
+" filetype * open
+" For Windows:
+" filetype * start, explorer
+" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" What should be saved automatically between vifm sessions. Drop "savedirs"
+" value if you don't want vifm to remember last visited directories for you.
+set vifminfo=dhistory,savedirs,chistory,state,tui,shistory,
+ \phistory,fhistory,dirstack,registers,bookmarks,bmarks
+" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Examples of configuring both panels
+" Customize view columns a bit (enable ellipsis for truncated file names)
+" set viewcolumns=-{name}..,6{}.
+" Filter-out build and temporary files
+" filter! /^.*\.(lo|o|d|class|py[co])$|.*~$/
+" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Sample mappings
+" Start shell in current directory
+nnoremap s :shell<cr>
+" Display sorting dialog
+nnoremap S :sort<cr>
+" Toggle visibility of preview window
+nnoremap w :view<cr>
+vnoremap w :view<cr>gv
+" Open file in existing instance of gvim
+nnoremap o :!gvim --remote-tab-silent %f<cr>
+" Open file in new instance of gvim
+nnoremap O :!gvim %f<cr>
+" Open file in the background using its default program
+nnoremap gb :file &<cr>l
+" Interaction with system clipboard
+if has('win')
+ " Yank current directory path to Windows clipboard with forward slashes
+ nnoremap yp :!echo %"d:gs!\!/! %i | clip<cr>
+ " Yank path to current file to Windows clipboard with forward slashes
+ nnoremap yf :!echo %"c:gs!\!/! %i | clip<cr>
+elseif executable('xclip')
+ " Yank current directory path into the clipboard
+ nnoremap yd :!echo %d | xclip %i<cr>
+ " Yank current file path into the clipboard
+ nnoremap yf :!echo %c:p | xclip %i<cr>
+elseif executable('xsel')
+ " Yank current directory path into primary and selection clipboards
+ nnoremap yd :!echo -n %d | xsel --input --primary %i &&
+ \ echo -n %d | xsel --clipboard --input %i<cr>
+ " Yank current file path into into primary and selection clipboards
+ nnoremap yf :!echo -n %c:p | xsel --input --primary %i &&
+ \ echo -n %c:p | xsel --clipboard --input %i<cr>
+" Mappings for faster renaming
+nnoremap I cw<c-a>
+nnoremap cc cw<c-u>
+nnoremap A cw
+" Open console in current directory
+nnoremap ,t :!xterm &<cr>
+" Open editor to edit vifmrc and apply settings after returning to vifm
+nnoremap ,c :write | edit $MYVIFMRC | restart<cr>
+" Open gvim to edit vifmrc
+nnoremap ,C :!gvim --remote-tab-silent $MYVIFMRC &<cr>
+" Toggle wrap setting on ,w key
+nnoremap ,w :set wrap!<cr>
+" Example of standard two-panel file managers mappings
+nnoremap <f3> :!less %f<cr>
+nnoremap <f4> :edit<cr>
+nnoremap <f5> :copy<cr>
+nnoremap <f6> :move<cr>
+nnoremap <f7> :mkdir<space>
+nnoremap <f8> :delete<cr>
+" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Various customization examples
+" Use ag (the silver searcher) instead of grep
+" set grepprg='ag --line-numbers %i %a %s'
+" Add additional place to look for executables
+" let $PATH = $HOME.'/bin/fuse:'.$PATH
+" Block particular shortcut
+" nnoremap <left> <nop>
+" Export IPC name of current instance as environment variable and use it to
+" communicate with the instance later.
+" It can be used in some shell script that gets run from inside vifm, for
+" example, like this:
+" vifm --server-name "$VIFM_SERVER_NAME" --remote +"cd '$PWD'"
+" let $VIFM_SERVER_NAME = v:servername