path: root/.config/fish/conf.d
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.config/fish/conf.d')
4 files changed, 255 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.config/fish/conf.d/ b/.config/fish/conf.d/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..939f17c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fish/conf.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+function _tide_init_install --on-event _tide_init_install
+ source (functions --details _tide_sub_configure)
+ _load_config lean
+ _tide_finish
+ if status is-interactive
+ tide bug-report --check || sleep 4
+ if contains ilancosman/tide (string lower $_fisher_plugins)
+ set_color bryellow
+ echo "ilancosman/tide is a development branch. Please install from a release tag:"
+ echo -ns "fisher install ilancosman/tide@v5" | fish_indent --ansi
+ sleep 3
+ end
+ switch (read --prompt-str="Configure tide prompt? [Y/n] " | string lower)
+ case y ye yes ''
+ tide configure
+ case '*'
+ echo -s \n 'Run ' (echo -ns "tide configure" | fish_indent --ansi) ' to customize your prompt.'
+ end
+ end
+function _tide_init_update --on-event _tide_init_update
+ # Warn users who install from main branch
+ if contains ilancosman/tide (string lower $_fisher_plugins)
+ set_color bryellow
+ echo "ilancosman/tide is a development branch. Please install from a release tag:"
+ echo -ns "fisher install ilancosman/tide@v5" | fish_indent --ansi
+ sleep 3
+ end
+function _tide_init_uninstall --on-event _tide_init_uninstall
+ set -e (set -U --names | string match --entire -r '^_?tide')
+ functions --erase (functions --all | string match --entire -r '^_?tide')
diff --git a/.config/fish/conf.d/ b/.config/fish/conf.d/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..848ee6da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fish/conf.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+for mode in default insert
+ bind --mode $mode " " '__abbr_tips_bind_space'
+ bind --mode $mode \n '__abbr_tips_bind_newline'
+ bind --mode $mode \r '__abbr_tips_bind_newline'
+set -g __abbr_tips_used 0
+# Trim simple/double quotes from args
+function trim_value
+ echo "$argv" | string trim --left --right --chars '"\'' | string join ' '
+function __abbr_tips_install --on-event abbr_tips_install
+ # Regexes used to find abbreviation inside command
+ # Only the first matching group will be tested as an abbr
+ set -a ABBR_TIPS_REGEXES '(^(\w+\s+)+(-{1,2})\w+)(\s\S+)'
+ set -a ABBR_TIPS_REGEXES '(^(\s?(\w-?)+){3}).*'
+ set -a ABBR_TIPS_REGEXES '(^(\s?(\w-?)+){2}).*'
+ set -a ABBR_TIPS_REGEXES '(^(\s?(\w-?)+){1}).*'
+ set -Ux ABBR_TIPS_PROMPT "\n💡 \e[1m{{ .abbr }}\e[0m => {{ .cmd }}"
+ set -gx ABBR_TIPS_AUTO_UPDATE 'background'
+ # Locking mechanism
+ # Prevent this file to spawn more than one subshell
+ if test "$USER" != 'root'
+ fish -c '__abbr_tips_init' &
+ end
+function __abbr_tips --on-event fish_postexec -d "Abbreviation reminder for the current command"
+ set -l command (string split ' ' -- "$argv")
+ set -l cmd (string replace -r -a '\\s+' ' ' -- "$argv" )
+ # Update abbreviations lists when adding/removing abbreviations
+ if test "$command[1]" = "abbr"
+ # Parse args as abbr options
+ argparse --name 'abbr' --ignore-unknown 'a/add' 'e/erase' 'g/global' 'U/universal' -- $command
+ if set -q _flag_a
+ and not contains -- "$argv[2]" $__ABBR_TIPS_KEYS
+ set -a __ABBR_TIPS_KEYS "$argv[2]"
+ set -a __ABBR_TIPS_VALUES (trim_value "$argv[3..-1]")
+ else if set -q _flag_e
+ and set -l abb (contains -i -- "$argv[2]" $__ABBR_TIPS_KEYS)
+ set -e __ABBR_TIPS_KEYS[$abb]
+ set -e __ABBR_TIPS_VALUES[$abb]
+ end
+ else if test "$command[1]" = "alias"
+ # Update abbreviations list when adding aliases
+ set -l alias_key
+ set -l alias_value
+ # Parse args as `alias` options
+ argparse --name 'alias' --ignore-unknown 's/save' -- $command
+ if string match -q '*=*' -- "$argv[2]"
+ if test (count $argv) = 2
+ set command_split (string split '=' -- $argv[2])
+ set alias_key "a__$command_split[1]"
+ set alias_value $command_split[2]
+ set -a alias_value $command[3..-1]
+ end
+ else
+ set alias_key "a__$argv[2]"
+ set alias_value $argv[3..-1]
+ end
+ set alias_value (trim_value "$alias_value")
+ if set -l abb (contains -i -- "$argv[3..-1]" $__ABBR_TIPS_KEYS)
+ set __ABBR_TIPS_KEYS[$abb] $alias_key
+ set __ABBR_TIPS_VALUES[$abb] $alias_value
+ else
+ set -a __ABBR_TIPS_KEYS $alias_key
+ set -a __ABBR_TIPS_VALUES $alias_value
+ end
+ else if test "$command[1]" = "functions"
+ # Parse args as `functions` options
+ argparse --name 'functions' 'e/erase' -- $command
+ # Update abbreviations list when removing aliases
+ if set -q _flag_e
+ and set -l abb (contains -i -- a__{$argv[2]} $__ABBR_TIPS_KEYS)
+ set -e __ABBR_TIPS_KEYS[$abb]
+ set -e __ABBR_TIPS_VALUES[$abb]
+ end
+ end
+ # Exit in the following cases :
+ # - abbreviation has been used
+ # - command is already an abbreviation
+ # - command not found
+ # - or it's a function (alias)
+ if test $__abbr_tips_used = 1
+ set -g __abbr_tips_used 0
+ return
+ else if abbr -q "$cmd"
+ or not type -q "$command[1]"
+ return
+ else if string match -q -- "alias $cmd *" (alias)
+ return
+ else if test (type -t "$command[1]") = 'function'
+ and count $ABBR_TIPS_ALIAS_WHITELIST >/dev/null
+ and not contains "$command[1]" $ABBR_TIPS_ALIAS_WHITELIST
+ return
+ end
+ set -l abb
+ if not set abb (contains -i -- "$cmd" $__ABBR_TIPS_VALUES)
+ if set abb (contains -i -- (string replace -r -a -- "$r" '$1' "$cmd") $__ABBR_TIPS_VALUES)
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if test -n "$abb"
+ if string match -q "a__*" -- "$__ABBR_TIPS_KEYS[$abb]"
+ set -l alias (string sub -s 4 -- "$__ABBR_TIPS_KEYS[$abb]")
+ if functions -q "$alias"
+ echo -e (string replace -a '{{ .cmd }}' -- "$__ABBR_TIPS_VALUES[$abb]" \
+ (string replace -a '{{ .abbr }}' -- "$alias" "$ABBR_TIPS_PROMPT"))
+ else
+ set -e __ABBR_TIPS_KEYS[$abb]
+ set -e __ABBR_TIPS_VALUES[$abb]
+ end
+ else
+ echo -e (string replace -a '{{ .cmd }}' -- "$__ABBR_TIPS_VALUES[$abb]" \
+ (string replace -a '{{ .abbr }}' -- "$__ABBR_TIPS_KEYS[$abb]" "$ABBR_TIPS_PROMPT"))
+ end
+ end
+ return
+function __abbr_tips_uninstall --on-event abbr_tips_uninstall
+ bind --erase \n
+ bind --erase \r
+ bind --erase " "
+ set --erase __abbr_tips_used
+ set --erase __abbr_tips_run_once
+ set --erase __ABBR_TIPS_VALUES
+ set --erase __ABBR_TIPS_KEYS
+ set --erase ABBR_TIPS_PROMPT
+ set --erase ABBR_TIPS_REGEXES
+ functions --erase __abbr_tips_init
+ functions --erase __abbr_tips_bind_newline
+ functions --erase __abbr_tips_bind_space
+ functions --erase __abbr_tips
diff --git a/.config/fish/conf.d/ b/.config/fish/conf.d/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8156c11b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fish/conf.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# is only meant to be used in interactive mode. If not in interactive mode and not in CI, skip the config to speed up shell startup
+if not status is-interactive && test "$CI" != true
+ exit
+# Because of scoping rules, to capture the shell variables exactly as they are, we must read
+# them before even executing _fzf_search_variables. We use psub to store the
+# variables' info in temporary files and pass in the filenames as arguments.
+# This variable is global so that it can be referenced by fzf_configure_bindings and in tests
+set --global _fzf_search_vars_command '_fzf_search_variables (set --show | psub) (set --names | psub)'
+# Install the default bindings, which are mnemonic and minimally conflict with fish's preset bindings
+# Doesn't erase autoloaded _fzf_* functions because they are not easily accessible once key bindings are erased
+function _fzf_uninstall --on-event fzf_uninstall
+ _fzf_uninstall_bindings
+ set --erase _fzf_search_vars_command
+ functions --erase _fzf_uninstall _fzf_migration_message _fzf_uninstall_bindings fzf_configure_bindings
+ complete --erase fzf_configure_bindings
+ set_color cyan
+ echo " uninstalled."
+ echo "You may need to manually remove fzf_configure_bindings from your if you were using custom key bindings."
+ set_color normal
diff --git a/.config/fish/conf.d/ b/.config/fish/conf.d/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..959da8d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fish/conf.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+function _halostatue_fish_docker_uninstall -e halostatue_fish_docker_uninstall
+ functions -e (functions -a | command awk '/_halostatue_fish_docker_/')
+function _halostatue_fish_docker_print_containers --description 'Print a list of docker containers' -a select append
+ set -l filter
+ switch $select
+ case running
+ set filter --filter status=running
+ case stopped
+ set filter --filter status=exited
+ case '*'
+ set filter --all
+ end
+ test -z $append; and set append ''
+ docker ps --no-trunc $filter --format '{{.ID}}\n{{.Names}}' | tr ',' $append'\n'
+function _halostatue_fish_docker_print_images --description 'Print a list of docker images'
+ docker images --format '{{if eq .Repository "<none>"}}{{.ID}}\tUnnamed Image{{else}}{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}{{end}}'
+function _halostatue_fish_docker_print_repositories --description 'Print a list of docker repositories'
+ docker images --format '{{.Repository}}' | command grep -v '<none>' | command sort | command uniq
+function _halostatue_fish_docker_print_compose_services --description 'Print a list of docker-compose services'
+ docker-compose config --services 2>/dev/null | command sort