path: root/content
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authorRoger Gonzalez <>2020-11-02 18:37:23 -0300
committerRoger Gonzalez <>2020-11-02 18:37:23 -0300
commitdea4a61cbf42ff422f1409d4342fa59017950526 (patch)
tree991f6d09a6c30dab04e5a1806ba59501471c6779 /content
parente09d9dc4ffc26c6082ef003251efa77d133795f8 (diff)
Changed theme to Archie, moving blog to
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdb9433
--- /dev/null
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+title: "Home"
+date: 2020-11-01T20:11:50-03:00
+lastmod: 2020-11-01T20:11:50-03:00
+tags : [ "dev", "hugo" ]
+draft: false
+# Who am I?
+Hello world! I'm a Full-Stack web developer from Valencia, Venezuela, but now
+living in [Montevideo, Uruguay](
+I have experience in front-end, back-end, and DevOps. New technologies fuel my
+desire to learn more and more each day. I try to keep my code as clean as
+possible, following established standards for the technology I'm using at the
+I love Open Source projects. Knowledge should be available to everyone who wants
+You can check my resume in a more traditional format here:
+# Experience
+## [Lazer Technologies](
+> September 2020
+In Lazer Technologies we are working for [Certn]( Certn is an
+app that looks to ease the employers jobs of doing criminal background checks
+for their employees. First, we built an app that acts as a bridge between our
+main app and criminal background check providers (like the
+[RCMP]( Now we are working on a scraper for
+multiple providers that don't have an API. In this project we are using Django,
+Django REST Framework, Docker, PostgreSQL, Github Actions and Jenkins.
+## [Tarmac](
+> July 2020
+I'm currently working on Tarmac on a project called "Volition". In Volition we
+are developing a crawler that extracts information from different pages in order
+to build a "super market place" for a specific product. In this project we are
+using Docker, TypeScript, NodeJS, PostgreSQL, Google Cloud, and Kubernetes.
+## [Massive](
+Senior Backend Developer
+> April 2019 - August 2020
+I worked for Massive from April 2019 to August 2020. On my time in Massive, I
+worked on one big project for Coca-Cola Mexico, called Tus Tapas Valen. "Tus
+Tapas Valen" is an application that allowed clients to participate in promotions
+and auctions, and win prizes. First I worked FrontEnd with ReactJS, Redux and
+redux-observable, but now I'm working in the Backend. I had to plan a big
+refactor while still working on new Backend functionalities. The Backend was
+built using Python, Django, PostgreSQL, AWS, and AWS S3
+## [Vascar Solutions](
+Backend Developer
+> December 2016 - June 2019
+On my time in Vascar Solutions, I have been in many projects, most recently on
+Knac and Axelerist. "Knac" is a job application startup, empathizing on
+assessments to recommend candidates to a specific job. I worked on the backend
+with NodeJS, Express, MongoDB, Mocha, CircleCI, Heroku and AWS. "Axelerist" is a
+web app that connects to an external API and displays the client’s inventory in
+a more friendly and ergonomic way. I worked on the backend, managing the API
+connection, working on an API wrapper and user management. The app was made with
+NodeJS, Express, MongoDB, Mocha, CircleCI, Heroku and AWS.
+# Education
+[**Univesidad Tecnológica del Centro (UNITEC)**](
+> September 2010 - December 2015
+- Information Engineer
+ + Internship: Database system for Amcor Rigid Plastics de Venezuela
+ + Specializations: **1.** Web development, **2.** Automatization & **3.** Linux administration
+ + University groups: **1.** TecnoYucas, **2.** Centro de Investigación y
+ Tecnología (CIT), **3.** Centro de Tecnología y Robótica (CTR)
+# Skills
+- **Programming Languages:** [Python]( |
+ [JavaScript]( |
+ [Bash](
+- **FrontEnd:** [HTML]( |
+ [CSS]( |
+ [Bootstrap]( | [ReactJS](
+- **Backend:** [Django]( | [Django REST
+ Framework]( |
+ [NodeJS]( | [Express]( |
+ [Flask]( |
+ [MySQL]( | [PostgreSQL]( |
+ [MongoDB](
+- **Servers and Infrastructure:** [Amazon Web Services](
+ | [DigitalOcean]( | [Linode](
+ | [Docker]( | [Heroku]( |
+ [NGINX]( | [Apache](
+- **Others:** [Linux]( |
+ [Emacs]( | [Git]( |
+ [Scrum]( | [CircleCI]( |
+ [Mocha]( | [EsLint](
+## Workflow
+- REST API design
+- Follow the ["Twelve factor app"](
+- Cross Functional Teams
+- Agile Development & Scrum
+# Certifications
+- English Course with practice & lesson sections, full English environment -
+Berlitz English
+- [Build a Backend REST API with Python & Django - Advanced -
+ Udemy](
+- [Build a Backend REST API with Python & Django - Beginner -
+ Udemy](
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-#+hugo_base_dir: ../
-#+hugo_section: ./posts
-#+hugo_weight: auto
-#+hugo_auto_set_lastmod: t
-#+author: Roger Gonzalez
-* Programming :@programming:
-All posts in here will have the category set to /programming/.
-** How I got a residency appointment thanks to Python, Selenium and Telegram :python::selenium:telegram:
-:EXPORT_FILE_NAME: how-i-got-a-residency-appointment-thanks-to-python-and-selenium
-:EXPORT_DATE: 2020-08-02
-Hello everyone!
-As some of you might know, I'm a Venezuelan 🇻🇪 living in Montevideo, Uruguay 🇺🇾.
-I've been living here for almost a year, but because of the pandemic my
-residency appointments have slowed down to a crawl, and in the middle of the
-quarantine they added a new appointment system. Before, there were no
-appointments, you just had to get there early and wait for the secretary to
-review your files and assign someone to attend you. But now, they had
-implemented an appointment system that you could do from the comfort of your own
-home/office. There was just one issue: *there were never appointments available*.
-That was a little stressful. I was developing a small /tick/ by checking the
-site multiple times a day, with no luck. But then, I decided I wanted to do a
-bot that checks the site for me, that way I could just forget about it and let
-the computers do it for me.
-*** Tech
-**** Selenium
-I had some experience with Selenium in the past because I had to run automated
-tests on an Android application, but I had never used it for the web. I knew it
-supported Firefox and had an extensive API to interact with websites. In the
-end, I just had to inspect the HTML and search for the "No appointments
-available" error message. If the message wasn't there, I needed a way to be
-notified so I can set my appointment as fast as possible.
-**** Telegram Bot API
-Telegram was my goto because I have a lot of experience with it. It has a
-stupidly easy API that allows for superb bot management. I just needed the bot
-to send me a message whenever the "No appointments available" message wasn't
-found on the site.
-*** The plan
-Here comes the juicy part: How is everything going to work together?
-I divided the work into four parts:
-1) Inspecting the site
-2) Finding the error message on the site
-3) Sending the message if nothing was found
-4) Deploy the job with a cronjob on my VPS
-*** Inspecting the site
-Here is the site I needed to inspect:
-- On the first site, I need to click the bottom button. By inspecting the HTML,
- I found out that its name is ~form:botonElegirHora~
- [[/2020-08-02-171251.png]]
-- When the button is clicked, it loads a second page that has an error message
- if no appointments are found. The ID of that message is ~form:warnSinCupos~.
- [[/2020-08-02-162205.png]]
-*** Using Selenium to find the error message
-First, I needed to define the browser session and its settings. I wanted to run
-it in headless mode so no X session is needed:
-#+BEGIN_SRC python
-from selenium import webdriver
-from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options
-options = Options()
-options.headless = True
-d = webdriver.Firefox(options=options)
-Then, I opened the site, looked for the button (~form:botonElegirHora~) and
-clicked it
-#+BEGIN_SRC python
-# This is the website I wanted to scrape
-elem = d.find_element_by_name('form:botonElegirHora')
-And on the new page, I looked for the error message (~form:warnSinCupos~)
-#+BEGIN_SRC python
- warning_message = d.find_element_by_id('form:warnSinCupos')
-except Exception:
- pass
-This was working exactly how I wanted: It opened a new browser session, opened
-the site, clicked the button, and then looked for the message. For now, if the
-message wasn't found, it does nothing. Now, the script needs to send me a
-message if the warning message wasn't found on the page.
-*** Using Telegram to send a message if the warning message wasn't found
-The Telegram bot API has a very simple way to send messages. If you want to read
-more about their API, you can check it [[][here]].
-There are a few steps you need to follow to get a Telegram bot:
-1) First, you need to "talk" to the [[][Botfather]] to create the bot.
-2) Then, you need to find your Telegram Chat ID. There are a few bots that can help
- you with that, I personally use ~@get_id_bot~.
-3) Once you have the ID, you should read the ~sendMessage~ API, since that's the
- only one we need now. You can check it [[][here]].
-So, by using the Telegram documentation, I came up with the following code:
-#+BEGIN_SRC python
-import requests
-chat_id = # Insert your chat ID here
-telegram_bot_id = # Insert your Telegram bot ID here
-telegram_data = {
- "chat_id": chat_id
- "parse_mode": "HTML",
- "text": ("<b>Hay citas!</b>\nHay citas en el registro civil, para "
- f"entrar ve a {SAE_URL}")
-}'{telegram_bot_id}/sendmessage', data=telegram_data)
-*** The complete script
-I added a few loggers and environment variables and voilá! Here is the complete code:
-#+BEGIN_SRC python
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-import os
-import requests
-from datetime import datetime
-from selenium import webdriver
-from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options
-from dotenv import load_dotenv
-load_dotenv() # This loads the environmental variables from the .env file in the root folder
-TELEGRAM_BOT_ID = os.environ.get('TELEGRAM_BOT_ID')
-SAE_URL = ''
-options = Options()
-options.headless = True
-d = webdriver.Firefox(options=options)
-print(f'Headless Firefox Initialized {}')
-elem = d.find_element_by_name('form:botonElegirHora')
- warning_message = d.find_element_by_id('form:warnSinCupos')
- print('No dates yet')
- print('------------------------------')
-except Exception:
- telegram_data = {
- "chat_id": TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID,
- "parse_mode": "HTML",
- "text": ("<b>Hay citas!</b>\nHay citas en el registro civil, para "
- f"entrar ve a {SAE_URL}")
- }
- f'{TELEGRAM_BOT_ID}/sendmessage', data=telegram_data)
- print('Dates found!')
-d.close() # To close the browser connection
-Only one more thing to do, to deploy everything to my VPS
-*** Deploy and testing on the VPS
-This was very easy. I just needed to pull my git repo, install the
-~requirements.txt~ and set a new cron to run every 10 minutes and check the
-site. The cron settings I used where:
-#+BEGIN_SRC bash
-*/10 * * * * /usr/bin/python3 /my/script/location/registro-civil-scraper/ >> /my/script/location/registro-civil-scraper/log.txt
-The ~>> /my/script/location/registro-civil-scraper/log.txt~ part is to keep the logs on a new file.
-*** Did it work?
-Yes! And it worked perfectly. I got a message the following day at 21:00
-(weirdly enough, that's 0:00GMT, so maybe they have their servers at GMT time
-and it opens new appointments at 0:00).
-*** Conclusion
-I always loved to use programming to solve simple problems. With this script, I
-didn't need to check the site every couple of hours to get an appointment, and
-sincerely, I wasn't going to check past 19:00, so I would've never found it by
-my own.
-My brother is having similar issues in Argentina, and when I showed him this, he
-said one of the funniest phrases I've heard about my profession:
-> /"Programmers could take over the world, but they are too lazy"/
-I lol'd way too hard at that.
-I loved Selenium and how it worked. Recently I created a crawler using Selenium,
-Redis, peewee, and Postgres, so stay tuned if you want to know more about that.
-In the meantime, if you want to check the complete script, you can see it on my
-Git instance: or Gitlab, if you
-* COMMENT Local Variables
-# Local Variables:
-# eval: (org-hugo-auto-export-mode)
-# End:
diff --git a/content/posts/ b/content/posts/
index fe7d46a..a080a6b 100644
--- a/content/posts/
+++ b/content/posts/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title = "How I got a residency appointment thanks to Python, Selenium and Telegram"
author = ["Roger Gonzalez"]
date = 2020-08-02
-lastmod = 2020-08-03T11:44:38-03:00
+lastmod = 2020-11-02T17:34:24-03:00
tags = ["python", "selenium", "telegram"]
categories = ["programming"]
draft = false
diff --git a/content/posts/ b/content/posts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..885766f
--- /dev/null
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+title: "How to create a management command and scrape your Auth0 database with Django"
+date: 2020-06-30T09:40:48-03:00
+lastmod: 2020-06-30T09:40:48-03:00
+tags : [ "python", "django", "programming" ]
+draft: true
+Hello everyone!
+Some months ago, our data analyst needed to extract some data from Auth0 and match it with our profiles
+database, so I decided we needed a new table to relate the Auth0 information with the profiles
+# The solution
+This was a really easy but interesting task. The steps I came up with were:
+- Create a new model to save the data from Auth0
+- Create a new management command
+- Create a cron to run the management command every night
+# Creating the model
+The model was really easy, I just created a field for each of the fields I want:
+class Auth0Data(models.Model):
+ """Auth0 data straight from auth0"""
+ profile = models.ForeignKey(Profile, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
+ name = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, null=True)
+ last_name = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, null=True)
+ email = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, null=True)
+ last_ip = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, null=True)
+ login_count = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, null=True)
+ last_login = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
+ email_verified = models.BooleanField(default=False)
+ created_at = models.DateTimeField()
+ updated_at = models.DateTimeField()
+ def __str__(self):
+ return str(self.profile)
+# Creating the management command
+I want to run the command with a cron, so I need a way to run it outside of Django's runtime. I want the
+command to run as `python scrape_auth0`. In order to do this, I have to create a specific
+folder structure inside my application.
+Let's asume my Project is called `library` and my Django app is called `book`. I have to create the
+following folder structure:
+├── library # my project root
+│   ├── book # my app name
+│   │   ├── management
+│   │   │   ├── commands
+│   │   │   │   ├──
+│   │   │   ├──
+First, let's create the folders we need. On the root of our application we can run:
+mkdir -p book/management/commands
+touch book/management/commands/
+touch book/management/commands/
+In case you don't know, the `` file is used to indentify Pyton packages.
+Now, you can open `` on your text editor and start creating your command!
+The basic structure to create a command is:
+from import BaseCommand
+class Command(BaseCommand):
+ def handle(self, *args, **options):
+ # my command here
+What's going on here?
+- First we create the class "Command", and inherit from `BaseCommand`. Every command has to inherit from it
+- Inside the class, we need to override the `handle` function. That's where we are going to write our command.
+## The complete Auth0 command
+Here is the entire command:
+import time
+import csv
+import requests
+import gzip
+import json
+import datetime
+import os
+from import BaseCommand
+from core.models import Profile, Auth0Data
+token = os.environ.get('AUTH0_MANAGEMENT_TOKEN')
+headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}',
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
+class Command(BaseCommand):
+ """Django command to load all the pincodes in the db"""
+ def handle(self, *args, **options):
+ self.stdout.write('Scraping...')
+ self.stdout.write('Getting the connections...')
+ connections = requests.get(
+ '',
+ headers=headers
+ ).json()
+ self.stdout.write('Connections found!')
+ for connection in connections:
+ connection_id = connection['id']
+ connection_name = connection['name']
+ self.stdout.write(
+ f'Working with connection {connection_name}, '
+ f'{connection_id}')
+ data = json.dumps({
+ 'connection_id': connection_id,
+ 'format': 'csv',
+ 'limit': 99999999,
+ 'fields': [
+ {
+ 'name': 'user_id'
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'family_name'
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'given_name'
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'email'
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'last_ip'
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'logins_count'
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'created_at'
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'updated_at'
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'last_login'
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'email_verified'
+ }
+ ]
+ })
+ self.stdout.write('Generating job...')
+ job =
+ '',
+ data=data,
+ headers=headers
+ )
+ job_id = job.json()['id']
+ self.stdout.write(f'The job ID is {job_id}')
+ time.sleep(5)
+ job_is_running = True
+ while job_is_running:
+ check_job = requests.get(
+ f'{job_id}',
+ headers=headers
+ ).json()
+ status = check_job['status']
+ if status == 'pending':
+ self.stdout.write('Job has not started, waiting')
+ time.sleep(30)
+ elif status == 'processing':
+ percentage_done = check_job['percentage_done']
+ seconds_left = datetime.timedelta(
+ seconds=check_job['time_left_seconds'])
+ self.stdout.write(f'Procesed: {percentage_done}%')
+ self.stdout.write(f'Time left: {seconds_left}')
+ time.sleep(10)
+ elif status == 'completed':
+ job_is_running = False
+ self.stdout.write('100%')
+ self.stdout.write('Data is ready!')
+ export_url = check_job['location']
+ export_data = requests.get(export_url, stream=True)
+ file_location = 'core/management/commands/auth0_file.csv.gz'
+ with open(file_location, 'wb') as f:
+ self.stdout.write('Downloading the file')
+ for chunk in export_data.iter_content(chunk_size=1024):
+ if chunk:
+ f.write(chunk)
+ f.flush()
+ self.stdout.write('File ready!')
+ f.close()
+ with, 'rt') as f:
+ reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
+ for row in reader:
+ auth0_id = row[0].replace('|', '.')
+ last_name = row[1]
+ name = row[2]
+ email = row[3]
+ last_ip = row[4]
+ login_count = row[5]
+ created_at = row[6]
+ updated_at = row[7]
+ last_login = None
+ if row[8] != '':
+ last_login = row[8]
+ email_verified = False
+ if row[9] == 'true':
+ email_verified = True
+ try:
+ profile = Profile.objects.get(auth0_id=auth0_id)
+ auth0_data = Auth0Data.objects.get(profile=profile)
+ = name
+ auth0_data.last_name = last_name
+ = email
+ auth0_data.last_ip = last_ip
+ auth0_data.login_count = login_count
+ auth0_data.created_at = created_at
+ auth0_data.updated_at = updated_at
+ auth0_data.last_login = last_login
+ auth0_data.email_verified = email_verified
+ self.stdout.write(f'Updated Auth0Data for {profile}')
+ except Auth0Data.DoesNotExist:
+ Auth0Data.objects.create(
+ profile=profile,
+ name=name,
+ last_name=last_name,
+ email=email,
+ last_ip=last_ip,
+ login_count=login_count,
+ created_at=created_at,
+ updated_at=updated_at,
+ last_login=last_login,
+ email_verified=email_verified
+ )
+ self.stdout.write(f'Created Auth0Data for {profile}')
+ except Profile.DoesNotExist:
+ pass