#!/bin/bash set -eo pipefail dc="docker-compose -f " option=${1:-"--help"} help() { echo "yams - Yet Another Media Server" echo echo "Usage: yams [--help|restart|stop|start|status]" echo "options:" echo "--help displays this help message" echo "restart restarts yams services" echo "stop stops all yams services" echo "start starts yams services" echo "destroy destroy yams services so you can start from scratch" echo "check-vpn checks if the VPN is working as expected" } send_success_message() { echo -e $(printf "\e[32m$1\e[0m") } send_error_message() { echo -e $(printf "\e[31m$1\e[0m") exit 255 } if [ $option == "--help" ]; then help exit 0 fi if [ $option == "restart" ]; then $dc stop && $dc up -d echo "YAMS is starting. Wait 1 min until all the services are up and running..." exit 0 fi if [ $option == "stop" ]; then $dc stop exit 0 fi if [ $option == "start" ]; then $dc up -d echo "YAMS is starting. Wait 1 min until all the services are up and running..." exit 0 fi if [ $option == "check-vpn" ]; then echo "Getting your qBittorrent IP..." qbittorrent_ip=$($dc exec -it qbittorrent sh -c "curl -s ifconfig.me"); echo "$qbittorrent_ip" echo echo "Getting your IP..." your_ip=$(curl -s ifconfig.me) echo "$your_ip" echo if [ $qbittorrent_ip == $your_ip ]; then send_error_message "Your IPs are the same! qBittorrent is NOT working! ⚠️" else send_success_message "Your IPs are different. qBittorrent is working as expected! ✅ " fi fi if [ $option == "destroy" ]; then echo echo read -p "Are you sure you want to destroy all your yams services? THIS IS NOT RECOVERABLE! ⚠️ ️🚨 [y/N]: " destroy_now destroy_now=${destroy_now:-"n"} if [ $destroy_now == "y" ]; then $dc down echo echo echo "yams services were destroyed. To restart, run: " echo "\$ yams start" fi fi