#!/bin/bash set -euo pipefail printf "\033c" echo "====================================================" echo " ___ ___ ___ " echo " ___ / /\ /__/\ / /\ " echo " /__/| / /::\ | |::\ / /:/_ " echo " | |:| / /:/\:\ | |:|:\ / /:/ /\ " echo " | |:| / /:/~/::\ __|__|:|\:\ / /:/ /::\\" echo " __|__|:| /__/:/ /:/\:\ /__/::::| \:\ /__/:/ /:/\:\\" echo "/__/::::\ \ \:\/:/__\/ \ \:\~~\__\/ \ \:\/:/~/:/" echo " ~\~~\:\ \ \::/ \ \:\ \ \::/ /:/ " echo " \ \:\ \ \:\ \ \:\ \__\/ /:/ " echo " \__\/ \ \:\ \ \:\ /__/:/ " echo " \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ " echo "====================================================" echo "Welcome to YAMS (Yet Another Media Server)" echo "Installation process should be really quick" echo "We just need you to answer some questions" echo "We are going to ask for your sudo password in the end" echo "To finish the installation of the CLI" echo "====================================================" echo "" send_success_message() { echo -e $(printf "\e[32m$1\e[0m") } send_error_message() { echo -e $(printf "\e[31m$1\e[0m") exit 255 } check_dependencides() { if command -v "$1" &> /dev/null; then send_success_message "$1 exists ✅ " else echo -e $(printf "\e[31m ⚠️ $1 not found! ⚠️\e[0m") read -p "Do you want YAMS to install docker and docker-compose? IT ONLY WORKS ON DEBIAN AND UBUNTU! [y/N]: " install_docker install_docker=${install_docker:-"n"} if [ "$install_docker" == "y" ]; then bash ./docker.sh else send_error_message "Install docker and docker-compose and come back later!" fi fi } running_services_location() { host_ip=$(hostname -I | awk '{ print $1 }') services=( "qBittorrent:8080" "Radarr:7878" "Sonarr:8989" "Lidarr:8686" "Readarr:8787" "Prowlarr:9696" "Bazarr:6767" "$media_service:$media_service_port" "Portainer:9000" ) echo -e "Service URLs:" for service in "${services[@]}"; do service_name="${service%%:*}" service_port="${service##*:}" echo "$service_name: http://$host_ip:$service_port/" done } echo "Checking prerequisites..." check_dependencides "docker" check_dependencides "docker-compose" if [[ "$EUID" = 0 ]]; then send_error_message "YAMS has to run without sudo! Please, run it again with regular permissions" fi default_install_directory="/opt/yams" read -p "Where do you want to install the docker-compose file? [$default_install_directory]: " install_directory install_directory=${install_directory:-$default_install_directory} if [ ! -d "$install_directory" ]; then echo "The directory \"$install_directory\" does not exists. Attempting to create..." if mkdir -p "$install_directory"; then send_success_message "Directory $install_directory created ✅" else send_error_message "There was an error creating the installation directory at \"$install_directory\". Make sure you have the necessary permissions ❌" fi fi if [ ! -w "$install_directory" ] || [ ! -r "$install_directory" ]; then send_error_message "The directory \"$install_directory\" is not writable or readable by the current user. Set the correct permissions or try a different directory" ❌ fi filename="$install_directory/docker-compose.yaml" custom_file_filename="$install_directory/docker-compose.custom.yaml" env_file="$install_directory/.env" read -p "What's the user that is going to own the media server files? [$USER]: " username username=${username:-$USER} if id -u "$username" &>/dev/null; then puid=$(id -u "$username"); pgid=$(id -g "$username"); else send_error_message "The user \"$username\" doesn't exist!" fi read -p "Please, input your media directory [/srv/media]: " media_directory media_directory=${media_directory:-"/srv/media"} read -p "Are you sure your media directory is \"$media_directory\"? [y/N]: " media_directory_correct media_directory_correct=${media_directory_correct:-"n"} if [ ! -d "$media_directory" ]; then echo "The directory \"$media_directory\" does not exists. Attempting to create..." if mkdir -p "$media_directory"; then send_success_message "Directory $media_directory created ✅" else send_error_message "There was an error creating the installation directory at \"$media_directory\". Make sure you have the necessary permissions ❌" fi fi if [ "$media_directory_correct" == "n" ]; then send_error_message "Media directory is not correct. Please fix it and run the script again ❌" fi echo -e "\n\n\nTime to choose your media service." echo "Your media service is responsible for serving your files to your network." echo "By default, YAMS supports 3 media services:" echo "- jellyfin (recommended, easier)" echo "- emby" echo "- plex (advanced, always online)" read -p "Choose your media service [jellyfin]: " media_service media_service=${media_service:-"jellyfin"} media_service=$(echo "$media_service" | awk '{print tolower($0)}') media_service_port=8096 if [ "$media_service" == "plex" ]; then media_service_port=32400 fi if echo "emby plex jellyfin" | grep -qw "$media_service"; then echo -e "\nYAMS is going to install \"$media_service\" on port \"$media_service_port\"" else send_error_message "\"$media_service\" is not supported by YAMS. Are you sure you chose the correct service?" fi echo -e "\nTime to set up the VPN." echo "You can check the supported VPN list here: https://yams.media/advanced/vpn." read -p "Do you want to configure a VPN? [Y/n]: " setup_vpn setup_vpn=${setup_vpn:-"y"} if [ "$setup_vpn" == "y" ]; then read -p "What's your VPN service? (with spaces) [mullvad]: " vpn_service vpn_service=${vpn_service:-"mullvad"} echo -e "\nYou should read $vpn_service's documentation in case it has different configurations for username and password." echo "The documentation for $vpn_service is here: https://github.com/qdm12/gluetun-wiki/blob/main/setup/providers/${vpn_service// /-}.md" read -p "What's your VPN username? (without spaces): " vpn_user unset vpn_password charcount=0 prompt="What's your VPN password? (if you are using mullvad, just enter your username again): " while IFS= read -p "$prompt" -r -s -n 1 char do if [[ $char == $'\0' ]] then break fi if [[ $char == $'\177' ]] ; then if [ $charcount -gt 0 ] ; then charcount=$((charcount-1)) prompt=$'\b \b' vpn_password="${vpn_password%?}" else prompt='' fi else charcount=$((charcount+1)) prompt='*' vpn_password+="$char" fi done echo fi echo "Configuring the docker-compose file for the user \"$username\" on \"$install_directory\"..." copy_files=( "docker-compose.example.yaml:$filename" ".env.example:$env_file" "docker-compose.custom.yaml:$custom_file_filename" ) for file_mapping in "${copy_files[@]}"; do source_file="${file_mapping%%:*}" destination_file="${file_mapping##*:}" echo -e "\nCopying $source_file to $destination_file..." if cp "$source_file" "$destination_file"; then send_success_message "$source_file was copied successfuly! ✅" else send_error_message "Failed to copy $source_file to $destination_file. Ensure your user ($USER) has the necessary permissions ❌" fi done sed -i -e "s||$puid|g" "$env_file" \ -e "s||$pgid|g" "$env_file" \ -e "s||$media_directory|g" "$env_file" \ -e "s||$media_service|g" "$env_file" \ -e "s||$media_service|g" "$filename" if [ "$media_service" == "plex" ]; then sed -i -e "s|#network_mode: host # plex|network_mode: host # plex|g" "$filename" fi sed -i -e "s||$install_directory|g" "$env_file" if [ "$setup_vpn" == "y" ]; then sed -i -e "s||$vpn_service|g" "$env_file" \ -e "s||$vpn_user|g" "$env_file" \ -e "s||$vpn_password|g" "$env_file" \ -e "s||$setup_vpn|g" "$env_file" \ -e "s|#network_mode: \"service:gluetun\"|network_mode: \"service:gluetun\"|g" "$filename" \ -e "s|ports: # qbittorrent|#port: # qbittorrent|g" "$filename" \ -e "s|- 8080:8080 # qbittorrent|#- 8080:8080 # qbittorrent|g" "$filename" \ -e "s|#- 8080:8080/tcp # gluetun|- 8080:8080/tcp # gluetun|g" "$filename" fi sed -i -e "s||$filename|g" yams \ -e "s||$custom_file_filename|g" yams \ -e "s||$install_directory|g" yams send_success_message "Everything installed correctly! 🎉" echo "Running the server..." echo "This is going to take a while..." docker-compose -f "$filename" up -d echo -e "\nWe need your sudo password to install the YAMS CLI and configure permissions..." if sudo cp yams /usr/local/bin/yams && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/yams; then send_success_message "YAMS CLI installed successfully ✅" else send_error_message "Failed to install YAMS CLI. Make sure you have the necessary permissions ❌" fi if sudo chown -R "$puid":"$pgid" "$media_directory"; then send_success_message "Media directory ownership and permissions set successfully ✅" else send_error_message "Failed to set ownership and permissions for the media directory. Check permissions ❌" fi if sudo chown -R "$puid":"$pgid" "$install_directory"; then send_success_message "Install directory ownership and permissions set successfully ✅" else send_error_message "Failed to set ownership and permissions for the install directory. Check permissions ❌" fi if [[ -d "$install_directory/config" ]]; then send_success_message "Configuration folder \"$install_directory/config\" exists ✅" else if sudo mkdir -p "$install_directory/config"; then send_success_message "Configuration folder \"$install_directory/config\" created ✅" else send_error_message "Failed to create or access the configuration folder. Check permissions ❌" fi fi if sudo chown -R "$puid":"$pgid" "$install_directory/config"; then send_success_message "Configuration folder ownership and permissions set successfully ✅" else send_error_message "Failed to set ownership and permissions for the configuration folder. Check permissions ❌" fi printf "\033c" echo "========================================================" echo " _____ ___ ___ ___ " echo " / /::\ / /\ /__/\ / /\ " echo " / /:/\:\ / /::\ \ \:\ / /:/_ " echo " / /:/ \:\ / /:/\:\ \ \:\ / /:/ /\ " echo " /__/:/ \__\:| / /:/ \:\ _____\__\:\ / /:/ /:/_ " echo " \ \:\ / /:/ /__/:/ \__\:\ /__/::::::::\ /__/:/ /:/ /\\" echo " \ \:\ /:/ \ \:\ / /:/ \ \:\~~\~~\/ \ \:\/:/ /:/" echo " \ \:\/:/ \ \:\ /:/ \ \:\ ~~~ \ \::/ /:/ " echo " \ \::/ \ \:\/:/ \ \:\ \ \:\/:/ " echo " \__\/ \ \::/ \ \:\ \ \::/ " echo " \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ " echo "========================================================" send_success_message "All done!✅ Enjoy YAMS!" echo "You can check the installation on $install_directory" echo "========================================================" echo "Everything should be running now! To check everything running, go to:" echo running_services_location echo echo echo "You might need to wait for a couple of minutes while everything gets up and running" echo echo "All the services location are also saved in ~/yams_services.txt" running_services_location > ~/yams_services.txt echo "========================================================" echo echo "To configure YAMS, check the documentation at" echo "https://yams.media/config" echo echo "========================================================" exit 0