#!/usr/bin/env sh echo "====================================================" echo " ___ ___ ___ " echo " ___ / /\ /__/\ / /\ " echo " /__/| / /::\ | |::\ / /:/_ " echo " | |:| / /:/\:\ | |:|:\ / /:/ /\ " echo " | |:| / /:/~/::\ __|__|:|\:\ / /:/ /::\\" echo " __|__|:| /__/:/ /:/\:\ /__/::::| \:\ /__/:/ /:/\:\\" echo "/__/::::\ \ \:\/:/__\/ \ \:\~~\__\/ \ \:\/:/~/:/" echo " ~\~~\:\ \ \::/ \ \:\ \ \::/ /:/ " echo " \ \:\ \ \:\ \ \:\ \__\/ /:/ " echo " \__\/ \ \:\ \ \:\ /__/:/ " echo " \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ " echo "====================================================" echo "Welcome to YAMS (Yet Another Media Server)" echo "Instalation process should be really quick" echo "We just need you to answer some questions" echo "====================================================" echo "" echo "Checking prerequisites..." if command -v docker &> /dev/null; then echo "Docker exists ✅ " else echo "⚠ You need to have docker installed and in your PATH! EXITING ⚠" exit 255 fi if command -v docker-compose &> /dev/null; then echo "docker-compose exists ✅ " else echo "⚠ You need to have docker-compose installed and in your PATH! EXITING ⚠" exit 255 fi read -p "Where do you want to instal the docker-compose file? [/opt/yams] : " install_location read -p "What's the user that is going to run the media server? [$USER] : " username read -p "Please, input your entertainment folder: " ENTERTAINMENT_FOLDER install_location=${install_location:-/opt/yams} filename="$install_location/docker-compose.yaml" username=${username:-$USER} puid=$(id -u $username) pgid=$(id -g $username) echo "Configuring the docker for the user $username on \"$install_location\"..." # Checking if the install_location exists [[ -f $install_location ]] || mkdir -p $install_location || (echo "You need to have permissions on the folder! EXITING" && exit 255) # Copy the docker-compose file from the example to the real one echo "Copying $filename..." cp docker-compose.example.yaml $filename # Set PUID sed -i -e "s//$puid/g" $filename # Set PGID sed -i -e "s//$pgid/g" $filename # Set entertainment_folder sed -i -e "s;;$ENTERTAINMENT_FOLDER;g" $filename