#+title: YAMS: Yet Another Media Server This is my mediaserver script. * Description :PROPERTIES: :ID: 280135a0-2cff-4e93-8679-7d1a6d56b7b2 :END: This script installs the following software: - [[https://sonarr.tv/][Sonarr]] - [[https://radarr.video/][Radarr]] - [[https://emby.media/][Emby]] - [[https://www.qbittorrent.org/][qBittorrent]] - [[https://www.bazarr.media/][Bazarr]] - [[https://github.com/Jackett/Jackett][Jackett]] Whit this combination, you can create a fully functional media server that is going to download, categorize, subtitle and serve your favorite shows and movies. * Requirements :PROPERTIES: :ID: 01577a0a-852e-481a-b9b3-791b68594f96 :END: First, you need to install: - docker - docker-compose * To run :PROPERTIES: :ID: a0417c61-3fd8-40a0-9385-6c5aaed37337 :END: #+begin_src bash $ git clone https://gitlab.com/rogs/yams.git $ cd yams $ ./install.sh #+end_src And follow the instructions. So far, I've tested this in Debian 11, but it should work on Ubuntu as well.