[tool.poetry] name = "ute-wrapper" version = "2.5.1" description = "[DEPRECATED] A wrapper to interact with UTE's API" authors = ["Roger Gonzalez "] license = "GPL-3.0-or-later" readme = "README.md" homepage = "https://gitlab.com/rogs/ute/" repository = "https://gitlab.com/rogs/ute/" documentation = "https://gitlab.com/rogs/ute/-/blob/master/README.md" keywords = ["API", "wrapper", "UTE", "Uruguay"] classifiers = [ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", "License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 or later (GPLv3+)", "Operating System :: OS Independent", ] [tool.poetry.dependencies] python = ">=3.9" requests = ">=2.0.0, <3.0.0" [tool.poetry.group.dev.dependencies] python-lsp-server = "^1.10.0" python-lsp-ruff = "^2.2.0" pre-commit = "^3.6.2" pytest = "^8.1.1" pytest-mock = "^3.12.0" pytest-cov = "^4.1.0" [build-system] requires = ["poetry-core"] build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api" [tool.ruff] exclude = [ ".bzr", ".direnv", ".eggs", ".git", ".git-rewrite", ".hg", ".ipynb_checkpoints", ".mypy_cache", ".nox", ".pants.d", ".pyenv", ".pytest_cache", ".pytype", ".ruff_cache", ".svn", ".tox", ".venv", ".vscode", "__pypackages__", "_build", "buck-out", "build", "dist", "node_modules", "site-packages", "venv", "__init__.py" ] line-length = 121 indent-width = 4 target-version = "py39" [tool.ruff.lint] select = ["E", "F", "T20", "PL", "B", "A", "C4", "TID", "ERA", "RET", "W", "C90", "ARG", "Q", "FLY", "SIM", "COM", "D"] ignore = ["E402", "PLW2901", "COM812", "PLR2004"] [tool.ruff.lint.pylint] max-args = 6 [tool.ruff.lint.pydocstyle] convention = "pep257"