#+hugo_base_dir: ./ #+hugo_section: ./projects #+hugo_weight: auto #+hugo_auto_set_lastmod: t #+author: Roger Gonzalez * Certn - Workday Integration :PROPERTIES: :ID: a3207cd7-e710-44b2-a60a-22868c9e3738 :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: certn-workday :EXPORT_DATE: 2020-01-14 :END: ** About the project :PROPERTIES: :ID: 974a4ccd-b8bf-4d4f-8b52-9d3aad59d664 :END: [[https://certn.co/][Certn]] is an app that wants to ease the process of background checks for criminal records, education, employment verification, credit reports, etc. On Workday I had to work with their client, [[https://www.loblaws.ca/][Loblaws]], to integrate Certn with their [[https://www.workday.com/][Workday]] instance. I quickly realized that their Workday implementation was not standard, so I had to modify multiple open-source SOAP projects (including [[https://github.com/mvantellingen/python-zeep][python-zeep]]) to work with their setup. We had 6 months to finish the project and I was able to finish it in only 3 months, which allowed us to make changes, improve the security and work on client changes that came up almost at the end of the project. This project led to Certn closing a multi-million dollars a year contract with Loblaws. ** Tech Stack :PROPERTIES: :ID: 5e1b7e07-e07f-494d-aab5-b35c3d3bd181 :END: - Python - Django - Django REST Framework - Celery - PostgreSQL - Docker-docker/compose - SOAP - OpenSource development - Jenkins ** What did I work on? :PROPERTIES: :ID: ff971278-eb33-4bcf-befe-c0e5506968f7 :END: - Worked with Loblaws to integrate Certn with their Workday integration. - Refactored an old implementation they had for Workday, which didn't work for the latest Workday implementation. - Developed multiple jobs to pull data from Workday, convert it to what Certn needs and then process it on their main application. * Certn - ADA DINER (Adverse Data Aggregator Data INgestER) :PROPERTIES: :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: certn-ada-diner :EXPORT_DATE: 2020-11-01 :ID: eaec2bc2-4a58-4c36-968e-e1f32b4ad2b3 :END: ** About the project :PROPERTIES: :ID: 8c813e2b-593b-49fb-b281-b59e7cf30f4d :END: [[https://certn.co][Certn]] is an app that wants to ease the process of background checks for criminal records, education, employment verification, credit reports, etc. On ADA DINER we are working on an app that triggers crawls on demand, to check criminal records for a certain person. ** Tech Stack :PROPERTIES: :ID: 3b958a7b-d249-4dc8-9339-2b5296fc1287 :END: - Python - Django - Django REST Framework - Celery - PostgreSQL - Docker-docker/compose - Swagger - Github Actions - Scrapy/Scrapyd - Jenkins ** What did I work on? :PROPERTIES: :ID: 6930fb8e-83c6-4827-a9b4-7ad5ba966ede :END: - Dockerized the old app so the development could be more streamlined - Refactor of old Django code to DRF - Developed multiple scrapers for multiple police sites in Canada and Interpol - Created the Github Actions and Jenkins CI configurations * Certn - International framework :PROPERTIES: :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: certn-intl-framework :EXPORT_DATE: 2020-09-01 :ID: d3b34f6e-56d2-45ec-a8d2-33c521c6fb8c :END: ** About the project :PROPERTIES: :ID: c394a019-19fd-453d-9e93-ec0e0621f668 :END: [[https://certn.co][Certn]] is an app that wants to ease the process of background checks for criminal records, education, employment verification, credit reports, etc. On International Framework, we worked on an app that acts like a bridge between our main app and criminal background check providers (like the [[https://rcmp-grc.gc.ca][RCMP]]). ** Tech Stack :PROPERTIES: :ID: e0fde13d-994c-4c38-85cc-ee0d31d9c5c9 :END: - Python - Django - Django REST Framework - Celery - PostgreSQL - Docker/docker-compose - Swagger - Sentry.io - Github Actions - Jenkins ** What did I work on? :PROPERTIES: :ID: edf65498-969f-41a5-9e4d-285358a0954a :END: - Database design. - Models and endpoints design. - Github Actions configurations. - Jenkins configuration. - Standardized the code with [[https://flake8.pycqa.org/en/latest/][Flake]], [[https://www.pylint.org/][pylint]] and [[https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/][Black]]. * Volition :PROPERTIES: :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: volition :EXPORT_DATE: 2020-07-01 :ID: c4c30799-7fe8-4e7b-8174-f19bc02fecba :END: ** About the project :PROPERTIES: :ID: 8b5a6c66-016c-49f3-9e42-51f65a2bcb07 :END: Volition is an app that wants to be the top selling place for a certain kind of product. In order to achieve that, we had to develop a series of crawlers for different vendors, in order to get all the data so the storefront could be created . ** Tech Stack :PROPERTIES: :ID: bc76e441-934e-472e-bf86-d4808dff02a7 :END: - JavaScript - TypeScript - NodeJS - PuppeteerJS - Docker/docker-compose - PostgreSQL - Google Cloud - Kubernetes - Bash - ELK (ElasticSearch, LogStash, Kibana) ** What did I work on? :PROPERTIES: :ID: 342c1c38-08b2-415b-9781-d00ff5386475 :END: - Team lead - Moved the entire project to docker and docker-compose. Before it, the development environment has pretty tricky to setup. - Improved the old code, introducing standards with esLint and smoke tests. - Configured a VPN and an Ubuntu VNC session in docker to help with the proxy and the non-headless browser. - Created new crawlers for the new vendors. - Configured the new Kibana dashboard. - Created a gatekeeper to check the crawlers status before going out to the internet. - Monitored and ran many crawlers. * CocaCola - Tus Tapas Valen :PROPERTIES: :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: tus-tapas-valen :EXPORT_DATE: 2019-04-01 :ID: 3406a9ba-8031-4835-be2d-a00fe658c7bf :END: ** About the project :PROPERTIES: :ID: b40f69b9-d4fa-4f0b-b9de-9cef25375130 :END: "Tus Tapas Valen" was an application that allowed clients to participate in promotions and auctions, and win prizes. We got to 400.000 users in the time the app was online. First I worked FrontEnd with ReactJS, Redux and redux-observable, but then I moved to the Backend. I had to plan a big refactor while still working on new Backend functionalities. The Backend is built using Python, Django, PostgreSQL, AWS, and AWS S3 [[/cocacola-01.jpg]] [[/cocacola-02.jpg]] [[/cocacola-03.jpg]] [[/cocacola-04.jpg]] [[/cocacola-05.jpg]] [[/cocacola-06.jpg]] ** What did I work on? :PROPERTIES: :ID: f2879213-79ab-48f5-898f-5454f18339ee :END: *** FrontEnd :PROPERTIES: :ID: 86d15f17-4ffa-467f-8627-fcfb49051d36 :END: - Part of the development team using ReactJS *** Backend :PROPERTIES: :ID: 9d9bea4d-5900-491b-9ca1-26e5998d0f6d :END: - Refactoring planning - New database design - Complete backend development - CI setup - AWS EC2 servers setup - Parsed and imported 476 million records in a RDS - Various DB optimizations * Axelerist :PROPERTIES: :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: axelerist :EXPORT_DATE: 2018-06-01 :ID: 62031619-9cb9-4df8-885a-b016ebc9b01d :END: ** About the project :PROPERTIES: :ID: 60e07633-2981-4c21-b345-fa196c2bf7ed :END: Axelerist is a web app that connects to an external API and displays the client’s inventory in a more friendly and ergonomic way. I worked on the backend, managing the API connection, working on an API wrapper and user management. [[/axelerist-01.jpg]] [[/axelerist-02.jpg]] [[/axelerist-03.jpg]] ** What did I work on? :PROPERTIES: :ID: ae3e9596-5c1c-4617-95a8-b6da35910a40 :END: *** Backend :PROPERTIES: :ID: 2a94f0c1-9780-4b2f-90dc-b4e445b0c576 :END: - Team leader - Database design - Backend REST design - Complete Backend development - Regular meetings with the client * Knac :PROPERTIES: :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: knac :EXPORT_DATE: 2019-02-01 :ID: a74a4280-fb9e-4be8-9471-55a3767707f3 :END: ** About the project :PROPERTIES: :ID: ee8ccc47-1c7c-410e-8ecd-0e299138c8bd :END: Knac is a job application startup, empathizing on assessments to recommend candidates to a specific job. [[/knac-01.jpg]] [[/knac-02.jpg]] ** What did I work on? :PROPERTIES: :ID: 48240947-bc93-4892-8206-03db8d44c3b0 :END: *** Backend :PROPERTIES: :ID: f9852f08-bd89-475f-af4f-63030d242f51 :END: - Team leader - Servers setup (Linux, NGINX) - Database design - Backend REST design - Complete Backend development - Regular meetings with the client * COMMENT Local Variables :PROPERTIES: :ID: ca944a72-bbdb-4f7b-8b03-71087dce4d92 :END: # Local Variables: # eval: (org-hugo-auto-export-mode) # End: