#+hugo_base_dir: ./ #+hugo_section: ./posts #+hugo_auto_set_lastmod: t #+author: Roger Gonzalez * Programming :programming: :PROPERTIES: :ID: 622d1d7a-cef9-4eb6-838c-552086182fec :END: All posts in here will have the category set to /programming/. ** Using MinIO to upload to a local S3 bucket in Django :python::django::minio::docker::dockercompose: :PROPERTIES: :ID: b693b4e8-0550-4238-8a64-30866a47768a :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: using-minio-to-upload-to-a-local-s3-bucket-in-django :EXPORT_DATE: 2021-01-10 :END: So MinIO its an object storage that uses the same API as S3, which means that we can use the same S3 compatible libraries in Python, like [[https://pypi.org/project/boto3/][Boto3]] and [[https://pypi.org/project/django-storages/][django-storages]]. *** The setup :PROPERTIES: :ID: f2ed5f13-5a27-4da8-a8d2-72500d652ba1 :END: Here's the docker-compose configuration for my django app: #+begin_src yaml version: "3" services: app: build: context: . volumes: - ./app:/app ports: - 8000:8000 depends_on: - minio command: > sh -c "python manage.py migrate && python manage.py runserver" minio: image: minio/minio ports: - 9000:9000 environment: - MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=access-key - MINIO_SECRET_KEY=secret-key command: server /export createbuckets: image: minio/mc depends_on: - minio entrypoint: > /bin/sh -c " apk add nc && while ! nc -z minio 9000; do echo 'Wait minio to startup...' && sleep 0.1; done; sleep 5 && /usr/bin/mc config host add myminio http://minio:9000 access-key secret-key; /usr/bin/mc mb myminio/my-local-bucket; /usr/bin/mc policy download myminio/my-local-bucket; exit 0; " #+end_src - ~app~ is my Django app. Nothing new here. - ~minio~ is the MinIO instance. - ~createbuckets~ is a quick instance that creates a new bucket on startup, that way we don't need to create the bucket manually. On my app, in ~settings.py~: #+begin_src python # S3 configuration DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = "storages.backends.s3boto3.S3Boto3Storage" AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = os.environ.get("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID", "access-key") AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = os.environ.get("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", "secret-key") AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME = os.environ.get("AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME", "my-local-bucket") if DEBUG: AWS_S3_ENDPOINT_URL = "http://minio:9000" #+end_src If we were in a production environment, the ~AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID~, ~AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY~ and ~AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME~ would be read from the environmental variables, but since we haven't set those up and we have ~DEBUG=True~, we are going to use the default ones, which point directly to MinIO. And that's it! That's everything you need to have your local S3 development environment. *** Testing :PROPERTIES: :ID: 61f1cffa-59de-405e-853b-57547a96165b :END: First, let's create our model. This is a simple mock model for testing purposes: #+begin_src python from django.db import models class Person(models.Model): """This is a demo person model""" first_name = models.CharField(max_length=50) last_name = models.CharField(max_length=50) date_of_birth = models.DateField() picture = models.ImageField() def __str__(self): return f"{self.first_name} {self.last_name} {str(self.date_of_birth)}" #+end_src Then, in the Django admin we can interact with our new model: [[/2021-01-10-135111.png]] [[/2021-01-10-135130.png]] If we go to the URL and change the domain to ~localhost~, we should be able to see the picture we uploaded. [[/2021-01-10-140016.png]] *** Bonus: The MinIO browser :PROPERTIES: :ID: 40acc926-5083-4682-b9be-63cac1c253cb :END: MinIO has a local objects browser. If you want to check it out you just need to go to http://localhost:9000. With my docker-compose configuration, the credentials are: #+begin_src bash username: access-key password: secret-key #+end_src [[/2021-01-10-140236.png]] On the browser, you can see your uploads, delete them, add new ones, etc. [[/2021-01-10-140337.png]] *** Conclusion :PROPERTIES: :ID: f5384bdc-9100-46eb-81f8-d6c8a8f52ba8 :END: Now you can have a simple configuration for your local and production environments to work seamlessly, using local resources instead of remote resources that might generate costs for the development. If you want to check out the project code, you can check in my Gitlab here: https://gitlab.com/rogs/minio-example See you in the next one! ** How to create a celery task that fills out fields using Django :python::celery::django::docker::dockercompose: :PROPERTIES: :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: how-to-create-a-celery-task-that-fills-out-fields-using-django :EXPORT_DATE: 2020-11-29T15:48:48-03:00 :ID: f8ed204b-1f57-4c92-8c4f-128658327aed :END: Hi everyone! It's been way too long, I know. In this oportunity, I wanted to talk about asynchronicity in Django, but first, lets set up the stage: Imagine you are working in a library and you have to develop an app that allows users to register new books using a barcode scanner. The system has to read the ISBN code and use an external resource to fill in the information (title, pages, authors, etc.). You don't need the complete book information to continue, so the external resource can't hold the request. *How can you process the external request asynchronously?* πŸ€” For that, we need Celery. *** What is Celery? :PROPERTIES: :ID: d3f8a2ad-09c2-4ae7-8b84-50210af7a2dc :END: [[https://docs.celeryproject.org/en/stable/][Celery]] is a "distributed task queue". Fron their website: > Celery is a simple, flexible, and reliable distributed system to process vast amounts of messages, while providing operations with the tools required to maintain such a system. So Celery can get messages from external processes via a broker (like [[https://redis.io/][Redis]]), and process them. The best thing is: Django can connect to Celery very easily, and Celery can access Django models without any problem. Sweet! *** Lets code! :PROPERTIES: :ID: 0e6a021e-ab2a-48d0-92a0-39fd4f7c3409 :END: Let's assume our project structure is the following: #+begin_src - app/ - manage.py - app/ - __init__.py - settings.py - urls.py #+end_src **** Celery :PROPERTIES: :ID: 77b6e575-bc24-4ad3-b504-74bdef9145d3 :END: First, we need to set up Celery in Django. Thankfully, [[https://docs.celeryproject.org/en/stable/django/first-steps-with-django.html#using-celery-with-django][Celery has an excellent documentation]], but the entire process can be summarized to this: In ~app/app/celery.py~: #+begin_src python import os from celery import Celery # set the default Django settings module for the 'celery' program. os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "app.settings") app = Celery("app") # Using a string here means the worker doesn't have to serialize # the configuration object to child processes. # - namespace='CELERY' means all celery-related configuration keys # should have a `CELERY_` prefix. app.config_from_object("django.conf:settings", namespace="CELERY") # Load task modules from all registered Django app configs. app.autodiscover_tasks() @app.task(bind=True) def debug_task(self): """A debug celery task""" print(f"Request: {self.request!r}") #+end_src What's going on here? - First, we set the ~DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE~ environment variable - Then, we instantiate our Celery app using the ~app~ variable. - Then, we tell Celery to look for celery configurations in the Django settings with the ~CELERY~ prefix. We will see this later in the post. - Finally, we start Celery's ~autodiscover_tasks~. Celery is now going to look for ~tasks.py~ files in the Django apps. In ~/app/app/__init__.py~: #+begin_src python # This will make sure the app is always imported when # Django starts so that shared_task will use this app. from .celery import app as celery_app __all__ = ("celery_app",) #+end_src Finally in ~/app/app/settings.py~: #+begin_src python ... # Celery CELERY_BROKER_URL = env.str("CELERY_BROKER_URL") CELERY_TIMEZONE = env.str("CELERY_TIMEZONE", "America/Montevideo") CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = "django-db" CELERY_CACHE_BACKEND = "django-cache" ... #+end_src Here, we can see that the ~CELERY~ prefix is used for all Celery configurations, because on ~celery.py~ we told Celery the prefix was ~CELERY~ With this, Celery is fully configured. πŸŽ‰ **** Django :PROPERTIES: :ID: dd40e5c4-7d82-4d3c-b5da-a7c8751b9f70 :END: First, let's create a ~core~ app. This is going to be used for everything common in the app #+begin_src bash $ python manage.py startapp core #+end_src On ~core/models.py~, lets set the following models: #+begin_src python """ Models """ import uuid from django.db import models class TimeStampMixin(models.Model): """ A base model that all the other models inherit from. This is to add created_at and updated_at to every model. """ id = models.UUIDField(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4) created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) class Meta: """Setting up the abstract model class""" abstract = True class BaseAttributesModel(TimeStampMixin): """ A base model that sets up all the attibutes models """ name = models.CharField(max_length=255) outside_url = models.URLField() def __str__(self): return self.name class Meta: abstract = True #+end_src Then, let's create a new app for our books: #+begin_src bash python manage.py startapp books #+end_src And on ~books/models.py~, let's create the following models: #+begin_src python """ Books models """ from django.db import models from core.models import TimeStampMixin, BaseAttributesModel class Author(BaseAttributesModel): """Defines the Author model""" class People(BaseAttributesModel): """Defines the People model""" class Subject(BaseAttributesModel): """Defines the Subject model""" class Book(TimeStampMixin): """Defines the Book model""" isbn = models.CharField(max_length=13, unique=True) title = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, null=True) pages = models.IntegerField(default=0) publish_date = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, null=True) outside_id = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, null=True) outside_url = models.URLField(blank=True, null=True) author = models.ManyToManyField(Author, related_name="books") person = models.ManyToManyField(People, related_name="books") subject = models.ManyToManyField(Subject, related_name="books") def __str__(self): return f"{self.title} - {self.isbn}" #+end_src ~Author~, ~People~, and ~Subject~ are all ~BaseAttributesModel~, so their fields come from the class we defined on ~core/models.py~. For ~Book~ we add all the fields we need, plus a ~many_to_many~ with Author, People and Subjects. Because: - /Books can have many authors, and many authors can have many books/ Example: [[https://www.epicreads.com/blog/ya-books-multiple-authors/][27 Books by Multiple Authors That Prove the More, the Merrier]] - /Books can have many persons, and many persons can have many books/ Example: Ron Weasley is in several /Harry Potter/ books - /Books can have many subjects, and many subjects can have many books/ Example: A book can be a /comedy/, /fiction/, and /mystery/ at the same time Let's create ~books/serializers.py~: #+begin_src python """ Serializers for the Books """ from django.db.utils import IntegrityError from rest_framework import serializers from books.models import Book, Author, People, Subject from books.tasks import get_books_information class AuthorInBookSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): """Serializer for the Author objects inside Book""" class Meta: model = Author fields = ("id", "name") class PeopleInBookSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): """Serializer for the People objects inside Book""" class Meta: model = People fields = ("id", "name") class SubjectInBookSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): """Serializer for the Subject objects inside Book""" class Meta: model = Subject fields = ("id", "name") class BookSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): """Serializer for the Book objects""" author = AuthorInBookSerializer(many=True, read_only=True) person = PeopleInBookSerializer(many=True, read_only=True) subject = SubjectInBookSerializer(many=True, read_only=True) class Meta: model = Book fields = "__all__" class BulkBookSerializer(serializers.Serializer): """Serializer for bulk book creating""" isbn = serializers.ListField() def create(self, validated_data): return_dict = {"isbn": []} for isbn in validated_data["isbn"]: try: Book.objects.create(isbn=isbn) return_dict["isbn"].append(isbn) except IntegrityError as error: pass return return_dict def update(self, instance, validated_data): """The update method needs to be overwritten on serializers.Serializer. Since we don't need it, let's just pass it""" pass class BaseAttributesSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): """A base serializer for the attributes objects""" books = BookSerializer(many=True, read_only=True) class AuthorSerializer(BaseAttributesSerializer): """Serializer for the Author objects""" class Meta: model = Author fields = ("id", "name", "outside_url", "books") class PeopleSerializer(BaseAttributesSerializer): """Serializer for the Author objects""" class Meta: model = People fields = ("id", "name", "outside_url", "books") class SubjectSerializer(BaseAttributesSerializer): """Serializer for the Author objects""" class Meta: model = Subject fields = ("id", "name", "outside_url", "books") #+end_src The most important serializer here is ~BulkBookSerializer~. It's going to get an ISBN list and then bulk create them in the DB. On ~books/views.py~, we can set the following views: #+begin_src python """ Views for the Books """ from rest_framework import viewsets, mixins, generics from rest_framework.permissions import AllowAny from books.models import Book, Author, People, Subject from books.serializers import ( BookSerializer, BulkBookSerializer, AuthorSerializer, PeopleSerializer, SubjectSerializer, ) class BookViewSet( viewsets.GenericViewSet, mixins.ListModelMixin, mixins.RetrieveModelMixin, ): """ A view to list Books and retrieve books by ID """ permission_classes = (AllowAny,) queryset = Book.objects.all() serializer_class = BookSerializer class AuthorViewSet( viewsets.GenericViewSet, mixins.ListModelMixin, mixins.RetrieveModelMixin, ): """ A view to list Authors and retrieve authors by ID """ permission_classes = (AllowAny,) queryset = Author.objects.all() serializer_class = AuthorSerializer class PeopleViewSet( viewsets.GenericViewSet, mixins.ListModelMixin, mixins.RetrieveModelMixin, ): """ A view to list People and retrieve people by ID """ permission_classes = (AllowAny,) queryset = People.objects.all() serializer_class = PeopleSerializer class SubjectViewSet( viewsets.GenericViewSet, mixins.ListModelMixin, mixins.RetrieveModelMixin, ): """ A view to list Subject and retrieve subject by ID """ permission_classes = (AllowAny,) queryset = Subject.objects.all() serializer_class = SubjectSerializer class BulkCreateBook(generics.CreateAPIView): """A view to bulk create books""" permission_classes = (AllowAny,) queryset = Book.objects.all() serializer_class = BulkBookSerializer #+end_src Easy enough, endpoints for getting books, authors, people and subjects and an endpoint to post ISBN codes in a list. We can check swagger to see all the endpoints created: [[/2020-11-29-115634.png]] Now, *how are we going to get all the data?* πŸ€” *** Creating a Celery task :PROPERTIES: :ID: ac678884-7d0e-46fd-91e2-ec0e0edd12a9 :END: Now that we have our project structure done, we need to create the asynchronous task Celery is going to run to populate our fields. To get the information, we are going to use the [[https://openlibrary.org/dev/docs/api/books"""][OpenLibrary API]]. First, we need to create ~books/tasks.py~: #+begin_src python """ Celery tasks """ import requests from celery import shared_task from books.models import Book, Author, People, Subject def get_book_info(isbn): """Gets a book information by using its ISBN. More info here https://openlibrary.org/dev/docs/api/books""" return requests.get( f"https://openlibrary.org/api/books?jscmd=data&format=json&bibkeys=ISBN:{isbn}" ).json() def generate_many_to_many(model, iterable): """Generates the many to many relationships to books""" return_items = [] for item in iterable: relation = model.objects.get_or_create( name=item["name"], outside_url=item["url"] ) return_items.append(relation) return return_items @shared_task def get_books_information(isbn): """Gets a book information""" # First, we get the book information by its isbn book_info = get_book_info(isbn) if len(book_info) > 0: # Then, we need to access the json itself. Since the first key is dynamic, # we get it by accessing the json keys key = list(book_info.keys())[0] book_info = book_info[key] # Since the book was created on the Serializer, we get the book to edit book = Book.objects.get(isbn=isbn) # Set the fields we want from the API into the Book book.title = book_info["title"] book.publish_date = book_info["publish_date"] book.outside_id = book_info["key"] book.outside_url = book_info["url"] # For the optional fields, we try to get them first try: book.pages = book_info["number_of_pages"] except: book.pages = 0 try: authors = book_info["authors"] except: authors = [] try: people = book_info["subject_people"] except: people = [] try: subjects = book_info["subjects"] except: subjects = [] # And generate the appropiate many_to_many relationships authors_info = generate_many_to_many(Author, authors) people_info = generate_many_to_many(People, people) subjects_info = generate_many_to_many(Subject, subjects) # Once the relationships are generated, we save them in the book instance for author in authors_info: book.author.add(author[0]) for person in people_info: book.person.add(person[0]) for subject in subjects_info: book.subject.add(subject[0]) # Finally, we save the Book book.save() else: raise ValueError("Book not found") #+end_src So when are we going to run this task? We need to run it in the *serializer*. On ~books/serializers.py~: #+begin_src python from books.tasks import get_books_information ... class BulkBookSerializer(serializers.Serializer): """Serializer for bulk book creating""" isbn = serializers.ListField() def create(self, validated_data): return_dict = {"isbn": []} for isbn in validated_data["isbn"]: try: Book.objects.create(isbn=isbn) # We need to add this line get_books_information.delay(isbn) ################################# return_dict["isbn"].append(isbn) except IntegrityError as error: pass return return_dict def update(self, instance, validated_data): pass #+end_src To trigger the Celery tasks, we need to call our function with the ~delay~ function, which has been added by the ~shared_task~ decorator. This tells Celery to start running the task in the background since we don't need the result right now. *** Docker configuration :PROPERTIES: :ID: 3d992b01-11f9-488c-9781-dcddfcf6fe88 :END: There are a lot of moving parts we need for this to work, so I created a ~docker-compose~ configuration to help with the stack. I'm using the package [[https://github.com/joke2k/django-environ][django-environ]] to handle all environment variables. On ~docker-compose.yml~: #+begin_src yaml version: "3.7" x-common-variables: &common-variables DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE: "app.settings" CELERY_BROKER_URL: "redis://redis:6379" DEFAULT_DATABASE: "psql://postgres:postgres@db:5432/app" DEBUG: "True" ALLOWED_HOSTS: "*,test" SECRET_KEY: "this-is-a-secret-key-shhhhh" services: app: build: context: . volumes: - ./app:/app environment: <<: *common-variables ports: - 8000:8000 command: > sh -c "python manage.py migrate && python manage.py runserver" depends_on: - db - redis celery-worker: build: context: . volumes: - ./app:/app environment: <<: *common-variables command: celery --app app worker -l info depends_on: - db - redis db: image: postgres:12.4-alpine environment: - POSTGRES_DB=app - POSRGRES_USER=postgres - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres redis: image: redis:6.0.8-alpine #+end_src This is going to set our app, DB, Redis, and most importantly our celery-worker instance. To run Celery, we need to execute: #+begin_src bash $ celery --app app worker -l info #+end_src So we are going to run that command on a separate docker instance *** Testing it out :PROPERTIES: :ID: 50e6cc5d-848b-4d73-a4b6-1bfd23bf86f4 :END: If we run #+begin_src bash $ docker-compose up #+end_src on our project root folder, the project should come up as usual. You should be able to open http://localhost:8000/admin and enter the admin panel. To test the app, you can use a curl command from the terminal: #+begin_src bash curl -X POST "http://localhost:8000/books/bulk-create" -H "accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"isbn\": [ \"9780345418913\", \ \"9780451524935\", \"9780451526342\", \"9781101990322\", \"9780143133438\" ]}" #+end_src [[/2020-11-29-124654.png]] This call lasted 147ms, according to my terminal. This should return instantly, creating 15 new books and 15 new Celery tasks, one for each book. You can also see tasks results in the Django admin using the ~django-celery-results~ package, check its [[https://docs.celeryproject.org/en/stable/django/first-steps-with-django.html#django-celery-results-using-the-django-orm-cache-as-a-result-backend][documentation]]. [[/2020-11-29-124734.png]] Celery tasks list, using ~django-celery-results~ [[/2020-11-29-124751.png]] Created and processed books list [[/2020-11-29-124813.png]] Single book information [[/2020-11-29-124834.png]] People in books [[/2020-11-29-124851.png]] Authors [[/2020-11-29-124906.png]] Themes And also, you can interact with the endpoints to search by author, theme, people, and book. This should change depending on how you created your URLs. *** That's it! :PROPERTIES: :ID: e7cf2cfe-25ae-472d-b4a2-d154834cce98 :END: This surely was a *LONG* one, but it has been a very good one in my opinion. I've used Celery in the past for multiple things, from sending emails in the background to triggering scraping jobs and [[https://docs.celeryproject.org/en/stable/userguide/periodic-tasks.html#using-custom-scheduler-classes][running scheduled tasks]] (like a [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron][unix cronjob]]) You can check the complete project in my GitLab here: https://gitlab.com/rogs/books-app If you have any doubts, let me know! I always answer emails and/or messages. ** How I got a residency appointment thanks to Python, Selenium and Telegram :python:selenium:telegram: :PROPERTIES: :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: how-i-got-a-residency-appointment-thanks-to-python-and-selenium :EXPORT_DATE: 2020-08-02 :ID: b7da6c10-ca61-4839-9074-039e11a4475d :END: Hello everyone As some of you might know, I'm a Venezuelan πŸ‡»πŸ‡ͺ living in Montevideo, Uruguay πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Ύ. I've been living here for almost a year, but because of the pandemic my residency appointments have slowed down to a crawl, and in the middle of the quarantine they added a new appointment system. Before, there were no appointments, you just had to get there early and wait for the secretary to review your files and assign someone to attend you. But now, they had implemented an appointment system that you could do from the comfort of your own home/office. There was just one issue: *there were never appointments available*. That was a little stressful. I was developing a small /tick/ by checking the site multiple times a day, with no luck. But then, I decided I wanted to do a bot that checks the site for me, that way I could just forget about it and let the computers do it for me. *** Tech :PROPERTIES: :ID: b762da5f-9a5a-41ec-982d-ea864a661f5b :END: **** Selenium :PROPERTIES: :ID: 12fcf6c3-a167-4d7d-971e-614b1944078d :END: I had some experience with Selenium in the past because I had to run automated tests on an Android application, but I had never used it for the web. I knew it supported Firefox and had an extensive API to interact with websites. In the end, I just had to inspect the HTML and search for the "No appointments available" error message. If the message wasn't there, I needed a way to be notified so I can set my appointment as fast as possible. **** Telegram Bot API :PROPERTIES: :ID: 221b1f01-dfa7-46ae-b162-6299c8d69159 :END: Telegram was my goto because I have a lot of experience with it. It has a stupidly easy API that allows for superb bot management. I just needed the bot to send me a message whenever the "No appointments available" message wasn't found on the site. *** The plan :PROPERTIES: :ID: 422aac40-f61b-4b7c-bd98-f68c2a0340da :END: Here comes the juicy part: How is everything going to work together? I divided the work into four parts: 1) Inspecting the site 2) Finding the error message on the site 3) Sending the message if nothing was found 4) Deploy the job with a cronjob on my VPS *** Inspecting the site :PROPERTIES: :ID: df519909-0814-435d-9bf2-bf21b27328aa :END: Here is the site I needed to inspect: - On the first site, I need to click the bottom button. By inspecting the HTML, I found out that its name is ~form:botonElegirHora~ [[/2020-08-02-171251.png]] - When the button is clicked, it loads a second page that has an error message if no appointments are found. The ID of that message is ~form:warnSinCupos~. [[/2020-08-02-162205.png]] *** Using Selenium to find the error message :PROPERTIES: :ID: aa6b4101-d8ab-4540-bfad-f6b70feb0e05 :END: First, I needed to define the browser session and its settings. I wanted to run it in headless mode so no X session is needed: #+BEGIN_SRC python from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options options = Options() options.headless = True d = webdriver.Firefox(options=options) #+END_SRC Then, I opened the site, looked for the button (~form:botonElegirHora~) and clicked it #+BEGIN_SRC python # This is the website I wanted to scrape d.get('https://sae.mec.gub.uy/sae/agendarReserva/Paso1.xhtml?e=9&a=7&r=13') elem = d.find_element_by_name('form:botonElegirHora') elem.click() #+END_SRC And on the new page, I looked for the error message (~form:warnSinCupos~) #+BEGIN_SRC python try: warning_message = d.find_element_by_id('form:warnSinCupos') except Exception: pass #+END_SRC This was working exactly how I wanted: It opened a new browser session, opened the site, clicked the button, and then looked for the message. For now, if the message wasn't found, it does nothing. Now, the script needs to send me a message if the warning message wasn't found on the page. *** Using Telegram to send a message if the warning message wasn't found :PROPERTIES: :ID: 2a0fb5d3-d316-4ad0-9d46-58960c0ecb5e :END: The Telegram bot API has a very simple way to send messages. If you want to read more about their API, you can check it [[https://core.telegram.org/][here]]. There are a few steps you need to follow to get a Telegram bot: 1) First, you need to "talk" to the [[https://core.telegram.org/bots#6-botfather][Botfather]] to create the bot. 2) Then, you need to find your Telegram Chat ID. There are a few bots that can help you with that, I personally use ~@get_id_bot~. 3) Once you have the ID, you should read the ~sendMessage~ API, since that's the only one we need now. You can check it [[https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendmessage][here]]. So, by using the Telegram documentation, I came up with the following code: #+BEGIN_SRC python import requests chat_id = # Insert your chat ID here telegram_bot_id = # Insert your Telegram bot ID here telegram_data = { "chat_id": chat_id "parse_mode": "HTML", "text": ("Hay citas!\nHay citas en el registro civil, para " f"entrar ve a {SAE_URL}") } requests.post('https://api.telegram.org/bot{telegram_bot_id}/sendmessage', data=telegram_data) #+END_SRC *** The complete script :PROPERTIES: :ID: 4fdd292f-661f-424d-9c07-6fbcfa34fad7 :END: I added a few loggers and environment variables and voilΓ‘! Here is the complete code: #+BEGIN_SRC python #!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import requests from datetime import datetime from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() # This loads the environmental variables from the .env file in the root folder TELEGRAM_BOT_ID = os.environ.get('TELEGRAM_BOT_ID') TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID = os.environ.get('TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID') SAE_URL = 'https://sae.mec.gub.uy/sae/agendarReserva/Paso1.xhtml?e=9&a=7&r=13' options = Options() options.headless = True d = webdriver.Firefox(options=options) d.get(SAE_URL) print(f'Headless Firefox Initialized {datetime.now()}') elem = d.find_element_by_name('form:botonElegirHora') elem.click() try: warning_message = d.find_element_by_id('form:warnSinCupos') print('No dates yet') print('------------------------------') except Exception: telegram_data = { "chat_id": TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID, "parse_mode": "HTML", "text": ("Hay citas!\nHay citas en el registro civil, para " f"entrar ve a {SAE_URL}") } requests.post('https://api.telegram.org/bot' f'{TELEGRAM_BOT_ID}/sendmessage', data=telegram_data) print('Dates found!') d.close() # To close the browser connection #+END_SRC Only one more thing to do, to deploy everything to my VPS *** Deploy and testing on the VPS :PROPERTIES: :ID: f57694d6-904b-4c51-8560-2a1ad562e991 :END: This was very easy. I just needed to pull my git repo, install the ~requirements.txt~ and set a new cron to run every 10 minutes and check the site. The cron settings I used where: #+BEGIN_SRC bash */10 * * * * /usr/bin/python3 /my/script/location/registro-civil-scraper/app.py >> /my/script/location/registro-civil-scraper/log.txt #+END_SRC The ~>> /my/script/location/registro-civil-scraper/log.txt~ part is to keep the logs on a new file. *** Did it work? :PROPERTIES: :ID: 56cff142-4ab4-4f31-87f2-b4124e283158 :END: Yes! And it worked perfectly. I got a message the following day at 21:00 (weirdly enough, that's 0:00GMT, so maybe they have their servers at GMT time and it opens new appointments at 0:00). [[/2020-08-02-170458.png]] *** Conclusion :PROPERTIES: :ID: 1a6dcfca-aaf4-406f-8800-57ffa7832ddf :END: I always loved to use programming to solve simple problems. With this script, I didn't need to check the site every couple of hours to get an appointment, and sincerely, I wasn't going to check past 19:00, so I would've never found it by my own. My brother is having similar issues in Argentina, and when I showed him this, he said one of the funniest phrases I've heard about my profession: > /"Programmers could take over the world, but they are too lazy"/ I lol'd way too hard at that. I loved Selenium and how it worked. Recently I created a crawler using Selenium, Redis, peewee, and Postgres, so stay tuned if you want to know more about that. In the meantime, if you want to check the complete script, you can see it on my Gitlab: https://gitlab.com/rogs/registro-civil-scraper ** Introducing: YAMS (Yet Another Media Server)! :docker:dockercompose:announcements:opensource: :PROPERTIES: :ID: 54640f47-b06e-47e0-93d8-ef00d14d2a70 :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: introducing-yams :EXPORT_DATE: 2023-01-20T09:57:48-03:00 :END: Hello internet 😎 I'm here with a *big* announcement: I have created a bash script that installs my entire media server, fast and easy πŸŽ‰ [[https://yams.media/install-yams.gif]] *** TL;DR :PROPERTIES: :ID: efd21b9f-fe0b-4cd8-8109-85e248a0ed83 :END: I've created YAMS. A full media server that allows you to download and categorize your shows/movies. Go to YAMS's website here: http://yams.media or check it on Gitlab here: https://gitlab.com/rogs/yams. *** A little history :PROPERTIES: :ID: 2c03004c-b143-483c-a18e-da8858dae78d :END: When I first set up my media server, it took me ~2 weeks to install, configure and understand how it's supposed to work: Linking Sonarr, Radarr, Jackett together, choosing a good BitTorrent downloader, understanding all the moving pieces, choosing Emby, etc. My plan with YAMS is to make it easier for noobs (and lazy people like me) to set up their media servers super easily. I have been working on YAMS for ~2 weeks. The docker-compose file has existed for almost 2 years but without any configuration instructions. Basically, you had to do everything manually, and if you didn't have any experience with docker, docker-compose, or any of the services included, it was very cumbersome to configure and understand how everything worked together. So basically, I'm encapsulating my experience for anyone that wants to use it. If you don't like it, at least you might learn something from my experience, YAMS's [[https://git.rogs.me/yams.git/tree/docker-compose.example.yaml][docker-compose file]] or its [[https://yams.media/config/][configuration tutorial]]. This is my first (and hopefully not last!) piece of open source software. I know it's just a [[https://git.rogs.me/yams.git/tree/install.sh][bash script]] that sets up a [[https://git.rogs.me/yams.git/tree/docker-compose.example.yaml][docker-compose]] file, but seeing how my friends are using it and giving me feedback is exciting and addictive! *** Why? :PROPERTIES: :ID: 2ff80f32-8bda-4ac9-9e73-2797c30b795a :END: In 2019 I wanted a setup that my non-technical girlfriend could use without any problems, so I started designing my media server using multiple open source projects and running them on top of docker. Today I would like to say it works very well 😎 And most importantly, I accomplished my goal: My girlfriend uses it regularly and I even was able to expand it to my mother, who lives 5000kms from me. But then, my friends saw my setup... On June 2022 I had a small "party" with my work friends at my apartment, and all of them were very impressed with my home server setup: - "Sonarr" to index shows. - "Radarr" to index movies. - "qBittorrent" to download torrents. - "Emby" to serve the server. They kept telling me to create a tutorial, or just teach them how to set one up themselves. I tried to explain the full setup to one of them, but explaining how everything connected and worked together was a big pain. That is what led me to create this script and configuration tutorial, so anyone regardless of their tech background and knowledge could start a basic media server. So basically, my friends pushed me to build this script and documentation, so they (and now anyone!) could build it on their own home servers. *** Ok, sounds cool. What did you do then? :PROPERTIES: :ID: a3f12499-f30e-49b7-bc02-008ae2216ac7 :END: [[https://git.rogs.me/yams.git/tree/install.sh][A bash script]] that asks basic questions to the user and sets up the ultimate media server, with [[https://yams.media/config/][configuration instructions included]]! (That's the part I really *REALLY* enjoyed!) *** What's included with YAMS? :PROPERTIES: :ID: 5123a57d-4bf6-4415-898b-a74ea70d0912 :END: This script installs the following software: - [[https://sonarr.tv/][Sonarr]] - [[https://radarr.video/][Radarr]] - [[https://emby.media/][Emby]] - [[https://www.qbittorrent.org/][qBittorrent]] - [[https://www.bazarr.media/][Bazarr]] - [[https://github.com/Jackett/Jackett][Jackett]] - [[https://github.com/qdm12/gluetun][gluetun]] This combination allows you to create a fully functional media server that is going to download, categorize, subtitle, and serve your favorite shows and movies. *** Features :PROPERTIES: :ID: 9ec586bb-7b96-48b2-b14e-86e3b5ac4d18 :END: In no particular order: - *Automatic shows/movies download*: Just add your shows and movies to the watch list and it should automatically download the files when they are available. - *Automatic classification and organization*: Your media files should be completely organized by default. - *Automatic subtitles download*: Self-explanatory. Your media server should automatically download subtitles in the languages you choose if they are available. - *Support for Web, Android, iOS, Android TV, and whatever that can support Emby*: Since we are using Emby, you should be able to watch your favorite media almost anywhere. *** Conclussion :PROPERTIES: :ID: afc0e352-8336-4537-a221-eeaf28f04276 :END: You can go to YAMS's website here: https://yams.media. I'm *very* proud of how YAMS is turning out! If you end up using it on your server, I just want to tell you *THANK YOU* πŸ™‡ from the bottom of my heart. You are **AWESOME!** Feedback is GREATLY appreciated (the VPN was added from the feedback!). I'm here to support YAMS for the long run, so I would like suggestions on how to improve the setup/website/configuration steps. You can always submit [[https://gitlab.com/rogs/yams/-/issues/new][issues]] on Gitlab if you find any problems, or you can [[/contact][contact]] me directly (email preferred!). We also have a YAMS Matrix room! You can join [[https://matrix.to/#/#yams:chat.rogs.me][here]]. See ya on the chat! πŸ˜€ * Announcements :announcements: :PROPERTIES: :ID: 0b36e39a-3389-4809-ae40-64ce37d452a1 :END: All posts in here will have the category set to /announcements/. ** Removing comments from my blog :PROPERTIES: :ID: 9270279f-5911-4d91-a514-6be2a232ebc1 :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: removing-comments-from-my-blog :EXPORT_DATE: 2023-01-14 :ID: b7da6c10-ca61-4839-9074-039e11a4475d :END: I'm removing comments from my blog. I've been thinking about this for a while, but I noticed that comments weren't being used and most posts were not that interesting. Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate your awesome comments, but running commento takes a lot of resources and I don't really see the full benefit of them. From now on, if you want to leave a comment ("thank yous", suggestions, etc), you can send me an email. You'll find my email addess on the [[/contact][Contact]] page. You have a good and relevant comment, I'll update the relevant post accordingly. * COMMENT Local Variables :PROPERTIES: :ID: 4a361a2c-2acc-4cb9-9683-d047323d091b :END: # Local Variables: # eval: (org-hugo-auto-export-mode) # End: