+++ title = "CocaCola - Tus Tapas Valen" author = ["Roger Gonzalez"] date = 2019-04-01 lastmod = 2020-11-14T14:02:31-03:00 draft = false weight = 1004 +++ ## About the project {#about-the-project} "Tus Tapas Valen" is an application that will allow clients to participate in promotions and auctions, and win prizes. We are expecting 5 million users for January 2020. First I worked FrontEnd with ReactJS, Redux and redux-observable, but now I'm working in the Backend. I had to plan a big refactor while still working on new Backend functionalities. The Backend is built using Python, Django, PostgreSQL, AWS, and AWS S3 ![](/cocacola-01.jpg) ![](/cocacola-02.jpg) ![](/cocacola-03.jpg) ![](/cocacola-04.jpg) ![](/cocacola-05.jpg) ![](/cocacola-06.jpg) ## What did I work on? {#what-did-i-work-on} ### FrontEnd {#frontend} - Part of the development team using ReactJS ### Backend {#backend} - Refactoring planning - New database design - Complete backend development - CI setup - AWS EC2 servers setup - Parsed and imported 476 million records in a RDS - Various DB optimizations