+++ title = "Certn - Workday Integration" author = ["Roger Gonzalez"] date = 2020-01-14 lastmod = 2023-01-14T14:18:46-03:00 draft = false weight = 1001 +++ ## About the project {#about-the-project} [Certn](https://certn.co/) is an app that wants to ease the process of background checks for criminal records, education, employment verification, credit reports, etc. On Workday I had to work with their client, [Loblaws](https://www.loblaws.ca/), to integrate Certn with their [Workday](https://www.workday.com/) instance. I quickly realized that their Workday implementation was not standard, so I had to modify multiple open-source SOAP projects (including [python-zeep](https://github.com/mvantellingen/python-zeep)) to work with their setup. We had 6 months to finish the project and I was able to finish it in only 3 months, which allowed us to make changes, improve the security and work on client changes that came up almost at the end of the project. This project led to Certn closing a multi-million dollars a year contract with Loblaws. ## Tech Stack {#tech-stack} - Python - Django - Django REST Framework - Celery - PostgreSQL - Docker-docker/compose - SOAP - OpenSource development - Jenkins ## What did I work on? {#what-did-i-work-on} - Worked with Loblaws to integrate Certn with their Workday integration. - Refactored an old implementation they had for Workday, which didn't work for the latest Workday implementation. - Developed multiple jobs to pull data from Workday, convert it to what Certn needs and then process it on their main application.