// // This file is part of Sugar Dark, a theme for the Simple Display Desktop Manager. // // Copyright 2018 Marian Arlt // // Sugar Dark is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Sugar Dark is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Sugar Dark. If not, see . // import QtQuick 2.11 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.11 import QtQuick.Controls 2.4 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0 Column { id: inputContainer Layout.fillWidth: true property Control exposeLogin: loginButton property bool failed // USERNAME INPUT Item { id: usernameField height: root.font.pointSize * 4.5 width: parent.width / 2 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter ComboBox { id: selectUser width: parent.height height: parent.height anchors.left: parent.left z: 2 model: userModel currentIndex: model.lastIndex textRole: "name" hoverEnabled: true onActivated: { username.text = currentText } delegate: ItemDelegate { width: parent.width anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter contentItem: Text { text: model.realName != "" ? model.realName : model.name font.pointSize: root.font.pointSize * 0.8 font.capitalization: Font.Capitalize color: selectUser.highlightedIndex === index ? "#444" : root.palette.highlight verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter } highlighted: parent.highlightedIndex === index background: Rectangle { color: selectUser.highlightedIndex === index ? root.palette.highlight : "transparent" } } indicator: Button { id: usernameIcon width: selectUser.height * 0.8 height: parent.height anchors.left: parent.left anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter anchors.leftMargin: selectUser.height * 0.125 icon.height: parent.height * 0.25 icon.width: parent.height * 0.25 enabled: false icon.color: root.palette.text icon.source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../Assets/User.svgz") } background: Rectangle { color: "transparent" border.color: "transparent" } popup: Popup { y: parent.height - username.height / 3 rightMargin: config.ForceRightToLeft == "true" ? root.padding + usernameField.width / 2 : undefined width: usernameField.width implicitHeight: contentItem.implicitHeight padding: 10 contentItem: ListView { clip: true implicitHeight: contentHeight + 20 model: selectUser.popup.visible ? selectUser.delegateModel : null currentIndex: selectUser.highlightedIndex ScrollIndicator.vertical: ScrollIndicator { } } background: Rectangle { radius: config.RoundCorners / 2 color: "#444" layer.enabled: true layer.effect: DropShadow { transparentBorder: true horizontalOffset: 0 verticalOffset: 0 radius: 100 samples: 201 cached: true color: "#88000000" } } enter: Transition { NumberAnimation { property: "opacity"; from: 0; to: 1 } } } states: [ State { name: "pressed" when: selectUser.down PropertyChanges { target: usernameIcon icon.color: Qt.lighter(root.palette.highlight, 1.1) } }, State { name: "hovered" when: selectUser.hovered PropertyChanges { target: usernameIcon icon.color: Qt.lighter(root.palette.highlight, 1.2) } }, State { name: "focused" when: selectUser.visualFocus PropertyChanges { target: usernameIcon icon.color: root.palette.highlight } } ] transitions: [ Transition { PropertyAnimation { properties: "color, border.color, icon.color" duration: 150 } } ] } TextField { id: username text: config.ForceLastUser == "true" ? selectUser.currentText : null font.capitalization: Font.Capitalize anchors.centerIn: parent height: root.font.pointSize * 3 width: parent.width placeholderText: config.TranslateUsernamePlaceholder || textConstants.userName selectByMouse: true horizontalAlignment: TextInput.AlignHCenter renderType: Text.QtRendering background: Rectangle { color: "transparent" border.color: root.palette.text border.width: parent.activeFocus ? 2 : 1 radius: config.RoundCorners || 0 } Keys.onReturnPressed: loginButton.clicked() KeyNavigation.down: password z: 1 states: [ State { name: "focused" when: username.activeFocus PropertyChanges { target: username.background border.color: root.palette.highlight } PropertyChanges { target: username color: root.palette.highlight } } ] } } // PASSWORD INPUT Item { id: passwordField height: root.font.pointSize * 4.5 width: parent.width / 2 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter TextField { id: password anchors.centerIn: parent height: root.font.pointSize * 3 width: parent.width focus: config.ForcePasswordFocus == "true" ? true : false selectByMouse: true echoMode: revealSecret.checked ? TextInput.Normal : TextInput.Password placeholderText: config.TranslatePasswordPlaceholder || textConstants.password horizontalAlignment: TextInput.AlignHCenter passwordCharacter: "•" passwordMaskDelay: config.ForceHideCompletePassword == "true" ? undefined : 1000 renderType: Text.QtRendering background: Rectangle { color: "transparent" border.color: root.palette.text border.width: parent.activeFocus ? 2 : 1 radius: config.RoundCorners || 0 } Keys.onReturnPressed: loginButton.clicked() KeyNavigation.down: revealSecret } states: [ State { name: "focused" when: password.activeFocus PropertyChanges { target: password.background border.color: root.palette.highlight } PropertyChanges { target: password color: root.palette.highlight } } ] transitions: [ Transition { PropertyAnimation { properties: "color, border.color" duration: 150 } } ] } // SHOW/HIDE PASS Item { id: secretCheckBox height: root.font.pointSize * 7 width: parent.width / 2 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter CheckBox { id: revealSecret width: parent.width hoverEnabled: true indicator: Rectangle { id: indicator anchors.left: parent.left anchors.top: parent.top anchors.topMargin: 3 anchors.leftMargin: 4 implicitHeight: root.font.pointSize implicitWidth: root.font.pointSize color: "transparent" border.color: root.palette.text border.width: parent.visualFocus ? 2 : 1 Rectangle { id: dot anchors.centerIn: parent implicitHeight: parent.width - 6 implicitWidth: parent.width - 6 color: root.palette.text opacity: revealSecret.checked ? 1 : 0 } } contentItem: Text { id: indicatorLabel text: config.TranslateShowPassword || "Show Password" anchors.verticalCenter: indicator.verticalCenter anchors.verticalCenterOffset: 0 horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft anchors.left: indicator.right anchors.leftMargin: indicator.width / 2 font.pointSize: root.font.pointSize * 0.8 color: root.palette.text } Keys.onReturnPressed: toggle() KeyNavigation.down: loginButton background: Rectangle { color: "transparent" border.width: parent.visualFocus ? 1 : 0 border.color: parent.visualFocus ? root.palette.text : "transparent" height: parent.visualFocus ? 2 : 0 width: (indicator.width + indicatorLabel.contentWidth + indicatorLabel.anchors.leftMargin + 2) anchors.top: indicatorLabel.bottom anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: 3 anchors.topMargin: 8 } } states: [ State { name: "pressed" when: revealSecret.down PropertyChanges { target: revealSecret.contentItem color: Qt.darker(root.palette.highlight, 1.1) } PropertyChanges { target: dot color: Qt.darker(root.palette.highlight, 1.1) } PropertyChanges { target: indicator border.color: Qt.darker(root.palette.highlight, 1.1) } PropertyChanges { target: revealSecret.background border.color: Qt.darker(root.palette.highlight, 1.1) } }, State { name: "hovered" when: revealSecret.hovered PropertyChanges { target: indicatorLabel color: Qt.lighter(root.palette.highlight, 1.1) } PropertyChanges { target: indicator border.color: Qt.lighter(root.palette.highlight, 1.1) } PropertyChanges { target: dot color: Qt.lighter(root.palette.highlight, 1.1) } PropertyChanges { target: revealSecret.background border.color: Qt.lighter(root.palette.highlight, 1.1) } }, State { name: "focused" when: revealSecret.visualFocus PropertyChanges { target: indicatorLabel color: root.palette.highlight } PropertyChanges { target: indicator border.color: root.palette.highlight } PropertyChanges { target: dot color: root.palette.highlight } PropertyChanges { target: revealSecret.background border.color: root.palette.highlight } } ] transitions: [ Transition { PropertyAnimation { properties: "color, border.color, opacity" duration: 150 } } ] } // ERROR FIELD Item { height: root.font.pointSize * 2.3 width: parent.width / 2 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter Label { id: errorMessage width: parent.width text: failed ? config.TranslateLoginFailed || textConstants.loginFailed + "!" : keyboard.capsLock ? textConstants.capslockWarning : null horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter font.pointSize: root.font.pointSize * 0.8 font.italic: true color: root.palette.text opacity: 0 states: [ State { name: "fail" when: failed PropertyChanges { target: errorMessage opacity: 1 } }, State { name: "capslock" when: keyboard.capsLock PropertyChanges { target: errorMessage opacity: 1 } } ] transitions: [ Transition { PropertyAnimation { properties: "opacity" duration: 100 } } ] } } // LOGIN BUTTON Item { id: login height: root.font.pointSize * 3 width: parent.width / 2 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter Button { id: loginButton anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter text: config.TranslateLogin || textConstants.login height: root.font.pointSize * 3 implicitWidth: parent.width enabled: username.text != "" && password.text != "" ? true : false hoverEnabled: true contentItem: Text { text: parent.text color: "#444" font.pointSize: root.font.pointSize horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter opacity: 0.5 } background: Rectangle { id: buttonBackground color: "white" opacity: 0.2 radius: config.RoundCorners || 0 } states: [ State { name: "pressed" when: loginButton.down PropertyChanges { target: buttonBackground color: Qt.darker(root.palette.highlight, 1.1) opacity: 1 } PropertyChanges { target: loginButton.contentItem color: "#444" } }, State { name: "hovered" when: loginButton.hovered PropertyChanges { target: buttonBackground color: root.palette.highlight opacity: 1 } PropertyChanges { target: loginButton.contentItem opacity: 1 color: "#444" } }, State { name: "focused" when: loginButton.visualFocus PropertyChanges { target: buttonBackground color: root.palette.highlight opacity: 1 } PropertyChanges { target: loginButton.contentItem opacity: 1 color: "#444" } }, State { name: "enabled" when: loginButton.enabled PropertyChanges { target: buttonBackground; color: root.palette.text; opacity: 1 } PropertyChanges { target: loginButton.contentItem; opacity: 1 } } ] transitions: [ Transition { from: ""; to: "enabled" PropertyAnimation { properties: "opacity, color"; duration: 500 } }, Transition { from: "enabled"; to: "" PropertyAnimation { properties: "opacity, color"; duration: 300 } } ] Keys.onReturnPressed: clicked() onClicked: sddm.login(username.text, password.text, sessionSelect.selectedSession) } } // SESSION SELECT SessionButton { id: sessionSelect textConstantSession: textConstants.session } Connections { target: sddm onLoginSucceeded: {} onLoginFailed: { failed = true resetError.running ? resetError.stop() && resetError.start() : resetError.start() } } Timer { id: resetError interval: 2000 onTriggered: failed = false running: false } }