source $DIRNAME/ function setup spacefish_test_setup end function teardown set USER $LOGNAME end test "Displays user when different from logname" ( set USER spacefishUser set_color --bold echo -n "with " set_color normal set_color --bold yellow echo -n "spacefishUser" set_color normal set_color --bold echo -n " " set_color normal ) = (__sf_section_user) end test "Displays user when UID = 0" ( set UID 0 set_color --bold echo -n "with " set_color normal set_color --bold yellow echo -n $USER set_color normal set_color --bold echo -n " " set_color normal ) = (__sf_section_user) end test "Displays user when there's an SSH connection" ( set SSH_CONNECTION " 12345 22" set_color --bold echo -n "with " set_color normal set_color --bold yellow echo -n $USER set_color normal set_color --bold echo -n " " set_color normal ) = (__sf_section_user) end test "Changes user color when logged in as root" ( set USER root set_color --bold echo -n "with " set_color normal set_color --bold red echo -n root set_color normal set_color --bold echo -n " " set_color normal ) = (__sf_section_user) end test "Displays user when SPACEFISH_USER_SHOW is set to \"always\"" ( set SPACEFISH_USER_SHOW always set_color --bold echo -n "with " set_color normal set_color --bold yellow echo -n $USER set_color normal set_color --bold echo -n " " set_color normal ) = (__sf_section_user) end test "Doesn't display user when SPACEFISH_USER_SHOW is set to \"false\"" ( set SPACEFISH_USER_SHOW false ) = (__sf_section_user) end