source $DIRNAME/ function setup spacefish_test_setup mock go version 0 "echo \"go version go1.10.3 darwin/amd64\"" mkdir -p /tmp/tmp-spacefish cd /tmp/tmp-spacefish end function teardown rm -rf /tmp/tmp-spacefish end test "Prints section when Godeps is present" ( mkdir /tmp/tmp-spacefish/Godeps set_color --bold echo -n "via " set_color normal set_color --bold cyan echo -n "馃惞 v1.10.3" set_color normal set_color --bold echo -n " " set_color normal ) = (__sf_section_golang) end test "Prints section when glide.yaml is present" ( touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/glide.yaml set_color --bold echo -n "via " set_color normal set_color --bold cyan echo -n "馃惞 v1.10.3" set_color normal set_color --bold echo -n " " set_color normal ) = (__sf_section_golang) end test "Prints section when Gopkg.yml is present" ( touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/Gopkg.yml set_color --bold echo -n "via " set_color normal set_color --bold cyan echo -n "馃惞 v1.10.3" set_color normal set_color --bold echo -n " " set_color normal ) = (__sf_section_golang) end test "Prints section when Gopkg.lock is present" ( touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/Gopkg.lock set_color --bold echo -n "via " set_color normal set_color --bold cyan echo -n "馃惞 v1.10.3" set_color normal set_color --bold echo -n " " set_color normal ) = (__sf_section_golang) end test "Prints section when go.mod is present" ( touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/go.mod set_color --bold echo -n "via " set_color normal set_color --bold cyan echo -n "馃惞 v1.10.3" set_color normal set_color --bold echo -n " " set_color normal ) = (__sf_section_golang) end test "Print section when using development version of golang" ( mock go version 0 "echo go version devel +5efe9a8f11 Wed Jan 9 07:21:16 2019 +0000 darwin/amd64" touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/Gopkg.lock set_color --bold echo -n "via " set_color normal set_color --bold cyan echo -n "馃惞 devel:5efe9a8f11" set_color normal set_color --bold echo -n " " set_color normal ) = (__sf_section_golang) end test "Doesn't print the section when golang files aren't present" () = (__sf_section_golang) end test "Changing SPACEFISH_GOLANG_SYMBOL changes the displayed character" ( touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/Gopkg.lock set SPACEFISH_GOLANG_SYMBOL "路 " set_color --bold echo -n "via " set_color normal set_color --bold cyan echo -n "路 v1.10.3" set_color normal set_color --bold echo -n " " set_color normal ) = (__sf_section_golang) end test "Changing SPACEFISH_GOLANG_PREFIX changes the character prefix" ( touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/Gopkg.lock set sf_exit_code 0 set SPACEFISH_GOLANG_PREFIX 路 set_color --bold echo -n "路" set_color normal set_color --bold cyan echo -n "馃惞 v1.10.3" set_color normal set_color --bold echo -n " " set_color normal ) = (__sf_section_golang) end test "Changing SPACEFISH_GOLANG_SUFFIX changes the character suffix" ( touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/Gopkg.lock set sf_exit_code 0 set SPACEFISH_GOLANG_SUFFIX 路 set_color --bold echo -n "via " set_color normal set_color --bold cyan echo -n "馃惞 v1.10.3" set_color normal set_color --bold echo -n "路" set_color normal ) = (__sf_section_golang) end test "doesn't display the section when SPACEFISH_GOLANG_SHOW is set to \"false\"" ( touch /tmp/tmp-spacefish/Gopkg.lock set SPACEFISH_GOLANG_SHOW false ) = (__sf_section_golang) end