source $DIRNAME/ function setup spacefish_test_setup mkdir -p /tmp/tmp-spacefish cd /tmp/tmp-spacefish command git init >/dev/null command git config --local "" command git config --local "Test User" end function teardown rm -rf /tmp/tmp-spacefish end test "Displays no status symbols in a clean repo" () = (__sf_section_git_status) end test "Displays the correct symbol for untracked file" ( touch testfile set_color --bold set_color normal set_color --bold red echo -n " [?]" set_color normal set_color --bold set_color normal ) = (__sf_section_git_status) end test "Displays the correct symbol for added file" ( touch testfile command git add testfile set_color --bold set_color normal set_color --bold red echo -n " [+]" set_color normal set_color --bold set_color normal ) = (__sf_section_git_status) end test "Displays the correct symbol for modified file" ( touch testfile command git add testfile command git commit -m "Initial commit" --quiet echo "modification" > testfile set_color --bold set_color normal set_color --bold red echo -n " [!]" set_color normal set_color --bold set_color normal ) = (__sf_section_git_status) end test "Displays the correct symbol for renamed file" ( touch testfile command git add testfile command git commit -m "Initial commit" --quiet mv testfile newtestfile command git add testfile newtestfile set_color --bold set_color normal set_color --bold red echo -n " [»]" set_color normal set_color --bold set_color normal ) = (__sf_section_git_status) end test "Displays the correct symbol for deleted file" ( touch testfile command git add testfile command git commit -m "Initial commit" --quiet rm testfile command git add testfile set_color --bold set_color normal set_color --bold red echo -n " [✘]" set_color normal set_color --bold set_color normal ) = (__sf_section_git_status) end test "Displays the correct symbol for stashed file" ( touch testfile command git add testfile command git commit -m "Initial commit" --quiet echo "modification" > testfile command git stash --quiet set_color --bold set_color normal set_color --bold red echo -n " [\$]" set_color normal set_color --bold set_color normal ) = (__sf_section_git_status) end test "Test config option SPACEFISH_GIT_STATUS_SHOW" ( set -g SPACEFISH_GIT_STATUS_SHOW false ) = (__sf_section_git_status) end # TODO: Get test dir into status *U* # TODO: Add test for ahead # TODO: Add test for behind # TODO: Add test for diverged