function finish set_color red _tide_title 'Overwrite tide config?' set_color normal _tide_option y Yes echo _tide_menu switch $_tide_selected_option case y _tide_finish command -q clear && clear end end function _tide_finish set -e _tide_selected_option # Skip through all the _next_choices # Deal with prompt char/vi mode contains character $fake_tide_left_prompt_items || set -p fake_tide_left_prompt_items vi_mode # Set the real variables for fakeVar in (set --names | string match -r "^fake_tide.*") set -U (string replace 'fake_' '' $fakeVar) $$fakeVar end # Make sure old prompt won't display set -e $_tide_prompt_var 2>/dev/null # Re-initialize the prompt source (functions --details fish_prompt) end