function mm --description "MakeMeFish - List all Make targets in the Makefile of the current directory" set current_pos 1 while test (count $argv) -ge $current_pos # Check if a help flag was passed to mm set help_flags -- -h --help if contains -- $argv[$current_pos] $help_flags echo "" echo " Usage:" echo " " (set_color green)"mm"(set_color normal) "will look for a Makefile in the order specified by GNU Make and list all targets in it." echo " " "To filter for a specific target, just start typing and targets will be filtered as you type." echo " " (set_color green)"mm "(set_color normal) "will start MakeMeFish with an initial, editable query" (set_color green)""(set_color normal) echo " " (set_color green)"mm -i"(set_color normal) "will start MakeMeFish in interactive mode. When a target is run, you will return to the selection menu." echo " " (set_color green)"mm -f "(set_color normal) "to specify what Makefile to load." echo " " "All flags can be combined in any order." echo "" return 0 else if test $argv[$current_pos] = "-f" set current_pos (math "$current_pos+1") # skip the next set filename $argv[$current_pos] else if test $argv[$current_pos] = "-i" set interactive 1 else if set -q initial_query set initial_query $initial_query $argv[$current_pos] else set initial_query $argv[$current_pos] end end set current_pos (math "$current_pos+1") end function __mm_get_makefile_name -a 'filename' if test -n "$filename" set makefile_filenames $filename else set makefile_filenames 'GNUmakefile' 'makefile' 'Makefile' end for filename in $makefile_filenames if test -f $filename echo $filename break end end end # Based on: # # and # function __mm_parse_makefile -a 'filename' # Ensure correct locale set set -lx LC_ALL C set makeflags -f $filename # first awk merges any line that ends with a backslash with the next line if make --version 2>/dev/null | string match -q 'GNU*' make $makeflags -pRrq : 2>/dev/null | awk '{if (sub(/\\\$/,"")) printf "%s", $0; else print $0}' | awk -F: '/^# Files/,/^# Finished Make data base/ { if ($1 == "# Not a target") skip = 1; if ($1 !~ "^[#.\t]") { if (!skip) print $1; skip=0 } }' 2>/dev/null else # BSD make make $makeflags -d g1 -rn >/dev/null 2>| awk -F, '/^#\*\*\* Input graph:/,/^$/ {if ($1 !~ "^#... ") {gsub(/# /,"",$1); print $1}}' 2>/dev/null end end function __mm_get_targets -a 'filename' set static_targets set file_targets set generated_targets set parsed_makefile (__mm_parse_makefile $filename | sort -f) for row in $parsed_makefile # Loop over all rows in the Makefile set row (string trim $row) if test -n "$row" # No blanks plz if test (string match -r '.\.|\/' $row) # this is a file or path set file_targets $file_targets $row else # grep the target and see if it's generated by a function or a true target set found_in_file (grep "$row:" $filename) if test -n "$found_in_file" set static_targets $static_targets $row # true target else set generated_targets $generated_targets $row # generated by function end end end end string split " " $static_targets $file_targets $generated_targets end function __mm_fzf_command -a 'filename' -a 'interactive' -a 'make_command' -a 'query' if [ $interactive -eq 1 ] set fzf_interactive "--bind \"enter:execute:$make_command {}; echo; echo 'Done'; sleep 1\"" end if test -n "$query" set fzf_query "--query=$query" end set fzf_opts "--read0 $fzf_query $fzf_interactive --height 60% --layout=reverse --border --preview-window='right:60%' --preview='grep --color=always -A 10 -B 1 \^{}: $filename; or echo -GENERATED TARGET-'" set -q FZF_TMUX; or set FZF_TMUX 0 set -q FZF_TMUX_HEIGHT; or set FZF_TMUX_HEIGHT 60% if [ $FZF_TMUX -eq 1 ] echo "fzf-tmux -d$FZF_TMUX_HEIGHT $fzf_opts" else echo "fzf $fzf_opts" end end if __mm_dependencies set custom_filename $filename set filename (__mm_get_makefile_name $filename) if test -z "$filename" echo 'No makefile found in the current working directory' else set targets (__mm_get_targets $filename) if test -n "$targets" if test -n "$custom_filename" set make_command "make -f $filename" else set make_command "make" end # Interactive? if test -n "$interactive"; and test $interactive -eq 1 string join0 -- $targets | eval (__mm_fzf_command $filename 1 $make_command $initial_query) else string join0 -- $targets | eval (__mm_fzf_command $filename 0 $make_command $initial_query) | read -lz result # print targets as a list, pipe them to fzf, put the chosen command in $result set result (string trim -- $result) # Trim newlines and whitespace from the command and commandline -- "$make_command $result" # Prepend the make command commandline -f repaint # Repaint command line end else echo "No targets found in $filename" end end end end