function _fzf_search_history --description "Search command history. Replace the command line with the selected command." # history merge incorporates history changes from other fish sessions # it errors out if called in private mode if test -z "$fish_private_mode" builtin history merge end # Delinate commands throughout pipeline using null rather than newlines because commands can be multi-line set commands_selected ( # Reference to understand strftime format symbols builtin history --null --show-time="%m-%d %H:%M:%S │ " | _fzf_wrapper --read0 \ --print0 \ --multi \ --tiebreak=index \ --query=(commandline) \ --preview="echo -- {4..} | fish_indent --ansi" \ --preview-window="bottom:3:wrap" \ $fzf_history_opts | string split0 | # remove timestamps from commands selected string replace --regex '^\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d │ ' '' ) if test $status -eq 0 commandline --replace -- $commands_selected end commandline --function repaint end