function __mm_confirm --description 'Confirm' --argument prompt if test -z "$prompt" set prompt "Continue?" end while true read -p 'echo -ne "$prompt ["; set_color green; echo -ne "y"; set_color normal; echo -ne "/"; set_color red; echo -ne "N"; set_color normal; echo -ne "]: "; ' -l confirm switch $confirm case Y y return 0 case '' N n return 1 end end end function __mm_echo --argument color --argument text --argument no_newline set_color $color; if test -n "$no_newline" echo -ne $text else echo $text end set_color normal; end function __mm_check_dependencies if type -q "fzf" return 0 else return 1 end end function __mm_install_dependencies if __mm_check_dependencies echo "" __mm_echo green "Dependencies already installed" echo "" return 0 else echo "" echo "MakeMeFish is dependent of fzf - the command line fuzzy finder." if __mm_confirm "fzf is not installed. Would you like to install fzf?" switch (uname) case Linux Darwin if type -q "brew" if __mm_confirm "You are using brew - would you like to install fzf through brew?" echo (brew install fzf) return 0 end end case FreeBSD NetBSD DragonFly echo (pkg install fzf) return 0 case '*' echo "Unknown OS" end __mm_echo red "Could not install automatically." end echo -ne "Go to "; __mm_echo blue "" 1; echo -ne " and follow the instructions for your environment." return 1 end end function __mm_dependencies if __mm_check_dependencies return 0 else if __mm_install_dependencies true return 0 else return 1 end end end