function _halostatue_fish_docker_uninstall -e halostatue_fish_docker_uninstall functions -e (functions -a | command awk '/_halostatue_fish_docker_/') end function _halostatue_fish_docker_print_containers --description 'Print a list of docker containers' -a select append set -l filter switch $select case running set filter --filter status=running case stopped set filter --filter status=exited case '*' set filter --all end test -z $append; and set append '' docker ps --no-trunc $filter --format '{{.ID}}\n{{.Names}}' | tr ',' $append'\n' end function _halostatue_fish_docker_print_images --description 'Print a list of docker images' docker images --format '{{if eq .Repository ""}}{{.ID}}\tUnnamed Image{{else}}{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}{{end}}' end function _halostatue_fish_docker_print_repositories --description 'Print a list of docker repositories' docker images --format '{{.Repository}}' | command grep -v '' | command sort | command uniq end function _halostatue_fish_docker_print_compose_services --description 'Print a list of docker-compose services' docker-compose config --services 2>/dev/null | command sort end