From 9f0b0f41a4aa6da5e7957219cdef7a1ad8b1fecc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Roger Gonzalez Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2021 10:56:27 -0300 Subject: Fixed multiple screen i3 issues --- .config/i3/config | 13 +++---------- .config/polybar/config | 2 ++ 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/.config/i3/config b/.config/i3/config index 901f25ea..41213e57 100644 --- a/.config/i3/config +++ b/.config/i3/config @@ -36,9 +36,7 @@ exec --no-startup-id xss-lock --transfer-sleep-lock -- i3lock --nofork exec --no-startup-id nm-applet # Screen resolution -# exec --no-startup-id xrandr --output eDP-1 --off --output HDMI-1 --primary --auto --dpi 96 --left-of DP-2-1 --output DP-2-1 --auto --dpi 96 exec --no-startup-id sleep 2; autorandr --change -# exec --no-startup-id xsetroot -xcf /usr/share/icons/Adwaita/cursors/left_ptr 24 # Use pactl to adjust volume in PulseAudio. set $refresh_i3status killall -SIGUSR1 i3status @@ -179,16 +177,12 @@ workspace $ws5 output primary workspace $ws7 output primary workspace $ws9 output primary -workspace $ws2 output HDMI1 -workspace $ws4 output HDMI1 -workspace $ws6 output HDMI1 -workspace $ws8 output HDMI1 -workspace $ws10 output HDMI1 workspace $ws2 output HDMI-1 workspace $ws4 output HDMI-1 workspace $ws6 output HDMI-1 workspace $ws8 output HDMI-1 workspace $ws10 output HDMI-1 + # reload the configuration file bindsym $mod+Shift+c reload # restart i3 inplace (preserves your layout/session, can be used to upgrade i3) @@ -273,13 +267,12 @@ for_window [urgent=latest] focus # Autostarts exec --no-startup-id sleep 20; exec /usr/bin/thunderbird -exec --no-startup-id exec /usr/bin/nextcloud +# exec --no-startup-id exec /usr/bin/nextcloud # exec --no-startup-id exec /usr/bin/evolution # exec_always --no-startup-id .config/conky/ exec --no-startup-id exec /usr/bin/emacs exec --no-startup-id exec /usr/bin/brave -exec --no-startup-id exec $terminal -exec --no-startup-id exec /usr/bin/pasystray +exec --no-startup-id sleep 5; exec $terminal exec --no-startup-id sleep 10; exec nitrogen --restore exec --no-startup-id blueman-applet exec --no-startup-id /usr/lib/polkit-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 diff --git a/.config/polybar/config b/.config/polybar/config index 8e3f091a..da63f0bf 100644 --- a/.config/polybar/config +++ b/.config/polybar/config @@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ font-5 = Noto Color Emoji:scale=12;0 modules-left = i3 music modules-center = xwindow modules-right = crypto pulseaudio xkeyboard cpu memory wireless-network mullvad-status battery clock +; tray-position = right + [module/i3] type = internal/i3 -- cgit v1.2.3